A Dragon's Tale-Genesys

By Tyro619

2.6K 145 17

The year, 1999. Marine Johnathan Alexander Mason commands Class 2 Force Recon Team Strike Force Raven. With a... More

Part 1-John-The Story Begins
The Recovery Job
Tunnel Rats
The Prison
Ten Minutes Out
First Turn
Expect The Unexpected
Eastern Ally
The Jungle
Day Two
Home Base
To The Rescue
Final Moments
To New Beginings
Braking News
Athour's Note

The Final Chapter

139 5 1
By Tyro619

Location: Tacoma Dragon Perserve/Colorado

Time: 10:21 AM

Tanulth's POV

I woke to the sun in the entrance of my den. The orange and yellow rays lit my whole cave with it's luminous glow. Smoke from the fire that we had ousted last night drifted out of the fire pit and lazily floated into the back of my den. I stretched all my limbs as well as my tail as far as they would go before glancing out of my cave at the lush,green bushes and then to my still slumbering mate,Sirath.

She was about seven feet tall and twenty four feet long with tan body scales and brown chest plates that were stacked like shingles. Her Wings were tan on the outside and she had the same brown on the inside of her wing membranes as she did the armor on her legs. Her horns curved gently backwards about three feet or so and were a lighter shade of brown than her armor or wing membrane. Her neon green eyes would get all sparkly when they hit the light and she was curvy in a way that drove me crazy and made other males on the preserve thoroughly jealous.

As for me,I was about nine feet tall and thirty six feet long,a good bit bigger than my mate and a whole lot broader,being built like I was a boulder. I had dark tan body scales and brown chest plates about the same shade as Sirath's that wrapped around my sides and neck as well as a bit of my tail. My crest was different from my mates,being loose and flowing,rather than stiff and knife like. I had the same armor on my legs that she did and our horns were pretty much the same.

I glanced over at my mate,who was sleeping. She was laying on her side with her back to my stomach,snoring lightly. I smiled at her before licking her across her snout to wake her. She woke with a yawn and smiled at me before returning my licks.

"Morning my love",she said softly. '

"Morning to you too",I said softly.

She smiled again before pushing herself up against me and wedging her head under my muzzle.

"How did I end up with you?",I asked licking her again.

"Funny",she said standing,causing me to roll onto my back. She rose and then lay across my chest.

"I was about to ask you the same thing..."

I smiled and laughed lightly before placing my head against her's and pulling her into a deep,draconian kiss. I broke our kiss after what seemed like forever and placed my ear to my mate's stomach. I could hear our unborn cub moving around inside her,he was making faint noises,a sign his birth was extremely close.

"Wow",I said smiling and looking at her,"how long do you think it will be until were parents?"

"Soon",Sirath replied me with a smile,"he kicks harder and harder everyday."

I smiled and pulled her into another kiss as there was a soft thud outside my den.

"Tanulth!",Corinth's voice called,"you in here brother?"

Corinth,a Mountian Dragon Alpha,like myself,was a real close friend of mine. He was lightly colored,with tan scales and a palish blue chest plate that matched mine in style and length. His horns were a good shade of brown and were only a foot long. His snout was armored and he had six spikes each being a different size underneath both his eyes. His wings were 120 feet long,a decent size for our breed and he was about my height and length,but I was a whole lot broader.

"Yeah I'm in here",I called back,"come on in." 

Corinth walked in with a wide smile covering his muzzle,as always.

"Morning Tanner",he said using a nickname he made up for me,he thought my real name was "to hard to pronounce",I have given him so much crap for it,but on he goes. He bowed slightly at the sight of my mate.

"And good morning to you too my fair lady."

Sirath blushed a little and I stepped between them.

"That female is my territory",I said growling playfully,"don't you have a mate?"

"I don't know",he replied returning my growl,"do I?"

We locked heads,staring each other in the eyes before Corinth snorted in laughter,causing us both to brake out. 

"Good to see you brother",I said smiling,"what brings you to my little corner of the woods?"

"Guys day?",Cornith said,"remember,we been planing it for weeks,you,me Taro,Firedrake and Hunter."

"No",I said laughing,"my god I have been so stressed lately."

"Your cub about to be along?",Corinth asked.

"Yeah",I replied,"I'm so exited I can hardly sleep."

"I bet",Corinth answered me,"you want Franae to look after her?"

Franae,Corinth's mate,was a near exact copy of him. Though she was darker colored and without spikes,horns or claws even,the similarities were striking.

"It would ease my mind yes",I replied,"can she though?"

"Yeah",my friend replied me,"she's been laying around past few days bored out of her skull,I'm sure she'll be happy to see Sirath too."

I turned back to Sirath.

"Is it okay with you?"

"Fine with me",my mate replied smiling. I smiled back before kissing her.

"We'll be back late."

"Stay outta trouble boys",Sirath said grinning widely.

"We will",Corinth replied spreading his 120 foot wings.

I quickly unfolded my 130 foot ones and soon we were in the air. The wind in my wings was one I always welcomed. It made me feel free and uncaring,like nothing could harm me,it was even better when I was with my friends and my mate,and soon,I'd have a son,it made me feel amazing,like the whole world was focused only on me. I loved it. After about twenty minutes or so of flying,Corinth and I touched down at a large lake,the biggest one at Tacoma,Tacoma Lake. Our friends,Taro,Firedrake and Hunter were already there.

Taro,a Volcano Dragon,was about seven feet tall and fourteen feet long. His body scales were jet black and his underbelly scales were blazing red like fire. His eyes glowed gold and he had four razor sharp,dark grey horns jutting out the back of his head. He had scars on his back from where he lost his wings in a fight with another male over his Arctic Dragon mate Faline. I was fond of giving him crap about it and he'd often just hiss and snarl at me,which in turn would make me laugh.

Firedrake,a Plateau Dragon,was wingless from birth. His breed was rare,only having a few million left from what I understand. He stood at nine feet or so and was about 40 feet long. Longer than me,but I was a whole lot broader. His grey body scales and black back spikes and underbelly scales perfectly suited his neon blue eyes with flecks of silver threaded into them. He was real sweet,more of a teddy bear than anything else and was just alot of fun and nice to be around.

Hunter,a Volcano Anthro,stood at seven three. He was colored exactly like Taro,black body scales and red chest scales,the membrane on his wings being black on the outside and red on the inside. He had spines on his back which were black and wide like Firedrake's,but red at the base of his back,which I thought was cool. At the present moment,he was dressed in nothing but a white T-shirt with holes in it for his spines and wings and a pair of blue shorts with a white Eastern Dragon sewn into them.

"Got the whole gang here huh?",I asked smiling.

"Looks like",Hunter said,"last one in is a lizard!"

Not one to have to submit to name calling,I threw all of my boulder sized body into the water. It was close,but I was first,followed by Hunter,Corinth,Taro and finally Firedrake,who looked depressed to have to submit.

"You lose!",Taro said splashing water at him.

"Watch yourself Slanath",Firedrake growled playfully,"do not make me crush you into tiny,bite sized pieces."

"Ooh",Taro said splashing him again,"I'm really scared! Is the big stuffed teddy bear gonna hurt me?"

Firedrake gave off another playful growl before jumping at Taro,who dodged just in time. Firedrake's massive body smacked the water and sent a huge wave over all of us.

"You missed!",Taro shouted grinning widely.

"I kill you!",Firedrake shouted smiling widely before leaping again.

Taro just  narrowly avoided being pined under his friend,and again Friedrake splashed yards away,drenching us all.

"You pounce like a girl!",Taro yelled,"why don't you..."

Taro was cut off as Firedrake leaped from the water and pinned him on the banks of the lake.

"Easy killer",Hunter said,"you'll turn the lake red with his blood,be civilized and drag him off to kill him will ya?"

Firedrake smiled and let off a playful hiss and sized Taro by his throat,beginning to drag him out of the pond and towards a large bush.

"No",Taro begged playfully,"I have a son take the Anthro! He knows it all!"

I could see both he and Taro were tiring desperately not to burst in laughter,they failed and burst out with laughter before rejoining us in the deep middle of the pond. Hunter was busy diving,Taro,Firedrake and Corinth were racing each other and I was drifting lazily on my back. The water was crystal clear,a few leaves floated lazily on it's surface and the sunlight coming through the trees reflected into the depths of the lake. Even without moving my head,I could see Hunter below me,fishing for anything he could find.

The water was not only crystal clear and fresh,but it was also super chilled,being a Mountain dragon,I preferred my temperatures in the extremes. My mate favored it hot out,but I had Arctic in me,so I liked it cold. I wondered,with Sirath being a Desert Mountain,and me Arctic Mountain,what our cub would prefer. Would he like it hot or cold? How would he be colored,how would he behave and a whole bunch of other things. Hunter stirred me from my thoughts when he surfaced with a gasp and brushed his crimson red crest from his eyes.

"I don't believe the things humans lose",he said,"I just found two real expensive looking survival knives,a multi tool and a sport watch."

Hunter showed me his sunken treasure. The knives were black and nasty looking, while the mulit tool was a nice shade of sliver. The watch was around his wrist and it was one of the ones with the hands and not the "digital crap",as  Hunter called it. The watch itself was black and orange,while the band was tan fabric.

"Looks cool",I told him continuing to float around.

Hunter just snuffed at my lack of awe and dived back under. As the day passed,Hunter looked for sunken treasure as Taro,Firedrake,Corinth and I began playing different games,Race,Dive,Water ball,and other water based stuff. It was round five when the five of us decided to race each other from one end of the half mile long lake to the other. We started at the way back and shot ourselves off,using our wings to propel us forward. The water was flying all over the place and you couldn't see your paw if you held it in front of your snout. It was a fierce race,with Hunter coming out on top,me and Taro second with Corinth and Firedrake lagging behind real badly. Once they caught up,we hauled ourselves from the water and collapsed in a wet heap of scales,wings and tails. All of us were panting heavily and our bodies were chilled to each other's touch.

"Best...guys day...ever",Hunter panted.

"No joking?",I said shaking the water from my scales. "You guys wanna stay for dinner with me?",I asked,"I got some caribou that I smoked in the back of my den."

"I like meat",Taro said in a kiddish voice,"course I'll stay,and eat you dry." I laughed before turning to the other's,"you guys wanna stay?"

"I'll take you up on that",Hunter said,"I'm starved after my victory."

He grinned from ear to ear.

"Sure",Firedrake said. "I like Caribou",Corinth said,"I can stay and eat."

I spread my wings,well let's get going then. My friends spread their wings and soon we were in the sky,bound for my den. We touched down on a path above my cave and began walking down wards,as we neared the entrance,I began to get a scent on the air,I couldn't tell what it was though. The closer we got to my den,the stronger it got.

"The hell is that smell?",Hunter asked.

"No clue",I replied.

As we got to the entrance of my den,Farane came running out.

"Guys",she whispered,"come see the cub."

My heart skipped a beat,I glanced back at Hunter and the others,who just smiled at me. I walked into the cave,feeling as if I was about to fall over. Sirath was laying curled up by a fire that had been built high,sound asleep. I walked over to her and lay down,nuzzling her gently to rose her.

She smiled at me,"were parents."

I was very near tears,"what do we have?"

"A son",she said lifting her wing. Curled against his mother,was a small cub.

He was a nice shade of my tan with a dark shade of brown for his underbelly. He had a black arrow on his tail and the makings of two small horns on his head. He had the spikes on his eyes and the armor on his snout that I did and the same crest as me. His little wings were tan on the outside and dark brown on the inside,they fluttered lightly as he curled against his mother for warmth. My heart melted when I saw him,he was my son,our son.

I gave up fighting at that moment and lay beside Sirath,letting the tears flow. She smiled and wrapped me with her wings and began licking the tears from my muzzle.

"We did a hell of a good job",I said through my tears.

"Yes we did",she replied,crying a little herself.

I turned my attention back to my son and nuzzled him gently to wake him. He let off a small whimper before climbing to his little paws and began walking around. At one point,he placed both his paw on my snout and tried to climb up,tiring himself up and falling asleep before he could. I gently took his tail in my mouth and lay him between my paws and he curled up.

"I'm a father",i said in tears. Taro and the others smiled.

"What are you going to name him?",Hunter asked kneeling down beside me.

"I want it to be unique",I said,I want it to mean something."

"How about Tyro?",I asked looking to my mate.

She smiled and nuzzled me,"I love it,Tyro it is."

I looked at Tyro sleeping between my paws,he was a beautiful cub and he was my son. I wasn't going to let anything happen to him.

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