Everything Has Changed// Tyle...

By OhMyJosh_TayTayAndTy

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"I'm feeling like I've missed you all this time. Let me know that it's not all in my mind." More

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twenty three
twenty føur
twenty five
new story!!

twenty six

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By OhMyJosh_TayTayAndTy

A/n: before i start this chapter, i just wanna say that i love their two new singles. the music video is amazing and tyler looked so beautiful and i almost cried. anyway, on with the chapter

A few months later

Y/n's POV•

"Taylor! Help!" I whined, barging into her room. I shut the door behind me, sitting next to her on her bed. She rose an eyebrow, giving me a confused look.

"Yes?" She asked, probably curious to know what I needed.

The problem was that tomorrow was Tyler's birthday. And I knew that couples usually go all out and get something amazing for each other's birthdays, but I had absolutely no idea what to get him. When I asked him what he wanted, he responded with 'nothing.' How does that help?

I explained the whole thing to her, and she suddenly seemed to get very excited.

"Shopping for your lover's birthday? Of course! Let's go. Right now," she said, quickly standing up. She grabbed her purse and phone, slipping on a pair of flats. "Come on!"

I quickly rushed after her as she ran out of the door, for some reason in more of a rush then I was. She jumped into her car, slamming the door. I almost thought she wasn't going to wait for me based on how oddly excited she was.

I opened the door to the passenger side, sitting down on the chilly leather seat. I looked over to her and sighed. I had absolutely no idea what to get Tyler. What do boys even like?

"So, do you have any idea of what he'd want?" She asked me as she started the car, beginning to drive off. I slowly shook my head, feeling anxiety pulse through my body. I had to get him something, but what? What if I couldn't think of anything? I couldn't just leave my boyfriend without a gift on his birthday.

"Well, what does he like? Video games? Stuff like that?" She asked, looking over to me for a quick second, then bringing her eyes back to the road. I thought about it. Video games. Tyler rarely played them, but when he did, it wasn't anything super intense. And he most likely wouldn't want any for his birthday.

"Not really," I answered bluntly, shrugging my shoulders. I realized I wasn't being a great help whatsoever, but I was at a complete loss for ideas.

"Okay..." she trailed off, sighing. "Does he like cliche cute stuff?" I sat there for a second, pondering. Tyler was sort of cliche. I mean, he got me a necklace that symbolized how we became friends when he went to ask me out. Maybe I could do something similar.

"Actually, yeah," I told her, smiling afterwards. Tyler was kind of a soft guy, so the idea I had in mind might actually not be that bad.

"Perfect! Now, what kind of stupid cute stuff might he like?" She asked me as the car slowed down. She looked over to me, curious as to what I might be thinking. I looked down to my neck, lightly picking up the necklace he had gotten me. I gazed at the little microphone charm and smiled, and brought my eyes back up to meet Taylor's.

"Maybe I can get him a necklace. Nothing girly or anything, but something a guy would wear. Ya know?" I said, hoping that my idea wasn't too stupid or anything. It's all I could think of, and if she didn't like it, then I'd have no idea what else to do.

"That's adorable! He would love that!" She exclaimed, squealing afterwards. "Alright, to the mall we go."


The next day, which was Tyler's birthday, he was having a little celebration at his house with his family and a few friends. I was extremely nervous that he wouldn't like the gift I got him. What if he thought it was stupid and he'd never want to wear it? Maybe I should have stuck with video games.

I rushed to get ready, just brushing my hair and throwing on some leggings and a hoodie to warm me from the cold air. I took the small wrapped gift that was laying on my dresser and stuffed it into the pocket of my hoodie. After slipping on a pair of vans, I ran out the door to my mom's car.

She was already sitting in the driver's seat waiting for me, and my dad was on the passenger side. If they were impatient, they didn't show it. My mom smiled as I opened the door to the back seat, settling in behind them. The heat was on in the car, making me feel warm from the cold air I was just in.

My parents were coming because Tyler thought it would be nice for him to meet his parents. Which I guess made sense, considering it was a small gathering and it would be a good time for them to meet each other.

The drive was silent, but I was just on my phone the whole time. Tyler's house wasn't too far from mine, so it only took us about five minutes to get there.

When we finally pulled into the driveway, I jumped out of the car and into the freezing air in excitement. I was always happy to see Tyler, but today I'd get to give him a gift and celebrate his birthday with him.

I skipped to his front door, my parents following behind me. I knocked three times, and then patiently stood there with my hands in the pocket of my hoodie. A second later, the door opened to my favorite brown haired boy. He smiled when he saw me, and immediately brought me into a hug.

"Happy birthday Tyler!" I exclaimed, pulling back from his embrace. My parents behind me smiled and greeted him, also wishing him a happy birthday .

"Come inside," Tyler said, stepping aside and gesturing with his hand for us to walk in. He shut the door behind us and then stood beside me, sneaking his hand into mine. I held his gently as I followed him into the kitchen.

"Mom, Y/n is here," he said, tapping her on the shoulder. She turned around, a bright smile on her face.

"Oh hello!" She said excitedly, giving me a quick side hug. "Are your parents here?" I nodded my head and pointed towards the living room, where they were still standing. She walked out of the kitchen and into the other room, but I stayed behind with Tyler.

"So how was your day?" He asked, turning around towards me. He brought his hand up and tucked a lock of my hair behind my ear.

"You're asking me?" I laughed. "It's your birthday. How was your day?" I asked him, gazing into his alluring brown eyes. His lips curved into a soft smile as he intertwined his hand with mine.

"It was good. But better now that you're here," he giggled, placing his head on my shoulder. I jokingly rolled my eyes at how cliche he was being. "C'mon, lets go see what our parents are up to," he said, dragging me out of the kitchen.

We entered the living room to see both of our parents talking and laughing with each other. They seemed to be getting along pretty well.

And they were like that for the rest of the evening. When we had dinner, Tyler's dad joined in on their conversations. Luckily, Tyler and I had Josh, Taylor, and Selena with us. Tyler's brother, Zack, was also hanging out with us, but Tyler thought he was being annoying. I thought he was nice, and he was only two years younger than us, so I didn't mind.

"Oh, Tyler talks about you constantly," Zack told us as we were all sitting on the brown cushioned couch in the basement. We decided to go downstairs since all of the adults were talking upstairs, and it was way more quiet down here.

Tyler gave his brother a cold glare, shaking his head as if to say he shouldn't have ever said that. Zack just laughed to himself, probably gaining pleasure from embarrassing his older brother. Unfortunately for Tyler, I decided to join in because I found his nervousness cute.

"Oh really?" I responded jokingly, leaning forward towards Zack. "What does he say about me?" I asked, looking at Tyler with an amused smile. His face was covered by his hands, and when he finally brought them down, I noticed how his cheeks were rosy pink.

"Well, for starters, he looks at you as some kind of princess. He's always saying how pretty you are. He also said you're really awkward, but in a cute way. And-" Zack rambled on, but he was stopped by his brother pushing him off of the couch and to the ground. "Hey! What was that for?" Zack complained, standing up and fixing his shirt, then sitting back down next to Tyler.

Tyler didn't respond, he only tried to cover his blushing cheeks with his hand. I giggled, taking his wrists and pulling his hands down. He didn't have to cover his face. I thought he was adorable, and I didn't want him to cover that pretty face of his.

"So you want to marry me?" I asked, laughing a bit. I knew he probably didn't mean it literally, but I thought it was funny, so I wanted to ask him about it.

"I didn't mean right away," he replied truthfully. "But in a few years... maybe..." he said, his bright brown eyes sparkling as he gazed at me. I smiled, my cheeks beginning to feel hot.

"You guys are so cute," Selena sighed, resting her head on the palm of her hand. "Now kiss." Well, then. I knew she was a hardcore fan girl but I didn't expect her to be so straightforward. Taylor nodded her head in agreement, bouncing up and down on the couch in excitement.

"What?" Tyler asked, looking over at the brown haired girl. I knew he heard her, but he probably needed clarification. He seemed a bit surprised, and I doubted he was going to kiss me in front of everyone. Not that he didn't want to, but it's kind of embarrassing to be all mushy in front of all your friends and family.

"You heard me. Now either kiss her or wait until the moment I push you guys together," she stated firmly, looking at us expectantly. Tyler glanced towards me, a questioning look in his eyes. I just stared back with out any sort of comment. "C'mon! I just want to see my favorite ship be romantic for once."

After a few seconds, Tyler shrugged, bringing his hand up to cup my cheek. Before I could process what was happening, his lips were already pressing against mine. Anxiety sprang throughout my body as I realized that everyone was watching, but at the same time, I got the same magical feeling of butterflies in my stomach that I loved. I kissed him back, placing my hands over his toned arms.

When he finally pulled back, Selena squealed and Taylor was smiling widely. I noticed that Selena had her phone in her hand, holding it up so the camera could capture us.

"Did you just take a picture?" I asked accusingly. She just nodded with a smile, looking at the picture on her phone and 'awwing' at it.

"Send it to me," Josh said, pulling out his phone and sharing his number with her. I groaned, slumping back onto the couch. Tyler leaned back too, placing an arm around my shoulder.

"Sorry," he cringed, a slight laugh in his voice. "Probably shouldn't have done that in front of them. I expected that."

"It's alright," I assured him, bringing my hand up to caress his cheek. "I'm going to do it again anyway." And just like that, I leaned forward and kissed him. I had some sort of weird confidence when I was around him, and I wasn't exactly sure why. He made me feel brave, like I could do anything and he'd always be there. That was a nice feeling to have.


Now, everyone was singing happy birthday to Tyler, and then he'd finally get to open the gift I got him. I was extremely excited, yet nervous that he wouldn't like it. But Tyler liked sappy romantic stuff, right? I hoped so.

After the cake, I picked up the small box and quickly handed it to Tyler. I was so anxious to see whether he liked it or not.

He unwrapped the colorful wrapping paper, throwing it off to the side. He opened the box, pulling out the chain necklace I got him. There was a small charm with my first initial attached to it. Not because I owned him, but because I loved him. Only thing was, I hadn't told him that yet. He needed to know. He needed to know that he deserved all of the love in the world.

When he noticed the charm, the smile on his face was beautiful. You could see the dimples indented in his cheeks and the starry look in his eyes. He looked absolutely precious.

He engulfed me in a hug, causing me to stumble back a bit. I laughed as I embraced him, relieved that he liked the gift.

"Thank you so much," he mumbled into my hair. I squeezed him tighter, and then he pulled back.

I had to say it. It was the perfect moment. Our eyes locked with each other's, a beautiful smile on his face. But I was scared. What if he thought that it was too overwhelming? What if he didn't want me to use the word 'love' yet?

I thought about it. What he said to me on the night of our first date.

"You don't have to tell me now. But if for some reason you ever do feel that way, tell me. Okay?"


I felt it. I truly did. I loved him so, so, so much, and I couldn't wait any longer. He wanted me to tell him when I was ready. And I was ready right now.

"I love you, Tyler," I stated simply. It took him a moment to realize what I had said, but when he did, the look on his face was priceless. He took both of my hands and intertwined them with his.

"I love you too, Y/n," he responded, pulling my arms which caused my chest to press against his. He leaned down, placing an innocent kiss to my lips. It was sweet and short. He obviously didn't want to make a big deal in front of his family.

"I promise you, I'll wear this forever," he told me, picking up the necklace and throwing it over his neck. It went down past his collar bone, and the letter hung in the middle of his chest, right over his heart. Where it should be.

Everyone around us, our friends, some of my family, and some of Tyler's, all started clapping and cheering. Kissing in front of them was already embarrassing enough, and this definitely made it worse. I hid my face in Tyler's chest to hide my red face and wrapped my arms around his back. He put his arms around me also, placing his chin on the top of my head.

He promised me that he'd wear it forever, so I was set on forever. Me and him. I wouldn't have asked for anything else.

A/n: this is the second to last chapter. there'll be an epilogue next, and after that, more stories (yes, tøp stories)

i seriously love writing and i have so many ideas so hopefully you'll stick around to read anything else i write

also!! you can follow me on instagram. my fan account is @fearrthenight but if you wanna follow my personal it's @caitlin.is.bored

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