
By BillEdinger8

397 26 3

Astronaut lost in space, severely injured, healed by alien race to their best ability and what happens when t... More

Prelude and Day One
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Final Day


64 5 0
By BillEdinger8

The next morning, John went to the hospital to pick up Jane and take to her new home. Jane was pleased with the help John was giving her, but the only thing on her mind was getting her children back. While on the way home, Jane and John saw a strange‑looking aircraft fly low over the car and watched it disappear over the horizon with a flash of light. They were surprised at its speed, but didn't want to sound crazy to people, so they didn't say anything.

The craft flew low over the ground, like it was trying to avoid radar and it was flying at very high speeds. Just looking at it when it flies over, it looks like a blur. It started to slow down and it began to land in a deserted cornfield. No one was around, so it landed with a churning of the wind and landed very quietly. It sat there for a few minutes, it didn't do anything and then it opened a door that seemed to be hidden behind a panel that slid backwards towards the edge of the opening. A bright light appeared from the door and a shadow appeared in the light. The shadow didn't seem to be human, it seem to be like some type of animal and appeared to have something in its hand.

The creature walked down a ramp that slid to the ground and it was followed by two more creatures carrying similar objects, but seemed to be under the first one's command. They followed the others arm movements and orders that were barked at them. They were all about 5 feet 11 inches tall and were pinkish in color, wore clothes that looked like army wear also each had a band on one arm like a communicator or something. They started walking towards the path heading for town, the leader barked something and the others took out objects that look like some type of weapon. They slowed down their approach and took up positions like they were trying to avoid anything approaching them for all sides. They got to the edge of the woods and stopped, looking at what was ahead of them. They looked at the size of the town and decided to split up, meeting somewhere in the center of town.

The town wondered what was going on and went to take a look at the crash site of the comet. It take fifteen minutes to get to the crash site and when they got there they were surprised at what they show. They couldn't believe that their meteor was nothing, but a flying saucer, and they wondered where the occupants were. They also wondered what these visitors looked, what they wanted on this planet, and they came to this little, unknown town. They didn't know if they were friendly or if they were dangerous, and if they were dangerous, what would they do.

Sheriff Jackson showed up, told everyone to go home because he got a call that the government was coming to take care of the site and that they would arrest or shoot anyone found in this area when they arrived. Sheriff Jackson made sure everyone got walking back to town at a fast pace and that he would let them know what is going on, as soon as he can. The people started walking and when they were far enough away, Sheriff Jackson pulled out his gun, and fired a shoot into the air, scaring the people, making them run back to town.

There are only three ways into the town and each entranceway was being covered by one of the aliens, making sure everything was clear. The aliens went through the town, looking in all the windows, and checking to see if anyone was around before putting their plans into action. If anyone found out their plans, they would have to leave without completing their mission. They didn't want to do that, so they continued on and were very careful.

The leader used his transmitter to communicate with his ship and the last member of their team, a humanoid creature who looked like you or me, but was still a little different. The leader looks like a lion, but can walk on all fours with no problem and is 5 foot 11 inches. The other two look like dogs, follow orders and are the same height as their leader. Last, the humanoid left on the ship, it's a male, 6 foot 2 inches, looks human, and is very, very strong. You could say the humanoid is as strong as a thousand men and is, as the government will find out, bullet proof. Nothing can hurt it, nothing man‑made that is.

The town's people got back to where they live and Sheriff Jackson drove around the town with his loud speaker, yelling what the town's people should do.

"Attention, when the military gets here, I want everyone acting as though nothing has happened and act as though it was a normal comet, nothing more or less. Stay indoors, I inform you when it's OK to come out of your homes."

The town's people listened to Sheriff Jackson and did everything they were told. They waited patiently for Sheriff Jackson to tell them that it was safe to come out of their homes. They watched TV, listened to the radio, and talked on the telephone until they heard something because the suspense was killing them. They didn't know what was going on and they didn't like it.

The military appeared at the landing sight about a half hour after the town's people left for their home, and when they arrived they were greeted by Sheriff Jackson, who was standing at the edge of the path, pretending that he didn't know what was going on. The military head official got out of the lead jeep and approached Sheriff Jackson with anger in his eyes.

"What do you think you are doing here, didn't I tell you no one was to be here when we arrived, so what are you doing here?"

"I know what you said, I am not at the landing sight. No one has seen the landing sight, some of the people from the town did try to get by, but I fired a shoot into the air to scare them away. I just wanted to state for your record that I called your superior and told them that I didn't like any of his men to threaten any of the town's people or my friends. I also told them that one of the threats was to kill one who was at the sight."

"You did, did you? What did the old man say, Sheriff Jackson or should I say civilian. Civilian is what you will be when I get through with you."

"He said to clear up the sight, quickly and to call him as soon as you are through. Also, you are to sign a written apology to me and the people of Unionville for everything you said plus the threats you made."

"OK, you'll get your apology as soon as we make sure no one else has been up here, in other words, get the hell out of my way. I want you form a town meeting in the church at the center of town in fifteen minutes, also there will be no communication in or out of the town for the next week or two."

"What do you mean, no communication? You can't keep us from making telephone calls to our families to let them know how we are doing! If you cut any communication in this town, officials in the neighboring towns will know something is wrong and I have told them that if they don't hear from us in the next hour, they are to call your superior. They will let them know the situation and that they only communication out is the telephone. Do you understand what I am saying, sir?"

There was silence for more than fifteen minutes as the men‑in‑charge whispered among themselves about what they were going to do. They didn't want to cause a scene and if the General found out what they were up to, they would be court marshaled the next day, and they didn't want that. Therefore, they decided to take every bit of evidence from the landing sight and move on their way back to their base to go over everything they have. The Lieutenant was upset at the fact that Sheriff Jackson was in charge.

The moment the military left was when the people of the town came out from hiding and started asking questions. Sheriff Jackson didn't know how to answer them, but he insured them that everything was all right. The people believe him in everything he says or does and went back to their homes to get a good night sleep. 

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