AS THE DEAD RISES: Book 1 & 2...

By boredpotato16

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When humans become zombies and the world starts to crumble. It is when a group of teenagers acted as one to p... More

Leave Now
Left Her To Die
Wrong Place
We'll Keep What's Ours
Their Fault
Everybody Makes Mistakes
Search and Rescue
That's The Issue
A Nobody
Just...Be Careful
Something Bad
Only Way Out
Isn't This Romantic?
Psycho Bitch
Let All Of It Sink In
Good Guys Die First
Karma Did It For Me {Book 1 Finale}
Character Updates (CONTAINS SPOILERS)
Someone's Coming
Everything's Going To Be Fine Someday
Die With The Others
Never Go Away
Really Sorry
Lose You
Only One I Have
This Isn't So Bad
I Like Him
Fuck Up

Tell Me Everything From The Start

887 47 4
By boredpotato16

Axel's POV

Honestly, I don't even know why I told them to go to the library. It was the first thing that went in my mind, I guess we just have to live with it. That library was too far for anyone. I woke up and when I looked around me and I noticed we were at side of a football field. I saw Charles and Gabriel beside me deep in thoughts. I felt anger consume my body and I quickly grabbed Gabriel and level a knife on his throat. Gabriel didn't even move away but instead he just rested on me.

"Tell me all the things that you did back at the hotel!" I angrily asked Charles.

He was facing in the opposite direction so he didn't know I have a knife on Gabriel's throat. He faced me and I saw his tired face looking at the knife.

"It was Rosa" he finally said.

His shoulders started to shake as his tears dropped from his face. I looked around to see if he was lying, but I saw no sign of Rosa.

"It was my karma after all the things that she did and I didn't even stop her" he said crying.

In my arms, Gabriel started crying too. I slowly let him go and I sat down. He sat down beside me and laid his head on my shoulder as he cried silently.

"Tell me everything from the start" I calmly said.

"We feared that if you bring in more people, we would run out of food twice as fast" he said wiping his tears. "Rosa doesn't like the idea of going out of the hotel just to look for food. She thought it was dangerous. For all of us."

"So she asked me to kill one of the undead and get their blood" Gabriel said still laying his head on my shoulder. "I did what she ordered cause I had no idea about this."

"Rosa decided to poison the drinks that she served at lunch with that blood" Charles said avoiding my eyes. "She had two batches of juice, 1 unpoisoned and the other one poisoned. She gave Mr. Anderson, Gabriel, herself, you, Justin, Troy, James, and I the clean ones."

"She said that she trusted you more than the others" Gabriel added. "And she felt like those 3 guys, Justin, Troy and James are important to you so she didn't choose them as her victim."

"She gave the poisoned one to the rest and only Roxanne and Phoebe drank it" Charles stated. "Later on, Rosa wondered why it took them so long to die so we had the idea of camping out at the beach to see what will happen."

"When everybody was asleep, mom woke me up to tell me that we have to move to a safe place" Gabriel told me. "I didn't know what happened so I just followed her."

"When we were running away, we heard a scream" Charles said. " Rosa told me that one of them have turned and she was sure that whoever turned from the two of them is already eating the other one that was why the undead went towards that tent cause there was meat in it."

"So you're telling me Phoebe and Roxanne are dead?" I asked.

He just looked at me and nodded.

"Where's Rosa?" I asked.

"During the fire, we went out through the fire exit but once we got out we saw a man and a woman burning the other parts of the hotel" Charles said. "They keep shouting "YOU CAN REST IN PEACE NOW!" repeatedly and when I saw them I shot the two of them to get revenge on burning the hotel."

"Dad didn't see mom pushing off one of the undead off of her" Gabriel said. "The undead split the three of us."

"When I looked back I saw her on the ground, getting feasted on by the dead" he said crying again as he remembered what happened. "I just ran and looked for Gabriel and when I saw him going near you, I grabbed Gabriel and went towards you to save you since you look like you're going to faint already."

So that's how everything happened. That's how they found me. I know I'm supposed to feel angry to this family but I can't do it. Gabriel and Charles lost someone important to them too. Nobody should be happy about that! Well, I guess Rosa killed two of ours but she already had her karma.

"Where are we now?" I asked Charles.

"We are a few blocks away from the library" he said wiping his tears.

"Really? Have you seen the others?" I asked him.

"No." He said. "But they might be there already."

"Shhh, listen" Gabriel shushed us.

I looked at him and he told me to listen. That was when I heard vehicles and footsteps approaching our area. He looked behind me and his face showed shock and fear combined that was when I looked behind.

"Nice to see ya!" A tall man with rifle greeted us.

He was wearing a camouflage outfit, the ones, the military wears. On his right, a strong looking woman stood there holding a bow and on his right is another dude who looked like he doesn't even want to be there and he's carrying a machete.

"Who are you?" I asked as I grabbed my bow and arrow and pointed it at them.

"Woah, woah. Calm down" the man chuckled. "No need for that!"

"Put it down kid" the woman said which sent shivers down my spine.

Charles tapped my shoulder and I lowered it.

"Do you even know how to use that?" The man asked while laughing.

"Oh, you wanna try?" I challenged.

"Feisty! I like it!" He said laughing. "Sure! See that dead one there? The one on the other side of the field? Can you shoot it?"

I just smirked and shot it without even trying hard and it was a headshot. The dead immediately fell down to the cold ground. I looked back at him and his jaw was wide open.

"Satisfied?" I asked in a boastful tone.

"Damn, son!" He chuckled regaining his composure. "You're even better than Lydia here!"

He pointed to the woman beside her and she just stomped on the man's foot. I stifled a laugh and looked back to the man.

"Why are you here anyways?" I asked.

"We are searching for skilled people like you!" The man said. "Oops. Where are my manners?! I'm Walter, the woman's Lydia and this dude over here is Tom."

"Please specify your needs" I asked them again.

"We need you to join us back at our military camp" Walter said.

"Only me?" I asked raising a brow.

"Yes. Only you" Walter answered staring at Charles and Gabriel.

"No" I just answered. "If my friends can't come, I won't."

He just stared at me intently.

"Come on, Charles" I said as I stood up. "We have to find the others."

"You are not going anywhere!" Walter bellowed.

"We are leaving. End of discussion" I said as I carried my bow and slung the arrows at my back.

"You are not!" He said as he shot Gabriel at the chest.

Gabriel screamed in pain. I quickly fired a shot at their archer, Lydia, and it pierced right through her heart. Walter looked at her lifeless body as she dropped on the ground in horror. Tom decided that it was the right time and he slashed Walter's throat with his machete.

"Come on!" He shouted. "I'll help finding in finding your friends."

I grabbed Charles' arm and dragged him away from Gabriel. Tom brought us to their car and when he opened it there was a familiar lady sitting on the passenger seat.

"LACY?!" Was all I said.

A/N: and...she's back!!! Told you I won't kill her yet. If you are wondering, from 17 characters from 2 chapters ago we are down to 12 named characters still alive in the story.
Q: How was Lacy's return? How about Tom's sudden hero act?

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