Don't Stand So Close To Me

By darkcloudsform

978 41 6


Don't Stand So Close To Me
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven

Chapter Nine

24 1 0
By darkcloudsform

Hi, my name is Lana Rosenburg. I’m 17-years old, I live in Harvey Cedars, New Jersey and I’m in the 11th grade. Approximately 9 hours ago I found out my Mother is lesbian, and evidently sleeping with my third-grade teacher Miss Trevor. It was also revealed to me that the Dad I thought abandoned me never existed and a woman I believed to be my aunt was actually my ‘second Mom’. This woman also happens to be the birth Mother of my next-door neighbor, Frank Iero. See this would all be fine and dandy if I weren’t already romantically, or should I say sexually, involved with this Frank next-door.

So now, I was some sort of step-brotherfucker.

Oh wait, It gets better. Somehow I let Frank convince me it was a good idea to break into my school and have sex in the nurse’s office. Well, I didn’t really let him convince me. He sort of just did it and I went along, like an idiot. A true fucking idiot.

Luckily, we didn’t get very far. Not so luckily, it was because we were caught by the school’s art teacher, Mr. Way. One thing led to another and Mr. Way and Frank got into a nasty fight. And now? We’ve killed a librarian.


“Oh god why is this happening, god why why why. Was it the weed? Was it the incest that wasn’t really incest? Someone kill me. JUST KILL ME.” I rambled, pacing the room back and forth.

“LANA. Calm the fuck down! I’m trying to think!” Mr. Way snapped.

MAYBE, you should have thought before you and Frank started trying to kill each other? How about then? Huh Mr. Way?!” I screamed at him.

“Back the fuck up! I’m not the 17-year old who’s spreading her legs for some guy in a nurse’s office! How long have you even known him!?” Mr. Way screamed back.

“SHUT THE FUCK UP! BOTH OF YOU!” Frank interjected, rubbing his temple with his fingers. We closed our mouths and stared at him.

“For fucks sake. We can argue later, we’ve got a bigger problem. Unless everyone here wants to be arrested you’d better put your brains to use and help me figure out what to do.” He added, seemingly the calmest one out of all of us.

“First. Everyone, clothes back on. Now.” He sighed. This caused me to look down to my body, which I’d forgotten was on display for the entire room. I briefly screamed in shock as I noticed half of me was covered in Mrs. Smith’s blood.

“Oh god. Oh god oh god oh god.” I started hyperventilating.

“Fuck.” Mr. Way muttered, now glancing at the cause of my worry.

“The showers.” His eyes suddenly lit up. “Have Frank carry your clothes and take you to the Girl’s changing room by the gym. Then come back, with your clothes on, and get more blood on you. You’re not going to be able to explain why you were naked when you went to help her.” Mr. Way combed his fingers through his hair in deep thought.

I nodded frantically, waiting as Frank and Mr. Way put the rest of their clothes on. I noticed their pants were dripping with water and gasped.

“How are we going to explain the bucket of water?” I bit my lip furiously, there was no reasonable explanation for there to be a puddle of water on the floor.

“Shit. Lana why did you even pour water on us?” Frank furrowed his eyebrows.

“BECAUSE YOU WERE FIGHTING! I thought someone was going to die! And now-“ I started sobbing.

“Love, stop. It’s okay, we’ll figure this out I think I’ve got a plan.” Frank rubbed my back understandingly and I simply glared at him.

“Let’s hear it then.” Mr. Way said, doing the last button up on his shirt and adjusting his collar.

“Okay, I’ll start from the beginning. I was picking Lana up from detention, then suddenly we heard a scream coming from inside the school. Figuring someone was in trouble, we tried to get back in, only to find the doors were locked. So that’s when we broke in. And Gerard, you were working late, which I assume you were, heard the scream as well and came to see what happened. That’s when we all met each other here, to find the woman on the floor.”

“Alright genius that was the easy part, what about the bucket of water?” Mr. Way grimaced.

“I was getting to that Gerard, if you could shut the fuck up please.” Frank glared at him.

“HEY. We’re not doing this again.” I barked at the two of them.

“Right, whatever. I was thinking we could set a fire, what other reason would Lana have to throw water everywhere?” Frank said.

What? Set a fire? Are you fucking crazy? Don’t you think the fire department would be smarter than that? How do you plan on setting a fire in a nurse’s office that didn’t look intentional?” I facepalmed.

“Well then. Do you have any better ideas?” Frank looked at me agitated. This entire situation was taking a toll on everyone.

“Yes, I do. Why don’t we just clean up the water on the floor and put the bucket back where I found it? It’s not even touching her body, we’re overthinking this.” I sighed at our stupidity.

“Shit, you’re right. The only thing left would be the towel. Use it to dry yourself after you take a shower then take it home and burn it.” Frank replied.

“Burn it? Isn’t that a little drastic?” I raised an eyebrow.

“We can’t take any chances. It’s going to be hard enough to convince the police this was an accident. They’ll search this entire room to find a reason for her coming in here and fainting.” Mr. Way added, a troubled look on his face.

“I didn’t even think of that. Well what the fuck are we going to say we think happened?” I bit my lip furiously.

“We can figure that out later. Right now, we need to get you cleaned and dressed. Gerard, while we’re gone, you clean up the water and check the room for anything suspicious.” Mr. Way gave him an ‘A-Okay’ sign and began wiping up the puddle with some paper towels. Frank scooped my clothes off the floor and grabbed my wrist, leading me out of the office.

When we left it felt like a weight had been lifted, there’d been so much tension inside that room. I followed behind Frank, now intertwining my fingers with his.

“I’m sorry this happened.” He mumbled, squeezing my hand.

“It’s okay.” I whispered, squeezing back.

“It’s not. If I hadn’t gotten jealous over that fucking kid none of this would have happened. I dragged you into this.” Now hearing him actually say this, I didn’t feel so angry at him.

“I said it’s okay Frank.” I pushed. He glanced back at me once, a guilty look still plastered on his face.

We kept walking for another couple minutes till we made our way to the girl’s locker room.

“Do you want me to wait out here?” He asked, leaning against a wall.

“No. Taking a shower in the dark is scary enough. I don’t want to be alone in a locker room, It screams horror film.” I giggled softly. He nodded and escorted me in.

“I’m going to put your clothes here.” He said, placing them on a bench near the shower. He then went and stood by the locker room door.

“You’re going to stand all the way over there?” I gulped. He raised an eyebrow.

“Stand by the shower, please. You’ve already seen me naked remember?” This evoked a chuckle from him and he walked over to the side of the shower. I smiled to myself and turned the water on.

“So, are you going to tell me what happened between you and Mr. Way?” I addressed the elephant in the room.

“Do I have to?” He grimaced.

“Yeah. You kinda do.” I laughed.

“Well, long story short we were best friends in high school. I stole every girl he ever fell in love with, then we weren’t. By the end of high school he vowed to never speak to me again, so here we are.” Frank shrugged.

“Wow, so why’d you do that? Steal his girlfriends I mean.” I lathered my legs and arms in soap I found while we talked.

“At first it wasn’t like that, we both liked the same girl so we swore neither of us could have her. 2 weeks later, I saw them holding hands in the hallway. So I made a move on her, she dropped her panties for me like that” he snapped his fingers for effect.

“We were over her after that. Then he got a new girlfriend, and I shit you not she’s the one who came on to me. So after that, to prove to Gerard these girls don’t really care about him I went after every girl he started dating.” He frowned at the memory.

“And just like that? They all got with you?” My jaw dropped.

“Yep. But of course, Gerard didn’t see it the way I intended him to. He took it as me wanting to prove I was better than him. Which wasn’t the case.”

“Shit. I don’t blame him for being angry.” I snickered.

“Yeah well, shit happens. When you mentioned he’d seen you in your underwear I just got so pissed. I thought he was after you now, as revenge. I would love to hear the story on this though, care to elaborate?” He snorted.

“Oh, well, uhm,” I stalled before going silent.

“Go on.”

“Er, It was that day I was skipping school, I ran into him and we fell over. I was wearing that dress and well, it sort of just slipped up.”

“Oh.” He simply said.

“Oh? Just oh? You’re not going to give me the overly-sexy speech about how I’m yours?” I scoffed.

“Well, hon, you’re scrubbing librarian blood off your thighs. It’s not exactly the proper time to get sexy.” He laughed.

“You could…help.” I murmured, a smirk playing on my face. He raised an eyebrow at me.

“Well?” I stopped scrubbing myself to face him.

“You don’t have to tell me twice,” He smirked and bit his lip, getting on his knees in front of the shower. He beckoned me over, grabbing the soap from my hands.

He started from my chest all the way down to my legs, gently massaging the soap into my skin. By the time he was finished I really didn’t want him to stop. I grumbled, and got back under the water to rinse myself off.

“Don’t worry, you’ll have me to yourself again soon.” His smirk grew wider.

I blushed and looked away, I really wasn’t used to this kind of behavior. I wasn’t used to the idea of something possibly blooming between Frank and I. I’d never had this with anyone, how was I supposed to feel?

I turned the water off, wrapping myself back up with the towel.

“We’d better get back soon. Mr. Way is probably losing his shit.” I laughed softly.

“Meh. He’ll be alright. Take your time.” Frank grinned.

“Yeah but Mrs. Smith’s body wont. The longer she sits there the harder it’s going to be to explain what happened to the cops.” I sighed, all the stress finding it’s way back to the surface.

“Hey, don’t worry about it. I told you it’s going to be fine, It’s on my hands not yours.” He said, gently caressing my face. I frowned at him, I didn’t want him thinking her death was his fault. It was an accident.

I managed to dry off and get dressed pretty quickly, cursing myself for having chosen such skimpy clothes this morning. I had no chance of getting home before my Mom now so she would definitely see me. This on top of the hickie, she’s gonna be pissed.

But who knows maybe she’d forget about it and cut me some slack since I just played witness to someone’s death. Maybe.

“Ready to go?” Frank extended a hand very prince-like. I smiled and took it, letting him walk me out of the locker room. I appreciated the fact that he was being nice, considering how stressed out we both were.

When we got back to the nurse’s office Mr. Way was pacing back and forth.

His eyes widened in relief when he saw us.

“We have a problem.” He stopped pacing and turned to us.

“What happened?” I walked into the room, concern washing over me.

Mr. Way moved out of the way to reveal Lucas tied up in a chair with a gag over his mouth, his eyes filled with rage and confusion.


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