Do VAMPIRES Really EXIST? [On...

By ItsGaysee

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Chapter 2: Meet my Boyfriend, Drake Eretus
Chapter 3: The Clue
Chapter 4: Meet His Family (Part I)

Chapter 1: "Meet my beautiful me, Frey Mor"

358 16 19
By ItsGaysee

“Do vampires really exist?” this is the question that I got for my research paper. Gosh! It sucks! I don’t know if vampires do exist or not, so I really need to have a great research. Oh by the way, I’m Frey Mor, a senior high school student. I’m here in the library doing the research thingy together with my 1-month boyfriend, Drake Eretus. Next time, I will tell you how he courted me *blush* okay, okay, back in the story. This is our last day here in the campus because hmm .. Actually it’s already our Christmas vacation but still I’m stocked here, Thank God, my Drake is always in my side to help me. How cheesy >\\\< 

“Frey, why are you blushing?” Drake asked me, curiosity

“Uh  ... Nothing”

“Okay? Hmm, do you believe in the existence of vampires?” he asked while I’m busy searching for the last book that I need. It’s already 2 books that I had plus the one .. 3 books?? seriously?? I hate books!

“Frey?” he poked me from my daydreaming.

“Oh, sorry, I bet both”

“Both? Why?”

“Hey! Why are you very curious about it?”

“I just want to know, so why both?”

“Okay fine. Yes, because according to my history teacher, vampires do exist a long time ago. No, because I think that’s only fictional.”

“Oh, here read this one” Drake said then gave me an old old book.


After I read one of the books, I felt dizzy. I really hate books same as reading it.

“You okay? You look tired, come on, I’ll take you home”

“Shocks! I’m already late for the curfew in my house, my Mom ---“

“Don’t worry, I called auntie that you’re busy reading books *laugh*”

“Why are you laughing?” I asked while crossing my hands in front of my chest.

“Auntie said, “Its okay, it’s okay. Thanks! She’s reading a book “ *laugh* you really love reading books ha?” Oh come on! He’s now starting to tease me.

“psh!” I said then walked away.

My Mom is always there to support me, even if she’s a single parent. According to my Mom, my Dad died because of an animal attack when he was in the Transylvania. That’s the only thing that I know about him, even his face is I don’t know, I still not seen his pictures. Never mind that, all I can say is thank you for having a Mom like her.

“Frey *laugh* sorry, come on” he said then ran after me. We’re now walking towards the school car park when I suddenly stop and think.

“Go first Drake, I forgot my notebook. I’ll going to check it in my locker.” then I ran, I didn’t hear what he’s trying to say because I’m too far away from him.

*Locker Area*

“Gosh! Where is it?” I shouted when I found out that my notebook isn’t inside my locker. Oh my! I ran towards my last subject room, it’s too dark here. I grope my hands to find the switch but epic failed! I forgot that the switch is inside the faculty rooms.

“Are you looking for this, Princess Frey?” I jumped in surprised because of that. I can’t see him, yeah ‘him’ because of his husky voice.

“Who are you?” the only words that come out in my mouth. I heard rumors from my classmates that someone is died in the campus. Wait? Is he a ghost?

“Are you afraid, Princess Frey?” I’m sure that he’s totally in front of me but I’d tried to grope my hands, no one is there.

“You look pathetic, you’re totally scared”

“I’m not afraid to you! Show yourself!” I demand, I’m not really scared, a little only.

“Wow! Pretty nice! Princess Frey, you make me feel to like you more *laugh* Drake really protecting you, even your mind is blocked”

Princess Frey?? I heard it not only twice but thrice, and Drake? Why did he know him? And where is he by the way? I need now my shinning shimmering Prince *smile*

“Hey princess! Why are you smiling like that? You make me feel shiver? Are you insane? “

Psh! He called me insane?? How dare him! I’ll give him my revenge but for now I need to go back in my Drake’s side.

 “Who are you?? And how did you know my boyfriend’s name? Are you a stalker of him? Gosh

! You’re a gay!” now I’m mad. I have a gay rival.

“W-Whattt? Gay?? ME ?? never mind. I’m not interested about him. *laugh* you’re still beautiful like the old days. Oh now he’s coming, I think I need to say goodbye my princess. I hope you’ll going to choose me. *laugh* as if you still know about it. Bye” I felt that he vanished, vanished? Is he really a ghost?? And choose him? What’s wrong with him?

“Frey” then the lights turn on.

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