Forever forbidden Opposites a...

By Dragontearfrisk19

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Two people see the same thing. A Destroyer and a Protector. One views mockery and spite. The other views love... More

chapter 1.
chapter 2.
chapter 3
chapter 4.
chapter 5.
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16

chapter 17

359 9 9
By Dragontearfrisk19

(If some of you care but you don't have too, you can go to the last chapter and reread it apparently my saves messed up and the wrong save got published. It doesn't change the story except for a couple of words and the authors not so if don't want to don't. Now to the chapter)

(Error's p.o.v.)

"H○w @m ¡ $uPp○$3d t• Kn○w tH@t?!" I spat. Dream glared at me.

"Well, he ran out looking worried. I figured you had something to do this it?" Dream said. I thought for a bit. It could be Nightmare but then Dream would know. Could Nightmare have sent Ink something? 

"¡'m $○rR ¥, ¡ c@n'+ tH¡nK ¡t'$ $○?3tH¡nG t○ d○ w¡tH N¡gH+m@r3" I shrugged. 

"You idiot, you don't think I would know if my brother was fighting Ink. If he was we wouldn't be having this conversation" Dream spat at me then left and raised his staff and slammed it down. I felt myself slip into unconsciousness. Oh, I hope someone comes and saves me from this hell.

(Ink's p.o.v.)

Where is he!

I can't find him!


Didn't Paint say something.......

Well, let's go back. Maybe he knows where Error is. 

I opened a portal back home and jumped through want nothing more than to know my darling Ruru is okay.  

"Brother, your back I was worried!" Paint said as I closed the portal behind me. 

"Yeah, sorry for running off," I rubbed the back of my neck apologetically. 

"No worries, why did you run off anyway?" Paint said looking at me questioningly.

"Oh just a bad dream that's all, it spooked me really bad," I smiled at my brother.

"No need to be worried anymore brother, everything is under control"  Paint smiled as I sat down and he handed me my food.

"Why is that?" I asked trying to hide the despair I felt from the smile on his face and the confidence in his words.

"Oh nothing, just that Dream and I caught Error last night while you were sleeping," Paint said. I stared at him. 

"W-what? You caught E-error?" I cursed myself for stammering.

"Yup, surprise!" Dream said from behind me. 

"Dream?!" I said in surprise and turned around to meet the satisfied smile on his face and blood on his staff. I wanted to throw up at the sight but kept my nonexpressing stomach contents down.

"I've been looking everywhere for you" Dream smiled at me. 

"Oh... Sorry Dream, I didn't mean to worry you and Paint"  I said trying to keep my voice under control. 

"No worries, Inky" Dream said. I wanted to throw up at the name 'Inky' coming from Dream.

"Come on, let's go look take a look at error" Dream said. I hated how he called Error like he was an animal. My RURU is not an animal he is a sweet caring person.

"Sure, I would love that, I said with a fake smile.

"Have fun you two" Paint waved us as I got up from my seat and walked over to Dream as he smiled wider and opened a portal and we walked through.

"Wait you are leaving it there?!" "Yup, it's time for bed." "But Daddy! What happened to Father is he okay?!" "G○t $c@rS but ○tH3r ₩¡!e •k@y." "Oh shush Error"

(Sorry for the long wait. These characters do not belong to me. I've had a lot of things happen in my life recently. Hopefully, I'll be able to write more and I'm writing a new book called "back off" and it's a dustberry book it doesn't belong in the same multiverse as this one but I hope you like them both. Hope you have a great day/night)

621 words

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