Colorful Twists

Від SaucyOneCurious

407K 16.1K 790

Seth didn't expect to receive a bundle when he went grocery shopping, but he did. He makes the decision to ta... Більше

1. The Gain is Greater
2. The Request
3. Blink of an Eye
4. Preparing
5. Introducing
6. Reaction
7. See You Later
8. Settling
9. Initiating
10. A New World
11. Locking
12. Pairing Up Part 1
13. Pairing Up Part 2
14. Bittersweet
15. Sweet Meddling
16. Sweet Flavors
17. Jubilant
18. Breathless
19. Elated
20. Joyful
21. Induction
22. Origins
23. Enticing
24. Nectarous
25. Thunderbolt
26. Swirling
27. Charming
28. Static
Father's Day
29. Tug of War
30. Competitive
31. Twister
32. Anticipation
33. Explosive
34. Fireworks
35. Impasse
37. Infinity

36. Definitely

6.5K 306 18
Від SaucyOneCurious

I have to warn you all that the story has sadly come to an end; one more chapter after this one. It took me a little over a year to complete the story and I never really thought about it ending. I want to thank you all for reading, especially when there were long gaps in my updates and ya'll stuck around :). Thank you all! Now enjoy!


“Danny, where are you?” Seth yells. Hearing no response he warns him, “stop hiding or no ice cream.”

“I’m behind you.” Danny says hugging him from behind. “And don’t take away my ice cream.”

Seth smiles. “I won’t anymore, since you came out of hiding.”

“You were supposed to come find me dad.”

“No, we’re not playing right now. Here Danny come sit before everyone starts arriving.”

They both take a seat in the living room.

“Danny remember that Kaiden is coming to meet you today. He’s nervous about meeting you, so he wanted to meet you today with everyone around. I’ll let you both spend some time together while we hang out in the background.”

“Yes, dad. Okay. Do you know if he likes playing soccer?”

Seth smiles, “yes, Danny. I’m sure he’ll play with you if you ask him. It would be a good idea to do something with him.”

“Okay, dad.”

Everyone does their best to make Kaiden feel welcome and there are plenty of opportunities for Danny and Kaiden to interact. Kaiden finds that everyone is easygoing and he can see how they’re all a family. He’s glad Danny is love by them all. He has nothing to worry about, Danny is really an accepting child.  Danny treats him as if he had known him all his life.

“Kaiden, do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend?”

“No, I used to have a girlfriend.”

“Do you have any brothers or sisters?”

“No, I’m an only child.”

“Me too.”

Nate smiles, “yes, I know. Would you like to have brothers or sisters?”

“Only if my dad wants to.”

That’s a very considerate answer. “That’s an unselfish thing to say, so what are some of your favorite things to do?”

“I like eating ice cream, playing soccer, eating chocolate blueberry pancakes, and doing things with my dad, aunt, uncles, and friends.”

“So you like ice cream too like Scarlett. I like playing soccer too and yes, I see. Your dad told me you all get together at least once a month to spend time together.”

“Yes, and sometimes we have a big game of soccer and also my grandparents come now that my dad knows who they are.”

“That’s great. It seems you all make a big happy family.”

“Yes! It’s always fun when everyone comes over.”

“Yes, I can imagine. When I was little my family would rarely spend time together, but when we did it was always fun.”

“So Kaiden are you coming to Nate’s birthday party?”

“Hmm, I don’t know.”

“You have to come! You can bring a friend if you want and you don’t have to bring him a gift. You just have to come.”

“If you really want me to come I’ll try my best to make it.”

“Yes and you’ll get to meet my grandparents! I think they’re coming.”

“You’re always this energetic?” Kaiden asks laughing.

Seth having overheard says, “that’s because of all the ice cream he’s had today.”

“I only had a cone dad!”

“Sure you did. I saw you ask Scarlett for one and I gave you one.” Seth responds.

“Okay, I only ate two.”

“If you say so.” Seth responds.

“Yes, I do.” Danny exclaims stomping his foot.

It causes everyone to laugh. “Danny, why did you stomp your foot?”

“I didn’t!”

“Okay.” Seth responds chuckling walking away.

Kaiden smiles, “so tell me about your friends.”

“Caleb is my best friend. We do a lot of things together. We’re in the same grade and we go to the same school. He’s going to have a baby brother or sister. Oh, and we’re also going to learn how to swim.”

“So are you excited to learn how to swim?”

“Yes, but I think Caleb is kind of afraid.”

“Well, you’ll be able to help him then.”


“You want to go play with Caleb before he leaves? I don’t mind. I’ll be visiting and talking to you soon.”

“Okay,” Danny says as he gives Kaiden a hug.

Kaiden returns it and smiles, “see you later Danny.”

When the evening comes to an end, Kaiden says goodbye to everyone. He’s happy that he decided to be part of Danny’s life. His decision of not letting his parents interfere again in his life concerning Danny is reinforced. He lost seeing Danny before now, but he won’t miss the future years.

“So Nate’s birthday is coming up, Seth do you have something special planned for him?” Scarlett asks. “It’s also good timing because it’s just before I have to go back to college.”

“I haven’t planned it all out. We’ll celebrate it all together like we always do. I’m assuming he won’t object to that.”

“He won’t. Has he told you our tradition too? Do ya’ll have specific ones?” Scarlett asks.

“No, what is it? We just get together we have breakfast, lunch and cake, and whatever activity we plan to do together.”

“Yup, sounds like fun. Ours, we always spend it in our pajamas in the morning while we made breakfast; a variety of pancakes that we never finished. We would also go to the treehouse that we had.”

“Sounds like fun.” Seth replies.

“It’s partially because it’s what we used to do with our parents too before they ejected us from their lives.”

“You don’t have to answer, but would you like them in your life again?”

“I am not sure. They hurt us, so I don’t, but I still love them. Like it or not they will be my parents forever.”

“Yes and that’s understandable. Can I ask for your help with Nate’s surprise? I think I just got an idea, but I don’t want him to get suspicious.”

Scarlett smiles. So Nate asked me to help him with a surprise and now Seth is asking me. “Yes, I’ll gladly help. What do you need me to do?”

It’s Nate birthday. Nate spent the night at Seth’s house. Danny wanting to be the one to wake him comes into the bedroom and gets on the bed, once seated, he yells, ”HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NATE!”  

Not expecting it, Nate is startled and lets out a scream, “WHAT?!”

“It’s me, Danny.” Danny responds grinning.

Seth hearing Nate’s scream is trying to repress the laughter that wants to come out.

“Ahh, Danny, don’t startle me like that.”

“Like what Nate? I just wished you happy birthday.”

“Sure, come over here.”

Danny scoots closer to Nate’s reach.

Once in his reach, Nate reaches out to give him a hug, “thanks, Danny.”

“You’re welcome and Karla is already making breakfast.”

“Okay, we’ll get ready. Are you going to go help her?”

“Yes, so you need to get ready. Daddy, good morning!”

“Someone’s too energetic already,” Seth smiles. “Good morning, Danny. An interesting alarm by the way.”

“Thanks dad. You need to get ready too.”

“Yes, Danny, now get out of here, so that we can.”

“Okay!” Danny says getting off the bed and leaving the bedroom.

“Happy birthday, love.” Seth chuckles.

“Thanks, but you’re laughing because of my reaction.” Nate replies.

“Yes, I can’t help it.”


“Now, don’t frown. It’s your birthday.” Seth says pecking Nate’s lips.

When he goes to lean back, Nate grabs Seth. He wants more than a peck.

“Where are you going?” He whispers against Seth’s lips.

Seth smiles, “to get--”

Nate takes the chance to slide his tongue into Seth’s mouth. Their tongues touch and his fingers play with the waistband of Seth’s shorts. Seth brings his hands to run his fingers through Nate’s hair. He brings Seth closer and they’re losing themselves in the moment.

“Seth and Nate are ya’ll almost ready?” Karla asks interrupting knocking on the door.

They break apart, Seth brings his head down to Nate’s shoulder.

“No, give us a few more minutes.” Nate responds.

“Okay and no naughtiness.” Karla replies.

“Karla!” Seth exclaims.

“What? Just hurry up.” Karla says with a smile evident in her tone.

“Well, I suppose we have to hurry up.” Nate states.


“Do you want to shower?” Seeing Seth’s expression, Nate adds, “just a shower.”

“Okay,  but nothing else. Let’s hurry before someone else comes.”

Walking into the kitchen, they find no one, so they continue walking to living room, they find no one, so the last place where everyone can be is the backyard, so they continue walking towards there. When Nate steps outside, they are greeted by a chorus of happy birthday. He sits in the middle of the circle their friends formed. They eat breakfast while they talk and all enjoy the morning catching up. Nate doesn’t want anything big for his birthday, but to spend it with his friends and family. Nate did request though that Seth spend the evening and night with him, which works in Seth’s favor.  Nate doesn’t know though what birthday gift Seth will be giving him and it is not anything he is expecting. It also gives Danny the chance to spend time bonding with Scarlett and Kaiden, since Danny asked them to spend the evening with him and his grandparents and the rest of their friends.

When evening arrives, they head to Nate’s house taking Seth’s car. Seth insists on blindfolding Nate because he doesn’t want Nate to see the gift he has for him before it is time. Nate wonders what his gift could be that would need him to be blindfolded. Seth drives to the treehouse engaging Nate in conversation to distract him from focusing on the time. Scarlett texts him letting him know they’re almost done. He assumes the they are her and Karla. They’ve become good friends and she would need help to get it ready in the short amount of time they have. His phone vibrates alerting him of a another text. They are done and it is safe for him to arrive at the treehouse.

Throughout the ride, Nate wonders what is taking so long to arrive at his house if his house is not that far from Seth’s. He’s about to ask when Seth announces they have arrived. He smiles in response.

“Wait until I open your door.”

“Yes, Seth.”

“Okay, give me your hand and watch your head.”


“And we’re going to walk ahead.”

“Hmm, where are we?”

“The place you shared with me.”

They continue walking ahead. Seth holding Nate’s hand making sure Nate doesn’t stumble.

The treehouse, but I thought…

“We’re here. You need to climb. You already figured out where we are, right?”


“Okay careful. Once you get inside do not take your blindfold off. I’m behind you.”

“Okay.”  But I thought Scarlett was taking care of this for me. What did she do?

Once inside, Seth’s breath is taken away. There are candles around the treehouse as well as petals and his favorite lilies. A red blanket is in the middle of the treehouse along with a basket.

How did she know my favorite flowers are lilies? Seth wonders.

Seth takes Nate by the arm to lead him to where the blanket was placed. He tells him to sit down.

“I’m going to remove the blindfold, but keep your eyes close.” Seth tells him.

“Can I open them now?”

“Yes and happy birthday!”

Nate opens his eyes and the first thing he sees is the basket and as he turns to look around the treehouse, he sees the lilies, and notices the red blanket he’s sitting on; things he asked Scarlett to get for him, but not the rest.

So Seth asked for her help or Karla’s and they decided to combine both requests and Seth doesn’t know. Good thing I came prepared then. Nate thinks.

“Do you like it?” Seth asks in a whisper.

“Yes and thank you.” Nate replies giving him a kiss.

“How did you get all of this ready?”

“I asked Scarlett.” Seth confirms.

“I see…”

“Let’s see what she got us.” Seth says as he opens the basket. “We have chocolate covered strawberries, whipped cream, and grapes. Remind me next time not to let her choose the food.”

Nate chuckles.

“What’s so funny?”

“They’re things I would ask for for a romantic night.” Nate responds changing their positions. He moves to have Seth in his lap.

Did he? Is that how the lilies ended here? “Did you ask her?”

“Did I ask what to whom?” Nate asks.

“Did you ask Scarlett to decorate the treehouse for us?” Seth clarifies.

“Hmm, yes, I did. I wanted to bring you here after we went to my house.”

“So she was sneaky, agreed to help me too, and she just combined what we both asked for.”

“It seems like that, but I’m happy that you chose the treehouse.”

“I know how important it is for you and she did mentioned that you always come here during your birthday.”

“Yes, I do.”

“Let’s eat the fruit before the chocolate melts. What do you want to drink the champagne or the sparkling cider?”

“Let’s go with the sparking cider.”

“Okay and thanks Nate for the lilies.” Seth says moving from Nate’s lap to sit in front of him.

“You’re welcome and thank you for this.”

Seth smiles. And there’s more to come.

Seth grabs a strawberry and brings it to Nate’s mouth.  Nate takes a bite and brings his tongue over his lips to get the chocolate from his lips. He grabs Seth’s hand before Seth moves it away and takes the rest of the strawberry in his mouth. Meanwhile, Seth is biting his lower lip.

Maybe this isn’t the best thing to do right now. Seth thinks.

He takes a deep breath. “Nate, so tell me about one of your favorite childhood birthday memories.”

“Hmm, let’s see my favorite is when I got a puppy, his name is Bear. He is a yorkie. He is brown and black. My dad left him in the treehouse. I was surprised my parents had actually agreed on getting me one. They had kept saying no. Scarlett and I spent the whole day playing with him.”

“What happened with him?”

“I gave him away to my little cousin before I went to college. I couldn’t take care of him and he wanted a dog.”

“So do you visit him?”

“Not as often as I would like to. His parents don’t approve of us.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“It’s all right. I have great memories and my cousin sends me photos of him, so he keeps me updated.”

Seth smiles in response.

“So what is one of your favorite memories, Seth?”

“Hmm, let’s see mine is more like memories--the birthday’s I’ve spent with Karla. She’s the sister that I’ve never had and she’s been there for me always.”

Nate smiles, “she is a great and cares a lot for you both.”

“Yes, she is. I remember the first time she tried to surprise me, she startled me, and I unintentionally hit her. After that she made sure not to get near me whenever she tried to.”

“That’s funny.”

“Yes, she kept saying I had done it on purpose though, but her parents just laughed at her. They know how I react whenever I get startle.”

Nate smiles. “So are we spending the whole evening and night here?” He asks.

“Hmm, I don’t know. What do you think?” Seth smiles.

“Hmm, I am asking you.” Nate replies.

“But you’re the birthday boy.” Seth replies giving him a peck on the lips.

“Hmm, then do I get to do whatever I want with you too?” Nate responds with a smirk.

“Well, see about that.” Seth responds with a smirk.

Wonder what he’s planning. He always has something when he does that. Nate thinks.

They continue eating the strawberries and grapes, feeding each other and sneaking in kisses. It is getting dusk outside. Seth thinks it’s the perfect time to give Nate his present.

He whispers against Nate’s lips, “Nate, I love you. After I first saw you, I didn’t want to be alone with you because you took my breath away. I did everything I could not to be and then I ended up saying yes, to helping you. I’m glad I did though, you encouraged me to meet my parents, and have been there for me and most of all for Danny.”

Nate opens his lips, but Seth places his finger on Nate’s lips, “let me finish before you say anything.”

Nate nods.

“You have supported me in all the decisions and trusted me with Scarlett’s secret and even though you could have convince me to go ahead; first, you made sure I would be okay if she turned out to be Danny’s mother. I’m grateful for that and my love for you has strengthened. I was scared to let you in, but I’m glad I did and I can’t be happier that you’re in my and Danny’s life.”  

“I’m glad you did, Seth. It took a while and I love you too.”

Seth responds with a big grin.

“Seth, I have to tell you something; the first time I saw you wasn’t when you enrolled Danny in soccer.”

“It wasn’t?” Seth asks.

Nate nods, “the first time I saw you was at the park and I couldn’t get you out of my head. I thought Karla was your wife.”

Seth chuckles. He should find it maybe at least a bit creepy, but he just finds it funny that Nate thought Karla was his wife.

“And then when I learned she wasn’t I could’ve had done a happy dance if I hadn’t been working. Why did I just admit that out loud?” Nate adds.

Seth chuckles, “because you wanted to tell me.”

“Very funny,” Nate responds with a smile. “Anyways, I was happy and I tried to get some time alone with you, but you kept avoiding me.” Nate responds kissing Seth’s cheek.

“I know.” Seth responds with smile.

“I’m glad that you finally did because I love you as well as Danny and I love spending time with the both of you as well with all of your friends. You have a great family. I feel part of your family.”

“Nate, I can’t imagine my life without you. I want you to continue being part of my and Danny’s life. Would you do me the honor of becoming my husband, Nate?” Seth asks while showing him a ring.

I thought I was asking that. Nate thinks.

Nate replies with a grin, “only if you, Seth do me the honor of becoming my husband?”

He did too?Seth thinks. Seth replies with a grin, “you planned this too?”

Nate gives a nod, “yes, so what do you say?”

“You respond first. I asked first.”

“At the same time, like when we said I love you the first time.”



They both respond at the same time with the biggest smile and Seth places the ring on Nate’s finger and Nate places the ring on Seth’s finger. They lean in for a kiss, which turns passionate. The need for air makes them stop and they lean their foreheads together to catch their breath.

Once Seth catches his breath, he says, “we should have the champagne now.”

“Yes,” Nate chuckles.


Thanks for reading! :)

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