OC Book

By --corisuana

232 5 41

Another OC book passing by, don't mind it. More


ᴋᴇɪᴋᴏ ʙᴇɴɴ ᴀᴢᴜᴍᴀ {EDITED}

152 3 21
By --corisuana

{A Danaganrononpa fan character}

["I'm gonna be bigger than Spielberg one day. Even when the industry is dying out, I'll breathe life into it again." ]

Full name;
Keiko Benn Azuma

17 years old


Ultimate Filmmaker

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January 15th, Capricorn

London, England


Blood type;
O-, the universal donor

English and Japanese

Demisexual. She prioritizes her career over romance, believing it to be a distraction. However, there is the rare chance that she may fall for someone. Still, it's highly unlikely.

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Keiko is a lithe, skinny teenager with pale skin. She stands at 5'4, weighing a mere 119 llbs. Her hair is light brown, naturally wavy, and she usually ties it into a braid laying on her right shoulder with the braid being held together by a clapperboard pin at the end of it. It's usually very well-kept, but can be somewhat messy, since she usually messes around with it absentmindedly. As for her eyes, they're hazel green and monolid shaped. She has bushy eyebrows, and she has light eyebags under her eyes due to the long nights of staying up to work on her films. 

Her style of clothing is comfortable, yet mature. Her usual outfit oddly resembles the appearance of a 1920's movie director. She constantly wears a black beret atop her head. Her shirt is a white blouse, accompanied by a beige jacket with four black buttons. On the back of the jacket, her old school logo is displayed in the very center of it. She has a black box-pleated skirt which goes down to her mid-thigh. Above her skirt, she wears a belt with the design of a film reel's tape on it. Her shoes are brown boots and she has hidden navy blue socks to go along with them.

She has been described as a confident, optimistic, and mature young woman, yet can be brash and brazen. Due to her career, she's used to taking on a leader-like position in any situation. Keiko's a people-oriented person, unable to work by herself. She always needs someone working with her. With her work, she's a huge perfectionist. Fretting over the tiniest of details. When she begins something, she will focus completely on that until it's done. When it's done, she'll begin to check everything, making sure it reaches her standards perfectly.

Keiko is the type of person who would call her depressed friends at three AM and violently scream compliments, reassurance, and motivational quotes until the morning comes. She would also storm into their room on a Monday night and hug them until they feel better. Basically, she's a very aggressive mom friend.

Since she's so used to being the boss of things, she's now rather stubborn when it comes to taking other's orders. Unless in the most dire of conditions, she wouldn't back down too easily. She's also narcissistic at times, bragging about her career and films. Since she's constantly around people, she has gotten quite used to them. Making her very patient, it would actually be a lot of hard work to get on her last nerve.

When it comes to her work, she tends to be very responsible. Even more so than her older peers at times. She tries to outline a plan and schedule everyday, trying to stick as closely as she can to it.

She's quite persistent, which may or may not be a fatal flaw. She will try to socialize and get along with anybody, no matter the circumstances. You're the weird kid in class? Cool, she'll ask about your interests and various other things. What if you don't reply? That's good, she'll just continue hanging out with you even if she has to do all the talking herself.

You're a nervous wreck who can't go a few seconds without breaking into tears? She'll comfort you even if you scream or something. It's all whatever. You can sob into her shirt if you want.

What if you're a complete and utter asshole who hates everything and constantly tells her to fuck off? If you think that's gonna get her to back down for a second, you're wrong. In fact, she'll try even harder.

Perverted? Okay. Childish? That's okay. Narcissistic? Pessimist? Annoying? Yes, yes, and yes. If anything, you'd either have to kill someone or betray her in order for her to hate you.

Trust me, if you present an a thousand meter tall brick wall to her and dare her to climb it with a paperclip, she would do it. Even if she fails miserably a thousand times over.

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She's actually quite strong. Even though, as a child, she was used to being pampered since she grew up in a rich home. Accompanied by various maids, butlers, and a personal chef. If it were not for her early drama club days or career, she probably wouldn't have been able to even lift a twenty pound weight. In drama club, she was first assigned to the backstage crew. Thus, she was prepping heavy props and having to move them for scene changes. As a filmmaker, she would help everyone with their tasks and such. Including helping to change scenes, lift props that were just brought in, etc.

At anything involved with films, she might as well be an A+ student. She has the ability to properly criticise other movies and give brutally honest feedback and advice. If you had watched her movies, you would most likely expect it to be made by an extremely skilled filmmaker with countless years of experience. But you certainly would be shocked upon finding out that it was actually just a seventeen year old girl, only just beginning her career in the film industry. 

Her charisma, persistence, and extroverted nature are also strengths of hers. Helping her get along well with the actors, cinematagraphors, and the other people she works with. If you asked her co-workers, the majority would say that she's a bright young woman, with a long path of success in her future.

Her persistence, while being useful, is simultaneously a weakness of hers. She'll challenge herself to do something which is practically impossible for her to achieve. Not only that, she can come off as an annoyance to some people who don't want her company or just want to be left alone.

Her perfectionism. She'll try to improve something even when others say it's perfectly fine. If it isn't good enough to her, she'll scrap it immediately. Leaving a lot of ideas wasted.

Love or intimacy. She finds those subjects to be very uncomfortable, and tries to avoid them as much as possible. If someone were to develop feelings for her, she would have no idea how to respond. Deciding to cut off all her contact with them as an impulsive reaction. 

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Keiko's father was a renowned actor around the globe, but she never knew who her mother was. Surprisingly, there were no articles covering their relationship before. Almost as if her existence was completely hidden from the public. People were even shocked when they found out the prominent actor even had a child. Her dad, as well as her butlers and maids, refused to disclose any information about her as well. Leaving who her mom was a complete mystery to her. It was almost like she had disappeared the night she was born. 

She was born into a wealthy home in England, and for most of her childhood, she stayed inside. She was usually only taken out when her dad was with her as well. Her father tried to be there for her as much as he could, especially when she was a baby. Mostly in an attempt to make up for the abscence of her mother. However, with a job like his, he didn't get to see her as often as he wished he could. In the end, Keiko spent more time with the housekeepers than her own father.

Her only view of the world outside was the penthouse window, displaying the greatest view of the city's lights every night, and the television. The machine that changed her life.

For her elementary years, she was homeschooled. Given a, rather laid-back, teacher who taught her the normal things every young child should know. Including a few special lessons on manners and such. However, when she wasn't studying, she spent that time in front of, as she called it, the telly. At first, she used it to watch movies her father had starred in. Mostly because of how much she missed him when he was gone.

But that started to change. She began to watch various other movies, ones with completely different casts that didn't feature her dad at all. This rapidly grew into an obsession with movies of all kinds, various franchises and all types of genres. She found herself to be enchanted by everything they had to offer. Fake worlds that she wished that she could be a part of, beautiful stories that pulled at her heartstrings, and characters that seemed like they were humans themselves.

Not only that, there were so many other elements that went into these films. Like the stunning cinematography and visuals that she could just watch in awe for hours at a time, the music that got caught inside her head, as well as the countless other things that she couldn't possibly keep track of. By the time she was seven, her brain had more movie trivia than math equations. Did this behaviour constantly get her scolded by her teacher? Of course, but it didn't matter to her. Movies sparked a flame inside of her and, by all means, she was going to feed that flame until it grew into a raging fire.

Everything began because of this fixation she had.

One day, one very important day for her, she was rummaging around her father's old things. She found them inside in the closet of his bedroom and, not able to resist her curiosity, she began to dig through everything. There wasn't anything that stood out to her. That was until she found a camera. One that miraculously still worked.

Turning it on, she found a few videos of her father's younger self, all of them being of him acting a certain scenario out. After scrolling through them, watching them all one by one, she got an idea. What if she began to record things of her own, like her father did?

She pressed the record button, seeing that the camera's quality was extremely low, barely able to record any movements without turning into a giant mess of pixels. But did you think that would stop her? No, of course not. So, she filmed herself escaping the closet, stopping the recording when she tripped outside back into room.

After this video, she began to record dozens of others. She even recorded the most miniscule, average of things. Like a short moment of a bird flying by the window, the camera just catching a blur of feathers passing along. Or the cook preparing her breakfast in the morning, with Keiko barely able to hold the camera up because of how tired she was. All of these simple, mediocre moments wete forever saved into the camera because, according to her younger self, she deemed everything worthy of filming. 

Her secondary school years began, and her father had become lenient enough to let her transfer into a school. A private, all girls school at that. Gallagher's Academy for Female Youth was a lesser-known, yet still an exceptional school in London. Yet, as soon as she began to go there, due to being sheltered and kept inside for the majority of her early years, she was extremely introverted. Not even able to look someone in the eyes as she spoke to them. 

However, when she learned about the drama club, she ran over to join it. Naturally, due to her shy nature at the time, she was placed in the backstage crew. Unluckily for her, she was tasked with some of the harder jobs. Like running around upstage to position the lights correctly, adjusting the sandbags, scrambling to move heavy props around when changing the scene.

When she wasn't doing anything in the club, she was usually scribbling ideas for plays down in her notebook. Either that or she was recording the practice performances in the club activities. No matter how much she wanted to have a larger roles in the plays, instead of just setting things up and having to carry in heavy equipment weekly, she just couldn't bring herself to do anything about it. So, for the first school year there, she mostly lingered in the background. Others only being interested in her because of her father being a famous actor.

Her second year arrived, still being a mostly timid girl, only opening up around her fellow drama club members. She slowly built up enough courage to show what she had been writing inside the notebook she constantly held with her, during afterschool club activities. As much as the bashful side of her protested against it, she fought against what her mind usually told her. One day hurrying over to the club president after the activities and practically shoving it in her arms.

She didn't expect much, thinking that the best reaction she could get was a scoff and having her ideas be brushed off as immature. Only to be surprised when she started to frantically flip through the book, greedily taking in every word written. Upon shutting the book, she stared at Keiko with a frantic, enthusiastic look in her eyes. Proposing that they should immediately begin to work at one of the many ideas in there, something that Keiko never thought she would say. 

The club began preparations for bring one of her ideas to life, with Keiko beginning to speak more and more. In fact, during the several months of developing the play, she seemed to burst out of a shell that used to hold her back. Even her club members were surprised. From the clear, yet stern way she usually gave orders to the actors and crew, and to the optimistic, outspoken attitude she had taken on. Like this project had brought out a side that they never thought they would see. 

On the day of the play's premiere, the thing they all had worked so hard for for months, Keiko watched from the sidestage. Nervous, even trembling at times. But, in the end, almost all of her worries were cleared when she found that it was a huge success. So successful, in fact, that it went on to be performed even after she left the school.

Shortly after, Keiko was promoted to vice president of the drama club. Taking it over when the former president quit. Leaving behind the once apprehensive girl she was.

After a while, she decided she wanted something more than these plays she had written. So, she suggested another plan to her club. To enter a film contest for teenage filmmakers. Keiko, who at the time just turned thirteen, thought it was an amazing plan. At the sudden idea, some members dropped out, but a good amount stayed on board. Trusting that she would be able to bring them somewhere great.

Well, somewhere along the line, they hit an obstacle. It was most likely the stress from both having to make the film and having to deal with their schoolwork at the same time, or Keiko's sudden pressure on them. Whatever it was, it made them fall all the way down into some of the lower places in the contest. But, Keiko was determined. Not able to accept the results of what they all had worked so hard to achieve. She didn't think she would be able to get over it, not until she redeemed herself and her club somehow. 

So, the very next year, when the competition opened up again, she asked for her club to help once again. Given how their first attempt went, more gave up on it. Just barely enough stayed. At the very beginning, she was ready to give up on it. But, she convinced herself that it was for the sake of everyone else relying on her, and for her to be just a little bit closer to her goal. 

She pulled countless all nighters in a row working on this one short film, locking herself up inside her room on the weekends in order to perfect her work. Only going out to hang out and work with her small crew. Even if she was sleep-deprived beyond relief, she would still push herself to her limits. But just as long as her efforts, as well as everybody else's, paid off in the end, it would all be worth it.

Then the deadline came, Keiko entering the film with her fingers crossed. Before she knew it, the results were announced. 

They made it into the top three, and she couldn't help but burst into tears of joy.

Her father came back as soon as he heard the news, lucky that his most recent movie had just finished filming. As soon as he walked in through the doors, he was greeted by his daughter running towards him and practically screaming about what she had done. That was the most exhilarated she had felt in a long time. Shortly after, she began to create short films with the club and her friends, scheduling small 'film festivals' in order to show off her work. Word of her abilities quickly spread around the school, causing her to become quite well-known around the campus.

But it still wasn't enough for her. What she wanted was a chance for her creations to be shown on the big screen, in front of thousands of audiences across the world. Just like her father, she wanted her name to be known by millions of people in every country. For her films to be revered and praised by loving fans everyday. 

She started working on her next big project, her very first feature film. She even met up with her father's studio to present her big ideas to them. The confidence she conveyed while speaking made it seem like she was a grown woman, even in front of a dozens highly regarded individuals in the studio. 

One of her many ideas were, luckily, accepted. She adjusted quickly to the new work environment, trying to make herself as presentable and kind as possible to her new crew. But, as embarrassing as it was, she had to ask other people for help. The camera operators, the sound effects team, the wardrobe designers, etc. Well, as she expected, she couldn't have possibly done this all on her own. But, being the director and one of the main writers for the movie, she was still at the head of this project. 

Almost immediately, she fell back into a cycle of sleepless nights and overworking herself. Only being taken back home when her father forced her to. It was better than drinking coffee and forcing herself to stay awake every night. But, she did cram in times where she studied the equipment she was working with now, trying to understand what kind of work everybody had to do in order to help them more. She put in as much effort as she could in making sure that everything about this film was perfect, and that her team would find her to be a great leader.

Soon, her first film, titled 'The Heaven Among Us', hit theatres. At first, upon hearing that it was directed by a rookie, a fifteen year old girl at that, they expected it to be a flop. But, much to their shock, audiences left the movie in tears. Crying over the beautifully crafted story which the writer seemed to pour their heart into, falling in love with with the characters that seemed so real, everything that you wouldn't expect from a first timer. 

Keiko received a 'Movie of The Year' award for her work. Of course, she cried when she receieved it. Her father having to awkwardly comfort his daughter in front of millions of people. Even as she was given it, she couldn't help but hope that her mom was watching, proud of her.

After it got such a following in England, it began to be spread throughout the world. To America, Canada, France, and dozens of others. Including Japan, the country that was home to one of the most prestigious schools in the world. Upon hearing of this talented filmmaker, their interest was immediately peaked.

She was sixteen years old, just finishing up her third movie at the time. One soon to be released in theatres. That was when she got the letter. The envelope stamped with the Hope's Peak Academy logo on it. Her hands shook as she opened it, breaking out into a cheer of triumph that brought her maids, butlers, and her father running.

She was sent to Japan to attend, after much reluctance from her father. Studying up on her Japanese which, admittedly, she had been slacking off on. There, she would begin again.

Keiko Benn Azuma, now known as the Ultimate Filmmaker.

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Keiichi Azuma {Father, Alive}
???? Benn {Mother, Unknown}

She's taken, by the Ultimate Actress Kohaku Takenaka.

Other info;
+ She has seasonal allergies and an allergy to fake gold. If she wears it, it'll break out into a nasty rash. She has an ointment to treat it if it ever happens.

+ She's claustrophobic, and dislikes being in a small space for too long.

+ Her bust size is 90 cm.

+ She speaks both Japanese and English, albeit her Japanese being rusty. She has a distinct British accent, mostly because her language tutor had an accent as well. While learning, it influenced her voice.

+ When it comes to the MonoMono Machine, the in-game items she likes are the photoshop software {V3}, maple fudge {V3}, civet coffee {SDR2 and DR1}, and the rose whip {DR1}. She has custom items, including the full Harry Peter movie boxset, a movie magazine, called Mega Mega Movies, talking about the hottest movies and rising stars, and some rose tea.

+ Her Myers Briggs type is an ENFJ-A.

+ Voice claim - Miyuki Sawashiro {Japanese} and Marina Diamandis {English}

+ The undergarments you receive from her after her free time events are actually... Boxers for men?! Well, they're more comfortable anyways.

+ Her middle name was given to her by her father, as a way to remember her mother.

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