Anastasia //Grimm// [ON HOLD]

By allycat440

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Anya Romanov is a sixteen year old girl living with her older sister in Portland, Oregon. When Anya runs into... More

Chapter One

Chapter Two

967 28 10
By allycat440

Anya POV:

I was standing at my open locker and looked down at my schedule, when I heard a perky voice say from behind me.

"Hi! Are you new?"

I turned and saw two blondes and a short brunette standing in front of me with creepily big smiles. One of the blondes, whom I'm guessing was the leader, eyed me like a shark would its prey.

"Uh, yeah." I told the three possessed Barbie dolls, eying them cautiously. "I just moved here from San Francisco."

"You know, you're like really pretty!" Satan-In-A-Mini-Skirt told me with an almost malicious fake smile.

"Um, thanks." I hesitantly replied.

"Well, I'm Hannah. This is Trinity and Madisen." She told me, the fake smile never leaving her face. "And we would like to invite you to hang out with us all week."

As much as I wanted to make friends here, I wasn't up for being ritually sacrificed to Satan by his demon Barbie minions. Seriously, these girls are basically the Plastics if they were possessed by freaking demons.

I was about to turn down their offer, but Hannah interrupted me. "Great, we'll see you at lunch!"

"And let me guess on Wednesday's you wear pink?" I scoffed with a raised eyebrow.

"How did you know?" Trinity asked in a squeal.

"Lucky guess." I simply stated with a forced smile. This is honestly getting ridiculous, are they for real?

"Bye bye, bitch!" Hannah said before she and her minions walked off in a trifecta.

"What the fuck just happened?" I muttered to myself, before getting my Econ book and heading to class.


Natasha POV:

"The attack was pretty violent. Hard to tell how many were involved." Wu informed us as Griffin, Burkhardt, and I came on to the crime scene. "Looks like we've got at least three sets of footprints."

"Looks like drag marks." I stated as I slipped on a pair of forensic gloves and followed the guys further into the scene.

"Somebody had a really big knife and a really bad temper." Wu said as we came upon the bodies.

"Well, I'd say that our unsub is either Freddie Krueger or Ghostface." I stated sarcastically, when I saw the multiple stab wounds on the bodies.

"Wow, and that somebody really wanted to make sure they were dead." Hank commented as he kneeled down to search the body. "Well, nothing in the pockets on this one. No wallet."

Nick started to do the same thing with the other body that Hank did. "Me either. You know how they got here? Any cars parked nearby?"

Wu shook his head and replied. "No, not a one."

"Alright, let's get some fingerprints." Hank told him as the three of us stood back up.

"So, we got two dead guys, but one set of drag marks." Nick stated, as he came and stood next to me.

"So, who got dragged?"

"That boys, is the million dollar question." I said with my brows furrowed and my arms crossed. "I doubt it was either of our vics."

"Hey, I think I got something here." Hank said as we walked over to where he was pointing. Surrounded by some blood splatter was a small black object, which was almost hidden by the leaves.

"Is that a Black Knight?" I asked as Nick picked it up.

"Yeah, with blood on it too." The blue eyed brunette told us.

"I don't think anyone was having a game of chess out here." Griffin told us, sharing a look with Nick and I.

"Could have been here before the attack." Burkhardt suggested, making me shrug.

"Officer! Mark this!" Griffin called out, just as Wu stated. "Huh, got some ID's here!"

The three of us stood up and made our way back to the car, as Hank said. "Alright, let's run 'em."

We stood around Wu as he had his computer out with the vics records on screen. I stood to the left of Hank as Wu started to describe the first victim.

"The first vic is a real model citizen, Richard Hector Dunn, impressive arrest record. A few assaults, assorted DUI's, robbery."

"What about number two?" Nick asked.

"Model citizen number two is Kirk Lewelyn Firebaugh. Huh, doesn't look like a Lewelyn to me." Wu stated. "Anyway, more of the same: assaults, B and E's.... oh, here we go—a rape. More than once."

"Well, how did these charming young boys get way out here to tangle with somebody?" I asked with my arms crossed and an eyebrow raised.

"I'll see if they have any vehicles registered to them." Wu stated, before typing away.

"And get us next of kin." Nick told him, getting a 'yeah' in reply. Hank, Nick, and I then continued to the car.


"Yeah, that's my brother."

"He live with you?" Hank asked Firebaugh's brother, as we stood outside of his apartment.

"Eh, sometimes." He shrugged, before turning and walking further into the apartment, the three of us following behind. "But he didn't come home last night. You got him?"

"We found your brother's body off of St. Helen's Road." Nick told him, making the bearded man turn to face us.


"We found another body with him, a Richard Dunn. You know him?" I asked with a blank expression.

"You're kinda scary. You know that, lady?" He asked me, making me roll my eyes.

"Yes, now answer the question. Did you know him or not?" I deadpanned and placed my arms in their signature position across my chest.

"Yeah. What the hell happened?" He asked, obviously upset as he wogued. He saw Nick and hissed. "Grimm!"

I felt my silver stake shift in my sleeve and prepared myself just in case he attacked. I looked the Lausenschlange in the eye and said calmly. "Hey, take it easy, buddy."

He snapped his head towards me and hissed. "Guardian! Where's your little Banshee?"

"None of your concern. Buddy, you need to calm down!" I told him, praying that my partners didn't catch the Banshee/Guardian comment.

"You killed him!" He growled at Nick and I.

"No, we did not." Nick calmly told him. "But he was murdered and we need you to calm down and talk to us."

The snake-like wesen looked at Hank, making my partner say. "I'm just a cop and we're just trying to do our jobs. Now, do you know where your brother was last night?"

"Oh, yeah. Him and Rick went out drinking."

"Anyone else with them?" Nick asked bluntly.

"Not that I know." He replied, still cautious around Nick and I.

"Do you know where your brother's truck is?" I asked. "2004 Chevy Silverado—"

"I know what it is." He cut me off. "It's not here, he drove it last night."

"Now, your brother's friend. Was he a Lausenschlange too?" Nick asked, sending me a look. I nodded, silently telling him that I already knew everything.

"I don't know what you mean." He said avoiding eye contact.

"Yeah, you do, sweetheart." I stated bluntly, before asking. "What kind of wesen was he? Same as you?"

"Nah." The Lausenschlange trailed off before saying. "Klaustreich."

"Anything else we need to know?" Hank asked with a questioning look.

"Look, I don't know what you think happened, but nobody could have taken my brother and Rick, and lived to tell about it." He told us, before turning to Nick and I. "Except maybe you two."


"What did he mean when he called you a Guardian? And what was all that about a Banshee? Are you some kind of wesen?" Nick asked as we got in the car.

"No, I'm not a wesen, but I'm not human either. My sister and I come from a long line of Banshees. Banshees are a cross between a Grimm and something else, no one really knows what. They can predict death and go into a fugue state when someone is close to death or is already dead. They also have an inhumanly loud scream, like make your eardrums bleed kind of scream."

"With every generation of Banshees, there is one Guardian per Banshee. We're the ones that have the enhanced... well, everything. Enhanced senses, reflexes, strength, speed, agility, etc. We use these to protect and aid the Banshee we're supposed to... well, guard."

"That's insane." Hank muttered from the drivers seat.

"How come I've never read anything about Guardians or Banshees in the journals?" Nick asked, looking at me from the passenger seat.

"For centuries, Banshees were considered abominations by the Grimm community. We were exiled and every bit of information about us amongst them was banned. Damnatio memoriae at its finest." I explained with a scoff.

"Why were Banshees considered abominations?" Hank asked curiously.

"Well, back in the day, Grimm's were as insanely purist as the Nazis. The only difference was that instead of committing genocide, they simply kicked us out and forgot about us."

"Well, this Grimm is going to bring that whole exile thing to an end." Nick told me with a smile that I gladly returned.

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