Still alive (Klance Zombie ap...

By hiimcarolyn

14K 457 160

WHAT IF... the world was on the edge of being overrun by the dead, and you were one of its last survivors, an... More

How it all started-Lance
How it all started -Keith
Getting Ready-Lance (L)
Getting Ready-Keith (K)
I thought zombies were slow! (L)
I thought zombies were slow! (K)
Separated (L)
Stay together, don't get separated (K)
Believer (L)
Survivor (K)
Saviour (L)
Hider (K)
What's next (L)
Waiting is no fun (K)
Patience (K)

What's wrong (L)

511 17 19
By hiimcarolyn

If I yelled a little louder, would they have saved us?

If I waved my arms out crazier, would they have saved us

If I did anything better, would my family and I have had an actual chance at living?

These thoughts started to invade my mind, filling it with toxic thoughts. But I was snapped out of it when I felt a someone tugging at my shirt.


I looked down to see Alicia looking at me, fright in her eyes. She's so small, so little, so innocent, so... Naïve.


"Who were those people that we saw?"

"Just some people from school that I was saying hi too." The lies slipped out of my mouth so easily, I was amazed.

"Then why were you screaming help?" She asked in a frail voice.

I don't want to lie anymore.

"Because we need help."


Yeah, why? Why did this happen? Why did those scientists have to fail? Why did this happen to us? Why did this happen to any of us? Why? Why why WHY?

"Okay, I'll explain to everyone in a minute, HEY GUYS? WE ARE HAVING A MEETING IN ONE MINUTE!" I yelled loud enough for everyone to hear.

"I also have one more question." Alicia said, fear and sadness evident in her voice and face.


"Where are Alysa and Alejandro?"

I just want to scream. I just want to huddle into a little corner, and cry.

I just want someone to tell me what to do.

What to say.

How to say it.

Oh god, if you're out there, HELP US! PLEASE!

"I'll tell everyone in a minute, Alicia, sweetie." I tried to say calmly, but my voice failed me. I sounded scared, but I didn't sound as scared as I felt.

I need to sound calm, I need to sound brave. I need to look calm, I need to look brave. I need to sound and look like everything is all right and that I can protect everyone and that I know what I'm doing.

"Okay..." Alicia's small, frail, and scared voice sent shivers down my spine. She used to always sound so happy. I want to hear her happy voice again. 

"Let's go!" I said happily, taking her little hand in mine. Her hand was shaking in mine. I focused so hard on keeping my hand on shaking. If I look scared, they'll have another reason to be scared.

Everyone had done what they were told. I saw Marco, Luis, Veronica, Camilla, Justin, Max, and Alicia all looking at me, dying for an explanation that I wasn't ready to share.

But I'll do my best.

I'll try.

"Listen closely everyone. Don't be scared. You're safe. I won't repeat what I'm going to say twice. So open your ears and listen closely, can you do that for me?"

"Yes Lance!"

So this would be the perfect place to end, but, I will continue, because I feel bad for taking so long to post.

"Okay, so you all know what zombies are right?"

I got a couple nods, but also some head shaking.

"So a zombie is basically a dead person that came back to life and when they bite you, you turn into a zombie."

I got some scared looks and some more head nodding.

"So basically, this group of scientists tried to bring a person back to life, but they accidently made a zombie..."

They all nodded, they had heard all of this already over the tv, but I explained it so now they were understanding what actually happened.

Everyone wanted to hear more, so none of them spoke, afraid that if they spoke that they wouldn't get to hear everything that was said.

"That zombie soon spiraled out of control and started biting everyone, thus making more zombies."

They all started to truly understand the situation.

"They traveled all the way over here, and they are still spreading and traveling, we luckily made it out safe, and so did those other people that we saw running down the street. But our parents weren't so lucky, and neither were Alysa and Alejandro..."

Some of the kids started crying.

"I am so sorry that I couldn't protect them, but I am going to protect you guys as well as I can, okay?"

They all seemed a little happier and hopeful at my words.

"We are going to get through this, together."

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