AS THE DEAD RISES: Book 1 & 2...

By boredpotato16

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When humans become zombies and the world starts to crumble. It is when a group of teenagers acted as one to p... More

Leave Now
Left Her To Die
Wrong Place
We'll Keep What's Ours
Their Fault
Everybody Makes Mistakes
Search and Rescue
That's The Issue
A Nobody
Just...Be Careful
Something Bad
Only Way Out
Tell Me Everything From The Start
Isn't This Romantic?
Psycho Bitch
Let All Of It Sink In
Karma Did It For Me {Book 1 Finale}
Character Updates (CONTAINS SPOILERS)
Someone's Coming
Everything's Going To Be Fine Someday
Die With The Others
Never Go Away
Really Sorry
Lose You
Only One I Have
This Isn't So Bad
I Like Him
Fuck Up

Good Guys Die First

897 36 22
By boredpotato16

Axel's POV

I woke up and it's already afternoon. The others are already awake and all of them are stretching. When Justin saw me awake he hands me a pack of chips.

"Here, eat" he said offering the food.

I gladly took it and said thank you which he only nodded to. RUDE. After he left, Tom approached me stealing the chips.

"That's bad for you!" He said with a scowl. "This is better."

He handed me an apple which he already eaten.

"An apple, really?" I asked laughing. "It has your virus already."

"Don't be rude!" He said.

I ate it anyways and he ate the chips. RUDE. That afternoon we gathered up and I stepped in front.

"So, do we stay here?" I asked.

"These place can be easily brought down" Tom said. "The structure is not that strong. In case of fire this books would cause a big fire and this would be down immediately, burning us in the process."

"So, we leave?" I asked.

All of them nodded.

"Where do we go?" I asked once again.

"Can't you understand that we need to find Lacy?" Troy angrily asked.

"Fine! You look for her, but I ain't coming." I said.

"Let's just settle this." Camila said. "Who wants to go look for Lacy stay on the right and the ones who says otherwise stay on the left."

On the right, Troy, Justin, Mason, Tom, Shauna and on the left, Mr. Anderson, Camila, Ace, and Ivy. It shocked me that even Justin and Tom wants to go find Lacy.

"What's your decision Axel?" Camila asked.

"I'll go with Camila" I said with no emotions. "Just so you know, when I asked Lacy to help Charles and I to look for you, she wasn't happy about it, Tom can tell you the whole story."

I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote the place our group would go in case James reached this place and he finds us gone.

"For James?" Justin asked.

"Don't talk to me" I coldly said.

I walked past him and grabbed my bow and arrow and my knife along with my backpack.

"You shouldn't be using the bow" said a voice behind me.

"It's really none of your business" I snapped at Tom.

"You don't need to be rude" he said smiling.

"Your charms won't work anymore" I coldly said. "Might as well just leave."

I said brushing past him but he grabbed my hand.

"I only want them to see Lacy and then I'll come after you" he explained. "They need me for the directions."

"Then make a fucking map!" I shouted.

"It's not that easy" he said looking down.

"Oh, ok." I said.

"Please, just tell me where you will go" he said. "I'll follow you there."

"No thanks, just stay in that camp of yours" I replied. "It would benefit the both of us."

I walked away and approached Ace.

"So, any plans?" She asked

"I have a location in mind but we have to drive maybe an hour or two" I said.

"Great! I just refilled my gas tank when you left yesterday" she said.

"Since we are just 5, we can use your car right? With all of us." I asked.

"Ask Mr. Anderson if he agrees" she replied.

I asked him and he says that he can't leave his car cause it's the only memory of his family so he said he was okay in riding alone.

"Ok, let's go." I said.

"You're bleeding" Ivy informed me.

Since the time we found her, she's been nice to everyone.

"Oh" I said as I looked down at my arm. "Don't mind it."

We finished packing up and soon we were prepared to go.

"Axel, just tell me where you'll go and I promise I will follow you" Tom pleaded.

"No, I don't need someone dying just because they were looking for me." I coldly said. "You should just stay in that camp of yours. It would be safer for you."

"Please." He said.

"No, I'm telling you this not because I am mad but I'm telling you this because I care for you and if you look for me alone you might be in danger and I don't want you dying because of me." I explained. "Understand?"

He nodded and pulled my head towards him to kiss me and I can't help but kiss back. I said before that I shouldn't fall in love right? Well, I'm not so sure now. Tom is just sweet and even if I only met him two days ago, it's obvious now that I'm liking him, isn't it?

"Be careful out there, okay?" He said after he pulled away, our foreheads touching each other.

"You too" I said and gave him a quick peck.

He looked surprised because of what I did leaving him standing there with his eyes wide. I turned around and found Camila and Ace still watching us hitting each others shoulder.

"Done watching?" I asked smirking.

"Oh my gosh! What was that?!" Camila asked hyperventilating.

"Oh, stop it." I said while smiling. "It's nothing."

"So, you chose Tom over Justin, huh" Ace said mischievously smiling.

"Why is Justin involved here?" I asked having no idea of what he is saying.

"Ohhh, he didn't confess yet" Camila said

"What is he going to confess?" I asked.

"He's too late now" Ace said with an evil smile.

So after a few hours we were about to leave and we placed our things on the car.

"Are you really decided to leave?" Tom shyly asked once again.

"Yes" I answered.

"Really not going to tell me where you would go?" He asked.

"Nope." I said smiling. "Remember, I'm keeping you alive?"

"Are we a thing?" He said scratching the back of his head.

Well, maybe it's time to accept him. I mean with the undead around, we could die anytime and I don't want to die with regrets. Time to open my heart once more for this guy. I trust him to not hurt it too much. I like him anyways. What is there to lose?

"Yes. We are boyfriends" I said kissing him deeply for the last time.

"No matter what you say, I'll hunt you down." He said grinning.

"Fine, give me a map to your camp and I'll visit you after a month." I said.

"I told you it's too complicated." He said.

"I'll do my best to understand it" I said.


He brought out a piece of paper and drew a map on it.

"Promise you'll come back in a month." He said.

"I promise" kissing him once more. "Bye!"

"Bye, babe!" He said grinning like a dog.

That made me feel butterflies in my stomach. I wasn't even far away from him when I decided to run back and hug him tight. I kissed his cheek and let go.

"Don't make me wait too long!" He said.

"I won't!" I blurted.

I ran away quickly so that I can hide my face from embarrassment. This is not the time to be all choosy because tomorrow might be the last day you'll live and just like the saying said, You Only Live Once. I better enjoy the remaining time I have to live and be with Tom even if we are far away from each other.

We rode the car in silence as I pointed the directions to Ace and Mr. Anderson just behind us. After two hours, we arrived at our grandmother's farmhouse.

Tom's POV

"I won't!" He blurted.

Then he went in their car and drove away with me staring back at them.

"Why didn't you go with that Axel?" Shauna asked beside me.

"Troy needs me to find the camp" I said. "They wouldn't let them in if they won't see me there and I'm doing this for Lacy since the day that we found her, she's still so distant and cold and this is the least I could do."

"A good guy" she said. "Good guys die first."

She smiled and left me thinking about what she said. If only she knows what I was supposed to do then she won't think that I am a good guy. I just lowered my head and thought about the original plan.


After Axel left, Lacy talked to me outside of the car so that Charles won't hear it.

"You have to win Axel's heart to get in the inner circle and when you get the chance bring them here and I'll do the rest" Lacy said.

"What?! Axel's nice! I can't do that!" I said.

"So you like him?" She asked.

"Yes" I lowered my head.

"This is your chance! You can use this plan to make him fall for you. Doing this mission benefits the both of us." She confidently said. "You get to have Axel and spare him from my revenge while I get to finally retaliate to those people who left me."

"Fine. But promise that you'll never hurt Axel in this plan of yours" I said giving up since I can't do anything.

"Deal." She said as she shook my hand. "Now go follow your princess."

---End Of Flashback---

Don't get me wrong. I really like Axel even if we just spent a short time together and I'm willing to make this work. I can't lose him. I am not leading Troy because of Lacy but because I want Lacy to change since I noticed how important she was to Troy that he willingly left his group just to find her. I'm not following that plan.

A/N: I think the next one's the last one for this book but it might be extended depending on my thoughts. My hand sometimes types random stuff by itself. Please comment and vote or I'mma hit you with that ddu-du ddu-du. To those who got that one, message me. Let's be friends. Hahahaha! To those who did not get that you are missing a lot, I mean A LOT.
Q: Thoughts on Tom and Axel? What do you think of Lacy's revenge plan?
P.S. I think Tom would be our main character in book 2 since the book would be taking place in the camp and just a little bit from the farmhouse.

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