Don't Stand So Close To Me

By darkcloudsform

978 41 6


Don't Stand So Close To Me
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven

Chapter Twenty Nine

18 1 0
By darkcloudsform

We’d been walking for a little over an hour and a half when we decided to stop and rest. Gerard kept saying, ‘We’re almost there.’ Blah blah blah.

‘We’re almost there’ got real old 30 minutes ago.

We had no food or water, no reception on our phones, if we were really lost we were screwed. Apparently Gerard bended the truth a little when he said the tunnel led to another part of town. More like, it led to ANOTHER town 30 miles over.

Sigh. We’d be down here a while.

It was already 1 in the morning and I could tell we’d probably be sleeping here tonight. The conditions weren’t too bad, sure the walls were made of dirt but it could be far worse. There could be bugs and other creepy crawlies, which there weren’t, as far as I could see. Thank god.

It wasn’t pitch black either, it could’ve been better but there were tiny lights tucked into the bottom of the wall, extending for miles. That’s pretty lucky.

The air was moist and smelt like fresh soil; it was almost soothing. You’d think most people would be horrified trapped underground but I wasn’t. I felt in tune with the Earth, I felt protected.

The only down part to it was that it was freezing and the stone top of the tunnel was dripping water in random places.

We sat down at the perfect spot, dry and free from any incoming water droplets.

“How will we get back to Harvey Cedars?” I said quietly. We were all huddled together, me in the middle, conserving heat.

“There’s a bus that goes directly to it about half a mile down the road of where we’re going.” Gerard replied.

“Oh,” I simply said.

“I think we should sleep here. It’s pretty dry, the lighting is okay, and we don’t know how it’s going to be farther down the tunnel.” Frank added.

“I agree. We’re better off staying here.” Gerard said. I nodded and brought my knees to my chest, hugging my body tightly to stay warm.

“So what now?” I asked.

“Too early to start that talk, we don’t know what the situation is above ground.” Gerard shrugged.

We stayed silent for about 5 minutes till Frank dug into his pocket and pulled out a carton of cigarettes.

“I knew it.” I glared at him.

“Sorry.” He sighed, sticking one end of the cigarette in his mouth and lighting up the other end with a match.

“Meh.” I yawned and shook it off. I really couldn’t be bothered anymore. At this point we probably weren’t going to live to see next week so it didn’t matter anyways.

Frank reached over me and offered the pack to Gerard, to which he accepted, pulling out a cigarette with ease.

Frank tossed the lighter to him and leaned his head back, blowing smoke upwards in a relaxed manner.

“Aren’t you going to offer me one?” I have him an annoyed look.

“No.” He said without looking at me.

“Why? I deserve one in this scenario. You can’t treat me like a kid.” I grumbled.

“Knock yourself out then.” He said, tossing me the pack, eyes still locked on the ceiling.

My eyes widened and I rummaged through the box, pulling out the first one I saw. Gerard leaned over me and sparked the lighter; I frantically put it to my lips and sucked in.

The moment the smoke touched the back of my throat I coughed it back up. Evoking a chuckle from Frank.

“Sh-shut up.” I grumbled in frustration, attempting to smoke it again only to be met with the same results.

“Here,” Frank said, taking my cigarette and placing it to his lips. I thought he was asking me to mimic him but he in turn put the cigarette back in my hands and grabbed the back of my neck pulling me forward and crashing his lips to mine.

I felt the smoke enter my mouth and was unsure of what to do. Out of nowhere he firmly grasped my butt causing me to gasp in a way and the smoke to travel down my throat.

He pulled away and leaned back against the wall. I blew the stream of smoke back into the air effortlessly, my eyes wide with surprise.

“You’re such a douche.” Gerard rolled his eyes.

“Hey, it worked didn’t it?” Frank grinned.

“Yeah but you could’ve just told her to suck the smoke in all at once, instead you had to be a show-off.” Gerard chuckled.

“Well what can I say, the ladies dig it.” Frank smirked at me.

I raised an eyebrow and scoffed, looking away.

“Oh love, don’t play cute in front of other people. You wouldn’t want me to tell him about the kitchen countertop would you?” Frank gave a low chuckle.

“Oh, this sounds good.” Gerard laughed.

“FRANK NO!” I yelled, hitting him on the arm.

“Frank yes.” Gerard smirked.

“Man, she was moaning so lou-“ Frank started and I scrambled over to him, placing my hand over his mouth.

“Oh c’mon!” Gerard threw his hands in the air exasperated, blowing smoke from the side of his mouth.

“No you know what let’s talk about you two. Bromance much?” I snorted.

“Yeah, Frank used to put his hands down my pants. Those were the good ol’ days.” Gerard nodded.

“You wish.” Frank rolled his eyes.

“That’s not what you said that summer at music camp.” Gerard batted eyelashes at him.

Frank raised an eyebrow, sucking in smoke fervently.

“What are you even talking about?” He chuckled in response.

“YES, do tell me what you’re speaking of!” I piped up.

“Nah, I’m fucking with you. We didn’t even go to music camp. Does that shit even exist?” Gerard tilted his head.

“Damn, and I was looking to hear a really good story.” I sighed.

“Me and Frank? Nah. We’ve seen each other’s dicks but that’s pretty much it.” Gerard nodded.

I rolled my eyes, all boys think about are dicks. You’d think they really were gay.

“Let’s play truth or dare.” I said boredly, crushing my cigarette into the ground.

“Yeah, okay.” Frank said. Gerard nodded in response.

“Rad. Lana, truth or dare?” Gerard glanced over to me.


“Have you ever sucked a guy off?”

“Wh- NO!” My eyes widened, I wasn’t expecting these kinds of questions right off the bat.

“You’re not very good at this game.” Frank chuckled to himself.

“FRANK!” I screamed at him.

“AHAH! Liar! Now you have to do a dare.” Gerard grinned in triumph.

“Who says?!” My jaw dropped.

“I say. New rule, if you lie about something you’re forced into a dare.” Gerard nodded.

“Well how do you know when someone is lying?” I furrowed my eyebrows.

“Easy, Frank knows everything on you. Frank knows everything on me, and you and I together know everything on Frank.”

“I hardly doubt it you two know everything on me, but I won’t lie so go ahead.” Frank shrugged, causing the both of us to roll our eyes.

“Well, okay.” I mumbled.

“Mmm, what do you think Frank? Got any good dares?” Gerard turned to him.

“I can think of a few.” Frank grinned at me deviously.

“Fucking hell.” I groaned.

“Well what is it? Spit it out?” I glared at the both of them.

“Hmm, how about a strip tease. Yeah, do a strip tease for us.” Frank gestured for my clothes to fall to the floor with his fingers.

“Are you fucking serious?” I gave them an annoyed look.

“Sounds good.” Gerard nodded.

“Wh- How far are we talking?” I raised an eyebrow.

“To your underwear.” Gerard said.

“Bra off.” Frank added.

“NO!” I gasped.

“Hey, I don’t make the rules to the game.” Frank shrugged.

I growled at him, pulling my shirt over my head.

“Keep going.” He gestured again.

“This is ridiculous.” I groaned.

“Hey, you’re the one who suggested we play. Are you backing out?” Gerard raised an eyebrow.

I glared at him and unbuttoned my pants. throwing them to the floor.

“You’ve gotta do a little dance or something. That’s the point of a strip tease.” Frank laughed.

I walked forward, only in my underwear, and hovered over Frank’s lap, my knees on the floor. I entangled my fingers in his hair, pressing his face into my chest. He laid little kisses up and down the space between my breasts. I reached a hand into his pants and felt his manhood, massaging the tip. He hardened immediately, gripping my thighs erotically.

I pulled my hand out of his pants and stood up, he groaned in frustration, his fingers lingering on my legs as I backed away. I swayed my hips rhythmically, feeling my body up and down as I walked over to Gerard.

I combed my hair back with my fingers and knelt down hovering above his lap the same way I did with Frank. I brushed his hair out of his face to get a good look at his eyes and for a moment I was frozen, captivated, lost in the little pools of hazel. They were just like Frank’s but there was darkness in the pits of them. These eyes had seen a world of trouble. When he stared back at me he really stared. I felt vulnerable, as if this man knew every secret I’ve ever kept and every thing I’ve ever regretted.

“It’s okay Lana,” Frank chuckled from beside us causing me to snap out of my daze.

“Huh?” I looked over to him, completely aloof.

“I said it’s okay. You look so confused and unsure. You can mess with him too I won’t be jealous. All part of the game.” He laughed.

“O-Oh. Right.” I cleared my throat and stared back at Gerard, ignoring his eyes and going straight for his neck, snaking my tongue across it. I felt his hand touch my lower back and I grinded into his lap hard. I felt his grip tighten around my lace panties, tugging them. The amount of lust that was swelling between my legs was almost unbearable, intoxicating enough to make me faint. Since when did I get this turned on by someone other than Frank?

Once I felt his dick harden I stood up, turning my back to them and walking to the wall opposite of where we were sitting. I spread my hands on it, letting a seductive rhythm take over my body. I grinded into the wall almost too sexually, my back still facing them, my fingers curling. I looked back from the corner of my eye to see they were staring wide eyed, jaws dropped.

I took a step back; my hips still swaying and my arms and legs moving to a melody that wasn't there. I unhooked my bra strap, throwing it to the side of the room. I felt myself up and down, still not allowing them to see the front of my body and facing my back towards them. I slipped my panties down half way very smoothly. to tease, and let my fingers slide them back on the same way.

I cupped my breasts in my hands, covering my nipples, and turned around. Their eyes were burning with lust, the hard-ons clear in their pants. I smirked, my hair falling over my shoulders in a wavy mess.

“So, Frank, truth or dare?”

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