Rules Were Made to be Broken

By valethra

66.7K 2.2K 3.4K

Kiyotaka Ishimaru should be happy working for a high-paying tech company and living in a spacious apartment... More

‣ scene 01 [unhappy refrain]
‣ scene 02 [hot damn, he's familiar]
‣ scene 03 [not-so-bad boy]
‣ scene 04 [parental controls]
‣ scene 05 [can't catch a break]
‣ scene 06 [persistence is key]
‣ scene 07 [never mind]
‣ scene 08 [code cracker]
‣ scene 09 [comin' closer and closer]
‣ scene 10 [broken portrait]
‣ scene 11 [not again!]
‣ scene 12 [night ride]
‣ scene 13 [browari code]
‣ scene 14 [face the facts]
‣ scene 15 [shattered glass]
‣ scene 16 [brotherly business]
‣ scene 17 [tramp stamped]
‣ scene 18 [in for the long haul]
‣ scene 19 [not quite a goodbye]
‣ scene 20 [those who keep secrets]
‣ scene 21 [hitting the fan]
‣ scene 22 [tomorrow can be brighter]
‣ scene 23 [the tanaka empire expands]
‣ scene 24 [confess it to the dark]
‣ scene 25 [leave it behind]
‣ scene 26 [late-night rendezvous]
‣ scene 28 [sweet dreams]
‣ scene 29 [the big day]
‣ scene 30 [happy synthesizer]

‣ scene 27 [it's about time]

4.2K 78 212
By valethra

CONTENT WARNING: here it is— the promised smut! so of course, explicit sexual content. sorry this took so long. i'm not used to writing smut yet (this is my first published full-length attempt) and i was emotionally destroyed by season six of voltron :'D


Kiyotaka had never done anything so impulsive, and a part of him wondered what the hell had come over him, but that didn't deter him from removing his jacket and tie. He had them off and tossed into the front seat by the time Mondo made it into the vehicle and closed the door. He also took the liberty of removing one of his own shoes, and had the other halfway off, when Mondo attacked.

The trucker's first few kisses were slow and lazy and deliberate. Kiyotaka clawed impatiently at his hair and his clothes, and he grew more confident. He pulled Kiyotaka into his lap, and then they melted into one another.

It was amazing, really, how natural it felt. Kiyotaka had been nervous just a moment earlier. There was still a fluttering in his gut and his heart raced, but it was nothing but excitement now. Mondo was warm and familiar. His body was firm and welcoming, his touch inviting. Kiyotaka felt safe, even in the back of some car in the middle of the woods.

His hands tore Mondo's usual leather jacket from his shoulders and tossed it aside. The shirt he found beneath was thin and made of a cheap, stark-white fabric. It was the sort of tee that one purchased in a pack, usually for sleeping in. He raised an eyebrow.

"Shouldn't you be wearing something warmer?"

"I was takin' the night off," Mondo insisted, smirking. "Wasn't expecting ya t'call me up outta nowhere."

"Oh? But you took the time to get your leather jacket and to put your hair up?"

Mondo's smirk widened into a teasing grin as he felt at his own hair. It was pulled halfway up into a messy little bun, the way that he'd been wearing it the night they'd reunited in the noodle restaurant.

"Yeah. Because you like botha those things. Unlike you, I'm not fuckin' blind to when people are checkin' me out."

Kiyotaka blushed. He wasn't wrong about that. He removed the band from Mondo's hair anyway, as he wanted to run his hands through all of it. He carelessly slipped the band around his wrist just so that he wouldn't lose it someplace. He tangled his fingers into the rusty curls, watching them fan out over the other man's neck, just barely touching his shoulders, the tighter ringlets of the layers underneath twirling around his exploratory digits. He pulled, slightly, and gently massaged his scalp with his nails. There was a deep rumble of a sound, one that came from the back of Mondo's throat, and his lips pulled away from Kiyotaka's to attack his neck. As he had suspected, Mondo very much liked having his hair played with and pulled. There was almost no point in his having that much hair otherwise, right?

Mondo's mouth, hot and hungry, returned to his. Kiyotaka mapped out every inch of it with his tongue as the pads of his fingers finally found skin, heated and in need of touch, beneath the t-shirt. He rolled it up and over Mondo's abdomen before Mondo took the hint and removed it himself.

Mondo smiled. He knew damn well that Kiyotaka liked what he saw there. He worked hard at maintaining that kind of a figure, and it showed. Kiyotaka had hardly been able to stand it before, when he'd only been allowed to look and not to touch. It was different now. His hands explored the expanse of muscle there, writing the details of every dip and crease into his memory. Mondo patiently moved to undo Kiyotaka's buttons, allowing the other man to soak it all in. He was still absorbed in touching Mondo's chest (the nipple rings, in particular, were fascinating) when he shrugged the dress shirt off. Mondo's muffled chuckling distracted him.

"What's so funny?"

"Y'folded it."


Kiyotaka looked down to find that he did, in fact, have a perfectly folded shirt in his hands. He tossed it, embarrassed, over the back of the seat behind him to join his jacket and tie and single shoe. He recaptured Mondo's mouth with his, partially in an attempt to stop him from laughing. Mondo pulled him closer, finally allowing him to feel bare skin against skin, and that was more than enough apology. His heart was thumping so hard against his ribcage that he was certain Mondo could feel it. Mondo's skin was hot with the exception of those two bits of cold metal. Kiyotaka gasped at the strange sensation.

One of Mondo's hands slid lower, daring to just barely tease the waistband of his trousers. Kiyotaka was in a position that allowed him more movement of his lower body, so he dared to give one teasing thrust, grinding their hips together. Mondo grunted and swore through his teeth before taking the hint and fumbling for his buttons. Kiyotaka had less trouble finding the zipper of Mondo's jeans. There was a brief struggle, one of bunched fabric and tangled legs and limited space, and then both men were exposed, neither bothering to remove their pants entirely.

Kiyotaka gulped as his gaze fell down. Mondo— his member, that is— was bigger than his, and he'd expected that. He was considerably taller and broader. But Mondo was big. It was hard to comprehend the whole of him fitting inside. For a moment, the thought scared him, and then it excited him and lit his nerves on fire. Mondo had awakened some kind of a greedy masochist in him.

He hissed at the feeling of Mondo's hand around him. His hands were large and his fingertips were rough, for one thing, but it had been so long since anyone had touched him like this that it was like re-learning the sensation. He barely had the time to touch himself these days, either. This would probably be over in an embarrassingly short amount of time.

Kiyotaka did his best to return the favor, assuming that this was foreplay and that he was only getting the other man warmed up. But Mondo's strokes, skillful and calculated, increased in speed, forcing Kiyotaka to stop him with a timid hand on his wrist and pull away from his lips. His jaw was beginning to feel sore, he dully noticed, but he shoved that thought back.

"Wh-What— what are you doing?"

Mondo's brow furrowed.

"Hell d'ya mean? I'm jerkin' ya off—"

"That's not what I meant!" Kiyotaka couldn't help but laugh for a second. "I-I mean... if you keep that up, I won't last long enough. It's been a while."

It took Mondo a few long moments to process his words, and then one of his eyebrows lifted despite him, unfurling the crease that had formed there.

"Yeah? What exactly didja have planned? I kinda thought... Since this wasn't exactly planned, we'd just... Y'know."

"Right. Maybe I should have been more clear," Kiyotaka mumbled. His intense ruby eyes were suddenly glued to Mondo's cock, where his hand still moved, slowly, just enough to be tantalizing. Mondo looked down at himself and frowned. He seemed uncertain. "I want all of you."


Kiyotaka gave him a hard tug, and Mondo's voice caught in his throat.

"Inside of me," he clarified.

"Fuckin' hell." Mondo flinched under another of Kiyotaka's firm strokes. "What's gotten inta you all of a sudden?" He sounded more amused than shocked, which Kiyotaka took to be a good thing. He wasn't actually sure what had gotten into him, but he wasn't fighting it. Maybe he'd just run out of patience. "...I don't wanna let ya down, and trust me, I don't have a problem with it if that's really what ya want. But I don't— I know how I look, but I don't normally do this kinda thing in my car. I dunno if I have... stuff."

"...Ah." Kiyotaka's face fell. He'd forgotten, in his lust, that there were certain things they'd need to go any further. "Are you sure?"

"I can check, I guess. Just in case."

Mondo allowed Kiyotaka to climb off of him and sit down, where he finished removing his shoes and his socks. Mondo leaned forward to fish through the glove compartment between the seats. He had some trouble seeing the contents from where he was without hitting his head (not to mention moving around with the hard-on he was sporting). His eyebrows shot up.

"...I didn't put this here," Mondo mumbled. He picked up some kind of envelope that had been stuffed into the bottom of the compartment and sat down with it. He seemed to recognize the handwriting scrawled across the back. For emergency use, it said. Kiyotaka squinted.

"What is it?"

"I dunno."

Mondo peeled it open. Some familiar objects fell out along with a little note on a torn sheet of looseleaf. Kiyotaka's face lit up. The envelope had contained a small collection of condoms and packets of lubricant. There were varieties of each, as if whoever had put them there hadn't known Mondo's exact preferences. Kiyotaka may not have had sex in a long time, but he did know his own tastes.

As Kiyotaka pored over the options, Mondo made a strange noise. Some combination of a laugh and a groan. His head fell back to hit the seat. Kiyotaka gave him a curious look, and Mondo sighed, took a deep breath, and narrated the note in a voice slightly deeper than his own.

"I know you'll probably get all naggy about it, or insist that ya wouldn't fuck a guy in your car, but your big bro has got ya covered just in case. Ya never know. I'm not sure what kinda shit you use and it's not any of my business, so I asked some gay guy at the shop n' included all the good portable shit. Some of it was weirdly expensive for a little packet, so you'd better be fuckin' grateful! Have fun." Mondo shook his head before returning to his regular voice. "...N' then he drew a fuckin' cock and balls, and a little... winky face... thing... Look at this shit."

Mondo thrust the note into Kiyotaka's hand. He immediately let out a snort of laughter and covered his reddening face with his hands. The doodles Mondo had mentioned were, in fact, there, in blue ballpoint pen. Daiya had never signed his name, but Mondo must have recognized his handwriting. It was distinctive, each letter drawn sharp and thin.

"Well, uh... I suppose you should thank Daiya the next time you see him."

"I sure as hell will," Mondo agreed, stuffing the note and the unnecessary packets back into the envelope and returning them to the compartment. He was left with two little foil packages. He gestured at Kiyotaka to lie down, which he did. Mondo was hovering over him within moments, planting kisses and love bites along his collarbone before moving slowly down. The stubble on his jaw scraped against his sensitive, touch-starved skin. Mondo's bronzed hands were a stark contrast to Kiyotaka's porcelain tone.

Kiyotaka was certain that he'd have marks in the morning. None that he couldn't cover up, of course, but marks nonetheless. Would it be strange of him to tell Mondo to leave more of them? It would be, right? He wondered, again, what had gotten into him. He decided that it was a simple release of built-up frustration. There had been a lot of agonizing sexual tension in their relationship from day one. It was really no wonder that they'd ended up like this. If this went the way that it had in his early fantasies, he'd be a completely different man by the time they were through.

He gasped as Mondo's tongue flicked over one of his nipples and pulled it into his mouth. He teased the other with his hand. He moved between both of them, making sure each received the same treatment, before moving on. His tongue traced the edges of his abdominal muscles as his hands squeezed into the small of his back, his fingernails leaving little crescent-shaped marks. Kiyotaka's eyelashes fluttered, and his mouth parted. Mondo's hands were at his trousers, ready to pull them down the rest of the way, when Kiyotaka suddenly recalled something. He stopped Mondo, who pouted at him.

"L-Listen, while we're on the subject, there's... actually something else you ought to thank your brother for."

Mondo raised an eyebrow. Kiyotaka blushed furiously and pulled his pants down just a little further. He pulled them down just far enough to reveal the crest of a diamond, which had had plenty of time to heal, emblazoned on his hip.

Mondo stared at it for six full, silent seconds before reacting.

"No. Fucking. WAY."

He seemed absolutely delighted, but also afraid to touch it. Kiyotaka smiled through his embarrassment, though it did color his cheeks a startling shade of red. Mondo reached a tentative hand out to carefully feel the marking, his eyes blown wide. He shook his head and grinned as his fingers traced along the ink.

"When in the hell—"

"I got it... a short while before the gym. When I told you that I couldn't see you anymore. I was upset when I got my promotion and wanted to do something rebellious at least once. A tattoo seemed... appropriate."

"Sure does. B-But why a diamond?!"

Mondo's laughter, in that moment, sounded unlike him. It was high-pitched, almost girlish. Kiyotaka was glad he was happy, at least. He groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Ask Daiya! I-I went to his shop on Fujisaki's recommendation—"

"Oh, Chi."

"—and I didn't know he worked there until it was too late, after I'd already told Ibuki that they could surprise me. Daiya figured out who I was before he did the tattoo, and he and Ibuki and Leon talked you up the whole time... I didn't see it until I got home. Honest."

Mondo was still laughing, and so hard that he looked like he could cry. It wasn't exactly sexy, but Kiyotaka thought he looked strangely handsome like that.

Finally, Mondo recovered, and he moved back to his prior position, looking fondly at the ink. Kiyotaka forced an awkward smile.

"Do you... like it?" he asked. Mondo chuckled.

"I love it."

As if to prove his point, Mondo kissed the diamond before moving to tease the skin around it with his tongue and his teeth. His hands pulled Kiyotaka's pants and his boxer-briefs down the rest of the way, struggling to pull them loose from around his ankles. He carelessly threw them to the floor. Kiyotaka would normally object to such a thing, but couldn't focus on something so petty with Mondo's tongue tracing the inside of his thigh.

Kiyotaka kept his eyes squeezed shut for the next minute, and he couldn't help the whines that escaped his throat. Mondo kissed and nibbled at the insides of his thighs and the lowest part of his belly, as if intentionally avoiding the place where Kiyotaka most needed to be touched, for a few agonizing moments before his tongue finally ran along the underside of his shaft. Kiyotaka made a choked sound, something like a sob, as Mondo's lips closed around him and he bobbed his head up and down, once, then twice. Kiyotaka tangled a hand in his hair and pulled him away before he could do it a third time.

"Y-You're a little too good at that," he laughed. "I won't—"

"Right. Gotcha."

Mondo flashed a cheeky grin before retrieving the first of the packets. He studied himself, very closely, as he rolled the condom on, like he hadn't done it in a while. Kiyotaka found that somewhat surprising. Looking at Mondo, he had a difficult time believing that the man had any trouble finding partners.

"Wh-When, um... if you don't mind my asking, when was the last time you did this?"

"Told ya already. I've never done this."

"No, I meant— I meant sex in general, not specifically in the back of a car."

"Oh." Mondo paused, as he'd finished what he was doing. Kiyotaka tried not to stare at it. Mondo looked thoughtfully up at the ceiling, tossing the lubricant packet back and forth between his hands. "It's, uh, been about a year."


Mondo coughed. It was the obviously fake kind of cough meant to distract from embarrassment. Kiyotaka could see his cheeks turn a bit pink.

"I'm... kind of a serial monogamist, I guess. If I'm feeling even a little bit of somethin' for anybody, I'm not lookin' to sleep around."

Kiyotaka blinked.

"Are you... saying that you haven't been dating because of me?"

"...Well, yeah."

Kiyotaka had been floored the first time that Mondo had admitted to crushing on him from a distance for far longer than he'd realized, and he was floored again. He would never have dreamed that Mondo's fixation had stopped his dating life entirely. The man was, honestly, a hopeless romantic wrapped in an oversized and muscular shell.

"That... doesn't matter," Kiyotaka said firmly, smiling. "Because you can do whatever you want now."

"Right." Mondo looked at him, and for a moment, his needy expression softened. "...You sure about this? Y'can back out anytime ya want."

"I'm sure." He wiggled impatiently. "Go ahead."

Mondo gave only a grunt as a confirmation before he attempted to straddle Kiyotaka. He settled, without seeming to realize it, in a position that was less than comfortable for the man pinned beneath him. Kiyotaka wiggled about once more, trying to relieve the weight of Mondo's heavy body. Mondo's knee pushed into his thigh hard enough to hurt, and his own neck was twisted at an uncomfortable angle against the car door.

"Could you move a little?" He squeaked. Mondo raised a confused eyebrow and adjusted an arm. He didn't seem to be aware of how heavy he was, and he was trying not to hit his head on the roof. "N-No, your leg, move—" Kiyotaka's request broke off in a frustrated groan. He covered his face with his hands. "Th-This looks so much easier in movies!"

He'd been afraid, as soon as those words escaped his mouth, that Mondo would be irritated by his breaking of the mood. Instead, Mondo laughed, the loud and warm sort of laugh that spilled from his belly. He gave Kiyotaka's hair an affectionate yet teasing ruffle.

"It sure fuckin' does," he choked through his giggling. "I'm callin' bullshit on that scene in Titanic."

Mondo did as he was instructed. He tried to, anyway. There wasn't any comfortable way, it seemed, for them both to fit on the bench this way.

"Hold on," Kiyotaka instructed. He motioned at Mondo to back away from him, and he obeyed. Kiyotaka rolled himself over until he was on all fours. "Y-You can just, um. Kneel behind me."

He couldn't see Mondo anymore, but heard him let out a huff of breath. He didn't feel anything for a long moment. Just as he was about to urge the man to continue, he felt slightly trembling hands on his rear end. Mondo muttered something, some kind of a muffled swear. Kiyotaka laughed nervously. He'd always been self-conscious about his ass, having been told before that it was too round and too pronounced, but Mondo seemed to like it plenty.

Mondo had been thoroughly distracted. Rather than advancing any further, he kneaded the skin and the excess fat of Kiyotaka's ass with his hands. Kiyotaka could easily imagine the wolfish smile on his face. Mondo gave him a gentle slap, watching the way the skin rippled and bounced in response. Kiyotaka made a sound that he could only describe as a squeak. Mondo snickered.

"What, you like that?"

"...Maybe a little," Kiyotaka laughed, somewhat ashamed to admit it. "C-Could you do that again? A little harder?"

Mondo waited a second before complying with the request. Kiyotaka was able to confirm to himself that he did, in fact, like it.

"Wouldn't have pegged ya for a masochist," Mondo teased just after being told to give yet another slap. He reached his other hand around to Kiyotaka's front and gave his painfully hard cock a few tugs. The movement of his hands briefly paused. "...Actually, I shoulda figured. Seein' as you've been fuckin' yourself over for the last decade."

"I-I don't need you to— ah— to lecture me about my life choices while my ass is sticking up in the air, thank you very much!"

Mondo laughed, and then things resumed. Kiyotaka wanted to be handled somewhat roughly and found himself surprised. Mondo was doing what he'd asked, and obliging what he felt Kiyotaka wanted, but his touch was almost startlingly gentle most of the time. Like he was trying his best to be soothing. Even when he was biting the skin at the back of his thighs or slapping him on the rear hard enough to leave red marks upon his fair skin, his unoccupied hand moved in comforting circles. That juxtaposition was jarring, but at the same time, it did make Kiyotaka feel a little more confident. It reminded him that this wasn't just some hookup, and that Mondo had no intention of hurting him.

While he did enjoy the teasing, Kiyotaka feared that he'd enjoy it a bit too much, and so he gave Mondo permission to take things further. Mondo checked, once more, that he was okay with this and reminded him that he didn't have to be penetrated if he didn't want to be. Kiyotaka growled at him to get on with it, and Mondo laughed.

"Okay," Mondo sighed, making use of the contents of the remaining foil packet and thoroughly coating his fingers with the slick substance within. "I'm startin' with one. Just relax n' lemme know when you're ready for another."

Kiyotaka's first instinct was to brace himself, but he knew this was the worst possible thing he could do. He took a moment to clear his head and relax his muscles before giving a hum of approval.

It was a stranger feeling than he remembered it being. It wasn't painful, not yet, but it was uncomfortable and invasive. He nibbled on his lower lip before impatiently pushing Mondo to insert a second finger, and then a third, hardly giving himself any time to adjust and leaving Mondo little time to properly stretch him. Mondo seemed a bit reluctant to comply, likely out of concern that he would hurt Kiyotaka, but Kiyotaka himself didn't care much about that (hell, he was apparently learning to enjoy a bit of pain). When there were three fingers inside of him and stretching him open, he began to feel a burn. He inhaled through his teeth, once, sharply, and pushed it aside.

"H-Hurry," Kiyotaka pled. Mondo hummed somewhat disapprovingly.

"You're still pretty tight. I don't wanna—"

His protest was interrupted by Kiyotaka's voice crying out. His back arched, and he involuntarily pressed his face further into the fabric of the seat.

"There," he huffed. Mondo's fingers brushed that spot again, and Kiyotaka pushed himself back against them, desperate for more friction. "P-Please, Mondo, I want—"

"Alright, alright," Mondo hummed as he removed his fingers, his voice calming and low. It sounded much deeper all of a sudden. He used the last of the lubricant in the packet to slick his own length before using a paper towel to clean his hands and then tossing it and the empty packets somewhere that Kiyotaka couldn't see. "You're ready?"

"I am," Kiyotaka insisted, his heart racing with anticipation. He swallowed.

Mondo might have nodded. Kiyotaka couldn't tell. A moment, and he felt the other man prodding at his entrance. Another moment passed before he felt himself being split open. Mondo moved slowly, allowing Kiyotaka time to adjust to the long-forgotten feeling of having something lodged inside of him. By the time he was fully sheathed, Kiyotaka was filled to the brim and stretched as far as he could likely go. He'd never felt so full. It stung. It was incredible.

"Fuck," Mondo groaned. His grip on Kiyotaka's hips tightened. "I've never felt somebody so tight."

Kiyotaka tried to reply, but found himself to be incoherent. He whined instead, which Mondo interpreted (and correctly) as a plea to continue. He pulled himself, slowly and slightly, in and out. Kiyotaka's burn subsided as he became accustomed. Mondo tried rising higher on his knees in search of the right angle, and Kiyotaka arched himself further. The combined efforts proved fruitful when Kiyotaka moaned. Mondo thrust into that same spot again.

"Right here?" He asked, his voice now a growl. Kiyotaka huffed out the closest thing he could to a confirmation.

Mondo pulled himself nearly all the way out and thrust back in. Kiyotaka gasped sharply at the feeling of the rougher movement hitting him at just the right angle. Mondo chuckled, sounding proud of himself, before repeating the movement.

Each thrust was perfect and rewarded by another moan or gasp from Kiyotaka. He was hungry for more and begged for Mondo to move faster, to go deeper and harder. Mondo's breathing quickly became hoarse. The sound of his grunts spurred Kiyotaka on. He did everything he could to meet Mondo's movements, rolling his hips back, even as every buck of Mondo's hips sent him surging forward. Powerful hands gripped his hips hard enough to leave bruises. Every slam of his hips into Kiyotaka resulted in a loud slap of skin against skin. Kiyotaka's legs trembled as he cried out in ecstasy. He was shouting something, but couldn't really hear himself. The car jerked back and forth ever so slightly, the seat beneath them creaking in protest.

"S-Stop!" Kiyotaka cried out, suddenly and without warning, for a reprieve. Mondo's hips came to an immediate halt, and an apologetic hand stroked his lower back. Kiyotaka shook his head. "N-No, you didn't hurt me, I'm fine, I-I just..."

Kiyotaka swallowed. It was hard to see, as his eyes were watering, but he pushed himself up with shaky arms anyway. Mondo, wide-eyed and clearly restraining himself, sat down and waited for him to finish his sentence. Kiyotaka pulled Mondo's pants down enough to shove them past his knees, and then he carefully straddled his lap, his folded legs splayed out on either side of Mondo's hips. He smiled and felt his cheeks heat up.

"I-I wanted to see you," he mumbled.

Mondo blinked, unresponsive, before his lip curled up at one corner. He squeezed Kiyotaka's thigh and gave him a lingering kiss.

Kiyotaka brought himself to his knees, aligned himself with Mondo's cock, and swiftly brought himself down. This angle, as it turned out, was even better, and he shuddered violently as he impaled himself. Mondo grinned as he watched his expression change.

"That was a good idea," he teased as Kiyotaka lifted and lowered himself again.

Mondo didn't leave Kiyotaka to do all of the work himself. His strong arms and big hands aided Kiyotaka's bouncing, and he bucked his hips up to meet his partner's as much as he could. They were back to where they'd been before the break in no time at all.

Kiyotaka couldn't keep his hands to himself. His nails left scratches on Mondo's back, and his fingers toyed with and twisted the piercings in his nipples. Mondo groaned at the new sensation, even as Kiyotaka was careful not to pull too hard. He played with and tugged Mondo's hair, which was now damp with sweat, and occasionally captured his lips again. These kisses were rough, often resulting in crushed noses and the scrape of teeth, but Kiyotaka moaned into Mondo's mouth anyway.

It wasn't long before he totally lost control of himself, any of his usual concerns with his image tossed carelessly into the wind. He bounced wildly up and down, each thrust loud and near-brutal, shrieking in pleasure and uttering some constant chant made up of moans of Mondo's name and pleas for more and affirmations of his love for him. He occasionally bounced too high and hit his head against the car's roof. Mondo, meanwhile, retained his usual sailor's mouth, swearing and growling possessively through his teeth. Kiyotaka wouldn't have expected or wanted anything different.

Soon, too soon, it was too much for him to bear. He choked out a warning just before he came, coating Mondo's stomach in his seed and collapsing into him. He felt guilty about it, but for only a moment. His orgasm had caused him to involuntarily tighten his muscles, and that had sent Mondo over his own edge.

They both took a minute or two to recover. Kiyotaka's leg muscles hurt like hell, and Mondo's were probably worse. Maybe. He was in great shape, so perhaps it hadn't been so much effort for him. He risked opening his eyes. Mondo flinched. He had been pushing the sweaty hair off of his forehead and smiling fondly down at him, and it seemed like hadn't expected to be interrupted. Kiyotaka smiled back.  He wasn't sure why he was laughing, but he did so anyway.

"...'M fuckin' exhausted," Mondo mumbled after a minute of quiet. Kiyotaka snickered into his shoulder before pulling back and climbing off of him, feeling sticky and sweaty now that the deed was done. Mondo reached once more for his paper towels and wiped Kiyotaka's release from his stomach. He tossed the roll to Kiyotaka.

"I-I, uh, got a bit carried away," Kiyotaka said nervously. "Sorry."

"Hell are you apologizing for?!"

"I don't... really know?"

Both men laughed. Mondo took all of the discarded paper towels and his used condom and threw them into the same bag he'd used for the wrappers. He didn't seem like the type to have what was essentially a trashcan in his car, but he did have several dogs, and he was into cars. He was probably very serious about keeping the vehicle's interior clean.

"I gotta admit that ya surprised me," Mondo said as he re-buttoned his jeans. He couldn't seem to figure out what he had done with his shirt. "I mean, ya asked me already, so... when was the last time you got laid?"

Kiyotaka blushed.

"Not since that secret college boyfriend. So... it's been several years. I can't say exactly how many."

Mondo whistled.

"That explains... most of it, I guess. Still. You're fuckin' loud. Wouldn't have thought you were so, uh. Responsive." He gave Kiyotaka's thigh a tight squeeze and smirked. "But as for not havin' enough sex, ya won't have that problem again. Promise."

Mondo found his clothes and tossed Kiyotaka his own. Kiyotaka didn't bother to sort out the wrinkles. He'd just change and shower when he got home.

That thought gave him pause. He frowned. His apartment was full of reminders of his family and past and previous job. If he went home— especially if he did so alone— he might feel compelled to call his parents or his boss to apologize for his actions, wouldn't he? That, and he'd had a very eventful night. He didn't want to go back to his lonely apartment.

"U-Uh, Mondo?"

The man looked at him as he pulled his jacket back on.


"First of all, um... thank you."

Mondo grinned.

"No problem. Anytime."

"Somehow, I knew you'd say that," Kiyotaka sighed dramatically. "Anyway. I wanted to ask if I could, uh... If I could stay with you for a night. I-If it's not too much trouble, that is! I don't want to make any assumptions."

Mondo raised an eyebrow at him.

"You... really think ya need to ask like that? We literally just fucked in the back of my car, and ya think I'd be stingy about my apartment?"

"I— I object to that phrasing!"

"...You literally told me to fuck you harder. Several times."

"O-Oh." Kiyotaka's slight blush darkened into a crimson that spread all the way to his ears, and he looked down. "Did I really...?"

"Yeah. Ya did. S'why I was surprised."

Kiyotaka grumbled into his hand as he tried to hide his face. He wasn't as shocked as he should have been, really, considering the sort of dreams he'd been having about Mondo, but still.

"But t'answer your question," Mondo continued, "of course ya can. Ya gotta meet the kids anyway, right?"

Kiyotaka smiled brightly, his embarrassment fading as quickly as it had come.

"That's right— I do!"

He hurriedly redressed himself, newly excited (even if it wasn't the same kind he'd been feeling before). He opened up the door and jumped out of the back seat and ran around to get in the passenger's side. Mondo had had the same thought at the same time. He beat Kiyotaka to the driver's seat by only a second or two.

Kiyotaka had expected them to pull out of the lot right away. Mondo pulled out his cell phone instead and dialed a number without even glancing at the keypad, like he'd dialed it a thousand times before. He put it to his ear and waited.

"Who are you calling?!" Kiyotaka demanded. He was impatient to see what kind of a place Mondo lived in. Mondo hushed him. He grinned as soon as he heard a response on the other line.

"Hey, big bro! I just wanted t'thank ya real quick for the little care package ya hid in my car—"


Kiyotaka tried to snatch the phone from Mondo's hands, but he easily avoided the attacks, and his shouting did nothing but alert Daiya of his presence and let him know exactly what had happened. He was forced to endure a few humiliating minutes of teasing from both of the Oowada brothers before Mondo finally ended the call and started up the car.

At the very least, Daiya was more than supportive.

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