𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑳𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒓...

By PianistBookworm

12.6K 269 915

Bree Campbell is an original character from the Land of Stories series. She's smart, curious and likes myster... More

2. I Earn a Foe and a Friend
3. A Terrible Yet Lovely Realization
4. What About The Actual Story?
5. He Likes Me, He Likes Me Not
6. Scandal At The Cemetery
7. We Sneak Out of An Airport

1. Blue Comes Out of the Blue

3K 55 105
By PianistBookworm

The music in my ears made the world around me feel more alive as watched it from my Dad's car window. I also couldn't hear my sisters arguing in the back seats, which was something I was definitely glad for. My ear buds always come to my rescue in such situations, they make me space out form the outside world and have some peace of mind. Honestly, they're like a part of me now. I just put them on, and the magic happens.

It took me a moment to realize that my Dad was saying my name.

"Bree!" He said, apparently not for the first time.
I took out one ear bud. "Yeah, sorry. What is it?" I asked him politely.

He gave me a look as if deciding whether to get mad or not.
"Bree, seriously. You can't have your earbuds in all the time! You know they've got lots of harmful effects, don't you?" He said, wearing a worried dad expression.
I smiled.
"Dad, tell me that you're actually enjoying the girls fighting behind about who's got the best eyelashes." I said in a bored voice, pointing my thumb behind me.
He was silent for a moment, then a similar smile crossed his face too.
"Well, you've got a point. These girls never know when to shut up." He said, shaking his head.
"Nope. Wouldn't be them if they did" I said as Liza's voice came up,

"Cathy, just because your lashes are curved doesn't mean that they're long, honey. Anyone can get they're lashes curved with mascara! But mine are naturally long." She said batting her eylashes.

"Are you really serious or just being dumb? Liza dear, lashes gotta be long to be curved! Just like mine! And they definitely look prettier that way, you silly little-"
" Alright enough!" my Dad cut them in, looking at them from the driving mirror. "You're all equally beautiful. You can't start an argument about that, it will create unnecessary jealousy and because it's immature."

"And because no one cares!" I added in a cheerful sarcastic tone.
My Dad grinned again, I understood that this was what he had wanted to say but kept.

"Oh shut up," Cath told me. "You're always pretneding to be the modest one. Don't let her deceive you, Dad! You should see her other side. And I promise you it's not that promisiong. Right, Brat Bree?" she said, looking at me with that annoying coy smile of hers.

I sighed and shook my head. "Ignore her, Dad. She's just being jealous." I slowly smirked as I decided to join the ridiculous conversation too. After all they weren't the only ones with pretty lashes.

"Everyone knows I got the best eyelashes." I said smugly as I looked at her over my shoulder batting my eyes, "Right, Cold Cath?"

"Excuse me? Did you just call me cold? Ha! Look who's talking!"

"Well, you just called me brat too." I replied.

"Yes. You're Brat Bree!"

"Cold Cath."

"Brat Bree."

"Cold Cath."

"Lame Liza!"

Liza had cheerdully interrupted . Scilence fell. We both stared at her.

"What? I wanted to join too!" Liza said.

"This isn't a game, stupid" Cath said, laughing.

"But it looked fun!" Liza said innocently. I couldn't help start laughing too.

"Alrighty then, Lame Liza." I grinned and winked at her, "whatever you say".

As much as these girls annoyed the heck out of me, they always put a smile on my face. Yes, we fight all the time but deep down we all know we can't live without each other.

"So I have crazy children." My Dad said after a while. "What else is new?" He sighed pretending to be disappointed. We all laughed again. We were actually having a really good time until Dad pulled over.
There it was. We arrived.

"Oh, God...Is it really happening?" Cath groaned, looking from the car window. I couldn't blame her. None of us was excited to go back to school. Especially a new one. We moved last summer so of course, we changed our school this year. This means, new place, new faces and new drama.
I sighed as I got out of the car. I looked at the building. It was nice and neat but still... I was nervous.

I wasn't worrid about Cathy. She makes friends everywhere she goes even in the grocery store. She's probably the most sociable one out of us four. She was twelve, one year younger than me. Cathy was really pretty. She had long wavy brownish auburn hair and a deep set of green eyes. Her face was so freckly which I found to be cute but she didn't agree with me. They don't look good in slefies or so she says. She's really into social media and unsurprisingly of course: selfies! Just open her phone and you'll find tons of them there. And they're all almost identical!

In Liza's case however, I was worried. Not about her no. The girl's a ten year-old monster! What I actually was worried about, were the kids that were gonna have to deal with her at school. Long story short, Liza was successfully kicked out of three schools before. She had once cut her classmate's long braid while the poor girl wasn't looking... Why? Beacause she was simply bored.
She also once threw a basketball at her principal's face on prupose... why? Oh! It was because he was being annoying. And another time- well, you get the point.

Liza and I both shared the same blonde hair. Her eyes however were green like Cath. She had freckles too but they weren't as many as Cathy's.
From afar, Liza looked like the most innocent creature on earth. But once you get to know her, once you find out what she's actually like, trust me you'll change your mind.

My third sister is one that I haven't mentioned before. She was only two years old so she stayed at home with Mom. Lilly was actually my favourite one. She was so cute and adorable! She was also the one that looked like me the most. Same blonde hair, same hazel eyes. Mom says I looked exactly like her when I was her age. Except that Lilly also had freckles. You might have guessed by now that I don't have freckles. And you're right. I was the only one out of us four that didn't.

"Alright girls,"My Dad started. " I want you to be amazing today! Make new friends, be good to your teachers and.. try to behave" he said the last word looking at Liza who just rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.
"My behaviour is always a reflection of others." She said, shrugging. "They do well, I do well. They do bad..." She paused for a moment as a sly smile appeared on her freckled face. " I do worse." She finished. And I kind of had an idea on what the word worse meant in her dicrionary. That includes attempting to drown her peers at the pool, cutting hair, throwing lovely balls and all. I was honestly surprised at her words though. They had some kind of wisdom in them... you know, minus the evil part.

My Dad waved me and Cath goodbye and drove off with Liza who still went to elementary school. Gosh, I just wished that usual call from the principle wouldn't come too soon. Hopefully, Liza would take Dad's words seriously. I doubted it though.

"Okay" I took a deep breath as I looked at Willow Crest Unified School.
"Here starts a new adventure...hopefully."

I admit it. I was looking for some kind of adventure here... any kind. In fact, I do that with every new place I go to. And by saying adventure, I don't mean going on a school trip, visiting a museum or any of that. No. I just wanted an extraordinary one. To experience something I never did in my lifetime. I've always wished for something special. Something unique. Something that would make my life different from others'. That might sound selfish, I know. But I can't help it. I can't help reading about all those fictional characters in books and be jealous of them. I can't help admiring their experiences. I can't help wishing I lived in situations in which my adrenaline wouldn't stop rushing through my veins. I hated routine. I hated noraml lives. I hated the lack of change. Was this place gonna be any different? Was I about to experience that adventure of my life time here? Who knows. But I still didn't wanna get my hopes up. Because I always get disappointed at the end.

That's how I had discoverd my latest hobby by the way. Writing. I loved writing! I get to do whatever I please in my story. I get to control how I want it to go, what kind of adventure I would like to live. Well, I simply write because I think there's alot more to this world. Alot more than just going to school every single day. Alot more than growing up and then having to work every single day. Alot more than getting married and having your kids repeat your whole life all over again. People seem to refuse to believe this though.

My eyes were still on the school building, I had been completely lost in my sea of thoughts. I like to get lost in there yeah, but sometimes I'm scared to let myself too deep in it or I could drown. Thoughts can overwhelm a person yes.

I started walking through the playground. Kids were everywhere, talking and laughing. My sister Cathy has made her way to the bathroom coz she needed to adjust her hair. Typical. I however, was so foucused on every single detail around me. My eyes darted in all directions scanning my surroundings. Taking mental notes on the place. It wasn't bad at all. It looked quite welcoming.

For some strange reason, I suddenly had an odd feeling inside me. It was like something was calling me in. Like something was waiting for me in that school. It was like a spark had ignited in me or something... It was probably my imagination...

My eyes slowly moved down from looking at the rooftop to look at the new people swarming the area. I don't know why, but I like seeing new faces. It kinda reminds me of how big this world is. That no matter how so many people you know, there's always so many that you don't know. I like to imagine how each and every single one of them has a distinctive life of their own. Their own families, their own memories and their own dreams. Sometimes I wish I could get to see into everybody's heads. See life from their prospective, experience their feelings. I guess I'm just too curious about everything.

Once again and without realizing, I had swam back into that sea of wonder in my head. As you've probably noticed earlier, when that happens, I temporarily lose track of everything around me. And it usually requires a really embarrassing situation to snap me back to reality. To withdraw me from drowning in my mind. And let me tell you, the situation I had just gotten myself into did a really good job in that.

I hadn't realized how far I had walked or where I was headed. And that was when it happened.


I slammed into something or apparantly someone.
I landed on my knees and hands. I shook my head. The sudden fall had made me dizzy. Then a voice came up.

"Woah! You alright?"

It was a boy's voice. I had crashed into a boy. Great.

His voice wasn't really deep but it wasn't high either. So I guessed the guy might have been twelve or thirteen.
My head was still down. I blinked to make my vision adjust and then slowly raised my head. That was when I saw an outstretched hand right in front of me. It probably belonged to the voice that just spoke aka the guy I banged into.

I took it and he pulled me up. He actually pulled me alot faster than I had expected, which made my head spin again. Must have had a strong arm, that kid.

My vision started to adjust and the features of the boy standing in front of me got clearer.

I was right. The boy looked thirteen alright. My age. He was exactly my height too. He had really bright blue eyes and reddish blonde hair that was a bit messy. His freckles were so visible under the sunlight. They were sprinkled on his nose and parts of his cheeks. He had so many details on his face, that I couldn't grasp them all. My attention was mainly focused on his ocean eyes though...
And suddenly I was drowning again. But this time, it wasn't in the ocean inside my head.

That was when I realized a terrible mistake.

I normally give myself about two seconds to examine a person's face so I don't look like a creepy wierd person. Now however, I had counted four seconds! I had been staring awkwardly into a boy's face that I didn't even know for four solid seconds!

I low-key didn't really blame myself for that though. Those eyes were distracting.

But still! That was so stupid! So freaking-

"You should look out, yeah?" He said, interrupting the inner chaos in my brain. He also talked casually like nothing strange has happened. Like he didn't notice my awkward manner.
I cleared my throat.

"Yeah sure...sorry though." I said sheepishly.
The boy didn't seem to be bothered from the crash at all. On the contrary, he just smiled, showing a set of vibrant white teeth and a dimple on his left cheek.
"No problem." He said and took a bite of the apple he was holding in his other hand. Then he turned and left. Some other boys whom I guessed were his friends, followed him

And I was left there. Puzzled and embarrassed. He must have thought I was some clumsy awkward girl. Terrific! What a great first impression I have made on the first person I encountered here with. I sighed and looked around me again. That was not how I had wanted my day to start obviously. I took a deep breath and continued walking. This time my eyes were never leaving my path. I had to avoid making more stupid scenes. Gosh, I hope the rest of my first day goes well...


Hey guys! So this is my first actual story to publsih! I'd like to know your thoughts and opinions and wether you liked it or not. Based on that, I'll see if I should continue or not. 😊
Also I'll try to update soon in The Land of Stories Texts. I'm really sorry I'm always late but trust me it's school. Ugh.😤

Anyways! Hope you enjoy!💗

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