The New Girl Next Door

Par briyaniya

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After she thought she escaped her problems from her previous life 17-year old basketball player Dinah Jane mo... Plus



306 18 23
Par briyaniya

Dinah Jane

"Get offa meh!" I scream, kicking at the person on top of me."Shut tha fuck up!" He growls, pinning me to the cold wooden floor of my room.I scream for my mother, although it's obvious she doesn't even care.

All she does is watch or disappear out of sight."D-dad-"A punch is delivered to my jaw, making my head snap to the side. I let out a groan and close my eyes as pain shoots through my head.

"We luh ya. Why can' ya un'stand t'at? Why ya hadda go an' do t'is?" He slurs, lying on top of me while starting to cry.I shake my head trying to get out of his grip,"p-please...""No! I luh ya. A-an'..." He stops and raises his head to meet my eyes.

I close my eyes and prepare for his endless physical abuse that I endure everyday.But it doesn't come. Instead, I feel a pair of hands roughly tug at the waistband of my basketball shorts.

"W-wha' are ya doin'?!" I scream, struggling underneath him."Ya wan' betray us? I got some fa ya," He growls, pulling at my shorts again.I use all my strength to push him off of me, then I scramble to my bed, in search of my gun underneath it.

Right now I'm at my wits end.I've had enough of the abuse.The going to school with scars and bruises.The fact that my parents are drunkies and cokeheads that torture me endlessly because I told them I'm different from every else.

"Wha' tha fuck ya doin'?" My father growls from behind me.I get a good grip on the gun's butt, but I suddenly get yanked backwards by my ankle.Almost immediately, I begin struggling and kicking with my other leg.

He easily wraps his hand around my neck, lifting me from the ground. I begin struggling and scratching at his hands, feeling my air quickly getting shut of.He then tosses me across the room, making me hit my head on the dresser.

Pain shoots through my head and automatically, I can feel blog floating from a gash.As I lie on the floor, I see a lit candle roll off of the dresser and make its way to my curtains. Almost immediately, the cheap silk catches fire, casting a orange glow across the dark room.

Smoke fills the room, clogging my wind pipes."See wha' ya did?" My father grits, sending a heavy kick to my ribs.I groan, feeling my consciousness fading fast. Through the slits of my eyes, I can see my gun peeking out from underneath my bed.

It's just about 5 feet away from me.I can see my father starting to walk out of the room, so I take that open chance and reach for the gun.Aiming for his left leg, I pull the trigger.His body seems to fall to the ground in slow motion, a scream coming from him.

I shakily stand up to my feet and walk over to the screaming man. I shoot him in his other leg, reducing his screams to whimpers. I would kill him off quickly, but I want him to suffer. Suffer like I have been doing for the last 7 years.

"Dinah... Please," he pleads. I shake my head, sending a third bullet to his shoulder.I then grab the candle that has half of my room ablaze.With sweaty and shaky hands, I walk to his body and lie it next to him, slowly setting his body on fire.

Almost immediately, he begins screaming but I step past his body, my heart racing. Smoke has filled the room, giving me the inability to breathe properly.Panting, I stumble out of the room and see my mother laying out on the couch, with a bottle of vodka to her mouth.I stand in front of her, raising the gun to her head.

She sets down the bottle of vodka and smiles at me."Do it, baybeh gal. Shoot meh and puh me out mah misery," she says, chuckling."See ya in hell, bitch," I say, pulling the trigger.I watch as her head snaps backwards, blood painting the couch behind her.I can see the flames from my room spreading to the walls of the living room.

The distant sounds of sirens send me into a state of panic. That's when I begin running...

Normani Kordei

4:17 a.m.

I watch Dinah's  still body in the hospital bed. The whole sight doesn't look right to me. She doesn't seem like the type of person who would get themselves in a situation that would lead to this.

And yet, here she is, IV's hooked to every place of her body, a cast on her arm, her face cut up to the point where you can't even tell if it's her.

Camila  rushes into the room,"Nor- oh my god."I turn my head and see that Camila's standing in the doorway, her hands covering her mouth.

For the second time in this long night, I can feel tears welling up in my eyes again. I let my head hang, watching through blurred vision as a tear falls into my lap.

"Mani, i-it's gonna be okay..." Camila says, accompanying the chair beside me."N-no it's not," I whisper, shaking my head."Have you got any news on Lo?" She asks, trying to change the subject.

I shake my head. When I first got here, she was being transferred to the Intensive Care Unit because of how severe her injuries were. I've been here for three hours and they just now let me visit Dinah.

Camila groans,"man, this sucks. Dinah doesn't have any family? Why is no one here?"I shrug,"they tried to get ahold of her friend, Ally, but they couldn't.

Her parents are back in Polynesia."It's silent for a while, the only sound that is heard is the constant beeping from Dinah's heart rate monitor.I sigh and sit back in my chair. She's been asleep for three hours with no type of response.

The more I'm hoping that she wakes up, the more I'm feeling like she's not going to."What happened?" Camila asks quietly beside me.I shake my head, lying it against the wall behind me,"Dinah and I were hanging out, then we heard this screaming. I told Dinah to go see what it was, so she did. Then after a couple of minutes, she didn't come back, so I decided to go see what was happening..." I pause, trying to swallow a lump in my throat.

I wait a second before I continue,"so I went outside and I didn't see anything. That's when I heard the sound of glass breaking and a man yelling... It was coming from Lo's house. So, I ran over to the house and the first thing I saw was Lo...""Man..." Camila  breathes out, shifting in her chair.

I nod, trying and failing to swallow the lump in my throat.A knock sounds at the door, causing both of our heads to whip to the right."Family of Lauren Jauregui?" A white doctor dressed in uniform blues asks.So she had no family either?"Y-yes," Camila answers."Are you girls even 18?" She asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes," I lie.she pauses and glances at the clipboard in her arms, a solemn expression on her face."Well, to start off, she's currently in the Intensive Care Unit due to the condition of her injuries. All of which are major," he says."So, she's alive?" I ask, a flicker of hope igniting in me.

"As of right now, she is. Would you like to know her injuries and where she stands health-wise?"Camila and I nod.

She sighs,"she has three broken ribs, one of which has been broken for some time now. She's extremely lucky that it didn't puncture a lung or damage her internally. Due to a strong force of blow to the head, she has a Level 2 concussion. And the highest concussion is 3, so there's a possibility that if she does make it through, she will have a tendency to either forget things or she might not be able to remember the whole incident. Is that understood?"I nod, taking all of this information in.

The doctor continues,"she has been stabbed in her shoulder from an oblique angle, separating two of her bones, therefore she has to undergo surgery. She will most likely be here for a week at the least, but afterwards, she had to be on bed rest for at least two weeks to recuperate. She will need stitches of course, so she has to take it easy on her body to avoid reopening her cuts. And according to my evaluation papers, that seems to be about it..."I try to sink in as much as I can, but the whole process is overwhelming.

I can feel my ears pop and the only think I can hear is the high whistle that takes its place."What about her?" I can hear Camila ask through my muffled hearing.

I blink my eyes and turn to the doctor, who's speaking but I can't hear the words. What's happening to me?At that moment, a rapid beeping snaps me out of my trance. With panicky eyes, I focus my attention on Dinah, who's arms and legs are shaking violently.

Her heart rate monitor is going crazy, the usual green line shooting up and down the screen."D-doctor Yang!" The doctor yells into the hallway.I stand up and rush by Dinah's side, trying to calm her down.

The weird thing about it was that only her arms and legs were shaking, as if she were running. Her eyes are squeezed shit and her mouth was opening and closing like she was trying to say something."Back away!" A female doctor screams, snapping me out of my gaze.

I stumble backwards, falling into Camilla's. arms and try to get a good look at the sight as Camila and a doctor start to pull me out of the room.I watch as the female doctor comes towards Dinah with a hypothermic needle and prepares to inject it into her shoulder.

But as soon as the needle touches Dinah's skin, Dinah's right arm shoots up, grabbing the woman's wrist, twisting her arm.Automatically, the doctor screams out in pain and the doctor dragging me out rushes to her side to aid her.

I scoot in between a small open space and take a look at Dinah, who's eyes are red and watery and her chest is heaving as if she's seething in anger.The female doctor is still screaming as everyone tries to get Dinah's grip to loosen.

Doctors are shouting for her to let go, but she's only staring at me with that cold, hard look on her face. The look that says "I'm gonna fucking kill you."I take a step back, startled.

What did I do to her?"Let her go," a new doctor demands softly.Almost as if on cue, Dinah lets go of the whimpering doctor and sinks back into the bed. Everyone watches as she bursts into tears, completely out of the blue, her shoulders heaving up and down as her body shakes.

Everyone tries to comfort her, but we decide that the best thing is to let her calm down."Whea's Lo?" She asks, her accent heavy and her voice raspy.I can hear doctors gasp, as if this was not what they were expecting when she spoke."S-she's gonna be okay, sweetheart," the female doctor stutters, holding her wrist.

Dinah nods, wiping her face. She settles into her bed for a moment before she sits up, abruptly."T'at man! Whea-""He's in the hospital also for his injuries. The man that you were saving your friend from was a addict. He had massive traces of heroin, crack cocaine and alcohol in his system. There's no doubt that he will be going to jail for a very long time. Don't beat yourself up. Just know that tonight, you saved a life."Dinah stares blankly ahead, as if she had no certain emotions to feel at the moment.

"Okay, ladies," the light-skinned doctors says,"we have to put her to sleep, so at the moment there will be no visitors."I start to say something but Camila interrupts me, pulling me backwards out of the room.

Once we're in the corridor, I ask Camila the question that's been banging at my mind,"why was she staring at me like that?"I glance at Camila as she runs a hand across her face,"the doctor said that she's been through so much in her past life that she'll be confused about her feelings. That's why she was angry, then crying, then blank."

"So she'll be bipolar?" I ask."Not really. Just confused. And at times, she will get dangerous. So I think it's best to stay away from her after all this blows over. At least until she can get her priorities straight."I down and begin walking down the corridor to the double doors at the end.

That's when a very familiar person walks trying the double doors, making my blood boil."Hey, Mani. Wassup?" Trevor asks, smiling.I roll my eyes,"hey Mani, my ass. What are you doin' here?""I came by to see how you are holding up. I heard what happened, so I figured you needed a shoulder to lean on."

"Thanks, but I already have two of my own shoulders. I don't need your pity party," I respond, pushing past him.As Camila and I start walking again, I feel Trevor tug my hand, making me whip around to face him.

"Don't you put your hands on me, nigga," I grit, staring up at his tall figure.He raises his hands in surrender,"my bad. Are you still mad at me? Like c'mon that was the past.""Am I mad?!" I ask, looking at him like he's grown another head,"no, nigga. I am livid. Like, why would you get your boys to beat up a girl?! A fucking female, man. That's why I'm glad she knocked your ass out. Beat ya ass up and put you in the hospital. That's what you deserve. And trust me, try it again and I won't hesitate to tell her to kill your ass. Now if you would excuse me..."I turn around, leaving him standing there with his mouth hung open.

Camila smiles as we continue walking to the doors,"good job. That was the right thing to do."I shake my head, smiling. But somewhere inside of me, I feel like Trevor's here up to no good. As much as I want to stay, I can't and that's making me mad."Calm down. All we need to do is go home and get some sleep. We need it." Camila advises. I nod. Sleep does sound good for right now.


Gave you a insight of what happened back at the islands.

Do you think Lo will survive through her injuries?

Do you think Dinah's bipolar disorder will cause a problem between Normani and Dinah?

What are Trevor's intentions?

Vote. Comment.


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