Don't Stand So Close To Me

Af darkcloudsform

978 41 6


Don't Stand So Close To Me
Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven

Chapter Two

27 1 0
Af darkcloudsform

I stared up at the man sitting on my bed smirking with satisfaction. What the hell just happened? Was I just sexually assaulted?

What the fuck?

I stared down to my exposed, wobbly knees, begging for answers.

“Lana.” The man spoke.

“I’m going to report you.” I murmured.

“What’s that?” He taunted.

“I said I’m going to report you!” I screamed this time.

“For what?” he laughed in response.

“For sexual assault!” I barked.

“But I haven’t laid a finger on you.” He said seriously.

I played the scene over in my head… I guess technically he didn’t assault me. It was more harassment. That’s it, harassment!

“For sexual harassment then!” I spat.

“How have I sexually harassed you? That’s a heavy accusation Lana.” He frowned. I glared at him; he glared back. I noted the slightest hint of amusement in his eyes. He was enjoying this.

Before I could move or think twice, he slid off the bed and crawled over to where I was sitting. My muscles tensed as he neared closer, he planned on doing it again?!

“Sexual harassment suggests I’ve done something to harass you sexually Lana. Sexually would be relating or pertaining to one of your sexual organs or sexual characteristics, which I have not touched nor mentioned even once. Harassment can be verbal or physical. The only point in which my skin made contact with yours was when I touched your face, not a sexual organ, and when I kissed your ear, also not a sexual organ. The only thing I said ‘I could have you whenever and however I wanted to’ does not suggest sex. However your dirty mind has made it out to be about sex when it could actually mean something completely different. It could in fact infer that you yourself have the desire to have sex with me, and I am completely innocent in the matter. Therefore your argument is invalid, I have not harassed you in any way shape or form.” He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and looked into my eyes with all seriousness.

My jaw dropped and I slapped him across the face.

“You’re an asshole you know that.” I was so unamused by his little argument.

“That, on the other hand would be considered both verbal and physical abuse. Do you see the double standard here?” He now flashed me a sarcastic grin.

“Yes, and I’m just a 16 year old girl aren’t I. This doesn’t work out quite the same way in court.” I looked at him seriously irritated.

“You’re 17.” He reminded me, I shot up in frustration, praying I didn’t strangle him.

“UGH. Have you always been such a smart ass?” I spat.

“Yes.” He smirked.

“Let’s... work on this musical shit then. Give me that sheet of paper.” I grimaced trying to move past whatever the fuck just happened.

“Ah, so now we’re interested are we? It’s funny how things work out.” He grinned clearly satisfied with himself.

“Just shut up Mr. Iero.” I grumbled.

“One, don’t tell your elders to shut up, and two, don’t call me Mr. Iero. It makes me feel old as fuck.” He frowned.

“Do you see how you’re contradicting yourself?” I tried to maintain a serious composure, but the stupidity of his previous statement made me want to laugh.

“Just don’t call me Mr. Iero.” He laughed softly, ah there it was. The sarcasm slipped to reveal a human being

“Call me Frank.”

“How old are you Frank?” I asked bluntly.

“28.” He replied, causing my jaw to drop for the second time today.

“28, and you’re sitting in a 17-year old girl’s room giving her a hard time. Do you not see why I’m angry? Don’t you have a girlfriend or a wife or something to taunt like this?” My eyebrows furrowed.

“I don’t care if you’re angry little girl, I was just teaching you a lesson. That’s my job after all. And again, you’re not my type. I like women.” He smirked.

This time, I knew what to do. I kept my cool, because that’s what he wants, a reaction out of me. And suddenly I was the little girl and he was the grown man? I scoffed to myself, causing him to frown.

“You’re not getting a reaction out of me. ever. again.” I gave him a straight face.

In response, he chuckled as if he saw right through me; read my thoughts. God dammit take me serious for once.

“You’re so cute.” He mumbled, tucking another strand of hair behind my ear. I immediately grabbed his hand and yanked it off of me.

Only this time, he didn’t push at it. His face grew serious and the playful guy I Just met disappeared.

“Let’s get to work then, I want to teach you how to read a treble clef off the top of your head before today ends. We can work on some scales and fingering too if we’ve got time later. Let me go get the guitar I left downstairs.” He said, standing up and leaving the room.

Just like that. He switched personalities.

I stood up, and walked out of my room, grabbing our sheets of paper and closing the door behind me. I didn’t want to continue doing this in my room, I rather we just worked downstairs. I don’t know why we were even in my room in the first place.

It’s actually strange, after all the arguing I lost my will to fight over doing these stupid classes everyday. As long as my mom held up her end of the bargain to end this after a month, I might be okay.

But why is that?

Why is it that all of a sudden, after talking to Frank Iero for 20 minutes, all my beliefs about spare time and my relaxing boring life had almost vanished? Is it because for once in my life, I’ve experienced something more entertaining than a television show? Is that what that was, entertaining? Why has my never changing perspective on playing it safe and simple suddenly changed? Was I really lacking excitement in my life?

I was always convinced that I had everything I’d ever needed right in the palm of my hands.

I made my way downstairs to see Frank holding a picture frame in one hand and his guitar in the other.

“What’s that?” I asked as I tried to look over his shoulder to view the image. He was just too tall; instead he turned around and showed it to me with his hands. It was the picture of my mom and I on my 4th birthday; she threw me a pool party and invited the entire neighborhood.

“I was there.” He said quietly.

“Really?” My eyes widened.

“Yeah, I was 15 at the time. My mom made me go, I had my first kiss at that party.” He smiled at the memory.

“You’re kidding? What a coincidence.” I took a moment to ponder the possibility of what he was saying. It would make sense; we grew up in the same neighborhood after all.

“I can’t believe that was you. Little Lana Rosenburg. You made puberty your bitch.” He chuckled to himself.

“Excuse me? I thought I wasn’t a proper ‘woman’ yet.” I sneered at his remark.

He placed the picture back in its proper place before looking over to me, a new look in his eyes. I couldn’t quite put my finger on what it was. Was it hunger?

He snaked his hands around my waist and pulled me forward, closing the space between us. He locked his gaze with mine, forbidding me to look away. And I couldn’t have even if I tried; nothing could tear my eyes from his at that moment.

“Yet.” He simply said. He didn’t look away even once. But he was contemplating something, searching my eyes for the answers to his questions. He looked me over once more till he finally broke away, turning his back to me.

“I cant.” I could’ve sworn that’s what I heard him mumble.

“Frank? You’re fucking weird you know that. Let’s go finish those worksheets.” I rolled my eyes, and went back to the table to sit down. I didn’t want to think about ANY of whatever the fuck just happened.

“Yeah.” He said, following me, guitar in hand.

Frank Iero’s POV

“Excuse me? I thought I wasn’t a proper ‘woman’ yet.” Lana sneered at me. Clever. I definitely did say that.

There it was again, the desire to pluck the pretty flower before it’s gotten a chance to bloom.

I put the picture I was holding down and turned to Lana, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her close to me. Her body was petite and frail in comparison to mine. She’d definitely grown into it though; she’d developed proper curves and hips. I could only imagine what she felt like naked, underneath me, in my hands, in my arms.

I looked into her beautiful brown irises; she was so fascinating. A young girl in her prime, she wasn’t a woman just yet. She was still discovering what life was really about. I looked back to myself when I was her age; a time when I still looked at the world like it was my canvas. I wanted to be a part of that.

I thought I wasn’t a proper woman yet. Her words still echoed in my head. That’s what I thought as well. But why was I still so attracted to her? Why did I need her so badly?

“Yet.” I spoke the words to her, not knowing if she’d comprehend them or not. She looked lost in my eyes; I actually loved it. I wanted her to want me.

You’re not a woman just yet. But I could make you one. I could be the one to make you whole.

I shook the thoughts out of my head, and turned away from her. This could grow into an obsession.

“I can’t.” I muttered low enough so she wouldn’t hear.

She’s not mine to pluck.

“Frank? You’re fucking weird you know that. Let’s go finish those worksheets.” She said to me before heading into the living room.

“Yeah.” I said, picking the guitar back up and following behind her. My eyes darted down to her cute perfect little butt swaying in front of me. I bit my lip and tore me eyes away almost immediately.

NO. Keep it in your pants Iero!

Lana Rosenburg’s POV

Truth be told; I learned quite a bit in the small ‘lesson’ me and Frank actually had. It wasn’t as hard as I thought it was, reading music and such. He actually said I could maybe start learning some chords, whatever the fuck those were, tomorrow. My mom came home at around the same time Frank had to leave, 5 o’clock.

“How did she do today?” My Mom beamed, overly excited to talk to my new teacher.

“She actually did very well, she’s a quick learner. We had fun.” Frank smiled, his entire persona switching over to its professional side again.

I rolled my eyes as the conversation took place; I hated to hear people discussing me, even if it wasn’t in a bad way.

“So do you think, she’ll continue with it?!” My Mom began to jump up and down.

“We’ll see how she does. In the end it’s up to her. I see potential though, and as much as she doesn’t want to admit it, I think she enjoyed it.” Frank winked at my Mom and I nearly gagged.

I wonder how much of what Frank was saying was actually true and if he just wanted to stay around to fuck with me some more.

“Is that true sweetie? Did you have fun with Mr. Iero?” My Mother’s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

“We had a blast.” I said as I purposely glared daggers at Frank. I really only said it because I loved to see my mom so happy, she was doing her ‘I told you so’ dance now.

What I didn’t mention about this ‘blast’ was that it included him coming on to me, twice! If that happened in one day what would happen in one month!?

“Well, I’ll be taking my leave ladies, have a wonderful evening. Thanks for having me. Lana, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Frank said, winking to me on his way out.

“Aw, isn’t he just charming.” My Mother cooed after he left.

“Yeah. Just wonderful.” I sighed heavily.

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