By Purplespy888

1.5K 44 22

(Y/n) is simply trying to find the best out of life after a rough upcoming when one day she's has a near deat... More

The experience
Mr. Wright is always right.
Live for once
From hell and out
Back to limbo

home sweet discomfort

193 6 0
By Purplespy888

Hi guys, sorry for the halt of updates recently. Ive been extremely busy with work and art block that I completely forgot about this. I promise i'll try to update more often.


All the other students left long before me so I sat on the concrete steps by myself. Eventually my phone's battery began dying that my muse and entertainment had to come to a halt. 'Fucking phone industry making my battery last short.' I thought to myself as I stood up to stretch a bit from my slouched position. 'God you'd think with all that money that old hag has she'd be able to afford a faster ride..'

My eyes gazed around my surroundings when I noticed a rusty dingy black car start driving on the road in front of me, full of loud, possibly intoxicated shit heads and one cunt. For fuck sake! When I thought I had dealt with the last of them on the school bus. Slowly and solemely the rustic car slow down in front of me, when two heads popped out holding soda cans. 'They fucking wouldn't.' I thought but was unfortunately very mistaken. I watched as the aluminum cans had glints of sun light on them before the began hitting me.

Sticky warm orange Sunkist and possibly Coke stained my white button up and cover my upper torso. Quickly, grabbed my bag and started running up the flights of stairs


I heard Elizabeth yell through the truck window, letting out her fugly shrilled cackle of a laugh before they sped off toward me. I kept running until I could no longer hear the cars engine before I sat down on the concrete. Tears of anger welled up in my eyes. 'Why the hell do they always mess with me?!' I thought as I looked down at the mess on me. 'I've done absolutely nothing to piss any of them off..'A few tears spilled from my eyes. I was pissed off. Those little shit stains couldn't read a fucking clock to save there lives or the school manual where it says to report harassment. Just as I was about to start marching back to the school building I heard someone call my name.


I let out a frustrated angered sign, trying to calm myself down before turning around. Mr. Wright...


I waved awkwardly to him.

"I was driving by and couldn't help but notice you're the only student still waiting around for your ride."

He spoke as he stuck his out of his blue truck. I blushed realizing I looked like a complete mess and weirdo covered in soda waiting by myself.

"R-really? I could've sworn I saw some other kids here a few minutes ago."

'fucking hell, there is no way I was dwelled that deep into You tube.' I thought nervously looking around the green fields and street ahead. My thought were soon interrupted

"Anyway I thought that maybe you could use a ride."

I was tempted to jokingly say "stranger danger" but didn't want to offend my teacher or the nice offer.

"But isn't there like a rule where students or facility member cant do stuff like that?"

I muttered out. Mr. Wright let out a deep chuckled before exclaiming "No- well not really, but I know what your talking about. But rules like that are commonly used for schools without cameras nearby and for elementary schools." I reluctantly got into the car when I noticed clouds start filling the sky. "So (Y/N) what address should we start heading to?" I gave him my grandmother's address before we sat in awkward silence for a few minutes before I spoke up.

"Man, I really appreciate you giving me a ride.  It was starting to get chilly outside." I stated trying to think of something to break the silence. "Chilly? Geez I didn't notice during this late summer weather.." He chuckled a bit in confusion. "da- I - I mean't hot, godicannotspeak properly today!" 'God I'm such a stupid pleb.' I screamed internally to myself. "Oh jeez I hope the stomach bug isn't going around already!" Mr. Wright exclaimed jokingly. We soon began chatting  about the news and about a lady getting eaten by a
Snake and random shit like that.

"No like I feel like a majority of the quizzes created by Buzzfeed are always just sponsored Disney movies or somwthing, I even heard that the company is suppose to be cruel to its employees."

He said taking a turn onto my street. Soon we sat in silence as we both squinted our eyes at the addresses until we found mine. The truck soon took a brief halt at my exit. As I unbuckled my seat belt and jumped off out of the vehicle I looked up at Mr. Wright "Hey again thanks, I really appreciate you giving me a ride considering you probably had other plans, Mr. Wright!"

I said smiling, remembering earlier events. "It's fine, a majority of teachers are having the next 2 days because of why happened yesterday." He said trying to reassure me. "Alright then, thanks anyway!" I shouted as I started heading toward the doors of my hell.

"OH BY THE WAY (Y/n) YOU CAN CALL ME TIM, SEE YA IN A WEEK!" He drove off yelling. I smiled a bit knowing that I had made at least one friend. My happiness soon came to an end when the time came to knock the door.

'This old women is gonna tear me up by the end of this week..' I thought as the door was opened by a slightly younger women than my grandmother. "You must be (Y/N), you Grandmother is waiting for you in the living room."

I walked down the wooden floors looking down the dark corridors and etc before heading toward the living room. There she sat, grey hair, watching tv and drink a cup of tea. I nervously fumbled with my hands before talking. "Hi, Grandma." I said trying to pull her attention away from the tv. "I heard you wanted to speak to me.." without bothering to look up she said firmly "Sit." I sat down without hesitation. A commercial popped onto the tv interrupting the news before she turned around,

"(Yn), I know you must be thinking that since your being dismissed from school that you're pardoned from studying and working.." she spoke coldly in a monotone voice. "You're gravely mistaken of you ever dreamt that, that was going to ever happen under my roof.." I felt myself stiffen as she continued to stare at me with her dead black eyes. "Luckily for you I emailed some staff from the school and asked them to fax me all of your upcoming school work to me, so you can study during this week."

She paused for a moment picking up a stack of brand new books on side passing them to me. "Your going to read all these books and Write essays about them during this week." I grabbed the books and soon started heading off to my room when I was slapped with a ruler. "Excuse me (Yn), but I'm at still talking." My body stiffened and I let out a pained gasp as I heard the tone of her voice change for a moment before she continued.

" I want all of these done in black pen, I want nice hand writing and I was "I know why the caged bird sings done" done by tomorrow morning. And if it is not done I'm taking away any electronics you have." She finished. "Yes Grandma." I said before heading up the flight of stairs jumping into my old bedroom. I let out a tired sigh 'God I've been home for less than 2 minutes and she's already giving me orders.' I thought as I calmed down from the anxiety of talking to my grandmother for the first time in almost 2 years.

The next few days consisted of endlessly reading and tireless nights of writing down explanations to typical literature questions and mesmerizing algebra 2 formulas and vocabulary. Your back would be pained from slouching for hours and hands would be sore from flipping pages and jolting down multiple paragraphs. Your break time came around 7 when you'd be called down to have dinner, the other two meals were bought up to you by a servant. You never could entirely get a break because your bedroom door would be wide open for Grandma to peek in from the upstairs den. The only time you got a break would be to use the bathroom or sleep. At those moments your door would be shut. It was Thursday night when your same old, tiresome routine came to an end.

You sat down across the dining room table, quietly eating your mac and cheese and roast beef when she spoke. "I must say, (YN). I am impressed that you've actually kept your studying regmine up and met with my criterias. By now I thought you'd be diddly daddling onto tumbles.." She stopped for a moment placing a chunk of roast beef into her mouth only to take her sweet presious time to chew, swallow and wipe her mouth be fore she continued. "I mean all you've ever been good for in the past is shitting in your diapers, eating, and wasting pure time on scruntched up doodles calling it "art". I quietly took a sip of water as she ranted on. She laughed even harder. "Maybe I'll even let you live here again and let you help around the house!" She cackled a bit before continuing "If you keep this you'll actually be as valued as a granddaughter!" I bit my lip back to fight the urge to throw my plate of overpriced dry seasoned beef at her and call her out on how much of a waste of space she was and how she could've spent less money on changing the world then on how much she pays to have a chef cook the most basic fucking meal. She got out of her chair laughing before heading into the other room to watch tv to leave me alone with anger sitting at the bottom of my stomach. I marched out of my chair into my room and jumped into bed grabbing a nearby pillow to become victim to my muffled yelling. 'Stupid old rat, all she knows how to do is spend money and watch tv.' I thought as I looked at the piles of papers which I had spent hours upon writing. 'I need to get out of here...' I thought as my head spinned around the room which I had been confines to for many hours now.


GUys I'll tey to update more

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