Don't Stand So Close To Me

By darkcloudsform

978 41 6


Don't Stand So Close To Me
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven

Chapter Nineteen

26 1 0
By darkcloudsform

Frank Iero’s POV

I sat next to the examination table, grasping Lana’s hand almost violently. She was still asleep, and one of Lucas’ men were removing the bullet. I was almost grateful for her unconsciousness, I wouldn’t be able to handle seeing her in any more pain.

“I will remove bullet now, you must hold girl.” The older man said, a Slovakian accent thick in his voice.

Did I speak too soon? I reached over and held Lana down by her shoulders; she stirred awake as the doctor’s tool entered her skin.

Her scream pierced through the air and I held back the urge to just scoop her up and run for our lives again.

I was on my way to the hospital when Lucas and his asshole friends caught up with us. They held us by gunpoint and dragged us back to this warehouse.

Lana looked into my eyes, hers filled with tears and fear. I couldn’t do this, I really couldn’t. The guilt was overcoming me. Even if we made it out of here alive I don’t think I’d ever forgive myself.

In one swift motion the doctor pulled the bullet out and held it in the air to examine it. Lana had broken into a sweat all over her body and her breathing was rapid.

“You’re doing so well love, just hold on a little longer. It’s going to be okay.” I bent down and kissed her forehead.

“I will have to go back in. Fragments remain still inside her.” The doctor spoke again, placing the bullet on a metal tray.

Lana began crying, begging for me not to let him do it again.

“Please, don’t you have any form of anesthesia?” I furrowed my eyebrows at the doctor.

“I do not.” Without warning he went back in and pulled out another piece of the bullet from her side. She screamed so loud I felt every hair on my body stand up and my heart just shatter.

The sound of scurrying feet came towards the dim lit room we were in and Lucas appeared.

“Shut that girl up.” He growled stalking over to us with a gun in hand. I stepped in front of him and pushed him back.

“Stay away from her!” I screamed.

“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kill you both now!” He screamed back.

My head was spinning but I had to focus, I had to say something that would save our lives, give us value.

“Lana, she’s merchandise. She’s still a virgin.” I blurted. This caused a ridiculous smirk to appear on his face.

“Are you a fucking idiot? With that wound? Nobody, and I mean NOBODY would buy her. She’d last for one fuck.” He sneered.

I tried to hold back my anger, and closed my eyes, searching my brain for something that would be of use.

“You can’t kill us because someone else knows where we are, and that person knows all about your little business. So if we were to turn up missing, he’d point fingers at you.”

Lucas’ face contorted in rage and he reached forward and socked me in the face with the handle of his gun. The little shit. If his cocksucking buddies weren’t here with their fucking guns I’d have a better hold of the situation.

“YOU’RE LYING!” He spit in my face.

“I’m not. Wanna test me? Even if I was lying the camera’s in the pizza place recorded us following you, the camera’s on the highway recorded us following you. There’s more than enough evidence that points to you if we turn up missing. Some part of you had to know this when you brought us back here.” I glared at him intently; I was getting to him. I knew it. Paranoia would eventually consume him.

He thought for a minute before making a whistling sound and rambling in some foreign language to the men in the room.

After what sounded like a very angry conversation amongst all the men Lucas finally turned to me, frustration clear on his face.

“I’ll let you go. But expect to deal with my Father later. And if you think for a minute you’re going to go to the cops I’ll spill about the librarian faster than you can blink, and you and your little whore won’t live to see another day. If we even have so much as an eyebrow raised at us you’re going down.”

Before I could stand up he walked over to Lana and shoved a rag in her mouth, holding her down as the doctor went in to retrieve the last piece of bullet.

I wanted to rip him off of her but I felt a piece of cool metal press against the back of my head.

“Don’t even think about it.” A thick Slovakian accent hissed from behind me. Great. If I had one more person try and hold a gun to my head I might just shoot myself to spare them the trouble.

I remained still, watching intently as the Doctor cleaned Lana’s wound and began to thread a needle. She’d given up on struggling now as she just laid limp on the table, her eyes filled with defeat and exhaustion. She didn’t even flinch as he began to stitch up the wound, I would have thought she were dead if she hadn’t glanced over to me.

“I’m so sorry.” I mouthed to her. The ghost of a smile played on her lips. After all this she could stand to smile at me? I no longer deserved that beautiful smile; I no longer deserved her warm loving eyes.

Around 10 minutes had passed when the doctor finished dressing her wound. He gave her a new shirt and removed all traces of blood from her hands and body.

He turned to me and gave me a small bag filled with suspicious looking pills and spare gauze to change her bandage.

“When she get home give her iron supplement. She lost lot of blood but not enough to cause worry. Make sure she rest for two week and no lifting of heavy things. You come back to me in four week and I take stitches out.” The doctor nodded to me and made his exit from the room.

Fucking hell, I had to take her back to this place? What would I say to her mother? ‘Hey, so I got your daughter shot in a sketchy area by sketchy people who are probably associated with the Slovakian mafia and now I have to take her back to get checked up by one of their sketchy Mafioso doctors.’

I went to her side, pulling the rag out of her mouth and glaring at Lucas. He scoffed and flicked me off, walking out of the room with his crew.

“I want you gone in 30 minutes.” He said as he went out the door.

“Wait! What about the girl you took? What about Katrina?” I yelled.

“My sister? How do you know Katrina?” He halted, turning around with a scowl on his face.

“I don’t… I guess Lana did.” I shrugged uncomfortably. Well this was a big fucking misunderstanding. I didn’t want to push my luck by asking about Danielle, so I shut up. I was too focused on getting us out of here.

“Whatever. Stay the fuck away from her if you know what’s good for you.” He gave me a glare before turning back around and exiting the warehouse.

I turned to Lana, the feelings of worry flooding me again even though we were safe now.

“Hey hon, how do you feel?” I brushed her hair out of her face.

“Like hell.” She groaned.

“Can you walk?”

“I think so.” She winced as she tried to get up too quickly, falling back to the table with a thump.

“Shh. I’ll carry you, we can’t have your stitches opening up.” She nodded and I scooped her up into my arms as gently as possible. She caught me by surprise by pecking my cheek.

“You saved me today Frank. Thank you.”

“Yeah, but I also put you in danger.” I sighed, the overwhelming guilt building up inside me again.

“This isn’t your fault. And despite anything… you put me before yourself. I’m the only one who should feel guilty here, I was a burden today.” She frowned.

“Lana… please don’t go there. You weren’t a burden. And it is my fault. It’s all my fault. I told you, we’d be better off never having met.” I grimaced. She looked away, hurt filling her eyes.

Yes, you need to hate me. You need to despise me. It’ll make it easier for you when I leave. It’ll make it easier on the both of us. Because this needs to happen, I need to get out of your life.

Lana Rosenburg’s POV

Frank carried me all the way back to the highway without complaining even once. We were silent, I was afraid to talk. I felt like he was mad at me but he didn’t want to admit it.

He let me sit on the pavement of the sidewalk; leaning on his leg for support as we waited for our taxi to come.

“Frank.” I said quietly.


“I got shot.” I grinned.

This made him chuckle and he ruffled my hair very gently.

“Yeah you punk. You nearly gave me a heart attack.” He gave me a very sad smile.

“Am I cool now?”

“Yeah. You’re cool now.” He laughed.

“I'm not going to tell my Mom though, there’s no explanation for it. I don’t want to get you in trouble. Plus our other lie about being with the school staff would catch up with us.” I stared at the road in deep thought.

“Well, it’s up to you. I haven’t thought that far ahead yet.”

“I’ll just have to hide it.”

“It won’t be easy Lana. You got shot; you won’t be able to walk for a while without pain. And you need bed rest.”

“Well… You’ll help me right?” I glanced at him, searching his expression for any signs of distress.

“Of course.” He smiled.

“Thanks.” I hugged his leg very childishly.

At this point our taxi pulled up and he helped me off the ground. I limped into the back seat with his help, clenching my jaw as I sat down and felt the searing pain shoot up my side.

He gripped my hand in support, seeing my discomfort clearly.

As the taxi took off I closed my eyes, leaning my head on his shoulder and taking deep steady breaths to calm the pain. Before I knew it I’d dozed off.


“Hey. We’re here.” Frank nudged my shoulder to stir me awake.

“Ah. Can you help me up?” I yawned, wanting to stretch because I had a cramp in my neck but not wanting to worsen the pain.

“Of course. Here, hold on to me.” He picked me up and I managed to get on my feet with minimal pain. This was a bit annoying, I felt like such a problem child. But at the same time I just wanted to go lay down and sleep for ages so I didn’t have to feel this discomfort in my side.

We barged into Mr. Way’s house, not caring if he was asleep or not. This way we could catch him in the act if he was trying to get shitfaced again.

We found him lounging on the couch, watching some TV show.

“Oh my god. Where did you guys go? Do you know how late it- What happened to Lana?” Mr. Way’s face contorted in concern.

“I got shot.” I sighed.

“Ha. No what really happened?” He raised an eyebrow.

“She got shot Gerard.” Frank spoke up, the guilt on his face was apparent and Mr. Way’s eyes widened.

“Frank… how did your underage girlfriend get SHOT?” Shock had set in on his face.

“We went to her house to get some things, stopped for some food, found Lucas at the food place with his sister, thought he was kidnapping a girl, followed hi-“

“Wait. Frank, what did you say?” I cut him off.

“Huh?” He blinked.

“You said we found him at the food place with his sister? Katrina’s not his sister, she’s Miss Trevor’s daughter.” I raised an eyebrow.

“Who’s Miss Trevor?” He looked confused as ever now, and Mr. Way was looking back and forth between us clearly annoyed.

“HELLO? Can we get back to you FOLLOWED Lucas and Lana got shot?!” His jaw dropped.

I raised my finger to him in a shut up motion, turning my attention back to Frank.

“She’s my Mother’s girlfriend.”

“What? Your mother has a girlfriend?” He tilted his head in confusion.

“Yeah. She’s a lesbian. Old news, get back to Katrina!” I waved it off.

“Well, when the doctor was done ‘operating’ on you I asked Lucas about the girl he took and he looked confused saying something like ‘How do you know my sister?…. oh my GOD.” Frank’s eyes widened


“Is she Lucas’ Mother?” Frank’s jaw dropped now too.

“I.. I DON’T KNOW!” I dragged my hands down my face in a dramatic motion.

“WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!” Mr. Way screamed.

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"Amazing performance tonight, Gerard." "I'm sorry?" --- started: 091022 completed: 092822 word count: 12012