Best of Both worlds (Merthur)

By MJPaAnda

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What would happen if Arthur survived but Kilgharrah didn't and the two boys started to think about family whi... More

Best of Both worlds (Merthur) Prologue
Chapter 1: "The Beginning"
Chapter 2: "24 Hours in Heaven"
Chapter 3: "Parting is such sweet sorrow"
Chapter 5: "Unconditionally"

Chapter 4: "King and Lionheart"

871 37 27
By MJPaAnda


I do not own MerlinxArthur(thought I would like to *-*)

Merlin and Arthur belong to their rightful owners (Merlin- Hunith and Balinor, Arthur- Uther and Igraine) they belong to each-other and the human history.

The idea of the story belongs to me, but the used names are the idea from BBC and once again human history. The places used belong to Mother Nature.

the song is: "King and Lionheart" by Of Monsters and men

Normal POV

Merlin: “I’ll find him, come clean and bring him home.”

Gaius: “Don’t be a fool merlin! You said yourself that it wasn’t a good idea to tell him.”

Merlin: “No. Arthur HAS to know the truth. He HAS to know that he’s immortal. His wounds heal even faster than I imagined they would. The cut on his arm was gone in a single day if I recall right.”

Gaius: “It is suspicious indeed, but knowing the truth won’t stop it or make it any better. It would only endanger his thinking of men mortality and make him unreasonable.”

Merlin: “I’m OK with it.”

Gaius: “That Merlin is entirely different. Your ETERNAL is not the same as Arthur’s.”

Merlin: “Both of us are bound to spend our eternity here. We’re trapped in the same body. No death. No afterlife.”

Gaius: “It is not the same.”

Both men went quiet not really sure what was the next thing either of them was going to say. Gaius sat down already calmed and decided not to raise his voice. He understood how hard it was for Merlin to let Arthur be on his own. He spent his whole life in Camelot WITH the noisy King.

Merlin shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He could feel the tension rise as Gaius waited for him to continue telling him about what was bothering him.

Gaius: “There is nothing you can do right now.”

Merlin :”Tell me where he is and I’ll bring him back! UNHARMED.”

Gaius: “You know I can’t,” he said, shaking his head. “I promised the King himself that I won’t tell you.”

Merlin angrily screamed into his palms and then stormed out of the room, leaving the old magician speechless and worried for the young Warlock.

Merlin’s POV

In attack of anger, I ran to the only place where I usually found help: caves under the kingdom.

As I made my way down the old cellar, I remembered the day when Arthur ordered the knights to seal the doors leading to the cave. I remembered how I had to kneel in front of Arthur and beg him to leave the cave untouched.

Merlin: “Please, Arthur! You can’t do that to me! It’s important to me!! Kilgharrah was my friend!! He helped me when no one was there for me!!”

I can still remember the look on Arthur’s face as he finally listened to my words and saw the tears on my face.

Arthur: “Alright! Cancel the sealing!”

Sir Leon: “Sire?”

Arthur: “From now on, that cave is under Merlin’s watch. Upon entering it, it is Merlin’s call to decide what will happen to the intruder.”

Sir Leon: “Yes, sire.”

I remember him pulling me up and hugging me once we were alone.

Arthur: “All you had to do was ASK. No need for tears. I had no idea it meant so much to you.”

Merlin: “Not that it even matters right now.”

Normal POV

The Warlock at last arrived to the edge where he usually stood and with magic made a few light balls that lighted up the place. He called a dragon, with a voice that no-one would recognize as his. All that was left for him was to wait and hope for the best.

Not long after the call, he saw the entering of the cave being covered as a big white dragon flew into the cave.

Merlin: “Aithusa? Is it really you?”

Aithusa: “Yes, Emrys. Are you surprised to see me alive?” she said with a beautiful voice of a young maiden.

Merlin: “No. I’m glad that you’re alright,” he said as he watched her lay down on the centre stone of the cave.

Aithusa: “Tell me Emrys, what is it that you called me for?”

Merlin: “I would like to ask you a favor.”

Aithusa: “Your request is my order.”

Merlin: “King Arthur was sent to a dangerous trip and I don’t know where. Would you fly around and find him?” he asked carefully.

Aithusa: “What do I get in return?” she said with a smile.

Merlin: “What do you want?” he asked suspiciously.

Aithusa: “Some food. After our agreement that I won’t kill any farm animals it’s kind of hard to get the food you know,” she said a bit embarrassed about the fact that she can’t catch her own food.

Merlin: “No problem there. Call me when you find him and I’ll bring the food down here,” he agreed.

With the last bow from the dragon they separated ways each gone to their own little world.

Merlin made his way to the Citadel where he paced around for some time and anxiously waited for the dragon that would bring him preferably positive news.

His pacing was interrupted by a certain Knight riding a horse hurriedly into the Citadel.

Merlin: *Sir Leon?* he thought to himself. *What is he doing here? Wasn’t he with- ARTHUR!!*

Merlin followed Sir Leon to the throne room, where all of the elders were sitting around the table. Merlin didn’t even think twice before he leaned his back to the slightly opened door and listened to the conversation between Sir Leon and Gaius.

Sir Leon: “I am the only survivor. But I haven’s found King’s body among the dead.”

Gaius: “This gives us hope.”

Sir Leon: “I will order a search party in the woods.”

Gaius: “Yes. Do that. We MUST find the King.”

Merlin left them and made his way to the kitchen where he stole some raw meat, using magic of course and then returned to the cave. As he sat on the cold stone floor he thought about what Arthur was going through at the moment. He tried his best not to think about the worst. At least half and hour passed as he was ready to give up, but was stopped once he saw the opening in the wall being covered as it was before.

Merlin: “Aithusa! What are the news?!”

Aithusa lay on the centre rock and only lifted her head to look at the young Dragonlord in front of her.

Aithusa: “I’ve found the dead bodies of the knights.”

Merlin: “And the King?”

Aithusa: “Your King was not among the fallen. I followed his scent and found him in the Forest of Ascetir. I did not dare touch him as he was pierced with a few arrows.”

Merlin: “You’ve done well,” he said and then lifted the meat he had up to his hands.

Merlin: “Lunch!” he said a glimpse of happiness in his words.

Aithusa once again bowed her head and nodded.

Aithusa: “I will take you to the King and help you. I can also take you back to Camelot once he’s completely healed.”

Merlin: ”I can’t ask that much of you. You might not be able to carry us both,” he said making sure to shake his head and tried to look as convincing as he could.

She only stood up and stretched her limbs a little before continuing.

Aithusa: “It was not a request, Emrys.”

Earning a smile, she let him climb up on her and together they flew above the Kingdom of Camelot and into the woods. It didn’t take them long to reach the the Forest of Ascetirand Merlin used the last flares of sunset to find the King. As he sat next to Arthur and started treating him, Aithusa started the fire that he used for light. She left him for some time and went to a hunt into the woods.

Merlin’s POV

I was left alone with Arthur and I watched his severe wound heal themselves slowly. It was remarkable to see it actually happen in front of me. Gaius was right when he said that mine and his immortality were different. My wounds weren’t able to kill me, but they didn’t heal on their own.

I saw Arthur’s fingers move and soon his eyes opened. I was right next to him and waited for him to fully wake up.

Arthur: “Merlin? Why are you here? Where is here?” he said and tried to sit up, but I pushed him back into a sleeping position onto a bed made of leafs.

Merlin: “ The Forest of Ascetir. I don’t know how you got here, but I flew on the back of a dragon.”

Arthur: “A dragon? What dragon?!” he said really surprised.

Merlin: “That’s not even important now. You said you’d be back at Camelot at sunset!” I started and almost shouted the words at Arthur.

Arthur: “And?” he said pretty calmly.

Merlin: “That was 3 DAYS ago Arthur!!!” I shouted and finally made some effect on him.

Arthur: “I’m sorry...” he said and lowered his look, away from my eyes. I couldn’t stay mad at him, remembering that I still didn’t know what he’s been through in the last few days.

Merlin: “It’s OK. Don’t worry about it.”

I was about to stand up, but he grabbed my arm and slightly pulled me down so I had to look at his sky blue eyes.

Arthur: “When did you find me?” he said silently and that took me back as I had to think about it for a minute.

Merlin: ”Well... It was already quite dark, so I’d guess it was right before the sun set.”

I watched him as he smiled, lay back and let go of my arm.

Merlin: ”What?” I said, really curious of the reason for the beautiful sincere smile that I missed for the last few days.

Arthur: “I kept my promise,” he said, now looking at the night sky above us.

Merlin: “Excuse me?” I said, still not understanding.

Arthur: “We met at Sunset,” he said and then rolled to the side, so his back was turned my way.

I only rolled my eyes and then straightened myself to a standing position.

Arthur: “I’m glad.”

Normal POV

The two happy men spent the evening next to each other, neither one saying another word and then slowly drifted to sleep.

It was not until morning when Merlin woke up, that he was glad to have met Arthur Pendragon.

As his eyes opened and he focused his vision, he saw Arthur sitting by the fire, leaning onto a big White Dragon. When Merlin entirely woke up, he could hear them talking and they were both happy white a smile on their faces and laughter escaping their lungs.

Merlin sat up and leaned onto the tree behind his back. The other two noticed his motion and turned his way.

Arthur: ”Did you sleep well?”

Merlin: ”As best as I could.”

Arthur: “Aithusa brought us some food,” he said again, with a smile on his face as he stood up and made his way towards Merlin, with a stick that had meat on it in his hand.

Merlin: ”I noticed you were getting along?”

Arthur: ”Yes. She’s told me all about you and Kilgharrah. All that she knew of course,” he said and motioned to her with his head after giving the meat to Merlin.

No more words were said, once Merlin started eating. Neither one knew what to say, so they continued where they left off the night before. Unintentionally giving each other the silent treatment.

Soon after Merlin finished his meal, they packed their stuff and Aithusa brought them to Camelot. They said their farewells and Merlin promised to bring her fresh meat once again if she needed him to.

As soon as the two men stepped into the Kingdom, Arthur was separated from Merlin. He had to be accompanied by the guards to the Citadel where he met with Gaius. Remembering Merlin’s request on keeping quiet, he said it was only a miracle that he was even alive. He even mentioned the Druid’s help with the wounds. Gaius seemed to believe him and that was enough for everyone.


Merlin's POV

Under the cover of the night, I made my way towards Arthur’s chambers.

Merlin: “Would you give me some time with the King? We have some secret matter to talk about.”

Guard: “Of course.”

I was once again reminded that everyone was well aware of the status that Arthur wanted to give me. I was reminded of that fact almost everyday. It followed me like a shadow. The court sorcerer. The one that declined King’s request of making him a knight. The idiot that chose servant life above the one of a lord.

And all I wanted was to stand by Arthur and make sure he was healthy and unharmed. Wishful thinking from an unimportant peasant.

I entered the King’s chambers and tightly closed the doors behind me, making sure it was as quiet as possible. I found the blonde man sleeping in his bed and for once he looked as if he was at peace. I walked to the side of his bed and sat next to his stomach, turning to look at his beautiful face.

Everything about this man is perfect. The colour of his eyes. The beautiful ocean blue that mixed with silver and grey as if it didn’t care that it will ruin it’s perfectness. But it never did. It only made his eyes even more beautiful, able to stand out and make your knees weak even if they only shot aglimpse at you. And there were also his lips. I often observed his lips. Even though he usually kept his mouth shut, I sometimes caught the edges of his mouth twitch, when he wanted to say something, but always helds back, as he did when his father was still the King. Those beautiful lips that are perfect when I look at them and perfect when I feel them on mine.

I can’t help but admire Arthur Pendragon in every way possible. He is my everything, even if I don’t want to admit that out loud.


Merlin: “Out of all the people in Camelot, I HAD to fall in love with the PRINCE,” I said as I gently caressed the side of his face and brushed some of his bangs off his face. I watched him breath and then it hit me. The untold sad truth.

Merlin: “Who am I trying to outwit?! I am but a serving boy!!”

I saw Arthur’s lips move and heard him mumble my name in his sleep as he shifted a bit and rolled to the side, his body dangerously close to mine.

Merlin: “Why did you kiss me you fool?” I said and gently brushed Arthur’s arm muscles with my finger. “Was it a goodbye kiss? Because you thought you were a goner? Is there any way possible that you actually fancy a serving-boy like me?”

I watched him as his breathing calmed down.

Merlin: ”I love you, Prince Arthur,” I said right into his face, but his eyes did not open. “I wish I had the courage to say it to your face.”

I could feel tears tugging at the edge of my eyes, but I brushed them away before given the chance to fall.

Merlin: ”Don’t be a girl, MER-lin,” I said in Arthur’s tone and tucked him in. I started the fire in the fireplace, closed the window, picked up the dirty clothes and dishes and walked out of the room, with that leaving Arthur to concentrate on his dreams alone.

Arthur’s POV

I heard Merlin leave the room and decided it was safe to open my eyes. All I could do was blush in embarrassment and cover my face with my arms.

Arthur: “Merlin...”I let a few tears escape my eyes as I said the last words that day. “I love you too my Lionheart.”

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