Art Girl and Wolf Boy. We Sou...

By reedperson

1.7M 20.2K 2.6K


AGWB - One
Art Girl and Wolf Boy. We Sound Like A Bad Kid's TV Show. (2)
Art Girl and Wolf Boy. We Sound Like A Bad Kid's TV Show. (3)
Art Girl and Wolf Boy. We Sound Like a Bad Kid's TV Show. (4)
Art Girl and Wolf Boy. We Sound Like a Bad Kid's TV SHow. (5)
Art Girl and Wolf Boy. We Sound Like a Bad Kid's TV SHow. (6)
Art Girl and Wolf Boy. We Sound Like a Bad Kid's TV SHow. (7)
Art Girl and Wolf Boy. We Sound Like a Bad Kid's TV SHow. (8)
Art Girl and Wolf Boy. We Sound Like a Bad Kid's TV SHow. (9)
Art Girl and Wolf Boy. We Sound Like a Bad Kid's TV Show.
Art Girl and Wolf Boy. We Sound Like a Bad Kid's TV SHow. (10)
Art Girl and Wolf Boy. We Sound Like a Bad Kid's TV Show. (11)
Art Girl and Wolf Boy. We Sound Like a Bad Kid's TV Show. (12)
Art Girl and Wolf Boy. We Sound Like a Bad Kid's TV Show. (13)
Art Girl and Wolf Boy. We Sound Like a Bad Kid's TV Show. (14)
Art Girl and Wolf Boy. We Sound Like a Bad Kid's TV Show. (15)
Art Girl and Wolf Boy. We Sound Like a Bad Kid's TV Show. (16)
Art Girl and Wolf Boy. We Sound Like a Bad Kid's TV Show. (17)
Art Girl and Wolf Boy. We Sound Like a Bad Kid's TV Show. (18)
Art Girl and Wolf Boy. We Sound Like a Bad Kid's TV Show. (20)
Art Girl and Wolf Boy. We Sound Like a Bad Kid's TV Show. (21)

Art Girl and Wolf Boy. We Sound Like a Bad Kid's TV Show. (19)

62.2K 800 87
By reedperson

okay, so i am having THE BEST DAY EVER!

I got the highest score in French on my quiz, out of the entire class (90%, a miracle because I suck at foregin languages, maybe it was just mandarin that was my achilles heel?), and then today's half day, and on top of that...


Actually, I'm at the top, but whatever.

My jaw just about hit the carpet!

And then, in the spirit of elatedness (one of my vocabulary words), I jumped up and yelled to my mother, "IN YOUR FACE! HAHA! I TOLD YOU THEY'D COME THROUGH!!!"

and, me checking this little thingy just about saved your guys's asses. I was going to change my mind and sell the sequel to this instead of posting it, but since you guys ARE SO FREAKING AWESOME...I won't!

Yay! and anyways, it's sort of like i'm getting a way.

so here's the next chappie!

p.s. I'm starting a new blog, no real topic, just random things, so check it out! (I'll send the url to you in a message, if you want in just post your comment below). That's a picture of Jude and Dylan---------->

Yes, they were a real couple in the real world.

I will be posting pics of cast since we are getting down to the wire to...the sequel!

also, i am fast forwarding this to the day that school's over. I know it would be a punishment toward you guys if i waited any longer


"Dylan Verona." They called my name. I stood up, smoothing the ridiculously yellow graduation gown that I had to wear. People applauded and clapped, typically the girls and the werewolves who went to the school. Why the girls? Because, after Hansel and his little buddies tried to grope this other, smaller senior who smiled at me in first period, I had had enough. So, with my hubby's help, I went to their houses at four o' clock in the morning, gagged them, stripped them, drove back to the school, and tied them all to the school flagpoles in plain view.

You don't EVER want to get on my bad side.

Mandie waved at me and I winked at her. She was going to be one of my bridesmaids, I swear. I didn't even have to threaten her into doing it. I swaggered up to the stage and took my diploma, throwing my arms around my favorite teacher, Mr.Lott. I think you can guess what he taught. For all you slow people, he taught art.

I said, thank you into the microphone and went to go it down where Jude was whooping loudly. He grinned and pecked me on the cheek.

When it finally over, my mom, my other mom, and my dad all hugged me. Jude even got an awkward, one armed hug from my father.

Molly was crying buckets, which of course, made me cry, which made Madison cry, which made Mandi cry, which made the entire girls' soccer team cry, which made Jude and Tony and Bruce laugh at us and try to calm us down.

"It'll be all right, Loco, you'll still see them."

"But it won't be the same." I sobbed. He chuckled and drew me into his chest. It's a good thing that he took off his gown.

(a/n: random thought. my mom just came in here and was all like 'are you doing your homework?' and then i was all like, 'what if I'm not...' since, technically i am using vocab words in some of these sentences, i kinda am. see if you can spot them. whoever gets at least two gets a shout out. Let's call it The Vocab Sweepstakes.)

Me and Madison had a sort of truce, because we both had one purpose: protect the home base. Molly and Mandie were the home base. Every now and then we snapped at each other though.

Bruce and Madison were getting married as well, and so was Mandie. She, it turned out, was Evan's mate (the beta). So we decided to do the most logical thing ever.

All I'm saying is, this was not going to be a traditional wedding.

"Absolutly not." I said, shaking my head.

Mandie pouted. "Why not?"

"Because. It's so ginky."


"Ginky." I confirmed.

"'I'll Be by Edwin McCain is NOT ginky."

"I'm sorry, sweet, but yes it is." Evan said. She turned her glare at him. "You're agreeing with HER!?!"

"Who's HER!?!" I asked, outraged.

Jude stood up. "Guys, I think this is the time when we back away slowly..."

"Sit down." I snapped.

He sat.

"Well, I think Love Story by Taylor Swift--"

"NO!" We all yelled at the same time. Tony looked a little sheepish when Molly realized that he said 'no as well, and glared at him. "What," she seethed, "Is wrong with Love Story?"

"Do we look like Romeo and Juliet to you?" Madison asked pointedly.

"There's a paucity, almost a NON EXISTENCE of Romeoes and Juliets in here."

"Fine." She huffed. "No Love Story then."

I sighed in relief and wiped a hand across my face. "Really, guys, I think we should call it a night." I pointed to the guy who was laid out on the ground, sleeping peacefully with his arm around his son. "Look at our poor wedding planner."

It had to be about one o' clock in the morning. they all sighed and their boyfriends looked relieved as they got up, stepping over all the stuff on the ground. My parents had already went back to my aunt's house, and we were at the pack house (Jude's house). We were using up the guest rooms.

Jude helped me up and we went to our room. I yawned. "Who knew picking a wedding song to walk down the aisle in could be so darn hard?"

We had the father--daughter dance down. That part was easy. My Little Girl by Tim McGraw, made Molly bawl and is good because it's a little piece of her; country.


these chappies are gonna be pretty small, so bear with me, I'll try and speed it along

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