cosmic love // e. gilbert 3.

MaryBravo200 द्वारा

79.2K 2.4K 201

It felt like a dream. Having Elena Gilbert's love. Holden lived a full summer for once in his life. With Damo... अधिक

1. Best Summer Yet
2. When Boyfriends Come To Visit
3. Annoying Dreams
4. Our Little Witch
5. The Royalty's Betrayals
6. Ikea Sink
7. Three Doppelgängers, what could go wrong?
8. Cannibals
9. Stuck
10. One And Only
11. Last Day Of Happiness
12. Sudden Breakups Cause Ugly Decisions
13. Dark Side
14. Help For The Reckless Brother
15. Possessed Girlfriends
16. Back Together Or Not?
17. A Break Through
18. Even More Annoying Dreams
19. Too Much Broken Hearts
20. Never Have I Ever
21. I Need You Now
22. Gone
1. Remember Me
2.1 Forget Me
2.2 Cherish Me
3. Meet Me
4. Take Me
6. Find Me
7. Hate Me
8. Shock Me
9. Adore Me
10. Fight Me
11. Love Me
12. Talk To Me
13. Be With Me
14. Let Go Of Me
15. Stay With Me
16. Scare Me
17. Befriend Me
18. Surprise Me
19. Imagine Me
20. Do It With Me
21. Hurt Me
22.1 Hold Me
22.2 End Me

5. See Me

1.2K 51 1
MaryBravo200 द्वारा



M83 - Wait

"Set your dreams where nobody hides
Give your tears to the tide
No time."

HOLDEN, HIS BROTHER AND THEIR PRECIOUS WITCH WERE UP EARLY THAT MORNING. They left Kai behind as they walked through the woods, searching for a right place to go home.

It was a lovely and bright morning as the trio strolled through the woods as Damon, as usually, played the with some stick he picked up. He was whistling obnoxiously as Bonnie and Holden walked in the front.

Holden could see how close Damon and Bonnie actually were and their close bond made him feel uncomfortable. He always remembered Bonnie and Damon being at each other's throats but now they seemed different. And Holden felt weird. "He's so annoying," Bonnie mused under her breath as Holden smiled at her. "Thank god I have you to talk to."

"Ah, the crazy brother who used to see his girlfriend because the loneliness killed him inside," Damon spoke as he poked Bonnie with the stick.

"I didn't tell you this to make fun of me," Holden rolled his eyes as he took his jacket off because it was too hot to wear. Bonnie glanced at Holden apologetically. "Why are you in such good mood?"

Damon scoffed with a smirk as he caught up with them. "Because I have a hot date with my girl tonight," he smirked as Bonnie groaned lowly because of his dirty references. "Question is, why aren't you excited?"

"First of all, assuming Kai's telling the truth," Bonnie shrugged her shoulders.

Holden sighed dully before fastening his pace. "I'm thinking dinner and a movie, you know what?" Damon furrowed his eyebrows as Bonnie turned back to look at him. "Screw the dinner and a movie. Skip straight to the good part."

"Damon, stop being a pervert," Holden said as he thought of Elena too. A small smile appeared on his lips.

Bonnie noticed that and looked at Damon seriously. "Yeah. And assuming I can do the spell, which I won't know... until I see it."

Damon and Holden both stopped walking as they faced the witch. "Whatever happened to hope, Bon? 'Member when I was all like boo, grr-" Damon began as Holden rolled his eyes then walked a bit away. Damon then used a higher pitch tone to mimic Bonnie. "And you were like 'hooray, hooray. We're getting out of here?!"

Bonnie started to walk again as she watched Holden walk in the front. "Look, I want to go home more than anything, but Kai's a sociopath, who's to say won't screw us over?"

"If he screws us over," Holden spoke as he turned around to face the duo. "I will kill Kai and anyone who comes in the way of us going home."

Damon smirked and did a playful jumping stance with the stick. "I heard my name," Kai spoke as he appeared out of nowhere while carrying an ax. Holden noticed the Ascendant in his hand as he used it to block the sun from his face. "The eclipse will happen directly overhead."

Kai then glanced at the three supernatural people who all sent glares at him. "In perfect alignment with the Gemini constellation," Kai continued before pointing his finger between Damon and Holden. "One of you or both need to dig into the tunnels below us."

"Why?" Bonnie asked as Kai paused for a second before speaking to her slowly as if she was a young child.

"Have you never portal-jumped through an eclipse before?" he smirked but none of them were amused by his childish behavior. Kai took one step forward. "Okay look, the light of the eclipse will shine down and activate the Ascendant, you spout a little witchy woo and the poof!" Kai gestured an explosion with his hands so Bonnie raised her eyebrows up. "Anyone standing in the circle of light holding the Ascendant goes home."

"By 'witchy woo', I assume you mean the spell?" Bonnie asked so Kai nodded his head. "Let me see."

Kai paused as Holden narrowed his eyes. "When the time comes," he then pushed past them and began walking away as Damon turned to look at him.

"Where are you going?"

"Into town, I need to... gather some important supplies," Kai turned back to walk as he whistled like Damon did before.

Holden approached the ax that Kai had dropped. He took it into his hands with an incredulous look on his face as Bonnie and Damon both looked at him in surprise.

Holden looked back at Kai before smacking the ax into a nearby tree. Bonnie frowned slightly as Holden walked a bit away.

DAMON DECIDED TO BE THE ONE TO DIG THE GROUND AS HOLDEN AND BONNIE WERE BOTH SITTING ON THE GROUND A BIT AWAY FROM HIM. "Do you..." Bonnie began as Holden turned to look at her. "How much do you miss home?"

"I don't miss home. Home's nothing without people in it," Holden answered calmly as Bonnie smiled slightly. "How much do you miss home?"

Bonnie liked the game they were playing as she shrugged. "I guess you're right. I miss people more," she answered as Holden mused.

The two then looked back at Damon, who continued to do all the work. "I should go help him," Holden began standing up but Bonnie sat him down while shaking her head.

"Let him do the work for once," she chuckled so Holden sat back down. "You know, Damon loves you dearly. You're probably the most important person to him. One of the most."

Bonnie was talking quietly so Damon would hear less because she knew he'd say that she's lying and Bonnie wanted Holden to hear the truth. Holden glanced at Damon before looking down. "Before we appeared here, I told him that you didn't make it. And I saw him cry for the first time. I mean, he's Damon... We all know Damon, right? But that look on his face looked as if he wanted him to be in your place. And he beat himself for it when we appeared here."

"Why are you telling me all this?" Holden asked silently as Bonnie smiled softly.

"Because you're lucky to have a brother like him. Don't forget that," Bonnie then bumped his side as Holden glanced at Damon again. "Hey, you!"

Damon then raised his eyes up, pretending that he didn't hear their conversation even though Holden knew he did. "You know there's a very probable chance you're digging your own grave, and... not bothered?" Bonnie questioned Damon, who ignored her until an opening appeared down there on the ground.


Holden stood up but then Kai appeared, coming from the woods with a backpack. "Looks like I got back just in time," he smirked as he set down his backpack so Damon zoomed forward before snatching the pack.

He tore it open as Holden stood next to him before Damon began to read through inside the backpack. "Zima, grunge, every Alex Rodriguez rookie card known to man, and a pager. Really?"

Damon then dropped the bag on the ground. "555-Hiya-Kai, no way I'm giving these digits up," Kai said seriously as Holden raised his eyebrows up before laughing bitterly.

"These are the important supplies you needed to get?" Holden asked as Bonnie watched the three suspiciously from the ground she was sitting on.

Kai glanced at Holden dully. "Look. The future sounds great, all right? I'm super excited about the Internet, but 1994 has been my home for most of my life. I'd hate to get homesick. So let's get down there—"

"No," Bonnie walked forward, pushing Damon out of the way, who attempted to stop her. "We are not going anywhere until you show me the spell."

"Okay," Kai said as he stood still, basically saying that they weren't going home.

Holden and Damon glanced at each other. "Are we literally not going anywhere?" Damon asked, getting angry.

"Fine, you don't want to show me the spell?" Bonnie questioned as Kai smiled, suspiciously. "Then you can do it yourself. You... want my magic. Take it."

Bonnie held out her arm as Kai looked at the Salvatore brothers. "Uh-oh, she's being brave."

"I'm serious Kai! This was your big threat, wasn't it?" Bonnie asked angrily. "If I do the spell and let us out of here, you'll just take my magic, leave me for dead, and do the spell yourself. So go ahead. Take all of it."

Damon looked incredibly worried as Holden just wanted to snap Kai's neck. "Don't mind if I do," Kai said as he slapped both hands on her shoulders so Bonnie yelped in pain, nearly going limp in his arms.

"Bonnie?" Damon asked in concern.

"It's okay, he won't kill me," Bonnie mused as she grunted in pain. "Ow!"

"Hey! Bonnie," Holden snapped as the witch's face contorted with pain. "Okay, you guys can stop."

"STOP!" Damon shouted so Kai then released Bonnie with a mischievous smile. Bonnie finally regained her composure before realizing something.

Bonnie glanced at Kai angrily. "He doesn't know the spell. Which means, we don't need him," she then raised her hand up. "Motus."

The ax Damon used to attack the ground soared through the air before burying itself into Kai's chest, whose eyes widened as be fell on his back. "No! No, Bonnie!" Damon shouted as Holden stared at Kai's body dully before tapping Bonnie on the shoulder.

"Finally," he mused as Bonnie smiled while Damon stared at both of them in shock.

Later on, Bonnie was still sitting atop the ground, except she had the Ascendant in her hand and a grimoire in front of her. Damon was slumped against the tree, chugging Kai's bottle of Zima.

Holden was sitting near Bonnie, watching her try to come up with something. "Mmm," Damon began as the two looked at him. "Mmm, mm, MM!"

"Stop," Holden snapped angrily as Bonnie let out an annoyed laugh.

"Let me concentrate, Damon."

"On the bright side, this stuff's not so bad," he commented while holding the bottle. "It's fruity, and fizzy. Want some?" Damon extended the bottle towards Holden, who smiled sarcastically before looking back at Bonnie.

"Damon, I'm working on something-"

"On the not-so-bright side, is you two's intelligence, because you took the only chance of us getting out of here and turned him into a giant..." Damon then glanced at Kai's body. "... douche-kebab."

Holden rolled his green eyes. "Damon... Bonnie was right to do it. Not only did he act shady this entire time... How could he have known the spell when they put him here. What prison gives an inmate a key?"

"Is that a trick question?" Damon asked before looking at his bottle. "Or is this stuff starting to kick in..."

Bonnie glanced at Damon incredulously. "I think the Gemini coven used a Bennett spell to create this place, what if that's why my Grams sent me here?"

"This is the face I make when I don't understand you," Damon then went cross-eyed and pursed lipped as Holden ignored his usual self before he glanced at Bonnie.

"Then how did I appear here too? I wasn't with you like Damon was," he asked, hoping that Bonnie would answer the question.

"Weren't you and Grams friends when she was young?" Bonnie asked him so Holden nodded his head. "She spared you too because you deserved it. Maybe that's why you appeared in New York and not with us here in Mystic Falls... You know the last thing my Grams said to me was to stay strong. What if that was her way of telling me I have the power to get out? I have the ascendant, a massive celestial event to draw from, plus a burning desire to get away from you, Damon."

Holden smiled as Bonnie held up the Ascendant before shutting her eyes. She began to chant as Holden and Damon both became serious. The claws of the Ascendant suddenly pulled free and twisted so Bonnie and Holden both stood up on their feet excitedly. "That's why Kai wouldn't kill me. He needed a Bennett... I was his only way out of here."

Bonnie then turned and began to walk. "Whoa, where are you going?" Damon asked so Bonnie, who was walking towards the hole Damon had dug, turned back.

"Home. You, boys, coming?" she smiled as Holden smiled genuinely for the first time in months.

Damon looked excited as he patted Holden's shoulder before pushing him to walk as the two brothers followed the witch.

THE SKY ABOVE WAS DARKENING FROM THE ECLIPSE. The three close people were underground as Damon sat on a rock with Holden leaning against the stony wall next to him.

The hole Damon had dug was directly under the eclipse so the light would pool through.

Bonnie was standing directly under the light as the brothers watched her. Damon chugged the rest of the drink as Bonnie used the Ascendant to slice into her wrist causing Holden to vamp out slightly. "Whoa. Slow a bit, brother," Damon noticed the look as Holden's eyes turned normal again.

"I hadn't smelled human blood in months. Sorry if I lose a little control," Holden mused quietly as they watched Bonnie dripped her blood on the Ascendant.

"I mean, you're still good at it," Damon shrugged as Bonnie looked at the brothers to see them talking quietly. But both of them still watched her. "Stefan would've dug himself to the ground if he smelled even a little."

Holden chuckled as Bonnie breathed in and looked up at the blue eclipse light. "Yeah, if that's your way of telling me that you miss Stefan, then I miss him too," Holden nodded his head.

"Ah, you're so sweet," Damon mused sarcastically as Bonnie closed her eyes and began to chant. The Ascendant then clicked and opened.

Bonnie opened her eyes before glancing at the brothers hopefully. "It's time."

Damon set down his bottle, and rubbed his hands together, before getting up from the rock. "Alright," he started to walk towards Bonnie but Holden grabbed his arm.

"One minute of talk is okay, right?" Holden asked the witch, afraid that they wouldn't get home in time.

"Plenty of minutes," Bonnie smiled with a nod so Damon rolled his eyes before turning to look at Holden.

"We should just go. Whatever you have to say can wait," Damon said dully as Holden smirked before suddenly hugging Damon tightly.

He shut his eyes open before embracing his brother like there was no tomorrow. "I didn't have a chance to hug you back when I came here," Holden said as Damon stood immobile in one place.

"Holden, ew, get off," Damon wanted to pull away but Holden's strong grip didn't let him do that.

Bonnie smiled widely before looking away to give them privacy. "Thank you for giving me hope," Holden said quietly as Damon's hands slowly hugged Holden back. "I hate this hug and it's really awkward, but... I won't regret it. And I know you heard what Bonnie told me even if you would deny it. Damon, let's just go home where we can be brothers again."

Damon pulled away a little as they looked at each other with smiles. "Of course," he mused before patting Holden's shoulders.

The two brothers turned to Bonnie, who finally glanced at him with a smile. "Let's get awkward," Damon said as the two stood under the direct light of the eclipse.

Everyone were smiling widely as Damon and Holden placed their hands under Bonnie's. "Like this?" Holden asked as Bonnie nodded with a huge grin. "Will it be able to carry three people?"

"We can always leave you here," Damon looked at Holden, who was in such a good mood to get annoyed.

The three people who were ready to go home all stood in a circle. "I'm sure there are about a billion people you'd rather be here with..." Damon began as Bonnie smiled.

"Not exactly," she mused so Holden and Damon both smiled. "Let's go- AH!"

An arrow zipped out of nowhere and caught Bonnie in the stomach so she fell to the ground as the Ascendant fell down with Bonnie.

Holden and Damon both looked up in surprise to see Kai standing with a crossbow pointed directly at them. "Forgetting someone?" Kai asked dully as Damon stared at him incredulously. "Did you seriously think I hadn't tried to kill myself before?"

Damon looked back at Bonnie, who was grunting in pain. "Because I had," Kai was reloading his crossbow as Holden touched Damon's arm to point that he'd attack Kai so Damon could heal Bonnie, but Damon didn't want Holden to get hurt so he shook his head. "Lots of times, lots of ways, just like you Holden."

Kai then aimed at Bonnie again as Damon's eyes trailed to the Ascendant. "Grab that, and the next target arrow goes in her heart. Your choice," Kai sneered angrily.

Bonnie grunted in pain loudly as Damon super sped towards Bonnie, grabbing her so he can hold her in his hands. "Okay, I got ya."

Kai wanted to shoot but Holden rushed in front of him before catching Kai's arrow. Unfortunately, the arrow was laced in vervain so it burned Holden's fingers as Kai rushed towards the Ascendant. "DAMON, NO!" Bonnie yelled as he was about to heal her.

Damon super sped to Kai and shoved him at the wall as Holden's fingers healed. Kai dropped the Ascendant as Holden towards Bonnie before helping her sit down. "Not me, the Ascendant," Bonnie shook her head weakly.

"Screw the Ascendant," Holden bit into his wrist and wanted to give Bonnie blood but Kai stabbed him in the back with an arrow causing Holden to fall to the ground painfully.

Damon was nearby, grunting in pain with an arrow inside too as Kai stood above Holden angrily.

Bonnie, seeing that Kai wasn't paying attention, began to crawl across the ground to the Ascendant with tears in her eyes.

Kai took the arrow out of Holden's back as Holden yelled in pain before standing up. "I'm gonna kill you," Holden sneered as he felt vervain.

The eclipse was fully overhead as Bonnie finally grabbed the Ascendant into her hands. Holden pushed Kai to the wall as Damon finally took out the arrow before seeing his brother against the wall with Kai beating him. "Bonnie... get out of here," Damon told her angrily as he began to walk towards Holden to help him.

Bonnie was crying loudly as there was a huge distance between her and the light of the eclipse. "I'm not going to make it," she shook her head before smiling. "But you two are."

Bonnie weakly held her hand up. "Motus," she said causing Kai to flung away from Holden as the sociopath hit the ground along with the arrow.

Damon wanted to rush towards Bonnie but she used her magic to levitate the brothers up until they were underneath the circle of light from the eclipse. When the two stood there, Holden wanted to rush and help Bonnie but she used magic to stop him from moving anywhere out of the circle. "You deserve to leave, Holden. Don't," Bonnie was crying heavily when she tossed the Ascendant to Damon.

"DON'T!" Kai screamed angrily.

The Ascendant untwisted and clicked in his hand. "Holden," Damon said loudly as he grabbed Holden's hand before placing his behind Damon's with a tear in his eye.

"No, Damon. We can't leave her," Holden shook his head as the Ascendant twisted once more, a definite click. "No!"

Suddenly a huge light engulfed them and with a flash of a second the two were gone. The only thing left was the Ascendant, which shattered as it hit the ground. Kai screamed loudly as Bonnie smiled, knowing that the brothers made it.

A tear fell down her eye as she crumbled to the ground, letting out a grunt of pain until silence took over.

STEFAN OPENED THE DOOR TO THE SALVATORE CRYPT BEFORE STEPPING INSIDE. His eyes held sadness as he sighed before swinging bourbon back from the bottle. "Ahh," he mused before laughing bitterly. "Yep... This is happening. I'm gonna talk out loud to a... a crypt filled with my dead family."

Stefan's eyes searched around the crypt as his eyes shined from the eternity of sadness. "Everyone but you two, idiots," he smirked before taking a seat on a small bench. "Because wherever you are, it's not here."

Stefan looked down as his heart ached immensely. "I gotta say... I'm not doing so great without you both. I keep trying to start over, but... I can't get anywhere," there was a long pause as Stefan raised his eyes up. "Because I'm lost, brothers. I'm lost."

The youngest Salvatore brother then stood up angrily and tossed the bottle of Bourbon when suddenly, a hand caught it. Damon held the bottle with a look on his face as Stefan stared at him in shock. "So what? Gone a couple of months, you think it's okay to waste a perfectly good bottle of bourbon?" Damon asked as Holden laughed from behind Stefan causing him to turn back around to see Holden.

"Thank god I didn't end up in New York again," Holden commented as he glanced at Stefan with a smirk. "Would have hated driving for hours."

"Ahh," Damon chuckled before taking a swig of bourbon as Holden vamp sped towards Damon before grabbing the bottle and taking a sip too.

Stefan couldn't believe in his eyes. "Damon? Holden?" he asked just above the whisper as Damon nodded his head.

"In the flesh," Damon smiled as Holden stared at his little brother in admiration and longing.

"How am I seeing you two right now?" Stefan asked as the older Salvatore brothers both glanced at each other.

"Because we're not dead, Stefan. I mean, this bourbon is good, but not as good as making you hallucinate," Holden pointed to the bottle before setting it down. "Let's go, Damon?"

Damon smiled and nodded as they both approached Stefan, who wasn't able to move. Not only did he got one brother back but both, which was supposed to make him incredibly happy. Stefan's face was frozen as his eyes were wide and red, rimmed with tears. "Heh. It's a hell of a long story, brother," Damon told Stefan as Holden nodded.

Stefan pursed his lips to keep himself from crying as Holden placed his hand on Stefan's shoulder. "What matters most is that we are back. Yes, we're back."

Stefan raised his hands and touched both of their shoulders as Damon and Holden watched their little brother's face scrunch up as if he was about to cry, he pulled them both in a group hug.

He held them tightly as Damon and Holden both placed one of each arm around Stefan too. The two brothers glanced at each other as Stefan held onto them tightly, not wanting to let them go ever. "We're back," Holden repeated as he nodded his head.

Damon placed his hand on Holden's as the three close and inseparable brothers shared their moment that they would never forget.

The three Salvatore brothers were back again and nothing else mattered.

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