Match-Made For You

By amailstew

161 22 1

Lyla Adams was fine on her own-- with the exception of her two best friends. According to Myles Foster and A... More

| C A S T |
| O N E | Beta Theta Pi
| T W O | Horny Bastards.
| T H R E E | Your Hips Don't Lie.
| F O U R | Myla.
| F I V E | Booty Call Britt.
| S I X | Goodnight, Lyla.
| S E V E N | Close Your Mouth.
| E I G H T | LOVE.
| T E N | Sweatshirt.
| E L E V E N | Promise Me.
| T W E L V E | Red Rum.
| T H I R T E E N | Nothing.
| F O U R T E E N | Forever, baby.
| F I F T E E N | Denny's.
| S I X T E E N | Promise Part Two.
| S E V E N T E E N | Small Get Together.
| E I G H T E E N | Weak.
| N I N E T E E N | Still.
| T W E N T Y | White coat, White room.
| T W E N T Y - O N E | Big Spoon.

| N I N E | Too Good.

4 1 0
By amailstew

| N I N E | Too Good.

"You cheated!" Alona jumped up, pointing at me angrily. All I could do was chuckle at her, and shrug my shoulders.

"You're a sore loser."

She makes a noise at the back of throat and falls back into the chair, defeated. Myles slides his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close, "That's my girl."

Ruby laughs at Alona, and rubs her shoulders slowly, "It's fine, Alona. I love my loser girlfriend."

Alona grunts and slaps Ruby's hands away from her, "You suck."

"Nah, I just swallow."

Alona squints her eyes, "You don't do anything, you eat-" I snort, and almost drop my beer, Alona directs her cool gaze on me, "What?"

Logan sits in another chair, biting into an apple, "You are just nasty." He comments, waving his apple in the direction of Ruby and Alona. Myles laughs, and stands up, crossing the room in just a couple strides to get to the bathroom. He takes off his white sweatshirt along the way, chucking it on the floor right in front of my bed.

A couple strands of hair fall out of the bun that sits atop my head, I brush them away quickly, directing my attention to Logan, "Where's your girlfriend?" 

He shrugs, swallowing  part of his apple before answering, "She couldn't make it. Her parents are in town."

Alona makes air quotes with her fingers, "Her parents. Dude, she's probably not even real-Ow!"Logan chucks a pillow at her so quick I barely even register it, I cover my mouth to stifle a laugh, and Alona snarls at me, "You guys aren't even going to attack him? Defend my honor?" She turns to Ruby, and then back to me, a sad look in her eyes.

"Oh, come on," Ruby runs a hand down her arm, "You and your smart mouth, I wouldn't be surprised if you got jumped tomorrow." 

Alona slaps her hand away from her arm, her lips turned down in a frown. Myles comes back from the bathroom, and flops back down beside me on the couch. A wet hand runs up and down my arm, I jump away from the cold hand that rests on my bare legs. I had changed into blue shorts and a white shirt earlier due to the AC not working, and now I was regretting it.

Myles chuckles besides me, and kisses my temple, Alona makes chocking sounds and mimics throwing up. I flip her off and roll my eyes, Myles chucks a pillow at her, and hits her in the chest. "What the hell is up with everyone throwing things at me?" She demands, tossing the pillow back at us.

Myles sets the pillow behind him, "Maybe if you would shut the fuck up for a minute, you wouldn't get hit all the damn time." 

I cover his mouth with my hand, and glare at him, "In nicer words," I turn back to Alona, "Think before you act."

Alona opens her mouth to say something, but closes it quickly. Once I think she's done, she goes against what she thought, and raises her hands, "You can't put a filter on this mouth right here." 

Logan checks his phone and stands, "It's way late. I should go." 

I wave to him and Alona drags Ruby out of the door, claiming she'll be back. The door slams behind them and Myles turns to me. 

"Mind if I stay here tonight?" he asks, batting his lashes at me.

I giggle, "Of course."

Myles had stayed over many times before for different reasons. Matt had a girl over, Matt threw a party, he was annoyed with his fraternity, or simply just because Alona and I were his best friends, and he wanted to spend the night. Our RA didn't seem to care when she found Myles sneaking out of our dorm room. 

I stood and walked over to the bed, wondering if he was gonna join me or not. It wasn't like we hadn't shared a bed before, but the twin was so small and we would be so close to each other...not that that was a bad thing. I thought about how close we would be, for the first time since he last kissed me at his football game. It had been 4 days, yet it felt like it had been 4 years. I felt giddy at the thought of his soft, plump lips-

"What are you thinking about?" Myles tapped my forehead, now standing in front of me shirtless, his black basketball shorts hanging low on his waist. 

I shake my head, "Nothing." I gather my hair in my hands and reach for a ponytail on my nightstand, but Myles gets there first. 

"Let me do it," He whispers, taking my hair in his hands. I let my hands fall in my lap and turn around, my back resting against his waist.

His hands smooth down my hair, pulling it away from my face and into the ponytail holder around his wrist. Once he was done he took my face in his hands and pulled me back, leaning over me so that I was looking straight up at him. His eyes twinkled with something else I couldn't identify.

He let's go once the twinkle burns out. I sigh, and stand to gather my covers, disappointed that he didn't do anything. My sudden mood change must've shown, because he slipped his arms around my waist and kissed my shoulder, leaving trails of kisses up to my cheek.

I turned and sat on my bed, wrapping my legs around his and pulling him closer to me. I ran my hands down his back, clutching him as close as he could get to me.

I shrieked as he bent to place his hands under my butt, lifting me up as if I weighed nothing. He flashed a smile at me, before setting me back on the bed so I lay on my back. He joins me, clicking off the light before lying his head on my stomach, and slipping his arms under my waist. 

Soon his breathing slowed and evened, he was asleep. Myles Foster was asleep on top of me. I closed my eyes, not wanting to wake up from my dream that I seemed to be living in. 

This was all too good to be true, after all.


A\N: Hope you enjoyed this fun chapter! Tap, or click that star and give me your feedback! 

Have a nice morning, day, or night.

- Arrow ;)

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