
By trottinghorsess

438K 9.7K 2.3K

"Stay away from him!" "He's trouble!!" "Didn't you hear? He beat this one guy to his death!" "Once he sees yo... More

Fresh Meat
Not Again
First Time
Come Back
Return Troubles
broken hearts
secrets out
Gender Reveal
After Him
Let Out
Dinner Troubles
Oh Shit
Trouble Kid
Sneak Attack
Dad and Son
Dodge's Story
The Final Chapter
happy thanksgiving!


6.3K 165 16
By trottinghorsess


I walk out of the room and see Damon leaning on the counter, on his phone and in a towel.

"Baby what are you doing?" I ask and he looks at me.

"Well I just got out of the shower then got side tracked" he laughs and I laugh along, walking up to him. "Isn't Buddy usually up at this time? He's always up to at least go to the bathroom. And he hasn't"

"Oh I hope he didn't pee the bed-" I'm cut off by Dodge's door opening, revealing him in his just boxers. "Oh Dodge.."

"I totally over slept and my body didn't tell me I was about to pee" he face palms himself and Damon and I look at each other. "I don't have any clean boxers in my room so I'm just her to check the wash" he says before walking downstairs.

"Ok he's acting weird" Damon says and I nod. "That's not my son. Even in the morning, he's usually up annoying us and being a chatterbox, but he's so..."

"Distant as if" I say and he nods, agreeing. "He's probably just upset he peed himself again. Dodge always gets mad about his bladder problem"

Damon sighs. "I hope that's it. I hate seeing him so quiet, that's not Buddy at all"

I wrap my arm around him and passionately kiss him. "He's okay, im sure. And if he's not, he's always gonna tell his best friend! You! You two never keep anything from each other, you're always in the battle together" I smile.

He looks at me. "I guess"

Dodge then comes rushing up the stairs in sweatpants then jogs to the bathroom. "I hate his bladder problem" I look at Damon, frowning.

"I know... me too" he kisses my forehead and I sigh.


"SHE MOVED!" I repeatedly tap Damon's shoulder and he looks at me. "SHE FUCKING MOVED!" I take his hand and place it on my growing bump.

Then she kicks. "Holy shit! She is!" Damon smiles incredibly widely.

It's like Dodge all over again.

He's so happy.

Damon and I laugh and he rests his head on my stomach, talking to her.

Then the door opens, revealing Dodge. "Hey dad wanna do mitts?" Dodge asks.

Damon looks at him. "Later Buddy, your sister just kicked"

Dodge clenches his jaw and i put my hand out. "Come feel! Let me tell you, she is way more gentle then you were" I laugh. "You wanted OUT"

"No uh... I'm good. Stefan's coming over anyway so I'll just do mitts with him" he walks out of the room, trying his hardest not to slam it.

Damon looks at me and I sigh, running my fingers through his hair.

Our baby kicks again, catching Damons attention. "Your brother will come around... eventually" Damon sighs.

"Yea" I put my hand on my bump. "It's still getting use to you"

Damon kisses my cheek. "I better get to the guys" he gets off the bed and so do I. We walk out of the room and see Dodge sitting at the table, staring at his gloves and mitts. "Hey Buddy, you and Stefan coming with me to the guys?"

Dodge looks at him and puts his hand behind his neck. "No uh... I'll just chill here with Stefan and box a bit"

"Well you can use the team gym with us?" Damon tries to convince Dodge.

Dodge shakes his head. "No I'm fine"

Damon looks at me and I shrug. "Okay... see you later Buddy" Damon walks out of the house and I look Dodge.

"Okay what's up with you?" I walk over to him.

"Nothing, I just haven't hung out with Stefan because of our Alabama trip" Dodge crosses his arms. "I just don't understand why he couldn't come this year!"

"Well I know, but he had to go see his uncle" I sit next to him.

"Not like they care anyways, they put on a stupid act for him and I hate seeing my brother treated like that" he sighs.

"I hate it too... but it was a time he could spend with his family! Your dad and I didn't wanna take that from him" I say softly.

"Mom, he was texting me about how pissed he was. He was all they're ignoring me and I don't wanna be here, my parents are acting like I'm the best thing that's ever happened to them. I wish we could just adopt him so he can legally be my brother" he says,

I look at him. "I know this isn't just about hanging out with Stefan. What's wrong Dodge?"

"Nothing mom! Just leave me alone" he turns his back against me so I out my hand on his shoulder, but he nudges it away and stands up.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"The bathroom" he walks without looking at me.

I sigh then hear the front door open.

Stefan walks in the huge with a smile.

"Hey mom!" Stefan walks over to me and hugs me.

I laugh. "Hey kiddo" I say and he steps back. "Dodge is in the bathroom, he'll be right o-"

"Let's go" Dodge suddenly walks out of the bathroom and takes Stefan's arm, leading him into the gym. I squint and quietly walk to the door, pressing my ear against the door.

"What's this news you're so worried about?" Stefan asks.

"Mom and dad are having another baby! And it's a girl!" Dodge says.

Stefan jumps up. "Sweet! We're gonna have a little sister Dodge!!!" Stefan laughs and I smile.

But Dodge on the other hand... shakes his head. "No Stefan, that's not what I'm getting at. Dad won't spend anymore time with us, I mean, I asked him earlier if we could do mitts and he's all nOt RiGhT nOw YoUr SiStEr Is KiCkInG" Dodge mocks and rolls his eyes, making me gasp.

"Woah she's already kicking?!" Stefan asks,

"Not the point. Dad already has no time for me and she's not even born! And as son as she is born, it's gonna be a cliche daddy daughter bond. No more Dodge! No more dad son bonding! No more boxing coach! He's whole time will be on her and he's gonna forget all about us, Stefan!" Dodge crosses his arms.

I put my hand on my mouth.

"I don't think dad would ignore us, Dodge" Stefan says, referring to Damon as his own dad since he basically is.

Dodge groans. "You're brainwashed too!"

"No dude, it's just we have a competition tomorrow and this can't be on your mind" Stefan says. "You need to talk to dad. You can get really hurt in that boxing ring if your mind is only on this"

Dodge sighs and shakes his head. "No I can't talk to him, he's gonna think I'm a little bitch that failed him. I know want my dad to be disappointed in me. I never do. So whatever was said in this room, stays in this room" he pokes Stefan's chest.

Stefan nods and I walk away from the door in shock.

I look at my bump and place my hand on it.

Is Dodge really jealous?

I... I didn't think he would be... I mean he's always happy if Damons happy.

But I guess if it comes between him and his dad's bond then I guess...

What do I do? Tell Damon?

then Damon might get mad and think Dodge is hiding these things from him... which he kinda is but to protect how Damon sees Dodge.

Which Damon would never see him as a disappoint or little bitch.

Dodge is his Buddy and nothing can change that.

I'm just scared for Dodge... Stefan's right, what if he gets in that ring and all he can think about is this?

Ugh I'm so lost!

I thought Dodge would be excited to be a big brother!

Damon would never push Dodge off to the side! That's his Buddy and always will be.

I should really be telling Dodge this, but he's gonna get pissed that I eavesdropped on him.

I then hear gloves being slammed against mitts so I peek through the little window to see Dodge punching his anger out.

Should I just let time figure this out?

I sigh and wrap my arms around myself. "I'm such a coward"


Stefan and Dodge wake up and walk out of Dodge's room, all packed and ready.

"Ready to go?" Damon chuckles.

"Hell yea! This is gonna be a good fight!" Stefan flexes and we laugh.

"You've been quiet Buddy... what's wrong?" Damon asks Dodge.

Dodge looks up at him and nervously smiles. "Just pre anxiety for the fight"

Damon looks at him in confusion. "You never get anxiety before a fight though..."

"Well this time I do. Let's go Stefan" Dodge pushes past us and walks outside.

"What the hell is wrong with him?!" Damon asks.

"I-I don't know..." I lie. "Where are the guys?" I ask.

Damon sighs. "They can't make it to his fight, they have some gang shit to figure out" he says.

"How come you don't help them?" I tilt my head.

Damon looks at me like I'm crazy. "And miss my Buddy's fight? Hell no. My son comes before anything else. And speaking of that, we better go before he gets even more cranky" he laughs and walks out.

If only Dodge heard that...

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