My Omega/Alpha

By JessicaDark2

7.2K 208 145

I do not own any of the characters or EDDSWORLD. To let you know what I am doing here. First- It is only mal... More

My Omega/Alpha {Chapter ~ 1}
My Omega/Alpha {Chapter 2~}
My Omega/Alpha {Chapter 3~}
My Omega/Alpha {Chapter 4~}
My Omega/Alpha {Chapter 5~}
My Omega/Alpha {Chapter 6~}
My Omega/Alpha {Chapter 7~}
My Omega/Alpha {Chapter 8~}
My Omega/Alpha {Chapter 9~}
My Omega/Alpha {Chapter 10~}
?What is next?
Not really that important


1.5K 27 8
By JessicaDark2

A little narrator to viewer this is an omega, and alpha also beta. Tom - Omega, Matt- Omega, Tord - Alpha, Edd - Alpha. Patryk - Alpha, Paul -Omega

I do not ship the real people, that is wrong. But I also do support Gays, Lesbians, and Bi-Sexual people. I only ship the characters, not real people.

3rd person P.O.V

Today was the first day of Collage, on their 3 year, and the 4 friends, well future friends had nearly the same classes, but Edd, had known one person and that was Matt. He hasn't seen his ginger friends in 13 years. When they gotten to their first class, they talked having fun. Then a boy with no eyes entered the room, Matt called him over. 

"Hey, Tom over here, I want you to meet my 5th grade friend" He smiled looking at him, then looked at his green hoodie friend. 

"I am coming" He walked over to his ginger friend. "Hey, I am Tom" he puts his hand out to the green hood boy. 

"I am Edd, Nice to meet you" He shock Tom's hand and all three of them talked.

~time skip~ 

After a month a new kid was joining collage, and he was nervous and did know how to speak English but wanted to speak Norwegian instead. 

"Alright students, we have a new student, he will say hi then we get straight back to work got it." The teacher looked at the students then at the door where a red hoodie boy walked through. 

"H-Hei, jeg er Tord (H-hey I am Tord) " He waved, stuttering a little, then sat down in the back row near the three friends.

The teacher went back to learning, nearly everyone was paying attention tot he teacher. Tom, had laid his head down, worried because there are a lot of Aphas in the school..but he knew he had nothing to worry about, his friends are here, but he was interested in the new comer. So he stared at the red-ish hair boy. Edd had payed attention to the teacher for most of it, he kept drawing on his sketch book that he had brought with him this morning. Matt was distracted by many things, the teacher and his mirror, but he used the mirror star at his..crush..[I know this is a TOMTORD ship, BUT I can put what I want on it.So I am also making a EddMatt ship bot just TomTord] Tord, he had looked around a little in that class, but three people had stand out to him. A green hoodie boy, and purple one, and a blue one. He could feel someone staring at him, and he never found out who.

~Time skip~

After Class ended, Edd gotten up walking over to the red hoodie boy.

"Hey, I am Edd..uh wasn't your name Tord?" He looked at the boy confused a little because he didn't understand the boy from earlier.

"Uh..yes..??" Tord looked at him confused a little because he may understand English but he couldn't speak it very well. "Name..Tord" he made a weird face thinking he said that correctly. The green hoodie boy smiled.

"It is nice to meet you, Would you like to hangout with me and my friends" Edd turned to point at the ginger head boy, and the blue hoodie boy. The ginger boy smiled and waved, as the blue hoodie boy was still getting his stuff around, and standing not noticing anything.

"Uh..sure!" Tord gets up grabbing his stuff, after he turned to meet Edd, he grabbed his arm taking Tord to the other other two.

"Hey guys, this is Tord. Tord this is is Matt" he points the the purple hoodie boy.

"Hi, nice to meet ya!" Matt smiled, chuckling a little.

"Same" Tord smiled back.

" and this is Tom" When Edd moved his hand to the blue hoodie guy, he turned, and Tord stared into his two black eyes.

"H-hi" Tom stuttered slightly waving. 'He, smells no..I-I might be in danger..I need to not worry...he is an Alpha..but he looks so sweet and nice...I should trust Edd on the friends he makes, don't..put your guard down for one moment because he is an Alpha...a sweet kind alpha'

"H-hi" Tord waved back, he just couldn't stop staring at him. 'His eyes, they are like the night sky. They are beautiful'

"Hey, guys do you want to head to the Arcade place" Edd looked at them both. They already left the classroom. But they both agreed. 

They walked walked through the Campus having fun making jokes, Tord made a few but not as much as Edd. Then they gotten to where they wanted to be which was the Arcade Gaming area. [Sorry for bad grammer] They played a few games having fun, they laughed and been silly with each other like children. The sun started to set ao they left the Arcade Gaming Area and walked to the dorms.

"That was so fun" Tord said laughing, a bit of his Norwegian accent came through but you could understand him.

Tom blushed a little. "Yea, heh" Tom laughs 'stop, he is Edds friend but he is also an Alpha...' He breaths. 'Just, stay calm and if he does anything wrong..tell Edd...heh at least Edd and Matt are dating, for 3 years......I hate love and feelings but I do know that I will find someone.'

"Tom, Jorden til Tom" (Tom, Earth to Tom) Tord waved his hand in front of Tom.

"Huh?" Tom looked around then at Tord. "Yes???"

"you..zoned out.. Er du ok? (Are you okay)"

"hu?? I am fine.." 'what is he saying' Tom looked at the horned boy. 

"Come one guys we have to head back to campus, hey Tord you are living with us" Edd smiled at them both.

"we are coming Edd" Tom yelled at the boy in green. Both Tord and Tom cought up with Matt and Edd, and they headed to the dorms on campus. They all felt tired, and headed to bed, but before they could head to bed, thunder came upon, that night. Tom jumped up hearing thunder. "r-really" he gets out of bed and went over to the window, and when he looked out thunder scared him. "eep" Tom, went under the covers, shaking, Tord and Tom had to share a room because their were 2 rooms with 2 different beds. Tord woke up hearing someone 'eep' scream a little. 

"h-hva skjer?"(W-What's up) He jolts up looking around, and sees tom shacking under the covers of Tom's bed. "Tom? are you okay?" Tord gotten out of bed and went over to Tom.

"Leave me alone and "


"ahh" Tom jumped out of his bed and hugged Tord.

"T-tom" Tord blushes, and is shocked that he was being hugged by his new friend.

"I sorry.." he lets go of Tord. "I just hate"


"THUNDER" He yelled grabbing Tord again, hugging.

"..uh??" 'he is afraid of thunder...maybe he needs someone to calm him down..and I guess Matt and Edd are asleep.. so I will help as a friend' " hey..uh you want to sleep together for the night until the Storm passerer?" (Storm Passes)Tord's accent was beautiful as he tried to say things in English. 

"uh..I..well..I don't"  Tom lets go of the devil horn boy, embarrassed. "have to..but I am not..stopping ya" 'wtf did I just say?' He looked at the red hoodie boy, as tears went down on his face. 

"We, sleep together for the night until storm passerer"(Storm Passes) Tord gotten into the blue hoodie's bed and he laid next to him. They both laid their starting to fall asleep, and the storm was loud but Tom was distracted so he forgot their was a storm their. So Tom and Tord both fell asleep for the night. 

~in the morning~

The sun rays, shin through the room and Tom woke up sitting up, looking around then sees Tord next to him.

'w-we slept...together' he says in a high pitch voice in his head. 'a-and he didn't....he didn't harm me! maybe he can be trusted..but he looks cute sleeping' Tom gently moved his had caressing Tords face. 'his face is soft' he smiled, then he sees Tord moving so he panicked and ran out of the room making it look like that Tom was already gone. 

Tord, sat up then smiled putting his hand on his face, knowing that Tom was caressing his face. 'Gentle hender'(gentle hands) Tord gotten out of Tom's bed leaving the room, smelling bacon and eggs, and went to the kitchen to see Edd cooking and Matt, Tom laughing about something. "What pågår?"(what is going on?) They look at Tord.

"what are you saying?" Tom finally admitted it that they had no clue what he was saying?

"huh? oh me no good at language..need help" Tords accent made butterfly's go into Tom's stomach


"hey, Tom, why don't you help Tord understand, you know that Matt would have trouble, and I am not that good either. " Edd looked at Tom, and sees that he shrugged. 


"really?" Tord looked surprised. 

"yea, it won't take long but it is not that hard, just later today we start k?" Tom lean'd his head onto his hand. 

"okay, that will be fine!" Tord smiled and sat down, next to Tom.

They all started to eat, and laugh about anything and everything.

This my be crud but it is good so far I guess. anyways hope you like it enough to read more about it. peace. 

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