It All Started With You

By Itx_rere

163K 3.4K 665

Azariah Williams, 16 years old with a 2 year old baby. At age 14, she gave her virginity to a boy named Phill... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 : Wedding Day
Chapter 30 - Sequel

Chapter 4

8.2K 205 12
By Itx_rere

Azariah Williams

"Hey bestie," I said going up to him for a hug. He looked at me weird and raised one eyebrow.

"What's up. Why does it feel so weird hearing you say that?"

"Mhmm I don't know, but get used to it," I said looking to the left seeing Chance was coming over here. I tensed up and looked away. "I'll catch you lat--"

"Did he really, you know?" He asked making me shrug and shift my backpack.

"Look, you brushed it off when I told just brush it off now. It doesn't matter."

"It matters a nigga just tried to rape you."

I chuckled and shook my head, "Watch who you call your nigga, cause he isn't that." I said laughing. 

"What's up the two besties," Chance said looking at me with this crazy look in his eyes. 

"Hey Chance. Imma catch y'all la--"

"Can I holla at you real quick. Great," He said grabbing my hand, I tried tugging it away. "Stop fucking fighting it."

I looked at him raising one eyebrow. He took me to the computer lab because it was empty right now.

"Let me ou--" He slapped me causing me to fall to the ground.

"Who else did you fucking tell?" He asked through gritted teeth. 

"Fuck are you talking about?"

"I know you told Zachariah and he got what's coming from him. So, who else did you fucking tell about what was going down that night?"

"I didn't tell anybody. I told Zachariah to watch his back. That's what the fuck I s--" I stopped talking when he picked me up and slapped me again.

"You think now is the time for you to get smart?!" He asked through gritted teeth. "Answer without the bass in your fucking tone."

"Fuck you Chance. Ain't nobody tell that you damn there raped me if it wasn't for my brother. Pussies does that okay ? And that's actually what you are. Live up that your a rapist."

"Bitch fuck you!" He snapped waving me off. 

"You not worth my time," I said trying to get up, but he kicked me back down making me hold my stomach.

"Bitch you not worth MY time. Fuck your time. Obviously, I am right because every time I wanna talk. You come along don't you." I was in to much pain to respond so he chuckled and punched me two times then kicked me like I was a dude.

"Keep your fucking mouth shut." He said right before I felt my eyes closing with force.


I woke up and looked around seeing I was in this bright white room. I looked to my right and seen a calm, but nervous Zachariah on his phone. 

"Zachariah? What happened?" I asked causing him to look at me.

"Great, we know she's alive. Can we go spend some quality time please?" Grace asked walking up to Zachariah from the left side.

"Grace can you chill the fuck out? I know you don't care for her, but I do." She looked at me and mugged me.

"Yea, cause y'all are just best--" I cut her off.

"It's fine Zach, just go."

"Zachariah." She said calling herself correcting me. I raised one eyebrow and looked at Zachariah.

"Zach, bit--baby girl." I said rolling my eyes. She scoffed and shook her head.

"The disrespect." She said sitting down crossing her arms.

"What happened?" Zachariah asked with this crazy look in his eyes.

"I-I don-" He cut me off by snapping.

"BULLSHIT! What the fuck happened!!" He snapped throwing the chair on the ground.

"I fell down the steps."

"And you landed in the computer lab. I know it has something to do with Chance. I'm not fucking dumb because I didn't see you since you left with him."

"Couldn't finish the damn job?" Grace mumbled making me count to ten, but it wasn't working.

"Grace chill the fuck out man! She was fucking hurt but you wanna act like a damn baby. So shut the fuck up because at the end of the damn day I'm with you and she's my best friend. So, get your head out your ass or get the fuck up. Because everything you doing is so unnecessary," He snapped making Grace pout.

"BITCH!!" I heard Georgia voice boom in the room. "Girl, you okay? The whole school talking about it--why you here Zachariah? You caused all this." She said crossing her arms.

"What think I did this?"

"Sorry, he doesn't waste his time doing that to pests."


"NOW BITCH!" Georgia snapped pointing towards the door with me. She stomped out slamming the door behind her.

"Who said I did this? Whose spreading that around."

She chuckled, "Chance. Boy ratted like he does it everyday."

"Who did it Azariah. I know who it was so just tell me."

I sighed and bit my lip, "Don't do nothing stupid please. He said he had something coming for you and if I told someone this could happen again. Just please don't do nothing."

He chuckled and peeked around the corner then walked towards my bed. He wiped a tear that fell from my eyes and wiped my blood off my scar, "I'll be over later alright?"

"Zach don't you wanna spend time with G--"

"Fuck Grace. My main priority right now is you."


"Azariah, baby. I just heard my voicemail. What happened?"

"I fell in the computer lab trying to show off." I said shaking my head. "Never again mama."

"I bet baby. You okay? You tell your Grandma."

"Yea, but she hasn't been picking up the phone lately. I have to go by there."

"She wants to have this big barbecue Saturday and we're going."

"Can you pick Zariah up for me later?" I asked with pleading eyes. "Please, mama I'm in so much pain."

The door bell ringed, so I went to go get it. I opened the door revealing Zachariah with food making me smile.

"You was serious."

"Took off of work and everything. Serious as a heart attack. Had to make sure you were straight. I brought Icy-Hot because I knew you was gonna be sore." My mom peeked around the corner and smiled.

"I seen you before, but don't think we met fully. I'm her mama Katrina and you are?" She asked reaching her hand out.

"Ma'am we do hugs where I'm from." He said pulling her into a hug. "I'm Zachariah. Nice to meet you. Azariah best friend."

My mom looked at me and I gave her that friend zone look making her bit her lip.

"To bad y'all couldn't be more huh?"

"Yea, to bad." he said looking at me with no face expression. 

"I'll be upstairs." My mom said walking upstairs.

"Soo can I come in or."

"Oh yea, my bad." I said opening the door so more.

"Newbie." He said laughing walking in the house.

"Shut up." I said smiling shaking my head. We walked in the kitchen and we both looked at the counter.

"Memories..." We both said.

"Of events that happened last week." I said rolling my eyes.

"And that could have still been happening if you haven't answer that damn phone. Chance never had good intentions for you. He just wanted the drawls." He said making me bit my lip.


"But the point is I did and...I just felt like you put him before me I guess."

"What. It wasn't like that." I said shaking my head. "If you would've said that you would've known. This isn't the first time Chance put his hands on me and he said if I don't answer his calls then this would happen and now I believe him."

He looked at me and nodded, "Don't worry about him...Imma handle him."


"Let me worry about that. And don't trip over it." I shrugged and sat down.

"So...when can I meet your son?"

"Whenever you want to i guess,"

"So his babymoms was that like your first."

He chuckled and shook his head, "My first was when I was 11 and she was my first doing it unprotected because she said she was on birth control and that pussy was just...A1."

"What about Phillip? First?" 

I sighed and shook my head. "Yep, haven't did it again since."

"Would you do it with me?" He asked making me lick my lips.

"You know the answer to that."

"What if I wanted to do that now."

"While your in a relationship? No, I think not." I stopped and chuckled, "On top of that she already think something is going on and I'm not walking around the school thot."

"Girl shut up, It was supposed to be me and you anyway." He said making me blush.

"Lets just change the subject."

"So, did you ever like know your dad?"

I chuckled and shook my head, "Not that I know of, but I did I don't remember him at all and I have great memory."

"Same here. I mean I'm pretty sure I know him, but like nothing to remember him I guess. So, I been forced to been the man of the house. Like take care of my two sisters and my mother."

"What kind of job to you have for that? Can I get put on."

He looked at me and shook his head, "A kind of job that pays well. I kind of job you ain't ready for."

"How do you know what I'm ready for?"

"Because, I just know when it comes to what I do. Your not."

I looked at him and laughed, "Whatever you say."

"So, like you haven't even been to work in a minute. Whats up with that?"

"I got fired. My mama doesn't know that, but if she did she would probably kick me out. I need to hurry up and get one because though because Zariah needs new clothes and everything."

"I could take y'all shopping."

"Boy bye. I don't want you buying anything for us. I'll figure it out." He laughed and shook his head.

"Whatever you say Azariah. Just take offers like that sometimes." He said and I just rolled my eyes.

"Moms taught me to be independent and not take offers like that because you boys is going to feel like y'all are in control of me and I don't need that right now," I explained shaking my head. "I don't need it at all."

"I feel you." He said right before his phone vibrated. He looked at me and something flashed in his eyes. "Look...I gotta go, but I'll be right back,"

"Don't do nothing stupid Zachariah."

He chuckled and turned around slowly with nothing but passion in his eyes. He licked his lips and looked down at me causing me to look down, but he wasn't taking that for a answer because he tilted my head up.

"Trust...what I'm about to go do...It's well worth it." He started to lean in for a kiss, but I shook my head and turned my head. He has a girl that doesn't even like you. You have a boyfriend Azariah...matter of fact where the fuck is he!

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