Lies Are The Truth (RonRon) (...

By SabbyxMerrell

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"I'm not upset that you lied to me. I'm upset that from now on...I can't trust you." "Some people say it's pa... More

Chapter 1: Accident
Chapter 2: Ex
Chapter 3: Play Pretend
Chapter 4: Box Of Memories
Chapter 5: Childhood Friend
Chapter 6: A Game
Chapter 8: Snapped
Chapter 9: Curiousity
Chapter 10: The Truth
Chapter 11: 2 Break Ups
Chapter 12: Comfort
Chapter 13: Will Always Love You
Chapter 14: Suicide
Chapter 15: Alive
Chapter 16: Best Friends
Chapter 17: Seeing Her Again
Chapter 18: Seeing Her
Chapter 19: I Missed You
NoT aN uPdAtE
Chapter 20: Almost Time
Chapter 21: Date
Chapter 22: The Proposal
Chapter 23: Marriage

Chapter 7: Hung Out For the First Time

1K 29 45
By SabbyxMerrell

The next day

Roni's POV.

Aaron gets out of the hospital today and I'm not gonna lie I'm a bit nervous. Right now, I was talking to Angie about him and everything I have with him

"So what's up with this Aaron dude?" Angie asked

"He's my boyfriend." I said happily... "Used to be" I said frowning

"Well what happened?" Angie asked

"Well he was going to his brother's house then on the way back...he got into a car accident. He...remembers some people but he also....forgot some people. And that's and Nessa." I said

"Oh..I'm sorry" Angie said

" I loved him. I loved him more than I loved myself. I was willing to risk anything for him...he was like... the perfect guy for me. Ya know what sucks even more though? He remembers his ex and thinks she's his girlfriend. The worst feeling in the world is when the person you love, loves someone else. I never realized I loved him this much until now. I've never loved a guy as much as I loved him." I said tearing up. Angie hugs me for comfort and I hug her back

"I miss him. I really really do" I said

"I know u do" Angie said then after a couple minutes we pulled away.

"So what are you planning to do about it?" Angie askEd.

"Im planning to act like his best friend then show him places we use to go all the time. I think it's gonna help him remember" I said.

"When are you gonna do it?" Angie asked

".... today...after I talk to u were both gonna hang out and I'm gonna bring him to a hilltop." I said

"we should better get going then" Angie said as I agree and we drive to Aaron's apartment about 15 mins we arrive

"I'm nervous" I said

"Why?" Angie asked

"It's my first time here since what happened" I said

"Everything will be fine just act normal" Angie said as I said "okay"

I was outside of Aaron's doorstep. I took a deep breathe and knocked. He opened the door with a fully recovered body.

"Hey ba- Aaron!" I said hugging him. He didn't hug me back, he pulled away directly.

"Are you sure you used to be my best friend? Cuz I don't seem to recognize you..." Aaron said

"I'll help u remember me" I said.

"Oh yeah I forgot. Aaron this is Angie. Angie this is Aaron" I said

"Nice to meet you Angie" Aaron said shaking Angie's hand.

"Holy crap his hands are soft affff" Angie mouthed to me as I roll my eyes and laugh.

"Alright so I'm gonna leave the two of you alone. Nice to meet you As on and I'll catch up with you later roni" Angie said

"Alright" I said as Angie leaves leaving me and Aaron alone

"So...where are we going?" Aaron asked as I smile, grabbed his hand, went inside my car  and started driving

"Uh Roni right?" Aaron said

"Yeah" I said

"Where are we going?" Aaron asked

"You'll see " I said

"You do know. That.. I'm only trusting you or going with you because Alex and Lauren keep talking about you. And how good of a friend you were to me"

'friend' ouch

"Yeah I know" I said faking a smile.

About 45 mins later we arrive.

"Where exactly are we?" Aaron asked as we go out of the car.

"Recognize this place?" I asked

"Uh no" Aaron said.

"Ugh gosh dang it" I said

"Roni why are we in a hilltop?" Aaron asked as I sit down and I signal him to sit with me and he does.

I take out a polaroid picture out of my pocket and show it to him. He gets the picture and stares at it.

"We used to come here every weekend. To just think about stuff together...." I said

And sometimes make out.

"What?" Aaron asked

"Fuck did I say that out loud?" I asked as Aaron's nods.

"Oh not that kind of make out. But like. Idk if we have a fight we make up here" I said


"Ohhhh ok. U scared me there...I mean I have a girlfriend..." Aaron said

Yeah me

"Yeah. She's a lucky girl Aaron..." I said

"How can u say?" Aaron asked

"You're an amazing guy....she should be thankful to have you." I said

"Oh....thanks..." Aaron said.

"Yeah np" I said

"So hey....uh why here? Why not anywhere else?" Aaron asked

"Because.....this is told me what happened with your ex. This place was the first time you ever opened up to me about your ex..." I said.

"My ex?" Aaron asked

"Yeah" I said

"Who?" Aaron asked


"Sandra" I lied

"Oh. I don't remember her. What happened?" Aaron asked

"She cheated on you...with one of her closest friends. She cheated on you multiple times. She acted like she loved you but she didn't. It was all a game. She used you for fame Aaron" I said

And she still gets should I cheat on him too just to have him?

"" Aaron asked

"Yeah...horrible" I said

"Very" Aaron said.

We stayed in the hilltop for about 30 more minutes then decided to go back

"Hey why don't we stop by at TacoBell" I suggested

"Yeah sure" Aaron said as we go inside and order our food

"Hey it's on me"

Aaron said taking out his wallet revealing a picture of me and him together. It was a picture of our hands intertwining and him kissing my cheek. Aaron looked at me confused and payed our food. We sat down across each other

"Why...are you on my wallet?" Aaron asked.

"Come on Aaron we were best friends" I said

"Why was I kissing your cheek? Why were we holding hands? " Aaron asked

"Aaron don't best friends do that???" I asked

No they don't

"No they don't" Aaron said

"Well we used to do that. A lot." I said.

"Oh that's odd" Aaron said

"Yeah I don't even do that with Nessa" I said

"Who's Nessa?" Aaron asked

"My twin. You guys are friends too" I said.

"Oh...." Aaron said.

"Hey I sooo remember this time where you were trying to impress me and make me laugh. So u fake falling to the ground then when u stood up u actually fell right after" I said laughing.

"I did that?" Aaron asked laughing.

"Yeah" I said.

"Oh wow haha" Aaron said as he puts his hand above mine.

Holy crap. Oh my God. I missed this so much

I stared at it then look at him with nervousness.

"Oh I'm sorry" Aaron said putting his hand away

"Oh no it's fine. Hey will you excuse me?  I'm gonna use the restroom"  I said

"Oh yeah sure definitely" Aaron said as I go to the restroom. Look at myself and took a huge breath

"You can do this Roni you can do this. Just keep trying" I said to myself.

"Okay I can do this" I said as I go out f the restroom seeing him hold hands with another girl.


Of course it's Sarah who else could it be? TF how'd she know we were gonna be here? Is she stalking him or something

I roll my eyes and walk to them

"Oh hey Roni! Sarah's here!" Aaron said

"Yeah I know I can see her what are you doing here?" I asked

"I'm here to visit my boyfriend duh what else" Sarah said

He's my boyfriend. Bitch.

I clear my throat. "I'm gonna leave you two alone then" I said leaving

"Wait Roni" Aaron said grabbing my left arm pulling it making me stop and look him directly in his eyes.

"You can stay...if you want. I'm sure Sarah won't mind" Aaron said staring at my eyes also.

"Uh...uh" I hesitated

"But u can leave too though" Sarah said as I look away from Aaron and roll my eyes

"I'm leaving" I said then left going to my car

Aaron's POV.

"What was that?!" I asked Sarah

"What?" Sarah asked

"Why were you being so mean to Roni" I said

"Why do you care so much?" Sarah asked

"I just do!! She's my best friend!" I said

"Best- oh wow is that what she told u?" Sarah asked

"Yes why" I said

"That bitch" Sarah said.

"Why?" I asked

"Nothing" Sarah said

There's something they're all not telling me. I can sense it. Alex, Lauren and Roni don't like Sarah at all. Sarah doesn't like them either I don't understand what's happening. I need to know the truth. ,

I hate SARAH SM! ANYONE ELSE? Also drama will be in the next chapter. Clue: Sarah and Assen oops i spilled too much

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