But I Thought

By Donaija

119 1 1

21 year old Shay is in a relationship with a abusive boyfriend Marco he beats on her and when questions ar... More

Chapter 1

Back in the day

32 1 1
By Donaija

How it use to be !


High School is where we met, where i met my Marcos . Marcos played football for our school which is Alley High School . Every girl in school wanted to date a football player plus if he was popular which Marco was . I had one class with him that's was biology i was crushing on him but i believed he liked me back because he would look back at me and smile then i would be blushing .

One day in biology class we was doing a project and you needed a partner I usually be partners with Stacey but that day Stacey was not at school that day so i had to look for a partner i looked around looking for a partner then i see a hand waving i turn and it was Marco he said aye come here then, i walked over to where he sat at and he said hey you want be my partner i said sure then i sat down then he asked was i smart i said smarter than you Marcos was a senior I was a junior .

hahaha very funny said Marco he said i like you you real funny. We had work on our project laughing and giggling all class then Mr .Hayes walks up to our, lab table and said i see you too got to know each other that's good but work more less talking. Mr .Hayes tells the whole class,that the project is due next week on Friday and you need to schedule time to work with your partner on the project. Marco said by the way what's your name i said Shay .. Shay Johnson ohhh okay said Marco my name Demarco but everybody call me Marco you can call me Marco if you want . The bell ring i walked over to where I was sitting at first and got my book bag i started walking towards the door then i hear someone call my name Shay i turn and it was Demarco he said wait up yelling from the back of the classroom .

I stopped and waited for him he said Shay what class you going to i said Ms .Brown history ared my class a cross from yours i walk you to your class we started walking ,he had told me a joke and i couldn't stop laughing he said it anit that funny then he stopped in the middle of the hall and look at me i said what still laughing from before then he said you have a beautiful smile then i started to blush . Ever since then we been like the bestest friends.

For me to get closer to him i join the chearleader team i try out for the team tuesday after school i sawed him, practicing on the football feild then he sawed me he waved i waved back then i walked over where the try outs was at I did the routine i had to practice for the tryouts i made it too i looked over to the football field and sawed him looking at me then he started cheering for me and sreaming Yes "GO SHAY WOO WOO YOU GO GIRL ".  I was blushing like always .

After tryouts i was walking home my neighborhood is like 10 blocks down from the school. As i was walking i sawed Marco riding in his car it was a black honda . I had my earphones in to make time fly .

Marco was yelling my name then i turn he said come here , I walked up to the car he said you need a ride nahh i'm good my house 10 blocks down ,you sure he said i said yea , girl i don't bite just let me take you home pretty girl then i just walked over to the passenger side of the car and i got in. He said i sawed you out there doing your thing you did good ,i try i try i did a little something I said doing a little dance and popping my collar , you triedman it was good and i like your attitude when you was cheering .

This my house right, her okay well see you tomorrow at school i was opening the car door and i was getting out into he stop me and said aye you want go to the movies friday after school ?  Sure i said what time let me get your number then i let you know okay I said then we exchange numbers and i walked across the street .Friday was my big day i was so happy i couldn't wait to friday .

Friday comes im waiting for him out front the school building then his car pulls up out front . I get in the car and he started driving he started conversation ask me what movie i want to see then my favorite song comes on We belong together Mariah Carry i said this my shit i started singing snapping my fingers and bobbing my head he said ohh you like this i said yes then he started singing with me .

We get to the movies and we are watching a scary movie we found our seats , we sat in the middle row we sat down and the movie was coming on i laid my head down on his chest as the movie was playing then a scary part came up and i jump and screamed he started laughing at me i whispered its not funny then he pull me in closer and i was hiding be hide his jacket during the whole movie .

Movie was over and we was walking out the door than i started to reach for his hand i was so nerves i thought he was going to pull away or something but he didn't we locked hands and he put my hand up to his mouth and kiss my hand while he was looking me in,the eyes words couldn't describe how i was feeling then he leaned in and kissed me i had chills running through my spine

I had a really good time with you me too he said as he wick at me ,me and Marco end up going out i met his family he met mines .But one day Marco started changing it all happen when he took me to a party on westmary lane there was lots of people there everybody from school stacey was there i ran up to stacey and give her a big hug . Marco this my bestfriend Stacey , Stacey this is my boyfriend Marco , so this is Marco, Stacey said in a mean way i sawed you from some where i just can't put my finger on it but anyways i well be watching you well nice to meet you too Marco said in a awkward tone .

Well baby you want anything to drink yea fruit punch i said ok be back .It have been two hours so i started looking around asking people have they sawed him then all of a sudden i sawed Marco he looked like he was high off something idk what it was so i ran up to him fussing at him asking him what's s wrong with him and why didn't he come back then he started doing some crazy shit . He's yelling jumping up and down running in circles saying all this crazy shit to me i told him let's s go i trying to grab him so i can take him home he's falling triping over stairs falling out on the floor i finally gets him in the car , I know how to drive i just had got my learners so im drving he's touching me trying to kiss me Marco stop you really got yourself fucked up im driving i gets to his house stops the car .I'm helping him out the car we gets to the door i unlock the door i walks in yelling his mother name she comes running down the stairs then she said no not again im looking confused wondering what she mean not again does this stuff happen often im wondering to myself . I help his mother with him , we laid him on his bed he was knocked out in a minute.

He's mother said sorry about that do you want stay for the night its getting, late it was going on 2:00 in the morning sure she said i get you a change of clothes if you want get in the shower you can sleep on the couch in the living room i well have some blankets out on the couch for you ok i said Ms. Davis what you mean by it happen again i tell you in the morning good night ohh and thank you for helping with Marco. I gets in the shower i runs the shower water and gets in im in there wonder what just happen a hour ago . I gets out,put on the clothes Ms Davis gives me it looked like her night clothes i put them on and walks down stairs i laid on the couch once i laid down i fell right to sleep.

The Next Morning

Sun was shinning so bright it cause me too squint and I sit up on the couch and stretching because my back was hurting from sleeping on the couch . I started to hear someone in the kitchen and I could smell bacon cooking , so I got up and went in the kitchen and it was Marco's mother .

Marcos Mother

Hey good morning honey how you sleep , Ohh good but my back hurts a little where's Marco said shay in a worried tone , ohh he's still sleep do you mine waking him so I can set the table and we can get breakfast started and after breakfast I can take you home .


Ohh OK fine with me . I walk up stairs to Marcos room ,I knock before going in ,knock.... knock as I knock on the door I started to ease my way in , that's when I sat on his bed and shaked him and calling his name Marco Marco Marco baby get up , he rolled over with his eyes all wide and I smiled at him and said good morning baby and kissed him on his check he said Morning beautiful and kiss me on my forehead. Marco what happened to you last night I asked then he started looking at me like I was crazy ,what you mean what happen to me ? Ughh u don't remember nothing that happen last night i asked him ? No baby what happen last thing i can remember is me having a couple drinks then i smoked a blunt with the boys and that's the last thing i could remember said Marco . Well baby you was tripping last night you was yelling jumping up and down falling on the floor and everything u must just had too much to drink . Yeah i think so baby I'm sorry for the way i behaved love it won't happen again i promise thank you for taking care of me i really do appreciate you Marco said as he kissed me on the forehead . I took him on his word and just left it alone but one time turn into too many times come to find out he did more than drink he smoked k2 which is a synthetic cannabis it's side effects is hallucinations , paranoid and even symptoms of psychosis  . I found that out when we went out together i had sawed him smoking and i came over asking to hit the blunt because i smoked to but he wouldn't let me hit the blunt I'm like bae why not i smoke any other time he like cause i said so go head somewhere I'm like whatever i said that's fine i finna hit Jacques blunt . I walk over to Jacquees and asked  to hit

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