One-Shots and Short Stories

By Caladwen

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These are quick stories that my sister made my brain go at. Hope you enjoy! More

To the Moms

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By Caladwen

Here is a story I wrote inspired by my mom a few years back. I hope this happens, but it hasn't yet. Hope you have a great day and love your mom.

"If I want anything to be done around here, then I have to do it myself." Mom mumbles as she starts doing dishes. 

I looked up from my homework, having heard the statement. At that moment, I got an idea. I pulled out a piece of paper and started writing on it. My mother ignored this movement, probably thinking I was still doing homework. When I finished writing, I took a picture before folding it up into a nice square and throwing it in the fireplace. I then went to my younger sister Nina's room. Nina was playing with her dolls in an almost clean room. At first it caught me off guard, I wondered when Nina had cleaned her room. I then remembered my quest and brushed the room thoughts away. 

I approach Nina and tap her on her shoulder. "Hey, Nina, I have an idea for ma, but I need some help." I then showed Nina the picture. 

Nina, now interested, puts down her dolls. "I'm in. Has Liam been told yet?"

"No, not yet. Want to come with me to help persuade?" 

"Sure, why not." And together we walk down the hallway to Liam's room. He was there, playing on his computer like always, ignoring everyone. I had to take his headphones off so that he would turn around.   

"Yes Jenna?" He looked not happy with what I did. 

I cleared my throat. "I need your help. I want us to clean the house for mom. She is always complaining that we don't help clean and that if she wants things done, she needs to do it herself. I want to do something nice for her, and it would be a nice Christmas present. What do you think? Will you help?"

Liam sat back in his chair, contemplating. "Sure, why not. But When? I'm gaming on certain nights."

I smiled. "I was thinking like next Friday during the day. It is Christmas Eve and we can get Aunt Sher to take Mom out so we can clean."

Liam and Jenna nodded, and we split, having the meeting adjourned. I went off to text Aunt Sher about getting her help, along with my best friend Danya. After having them confirming to help, I continued my homework.

The destined day comes and Aunt Sher came to hangout with mom. Aunt Sher took mom out to get a massage, go food shopping, and have tea. Once they leave, Liam, Nina, Danya, and I start cleaning the rooms, splitting the work into rooms that we prefer. Liam cleaned the living room, Nina did the bathrooms, Danya and I cleaned the kitchen and dining room. Once the main house was done, we checked on the individual rooms and the laundry room. By the end of the day, we were exhausted and rested having popsicles and making food for dinner. Liam then went back to his room to play computer games, and Nina went back to her room. Danya and I gossiped in the kitchen while singing to the radio. We hear the front door open and Mom walked in with groceries. She stopped and gasped. Danya and I helped gather the groceries and put them away while Mom was speechless and started to cry. Aunt Sher sent me a thumbs up and I smiled.

At dinner, Mom was still amazed at her clean house. "Good evening. Do you know what happened to the house?"

We all raised eyebrows, concealing our giggles. Liam nonchalantly asked the question that was in our heads. "What happened mom?"

"The house is clean.... Like I can walk through the rooms." She said, more tears coming.

Nina was the next with the straight faced answer. "Mom, I think the Gods heard your mumbling and decided to butt in. We were upstairs all day."

I cleared my throat. "Mom, none of us really know how the cleaning happened, however, I know that today is a special day and the Gods must have known that, just like us. So here" I handed her a gift. We kids all looked at each other, and then at mom. "Merry Christmas mom!" The others then gave her gifts as well. Mom cried a lot and we all had a fun time playing games afterward.

The End

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