Don't Stand So Close To Me

By darkcloudsform

978 41 6


Don't Stand So Close To Me
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven

Chapter One

39 2 0
By darkcloudsform

"Lana. Please, look at me when I'm talking to you." My mom asked once more, I internally sighed and turned around in my seat.


"Talk to me." Her gaze hardened.

"Okay. About what?" I played dumb.

"You need to choose an extra curricular activity. You're already in your third year of high school and you don't do anything! No sports, no clubs, no groups! Take at least something up dear. Challenge yourself a little bit." She sighed, we'd had this conversation too many times.

I always chose to ignore her, because it was such an annoying topic. I didn't want to do anything else.

My life was so simple, I got all my homework done, grades were good, friends were decent. The rest of my time was spent listening to music or watching netflix. I was probably the only teen in the world that was completely content with their life as it was.

Didn't have a boyfriend, didn't want one. All of the boys at my school were degenerates, wastes of space. Everything was so boringly simple. But for me, that was peace. That was happiness.

Didn't have a Dad either, and you guessed it, didn't want one! Long story short, he went out for a 'drink with his buddies' when I turned 2 and never came back.

But I didn't mind. There were no hurt feelings, no anger, no daddy issues. I never felt that I needed a Father figure to have a complete family. I had my Mom, and that was all I needed. I was truly content just like that.

I wasn't a bad kid either, I didn't ask for much, never got into any trouble. Tried my best not to give my Mother attitudes, although I'd slip up here and there. Nonetheless, I tried to make raising me an easy job. Because I know being a single parent isn't an easy thing.

See? I'm mature too. Aren't I just a blessing? So it didn't make sense to me. Why would she be forcing me to do something. Why couldn't she just let her perfect boring child be in her perfect boring little world.

But she nagged, on and on and on and on.

"Lana, are you listening to me? I won't ask you again." She grew angry.

"Yes, Mother. What is it?" I said as patiently as possible this time, one eye giving in to a twitch.

"I was asking you about learning an instrument. The next door neighbor, the young man who teaches guitar, he said he'd be willing to come over and give you private lessons if you were willing to learn." My mother beamed.

Ah, another one of her bright ideas. I'd already turned down the last 800 I don't know what would make her think this one would be any different.

"No." I said firmly, turning my back to continue watching The Walking Dead.

"Lana, please! Just give it a try and I won't pester you anymore, I promise! Once a week for a month and you can quit after that if you don't want to continue, no nagging whatsoever. Cross my heart." Her smile widened in anticipation and it made me want to bang my head on a desk repeatedly.

When I considered my choices though, I realized it wouldn't be so bad. Once a week wasn't that much, and a month, It'd be over in no time It's literally just 4 classes! Then she'd be off my back forever. I laughed like a maniac inside my head before standing up, turning to her, and extending my hand.

"You have a deal."

"Great. You start tomorrow after school." The corners of her mouth curled up and she turned from me before I could protest.

Ah, if the devil was a woman.

I sat back down to finish watching the last episode of The Walking Dead. I cursed under my breath as I found myself unable to focus on the show. My thoughts were clouded with tomorrow and how I suddenly didn't want to go through with it.

Would I just show up at his house like 'hey, ready to learn.' Would he come over here? Would he expect me to know anything about the guitar? Because I didn't. I knew absolutely nothing. I couldn't tell you the first thing about the guitar except that it has strings and nobby turny thingies at the top.

Hah, nobby turny thingies. Yeah. I was fucked.

This was such bullshit, why did I have to do any of this. I didn't even own a guitar. It's not like I was actually going to learn how to play an instrument. I was terrible at music, I didn't even know how to read it. Even elementary schoolers knew how to read it and here I was like, 'where are the letters?' I knew NOTHING.

I groaned loudly and rolled over on my stomach, my face pressed against the couch. I heard intense music begin to play from the TV and lifted my head a little so I could peak.

"Aw you're fucking kidding me!" I yelled at the TV in frustration.

"No! You can't kill Hershel!" I sobbed dramatically, crawling off the couch and over to the TV like I was dying or I was a zombie myself.

I was so caught up in my thoughts I appeared to have missed a really good episode. I wanted to rewind so bad but I was watching it through cable.

"Kid. What are you doing?" My Mom walked into the living room again, an eyebrow raised at my position on the floor.

"Dying." I groaned as I pet the TV screen once more with my hand.

"Alright then...." She walked back out of the room and I flicked her off while her back was turned.

That was for forcing me to take guitar lessons.

Next Day

School went by quicker than I anticipated, I told my useless friends about the guitar lessons and they encouraged me to do it, not because they wanted me to be good at something but because they thought my neighbor was hot. Thanks for the support guys.

I didn't have a good visual of him anyway, I'd only seen him walking in and out of his house a couple of times. I didn't socialize with any of my neighbors. I really only ever paid attention to myself and the people I had to see everyday, like my Mom.

I didn't have the time to be checking my neighbors out. Well I did, I had all the free time in the world, but you get my point.

As I drove home I went as slow as possible, maybe if I kept him waiting long enough he would cancel the lesson. I could just say 'I didn't know it was today' or some shit like that. That gave me enough time to catch up on Doctor Who before they played the special next week, my eyes lit up and I slowed the car even more.

"Oh lazyness, you're just nearly in my grasp. I'm so close." I whispered as I pulled into the driveway. I went ahead and assumed I was supposed to meet him at his house because the front door was still locked. I tip toed over, hoping he wouldn't see me through his window or something.

The house was quiet and all the lights were off. I did a small victory dance and ran up the stairs, throwing my shoes and coat off. I came to the conclusion that I'd just tell my mom I forgot about the lesson because 'I had a lot of homework to do'. That should shut her up.

"I had a lot of homework to do. I just forgot." I snickered as I played the scene out in my head, reciting my dialog sarcastically. I opened the door to my room and walked in to find a person sitting on my bed, I screamed almost simultaneously.

"You had a lot of homework to do, huh? Guess you won't mind if I stick around to help you do it then." The young man flashed me a devilish grin and pearly whites. I stopped in my tracks.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!?" I screamed, backing out of the doorway and preparing to sprint. I got a better look of the guy as he walked towards me, and my mind went in circles trying to identify him. He definitely wasn't a boy, he was a man, maybe in his late twenties. He had messy black hair and round hazel eyes. All topped off with a fair amount of tattoos and piercings.

I took me a while, but I eventually recognized him as my next door neighbor. He looked much different face to face than from a distance. I stopped running at this point, and began walking back to him.

"Wait you're not a rapist or murderer, are you?" I asked stupidly.

"No. Neither of those." He smiled at me as he leaned against my door frame, his hands tucked into his pockets seemingly bored.

"Sorry to startle you, your Mother gave me a pair of keys and told me to wait in your room for you. I'm Frank Iero, your new guitar teacher." He added extending a hand.

"She just.. let you into the house? Let you into MY room?" I grew angry, she was such a ditz, did she really know this guy well enough to be trusting him in her house alone, and with herdaughter?!

"To be fair I've known your Mother for a really long time. She has no reason not to trust me." He shrugged, uninterested.

"Well, GET OUT!" I fumed, I don't care who this guy thinks he is I want him out of my room and out of my house.

"No can do darling, your Mum paid me for an entire month in advance. You'll be seeing me a lot from now on, might as well get used to it." He grinned at me and I shuttered in resentment.

Seeing him a lot? Ha. It was four classes, I'd be seeing him approximately four times.

I decided to take the grumpy teenager face off and put on my mature adult face. This always took care of problems.

"Well, if you don't mind, I've got a lot of work to catch up on today so if we could just move this session to another day of the week that'd be great." I smiled fakely, but warmly. He chuckled and gazed into my eyes as if he could see right through me.

"I think there's been some sort of mix up pumpkin. Your Mother paid for Monday thru Friday classes. Not once a week. Also, she told me if you said something like this I could take the fee for the day to help you with your homework instead of teach you guitar. So, I'm not going anywhere. Not till 5 o'clock." He returned my fake smile, as if to say 'don't take me for an idiot.'

"Wh..What? I did NOT agree to this! I agreed to once a month, the bitch screwed me over!" My ugly teenager side came out again and I had no control over it. I was pissed.

"Sorry kid that's life. Now have you really got extra homework or are you free?" He raised an eyebrow.

I huffed in disbelief, "This isn't over."

"Perfect, then we can review music score today. I assume we're starting from the beginning?" He gave me another one of his grins. I just glared at him in response.

"Alright then, I'll go get some practice sheets." He stepped out of the room and walked downstairs. I balled my fists up and slammed my door, resending the invitation into my room that I never gave him. There was no way I was putting up with any of this.

I looked around my room to see if anything was missing or moved, everything seemed alright. I began to calm down until I saw the nook of my underwear drawer open. Then I lost my shit. Was he looking at my underwear?! I ran over to the drawer, pulling it wide open. I would know if he touched it, I had everything organized a certain way from fabric to lace to cotton. My eyes widened as I noticed my lace thongs were all clearly mixed up with the rest of my underwear, as if someone had looked through them.

At this point, Frank stepped back into the room with sheets of paper in his hands. He looked up to see the thong I was holding and raised an eyebrow.

"What are you doing?" He said curiously.

"Did you... DID YOU GO THROUGH MY UNDERWEAR?!" I screamed. His eyes widened and instead of frantically denying it, he did the opposite and broke down in laughter.

"Do you really think I sat in here going through a sixteen year olds panties? How old do you think I am? Hahahahah, sorry honey but you're not exactly my type." He laughed so hard tears began to form in his eyes.

My rage grew and I could feel my face burning a bright red.

"I'M SEVENTEEN YOU ASSHOLE! MY NAME IS LANA NOT HONEY! AND YOU'RE A FOOL IF YOU THINK ANYONE WOULD BE INTERESTED IN AN OLD MAN LIKE YOU!" I screamed louder at him, my embarrassment intensifying the volume of my voice. Never before had I been so enraged to scream like this. I had no idea how to handle my anger, I felt like strangling him.

"Woah there firecracker.." He chuckled and walked over to me, closing the distance between us one footstep at a time. With every step he took I backed up until I hit the wall behind me and I was cornered. At this point he placed his hands on opposite sides of the wall, hovering me and restricting me from escaping. I flinched as one hand reached down and caressed my cheek, lifting my chin so that my eyes locked with his. I was frozen, unable to scream, run, or resist.

He lowered his lips to my neck and blew air on it teasingly, I trembled at the touch of his warm breath making contact with my skin. My heart rate sped up as he made the notion of taking in my scent. He then very softly pecked the tip of my ear, which I presumed to be burning a bright red. He began to whisper.

"Let's get something straight then, Lana. If I so desired, I could have you whenever and however I wanted you." He then pushed off the wall, leaving me a steaming hot mess. My knees grew weak and wobbly and I slid to the floor, he simply sat down on my bed and watched in fascination of the effect he had on me.

"Now then, should we review the papers I brought up?"

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Just a compilation of smutty frerard oneshots. Started: December 31, 2016 Ended: March 28th, 2018