
By Sirdiamond

325 29 116

"Nico Nicotine~!" That phrase. That one simple phrase, changed the world. It seems unbelievable how a simple... More

Prolouge -The Cigar That Started Everything
Chapter 2 -The beginning to the end
Chapter 3 - Back Together
Chapter 4 - Last Person's Debut

Chapter 1 -The gathering

87 8 29
By Sirdiamond

3rd Person POV
Along one of the streets in the city was a quaint little, tucked-away corner cafe. It wasn't much but the place was pretty decent and had great coffee served there. Not many people knew of the place but it was a common hang out spot for a few teens.

At exactly 12p.m, a certain teenage girl walked in, only to pull a frown at the sight of no butler of hers. "Dammit. He's late. Looks like I'll be cuffing him then. He saw it coming and yet he still dares be late." She muttered under her breath as she pulled out her mobile to text him.

To: Butler Falu
Where are you(+-_-). Told you to be here at 12 sharp and it's already 12 and no sign of you. You know what's coming Falu so be here fast of I'll do something worse than cuffing you!

She sighed as she shut her mobile and put it back in her pocket again, not before getting a little fright when she felt a tap on her shoulder. "GAH!" She squealed as she turned around and kicked the person in the knee, causing the culprit to yelp and fall to their knees. The girl then got a clear view of who she had just kicked and gasped at who it was. "Lucian?!" She asked as she helped him to his feet. "Yeah no shit." Lucian grumbled as white fur coat got a bit dirty. She giggled as he dusted himself off and he turned to her. "So what's up Dawn?" He asked as they both took a seat. Dawn groaned as she explained how Falu was late and that she'd have to cuff him again. Lucian turned into a laughing fit at the thought of Dawn cuffing Falu to a pole again. Dawn just so happened to notice a few girls, staring at Lucian in awe.


Dawn's POV
Lucian honestly, looked like a Hollywood actor. He had his hair dyed with a weird mixture of bright blue and pink and his eyes were of different colours. One was green and the other was blue, most likely he was wearing contacts. I glance at myself to see my simple outfit, unlike Lucian's white tiger patterned coat. Unlike Lucian, all I wore was a red t-shirt with a purple hoodie over it and a pair of black pants. My hair wasn't dyed with a bunch of colours, but was kept natural with my strawberry blonde hair.

My mind snapped back to reality when Lucian was waving his hand in my face. "Hello? Earth to Dawn?" I swatted his hand away and turned my head to the chimes of the entrance door. I slightly gasped as I saw who it was. "Maro?!" I exclaimed as my pupils widened. The purple haired female, turn to look at our direction as she grinned. "Hey Dawn. Lucian." She greeted as she walked over to our table. Lucian nodded his head in acknowledgment and started calling over a waiter. Just as Maro took a seat, the bells chimed again. Before we got to see who it was, a figure was already at our table. "Yo! Dawn! Lucian! Maro!" They cheered. "Albert!" We all said in sync as we grinned widely. "How are you all?" Albert asked as the waitress came over. "I've been better." Lucian grumbled, rubbing his knee that I had kicked. "Woops!" I sheepishly replied.

"Hi may I take your order?" A familiar voice asked. "I'll take some mo- RUBY?!" I exclaimed as I dropped the menu. She stumbled back, startled from my outburst. "Mhm. Dawn right?" She asked as I nodded. "Mh ok. Good to see you again but I gotta work so..." She quickly scrambled after getting our orders. "Next thing you know it we will be seeing Misuki and Yui again." Albert laughed and just as on cue, the bells chimed once more. 'I swear if it's actually them I will question Albert's future-seeing skills' I though as we turned to see, said people. "Hey Dawn!" Mitsuki cheered as she hugged, more like strangled, me from behind. We all said our greeting and made small talk, right before our drinks came.

"Here are your drinks." Ruby said, before returning to her job. We all started chatting again, right before the bells chimes AGAIN. "So like right before school this guy was like- OMAI DAWN?! AND OTHERS?" Everyone but me flared at her as I sweatdropped from her antics. "Haha seriously Marie? Others?" Lana laughed at Marie's antics. I swear today is like fate that we meet up again. Or was it arranged? Just then, Lana butted into my thoughts and said "So guys. For you information I arranged this meeting with any of you know. Hehe sorry! Jus thought it'd be great to meet together again." Lana sheepishly admitted as we all told her it was fine.

"So where is Falu anyway? He is... 20 minutes late!" Albert said, checking his watch. I got mad when I found out how he was that late. 'Grrr I hope he better have a good explanation for this! But at the same time... maybe something happened to him...' I thought, as I returned back to my coffee.


???'s POV
I was walking down an alley, commonly used by gangsters and other people of this society, mainly gangsters. I wore my casual wear which consisted of a black hoodie with a red shirt beneath and blue jeans. My hoodie was up as my black hair fell barely passed my shoulder, hidden in the hood. My mind was focused on the report issued out that a certain product of a sort that had illegal materials, chemicals and herbs in it, was recently stolen from their lab. Of course they weren't thinking when they reported the incident. If they were smart, they wouldn't have reported it because, since they reported it, we investigated and found out if the illegal stuff and they got arrested either way. So now since they said the product was stolen AND it has illegal stuff in it, who know what it could do? So now the cops tossed the jobs to us agents to do. Now, our superior assigned the role of tracking down the product to a me and a co-worker of mine, also my partner in most missions and closest Friend.

I continued my way down the alley, when I suddenly heard a scream. Sounded a bit girly but it's definitely a male. It came from the alley over and I ran as fast as my legs could take me. My eyes widened when I saw a male, around the age of 16 to 17, on the ground with a horrid look on his face. He was looking at a little girl. What's so wrong about that? The girl then got up and ran off the other way, while the male was still on the ground, obviously shock. I wanted to go up to him and ask why he was shock but a hand grabbed my shoulder and turned me around.

"Cmon! It's already time to go report back and we can't be late!" They replied as I nodded. We ran off, not before I took one last glance at the male on the floor. I wonder why he is so shock...

To be continued...

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