Rosalina Charming|| Once Upon...

By NutellaEmpress

243K 3.8K 275

What if Emma Swan had a 17 year old older sister, who was taken to Neverland before the Evil Queen's curse? C... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
New book
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
New Book
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
New Book
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
New Book
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
New Books and Updates
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
New Book
Chapter 43
New Book
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
I'm Sorry
New Username
New Book
Chapter 48
New Book
New Book
New Book
New Book
New Book
Chapter 49
Cover Shop
Chapter 50
New Book
Chapter 51

Chapter 44

1.1K 25 0
By NutellaEmpress

The Enchanted Forest. Past, last year. Snow White and company made their way across the land.
The Evil Queen stopped and looked at her former palace in the distance.

Rosalina walked up to her.

"Regina," Rosalina spoke up.

"I always wanted to bring him here and have him all to myself. And now he doesn't even remember me. I thought he would enjoy the tunnels since he was interested in the mines...Tunnels!" Regina's eyes widened in realization.

"What tunnels?" Rosalina asked.

Snow and David came to them.

"Rosalina give us a moment please." Snow told her.

Rosalina sighed but nodded and went to Toby.

As Rosalina was walking with Toby she kept looking at her parents talking to Regina.

What did she mean by tunnels?... Rosalina thought.

Suddenly a shrieking was heard and a flying monkey swooped in. Charming drew his sword, Snow and Rosalina readied to loose an arrow.

"Something's coming." Neal gasped.

It all happened so fast. The monkey pushes him out of its path and flew toward Roland, who was right in front of The Evil Queen.

"Papa!" Roland yelled.

"Roland!" Robin started making his way towards his son. In the meantime, the Queen ran in front of the boy, gently pushing him away from the creature as Roland ran over to his father.

"Not so fast." Regina magically transformed the monkey into a stuffed animal.

Then she approached Robin and Roland.

"See, not so scary. Now you have a new toy." Regina smiled and gave the boy the toy.

"Thank you." Robin thanked her still in shock.
Storybrooke. Present. Blanchard Apartment. Hook, Rosalina, Toby, Snow and David were sitting in the living room. Emma comes down the stairs.

"Okay, Henry is asleep upstairs. If he wakes up, you all are helping me with the case." She said as she sat down on a sofa.

"So, what the hell happened here? I mean, besides the obvious." Emma gestured toward a pregnant Snow.

"We don't know. We watched you drive over the town line with Henry. Regina started to cast her spell to take us all back to The Enchanted Forest and then...everything went black." Snow told her.

"And the next thing we remember is waking up in our beds like it was any other morning in Storybrooke," David added.

"Except it clearly wasn't," Toby mumbled.

Snow put a protective hand over her belly

"Almost harvest time and you can't remember the planting. It's bad luck, mate." Hook remarked.

"Put your disgusting humor aside." Rosalina gave him a disgusted look.

"Clearly a year's past. I was in New York, I know I was." Emma told them.

"And we don't know where the hell we were. We don't even know if we left Storybrooke." David told her.

"Aye, you did. I was with you." Hook told them.

"In The Enchanted Forest?" Snow asked.

"Regina's spell brought us back. We've spent a brief time with a Prince and Princess named Phillip and Aurora. But I wasn't feeling the community spirit, so I ventured off on my own. The last I saw of you lot, you were making your way to Regina's castle."  Hook explained.

"And now you're cursed. Why doesn't that surprise me?" Emma sighed.

"Regina didn't do this." Rosalina shook her head.

"She seems as clueless as the rest of us. I'm not quite sure she was involved in this." Snow agreed with Rosalina.

"So she says," Emma said.

"I don't understand. If you left The Enchanted Forest before the curse, how did you know to find Emma and come to Storybrooke?" David turned to Hook.

"As I was sailing the realms a bird landed on my ship's wheel with a note instructing me to retrieve Emma and bring her back here. There was a small vial of memory potion tied to its leg." Hook explained.

"Who sent it?" Snow asked.

"I assumed you did." Hook looked at her.

"A message via bird has Snow White written all over it," Toby added.

There's a knock on the door. Leroy and Happy entered the room.

"What is it?" David asked.

"We lost another one. We're five now."  Leroy was not in a good mood.

"Four, actually. Bashful's not answering." Happy took a look at his phone.

"Wait What is going on?" Emma asked confused.

"Thank God you're back, sister." Leroy looked at her.

"It's not just our memories that are missing. Ever since we woke up, people have begun disappearing." Snow informed.

"Whoever cursed us is picking us off, one by one," Leroy added.

"Who's exactly missing?" Emma asked.

"Aside from the dwarves, we're not sure. There's been a lot of confusion
It's been hard to keep track of everyone." David told her.

"Wait. Neal. Is he here?" Emma asked.

There was a moment of silence.

"Well, we haven't found him yet." Snow told her.

"So he might have been taken, too." Emma sighed.

"Smart money is on yes." Leroy nodded.

"Leroy!" Snow scolded.

"He'll turn up, Swan. He always does."  Hook told her.

"Ok, why wasn't I told any of this?"  Rosalina asked confused.

"I texted Toby. Figured he would have told you." David told her.

Rosalina turned to Toby.

"I figured you had a lot on your plate right now." Toby gestured to the electrocuting bracelet.

Rosalina sighed but nodded.

"Some folks have set up camp in the woods at the edge of town. Neal might be there." David turned to Emma.

"Or he may not have got swept up in the curse at all." Snow told her.

"There's only one way we gonna figure all this out. We have to get your memories back." Emma told them.

"How are we going to do that?" Snow asked.

"By figuring out who took them in the first place. My money's on Regina right now." Emma stood up.

"Regina didn't do this," Rosalina argued.

"How can you be so sure?" Emma asked.

"Because of this." Rosalina showed her bracelet.

"What is that?" David asked.

"My magic is restored," Rosalina told everyone.

"What?!" Everyone but Toby and Rosalina yelled.

"But this is an electrocuting bracelet that absorbs my magic. Pan used to absorb my magic slowly and painfully because he knew I couldn't escape but this is a more concentrated version. Whoever did this wants all my magic and they want now. Regina doesn't care about my magic, not anymore. Her priorities have changed." Rosalina told her.

"Then who the hell are we dealing with?" Emma asked.

Rosalina let out a blood thirsty scream as the bracelet electricuted again.

The Enchanted Forest. Past, one year ago. The group discussed the attack.

"What the hell was that thing?" David asked.

"The same kind of monster that attacked us on our journey here." Snow answered.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say it looked an awful lot like a monkey," Toby spoke up.

"A monkey with wings?" Snow asked

"Yes, that's exactly what it is." Regina nodded.

"Okay, you're acting like that's normal," Neal spoke up

"Actually, it is. But not here. There's only one land that has creatures like that. I've read about it. Oz." Belle informed.

"Oz? That's a real place?" Snow asked.

"Yeah, a story in a book is real? How could that be?" Toby asked sarcastically.

Rosalina chuckled as Snow gave him an annoyed look.

"It's quite real. If our simian friend is any indication, then I think we know exactly who's taken up residence in our castle. The Wicked Witch." Regina hissed.

"We talking East or West?" Grumpy asked.

"Does it matter? Neither one sounds good." Snow told him.

"One you drop a house on. The other one you toss a bucket of water at." Grumpy told her.

Snow nodded.

"Wait you mean to tell me that someone who has a fear of water managed to take The Evil Queen's castle?" Rosalina asked not believing it.

"Everyone has their weakness." Grumpy shrugged.

"So, Regina, what exactly are we up against besides green skin and a pointy hat? What did you do to her?" David asked.

"This time? Nothing. Never met her." Regina said offended.

"This isn't a personal vendetta? Shocking. Okay then, Oz aside, we stick to the original plan. Arm up, then attack. Assuming you can get the shield down." David looked towards Regina.

"You don't need to worry about me." Regina started to walk away.

"I'm coming with you."Rosalina stepped up.

"No, this is a one-woman job," Regina told her.

"What? Against the Wicked Witch? She has flying monkeys! Who knows what else! In case you forgot I have magic now. I can help!" Rosalina tried to reason.

"I don't care if the Lollipop Guild is protecting her. I can lower that shield on my own." Regina said determinedly.

"Then we'll be waiting for you on the other side." Snow said pulling Rosalina back.

Rosalina sighed.

Storybrooke. Present. Granny's Diner.

Snow, David, Emma, and Rosalina all agreed they would 'meet' Henry at Granny's.

"Henry, this is David and Mary Margaret and their daughter Rosalina." Emma introduced them.

"Are you helping my mom with the case?" Henry asked the adults.

"Or are they the ones who jumped the jail?" Henry whispered to Emma

"You're a terrible whisperer." Rosalina leaned in as well.

Henry looked embarrassed as David pulled her back.

"No, they are- They are just old friends." Emma looked towards them.

"Friends? From where?" Henry asked.

"Phoenix." Snow said quickly.

"Here," Emma said quickly.

There was an awkward silence.

"Well, Phoenix and here," Emma said alarmed.

"But I thought you were only in Phoenix for being in... that place," Henry said awkwardly.

"Right, we were cellmates." Snow-covered up.

"Really? What were you in for?"  Henry asked.

"Banditry." Snow answered.

Rosalina chuckled and David gave her a scolding look.

Rosalina shrugged.

They sat down.

"People make mistakes. The important thing is to find a way to keep moving on."  Snow told him.

"Did you know my dad?" Henry asked.

"Should we order? Let's order." David tried to avoid the topic.

From the other side of the room, a mug of coffee shattered. They all looked towards the noise and saw Regina wearing a shocked expression.

"Oh, uh, I'm-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." Regina said still in shock.

"Oh, that's okay." Henry shrugged and went back to his cocoa.

"Regina. Regina, we need to talk. Come on." Emma stood up.

With that they left.

Storybrooke. Present-day. Blanchard Apartment.

Snow and David were worried about Rosalina's electrocuting bracelet so they told her to stay home with Toby. And it turned to be a good thing because she felt a shock a few times and it was torture.

After a while, Snow and Henry came home.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Snow asked.

"Fantastic." Rosalina hissed sarcastically.

"She's a little grumpy right now," Toby told Snow.

Then he noticed Henry.

"Oh, hey. I'm Toby. I'm Rosalina's boyfriend." Toby introduced himself.

"Hi." Henry put his hand out for a handshake.

Toby awkwardly shook his hand. It was weird for him to shake hands with the kid he use to babysit.

"How are you liking Storybrooke so far?" Rosalina asked.

"It's good I guess. I like the library." Henry shrugged.

Then Emma and Regina came in.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Emma asked Rosalina.

"Can everyone stop asking me that. I'm fine." Rosalina rolled her eyes.

"Jeez,"  Emma mumbled.

"She's crabby," Toby told her.

"How was your day?" Emma asked Henry.

"Good. Storybrooke is a weird place. But cool. Did you know there's a library inside a clock tower." Henry told her.

"I do. I've been there before. Come on, I want you to meet someone. This is Regina Mills. She's the mayor of this town and she wanted to meet you." Emma told him.

"Is something wrong?" Henry asked concerned.

"No, no. No, nothing's wrong. Your mother just told me a lot about you. I heard you like school and that you're good at English." Regina told him awkwardly.

"Yeah, why did she tell you all this?"  Henry asked.

"Because she couldn't be more proud of you. While you're in town I was thinking, maybe I can give you a tour sometime. You know, show you around. Maybe we can stop in for ice-cream." Regina offered.

"Yeah, I'd like that." Henry nodded.

Regina smiled.

"It was nice meeting you." Regina took a step towards Henry intending to embrace him.

He offered her a hand. After a moment she shook it with a heartbroken expression.

David and Hook entered the apartment.

"We need to talk," David spoke up.

Emma saw Henry sitting on a sofa.

"Outside," Emma told them.

The group left the room.

After Hook and David explained everything.

"They are being turned into flying monkeys?"  Snow asked.

"Yes, he took a simian form with a pair of wings." Hook described. 

"Did you think this is what happened to my uncles too?" Toby asked. 

"It would explain why we haven't found any traces of them," David told him.

"And Neal?" Emma asked.

"No sign of him, either. So, yeah, it's possible." David nodded.

"Wouldn't be the first flying monkey I've dated," Emma remarked.

"What?" Rosalina asked confused.

"It's a long story," Emma told her.

"The person who escaped our trap disappeared in a cloud of green smoke. And now, there are flying monkeys in this town? I think we know exactly who cursed us." Regina spoke up.

"The Wicked Witch of the West?" Emma asked jokingly.

Regina nodded.

"Seriously? She's real, too?" Emma asked shocked.

"Says the  second daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming." Hook remarked.

"I don't get it. It's not like we're in Kansas. Why would the Wicked Witch of the West wanna come to Storybrooke?" Emma asked.

Rosalina let out a high pitch scream as she was electrocuted again.

She fell into Toby's arm weakly.

"What wrong?" Regina asked confused and concerned.

"The Wicked Witch is absorbing her magic.' Toby told her.

"She has magic again?" Regina asked confused.

"That is not the important part but yeah." Toby nodded.
I'm back!
Sorry for any errors...

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