Moving On (Peter Pan X Reader...

By Once_Upon_A_Glade

92.2K 2.8K 1.3K

[Completed] The Gladers were in the land they've dreamed and longed for for so long, Paradise. Everyone was... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Author's Note I: Other Books

Chapter 7

4.5K 128 46
By Once_Upon_A_Glade

Peter gave me the tour of Neverland and it was really a majestic and wonderful place, that's what I would've thought if I wasn't trapped here. I still have no idea how I'm going to escape. To me, there seems to be nothing else but just this island on the vast sea.

Then I thought, if this was all that there was, it must be quite lonely. Maybe that's why Peter kidnaps random people, because he's lonely. But that type of sob story won't change my mind about leaving here.

Peter told me that he wanted to make me his partner in his "business deals." I scoffed. What type of business deals does he even deal with? I wanted to refuse, but he told me that since I was clearly one who wants to see the world, this would be the perfect job for me. He also told me that he wanted a second opinion from someone who knows what they're doing.

I had no choice but to accept his offer.

I detested the boy but that doesn't mean I'm not up for some adventure.

He told me that I should prepare myself for this afternoon. He said that he had a business with someone in the Enchanted Forest which is where he does most of his deals.

I was now in my tent which was still a good distance away from the boys. My mind was still running wild with the events that happened.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

I jumped at the familiar sound of his voice but smiled all the same. There he was standing right in front of me, Newt.

There was something I never told any of my friends, I still see Newt and he's always with me. I knew for a fact that he was dead, but my mind wouldn't have it.

"I'm just confused that's all," I sighed.

I sat on my cot and Newt sat right beside me. "What's there to be confused about? You've landed in a new world and you can start anew."

"It doesn't feel like that."

"Would you have rather stayed in Paradise?"

I smiled sadly. "It isn't Paradise without you."

Newt held a sad expression on his face. I raised my hand to touch his face, but I knew that it'll just slip through the air. Before I reached his face, Peter's voice roared outside my tent.

"(Y/N)! Time to go!"

I sighed and went outside my tent. There I saw Peter standing outside with a sack on his back. He threw it at me and I was able to catch it. It wasn't that heavy. He gestured for me to look at it and all I could see were plants of some sorts.

"What's this? Fertilizer?"

"No," he didn't sound amused. "They are ingredients for potions. Neverland is very rich on some ingredients and I sell them to those who are able to pay," he explained.

I placed the sack at my back and started to follow him. Then I began to wonder what they pay him with. Money is of no use here and there doesn't seem to be anything that he needs.

"What do they pay you with?"

"None of your business."

Newt was right beside me and the both of us shared a look as we both followed Peter to wherever the shuck he's going. I didn't bother to push him. As much as it looks quite fun to push his buttons, I don't think now is the time.

"Just be patient with the shank," Newt whispered to me, but it's not as if he could be seen or heard.

"Well that'll be impossible," I muttered under my breath.

"Did you say something?" Peter stopped in his tracks and turned his head.


He turned his head and continued walking. It didn't take long before we reached a cave. He continued to walk inside of it and I followed him, but I could feel a chill creeping in my spine. It was quite dark and I couldn't see anything until there was a ball of fire that had suddenly appeared from Peter's hand.

"It's magic," he explained once again. Magic seems to be the explanation for everything around here.

We kept on walking until I saw this tinkling of small lights. The fire from Peter's hand died away and he stopped walking. I was too mesmerized with the lights that I continued walking. Peter then drew his hand to stop me. It was only when I did was that I noticed that there was no more land to walk on.

Peter's eyes were not on me but on one of the small lights that were headed towards us. It was when that light was right in front of me, when I realized that it was a tiny human with wings.

"What the shuck is that?"

The tiny human was a girl with pointed ears and such beautiful eyes. Her wings held such beautiful patterns. She looked so delicate and small and so easily crushable.

"I'm a pixie," she laughed, I guess at my flabbergasted expression. "Don't confuse me with a fairy because that's the worst sin of all."

"W-What contrasts pixies with fairies?"

"Fairies are goody goody beings who just want to do the best for people," she rolled her eyes, "us pixies are the same too, but we know how to have fun. That's why we love being here in Neverland."

"Alright, enough with the chit chat," Peter interrupted her. "We need to go to the Enchanted Forest, Liya."

"Okay," she replied.

"You might feel sick after this since it's your first time," Peter whispered to my ear.

"First time? Doing what?"

Peter then pulled me close to him which sent Liya in a fit of giggles. I felt her lay a hand on my head then I was airborne. I felt so light. I looked down and saw that my body was slowly disappearing. It was slowly turning into dust or ash. I felt panic rise on my chest and I wanted to pull away, but then I looked at Peter's calm demeanor and it somehow managed to calm me down.

In just a matter of seconds, I was on the ground. My heart was thudding loudly and my head was spinning a little. I stood up but my legs felt like jelly and I dropped right on the ground again. I groaned and rolled my eyes.

"That was wild!" I heard Newt exclaim. He looked so happy and he sounded so free. The way his eyes sparkled made me smile.

"That was weird," I said.

I decided to sit first and when I did, I looked around for Peter. I started to get nervous when I didn't see him around. Everything that surrounded me were trees and more trees. The sun was still shining bright and the bag of Peter's merchandise was right beside me.

Peter suddenly appeared right in front of me. I jumped since he did that magic thing where he appears and disappears just like the night before. I was too focused on trying to survive to get bothered by it but I have no idea if I'll truly get used to it.

"Here, eat this," he opened his palm that contained a few flower petals that contained a light pink color. "It'll help with the lightheaded feeling."

I looked at him with a suspicious look. Who knows, it might be poisoned? He just rolled his eyes at me. "If you don't want it, then you won't feel good the entire trip. And if I wanted to kill you," he crouched down and his face was inches away from mine, "I would've done it last night."

"Fine," I said begrudgingly, making him smirk in response.

I took the flower petals from the palm of his hand and ate them. They actually tasted sweet and I soon ate all the petals.

"Feeling better?" Peter leaned on the bark of a tree.

This Peter seemed a little different from the Peter I met last night. Sure he was still a prat at times, but he didn't show this type of consideration last night.

I just shook that thought away since he isn't human at all. He doesn't truly care for his Lost Boys since he said it was alright if I killed one the other night. I also couldn't forget when I had him at spear point. His eyes glistened with excitement and mania, not how any sane person would face death.

"Better thank you," I nodded towards him.

"You'd better get used to that."

Before I had the chance to ask what he meant, he laid his hand on my shoulder and we both disappeared from the forest and appeared into a small town.

Thank you so much for this book reaching 1,000+ reads! I will try to update a bit more frequently since I think, I already have a good storyline for this.







❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

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