• ❁Alchemic Scars❁ •

By Rosebud1208

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[FMA:B x OC] "The past is a mere illusion compared to the solid image that will be known as the future." - E... More

• ❁ Prologue ❁ •
• ❁ Chapter 1 - The Crimson-rose Alchemist ❁ •
• ❁ Chapter 3 - The Crimson-rose Alchemist ❁ •
• ❁ Chapter 4 - The Surprise Meeting ❁ •
• ❁ Chapter 5 - Old Friends and New Secrets ❁ •
Chapter 6 - Scar
Chapter 7 - Two Limbless Alchemists
Chapter 8 - Dr. Marcoh
Chapter 9 - The Rockbells
Chapter 10 - Heat of an Unknown Source
Chapter 12 - Roy For President...
Chapter 13 - The Truth Hurts
Chapter 14 - The 5th Laboratory
Chapter 15 - Digging To Find the Truth
Chapter 16 - The Music-box Murderer
Chapter 17 - Power of the Blood Born Blade
Chapter 18 - Palm Tree Envy and Lavish Lust
Chapter 19 - Waking Up in Hospital
Chapter 20 - Something is Wrong
Chapter 21 - In Comes the Worried Auto-mail Mechanic
Chapter 22 - Winry Rockbell Meets Maes Hughes
Chapter 23 - Elicia's Special Day
Chapter 24 - The Breaking Point
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A/N - Must Read!

Chapter 11 - A Three-Stage Recovery

116 8 3
By Rosebud1208

(the artwork above does not belong to me!!

Sorry for the long chapter...)

Chapter 11 - A Three-Stage Recovery

The wind whistles pass with a warm and calming breeze. A small brown bird flies through the crisp blue sky, easily identified as no clouds are there to blend with its white underbelly. It flies down to rest softly on its nest in a tree, planted right outside of the wooden, two-story house. Of this house, on an upper levelled, square-shaped window, I sit peacefully and quietly while I watch the world turn in bliss.

My hair is let down around my shoulders, cascading down my back and torso, reaching easily to mid-thigh. I'm clad in a loose, black jumpsuit that is unzipped and hangs around my waist, allowing to show through a sky blue, short-sleeved top.

Today is the third out of an overall six days of our stay at the Rockbells'. The stay has been a pleasant one and hasn't been at all hectic. I'm using this work leave as a stress reliever and a time to collect myself, and my thoughts.

A radio softly whispers it's tune behind me inside the house. A melody of instruments and calming notes. No words come through, however; it's just an instrumental. As I listen to this tune, I peek inside the house a bit further to spot Winry productively on two separate limbs. She is working on two auto-mail arms, one currently in front of her face and the other barely being touched, sitting off to the side.

Edward has come in a few times here and there, just checking up on their progress, but soon after being kicked out by Winry. After that, he stays outside with Alphonse and Den as they are today. They either lay about on the grass while they watch the outdoor scenery, or talk about anything that comes to mind. In a basic description; they are making sure to stay out of the way.

Armstrong is also making good use of his strength and presence here, by cutting up some firewood for the family's use. But by the use of the word 'cutting', I really mean 'using his fists to somehow divide the wood up into equal wedges'. After all, he isn't called the Strong-arm Alchemist for nothing. I still keep my distance from him as much as I can though, like today; I am on the complete opposite side of the house and on the upper level, far away from the Major.

"Elleah!" Granny calls from downstairs. "Could you come down here?"

I turn myself and hop off my perch on the window. I take a glance at Winry who's focus is on the stairs. She looks up at me for a moment to give me a smile.

"She just needs to make sure we have everything ready." She explains. "I'm almost finished with your arm."

I nod my head to her and continue my way out the room and begin my descent of the stairs. When I arrive at the bottom, I peer around to take in my surroundings.

In the centre of the room lies a raised operating table, a baby blue sheet draped over its surface. Beside it is placed a wooden stool. Atop that is a tray with an assortment of items; tissues, ropes, a wet rag, a few screwdrivers and small bolts.

Granny Pinako beckons me over to the table by petting the cloth on it gently. I walk my way to her side before sliding myself onto the table. From there Pinako grabs the few coils of rope and begins to unravel them. She instructs me to move further onto the table and place my feet in her direction. I oblige her request and proceed as follows.

From across to the wall of the room, the door creeks it's way open, revealing two humble figures. The two boys walk through the opening in the place and observe the scene at hand; me having my feet, hand and torso tied down and secured to the table, the doings of which are from Granny Pinako - a sweet old lady at the best of times.

"Uh... What's going on?" Edward asks sceptically. He proceeds to then begin untying my ankles.

"No, Edward," I whisper to him. "I need to be restrained for the reconnection."

Both the Elrics stare blankly at me, wondering my motives and reasons for the bindings. I don't answer their looks; instead, I quickly and quietly hand over my precious siblings. Handing Marcus to Edward and Jacky to Alphonse. I don't want them to get hurt by my actions when the connection is made, and I know they will be in very safe hands.


After several minutes of preparation later I'm safely secured to the table/bed, my hand and feet almost unmovable, torso being squashed down, and the wet rag draped softly over my eyes.

I hear the soft pattering of feet a moment later and the jangle of auto-mail joints bending. From this, I know Winry is finished with my limb and is now preparing it for the attachment. Sure enough, the cold metal hits my shoulder joint and sends tingles and surges of irritation through my spine.

"You ready?" Winry asks from my right side, concern clearly laced in her tone.

"As I'll ever be..." I reply and hold tightly to the fabric beneath me.

A tinkle of metal and a hardy tug on my shoulder later, and a whirlwind of pain shoots through my entire body. The searing sensation races from head to toe, fingertip to the bottom of my spine. The pain is almost too much, but I keep in my screams and cries of agony, only letting out muffled gasps through my clenched teeth. My body then begins to act on its own, forcing my back to arch against my restraints.

The pain keeps circulating my body over and over, never ceasing its torture. Eventually, however, it makes it's way up my spinal cord and travels its way through my brain pathways. It sears and stings, feeling like someone is attempting to rip me apart from the inside out.


Now, at this point, you're probably confused at my reaction, the amount of pain I have to go through, and the inability to control my own movements. Well let me explain;

After having my memories taken by 'Truth,' my mind was damaged in several ways. This causes any nerve-related pains and adjustments - such as the connection of the nerves to my auto-mail arm - forces my brain into a three-stage recovery system.

The first stage; I lose all control over my limbs, such as arms and legs. This is a reason why I have to be restrained and kept out of arms reach of people.

The second stage; my mood changes drastically at first, and eventually, I lose all knowledge of any outlet of emotions. This means I don't know the exact feeling I am displaying to the surrounding audience and won't be able to control it. This is one of my most troubling stages for me, as I usually bottle up my emotions and display a blank expression.

The third, and final stage; I go into almost complete shutdown. My mind goes black, and I will not be able to interact with people and objects. I will not be able to feel and understand anything completely until the stage passes. This stage is the most troublesome for those who have to watch over me and talk to me to make sure I'm ok.

Overall, the three stages last for a good three hours; half an hour just dedicated to the first stage, the next hour and a half is for the second one and the last hour is left for my mind of absolute blackness. The whole process is painful to the recipient - myself - and the caretakers - anyone round -, so that is the reason why I don't go into fights if I know someone else fighting can make the same outcome.


My back makes another wild thrash at the ropes, and I force my head backwards. The wet towel that once covered my eyes comes tumbling off, to show me the scared and terrified faces of those around me. Edward and Alphonse have backed up against the wall as they both hold my siblings close to themselves. Winry stands reasonably close to me but far enough, so I don't hurt her, and Granny has most probably exited the room for I can no longer make out her figure.


All too quickly the pain subsides, and my body falters in its attempts to break free. The tingling in my shoulder is still very much present, but it's bearable. But now it's onto the next phase; emotional breakdown. Sure enough, a rush of feelings swarms my thoughts. I feel my eyes begin to puff and sting as stars form.

"Please..." I whimper. "Let me go... Please, I beg of you." By now my face is red and tears streak down my face like no tomorrow. The pain of not only the restraints and my arm but from my past wrongdoings is hitting me hard.

Winry hastily comes to my aid, loosening the ropes enough to let me come free. She extends her hand to me, and I take it with no hesitation. She pulls me up, and I immediately fall into her embrace, sobbing quietly.

"Stage two has begun," Winry whispers softly down to Granny, while she quickly wipes away my unnoticed nosebleed. "Its safe enough to clear away the equipment. I'll take her outside for a while." She finishes her orders and lets me out of the hug. She takes my flesh hand and gently guides me towards the exit. Before we make our leave, Winry silently beckons the two boys to our side.

Out on the grassy front yard, I take my hand back from my friend and walk around, looking down at my kicking feet to admire the green earth and small white and yellow flowers. I smile widely, forgetting my previous state, as I recall the fun I used to have strolling these fields. I look back in the direction of the house to admire my friends. I wave with a sweet smile over to them.

"Hey, you guys!" I call out to them. "Why don't you come play; Just like old times!" I wave frantically over and indicate to join in with me. They turn in my direction from their tight nit conversation, where I assume they are getting a brief explanation on my condition.

Winry's smile envelopes her features, and she comes running out to my side. Alphonse follows in close pursuit behind her with small giggles from him and Jacky that he still holds protectively in his hands. Edward, however, stays standing in complete stillness and silence by the steps. He looks out to our scene like a pig has flown across the sky. I happily laugh, causing him to be pulled out of his thoughts. He jumps off the steps with a fist in the air, yelling his enjoyment over the twittering birds. He comes over, and we begin our fun.


An hour and 25 passes by quickly for we make good use of the time, play fighting, joking and goofing around, teasing one another, and even playing a quick game of tag. It's just like the old times we spent together as kids. Those days were the best days of my life, and if I had memories of my parents, I think they wouldn't be even as close to being this enjoyable.

As I run across the grass, I hear the sounds of laughter behind me. I turn on my heel to face a charging Alphonse coming right for me. I play scream and try to run in the opposite direction. But him being the fast runner he is, catches me and holds me tightly to his chest, arms wrapped around my torso and my arms tucked by my side. I struggle to break free of his tight grip, but it doesn't work.

"Brother!" He yells. "I got her!"

Edward comes running to us, out of breath slightly and grinning from ear to ear. He takes a few breaths to steady his breathing, before giving me a devilish look. Knowing this look too well, I recoil into Al's armoured shell. Ed just laughs and moves forward. He raises his hand as he curls it into a claw.

"Ed..." I say warningly. "Don't you dare."

"Oh yes, I dare." He cackles maliciously. And from there he begins his tickle attack with all the energy of an overexcited child. He raids my personal space and goes for my waist. With no protection or defence from me, my body is left out to the open.

I cry out through fits of giggles for my own last hope. "Winry!" I yell. "Help me!"

At my pleads, she comes running from behind the suit of armour holding me. Her face that was once worried turned into an equally devilish gin than Edward's. She stands with her arm outstretched to my neck. Her fingers graze my skin and send waves of different tingling sensations down my spine.

"Nooo~." I cry out once more and earning giggles and laughed from the torturers.

After another few seconds of maniac laughter, the feeling of their hands fades away. All that's left is the tender feeling of 15 rounded fingertips. The coldness from Al's body turns to nothing but another dull sensation. The noise of joy, too, disappears from one of its sources. That source being my now sealed mouth.

My expression falters and drops to a neutral mode - a usual expression for those who know me. I look out towards the horizon of the evening to spot the sun. But the scene is somewhat hard to understand. It's not just because it's blurred slightly, but my mind doesn't take in the colours and shapes like it used to.

A blurred hand comes swinging across my vision. I don't react in shock or fright, I just silently watch it's motion, not knowing the purpose of it's passing. It comes down by its owner's side, and I begin to hear sliced, and muffled voices, almost like my head is wrapped in a large blanket.

"... Going into stage three..." A light voice speaks, my ears only being able to catch a few lines here and there. "... Must take her inside... Look after her until morning..."

'Who is this person talking about?' I think to myself. 'Do I know them? What's this about a 'third stage'?'

The ground shakes beneath me, and my bindings move steadily towards some building. It cradles me in its arms softly, and a whisper of an incoherent reassurance comes from beside me. I'm taken through this familiar house and to a couch, where I am then laid upon. Something soft slithers its way over my body and another under my head.

"... Rest..." The same voice whispers. "... Will talk in the morning..."

With those final words spoken, my eyes flutter closed, and I make the descent into the unknown of the land of dreams.


Hey guys and gals! How did you like the chapter? Did you understand it, or was I rambling on too much about complete nonsense..? I hope you liked and got the story behind it.

Anyways, thanks for reading and, until next time my storybook friends, bye~

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