mystery of love; malec au

By rainbowyeun

80.1K 3.1K 1.6K

a high school romance between alec lightwood and magnus bane, both popular, yet complete opposites. one on th... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen

chapter fifteen

4.6K 155 109
By rainbowyeun

Prom seemed like a distant memory to Alec; it was an event that he had been looking forward to for the whole of senior year and now that it was finally here it seemed strange. Time had flew this year. He and Magnus were meeting soon to put up the decorations, then go back to Alec's to change.

Alec already knew that his parents were going to be embarrassing about the entire situation and want photos of Alec and Magnus together, as well as photos of Jace and Isabelle. The photos would probably be spread all over Facebook to other parents, and they would all gush about how great they all looked. Alec understood that it was exciting for his parents, but they hadn't stopped talking about it.

As soon as Alec got home from school on the day when Magnus had came out, he told his parents everything that had happened, and how him and Magnus were together now. Alec felt blessed that he had such a close relationship with his parents, as they were so supportive of his decisions. They were thrilled that Alec finally had a boyfriend.

It was only a few hours until the prom started, Alec heading out to meet Magnus at the school to put up the decorations. His friends were doing their part too, assigned with their partners. It felt as though Alec and Magnus had spent forever on their decorations, but they turned out well and both of them were proud of their work.

The two of them put up the decorations lightheartedly, Alec deciding that when they were done that Magnus should go home. Magnus asked why in confusion, as he thought that they were meant to be going back to Alec's to get changed.

 "I think that you should pick me up, traditionally. Maybe you could get me some flowers or shake my mom's hand, I don't know." Alec said sarcastically, although was being serious with his desire to get picked up for prom. Magnus told him that tradition was for racists and homophobes with a laugh, to which Alec denied.

Alec said, "If I want to get picked up by a hot guy on prom night like every other girl in our school, then so I shall. I was serious about the flowers, though. The ones I have in my room at the moment are dying." Magnus agreed with a smile, accepting the compliment, understanding the importance of prom to Alec. He had probably planned this for a long time.

Magnus and Alec parted ways, agreeing on a time that Magnus would come over. Magnus felt more nervous now that he knew he was picking Alec up, overthinking every step he took. He wondered if Alec was joking about the flowers, and if he even had time to buy any. He didn't know what type Alec liked, or how much he should spend on them.

Thoughts whirred through Magnus' brain at a fast pace, Magnus deciding to ditch the flower idea and actually get ready. He knew that he couldn't do much apart from smell nice and style his hair in a way that looked prom-presentable, yet it would still take him a long time. He would stare at himself for a while and wonder if he should just bury himself ten feet underground.

Magnus' mother dropped him off to Alec's house, noticing how nervous he was, as Magnus kept rubbing his palms on his knees and breathing heavily. "Stop stressing out; it's making me nervous." She joked, Magnus wondering if his heart could beat any faster without him having a heart attack.

 "You've been to Alec's house before, this is no different. You know Alec." Ru reminded Magnus, putting a reassuring hand on her son's shoulder. Magnus turned to look at her, nodding, trying to absorb the information positively. He asked her if she would come in with him, Ru laughing lightly and telling him that she didn't think she could this time. 

Magnus said that he was being dramatic and he knew, Ru telling him that it was fine to be nervous on prom night. He sighed, knowing that if he didn't get out soon he would be late, and then he would really be in trouble. Magnus leaned over, kissing his mother on the cheek lightly before getting out of the car, hearing her wish him good luck.

Walking up to Alec's house, Magnus' legs felt like jelly. He didn't think he would go to prom with a date, or if he did he didn't think it would be with someone like Alec. The idea of going to prom was scary already, as it symbolised the end of high school, let alone the fears of having someone to go with.

Magnus pressed the doorbell lightly, hoping that Alec opened the door and not his parents. The door swung open, Magnus feeling his breath get caught in his throat, sighing in relief when he saw it was Isabelle. It wasn't his parents and it wasn't his date, so he had more time to freak out. 

 "Well, don't you look cute." Isabelle said chirpily, her painted red lips curved into a grin at the sight of him. Magnus thanked her, feeling his nervousness chip away, replying that she also looked very nice, seeing that her red makeup matched her long red dress. Magnus accepted her offer to come in, Isabelle closing the door behind him.

Magnus rubbed his hands together nervously, hoping that on his drive here he hadn't suddenly looked awful. Isabelle said that he was welcome to sit down and that Alec would come out in a minute, Magnus doing so, wondering if there was any possibility that him and Alec had wore the same outfit and were going to look ridiculous together.

After a short moment to himself, Magnus' attention was caught by a door opening, seeing that it was Alec. It looked like he didn't expect Magnus to be there, looking to Isabelle who shrugged innocently. "Hi," Alec said with a smile, walking over to him. Magnus had never seen Alec in anything that looked like a suit, and so it was strange. It was a very good strange, though.

Alec wore a dark blue floral suit jacket over a white shirt with a dark blue tie, wearing matching trousers. His hair looked perfectly messy, although the highlight of his look was the toothy grin that stretched on his face.

 "You look really good," Magnus breathed with a laugh, glad that he didn't sound nervous anymore. Alec sat next to him on the sofa, smiling widely at him. "Thank you, I guess you look okay too." He said sarcastically, his eyes looking at Magnus adoringly telling another story. Magnus raised an eyebrow, making Alec laugh lightly.

The two of them turned when they heard the door burst open, seeing Maryse standing with a big camera, beginning to take photos of the two of them, almost blinding them with the flash. "Oh, God." Alec cursed, protecting his eyes from the light, feeling his cheeks heat in embarrassment. 

Jace followed Maryse, looking just as embarrassed as Alec. Maryse told the two of them to stand up, Alec giving Magnus an annoyed look, although the entire situation was quite amusing to Magnus. He didn't care about being on camera, and he knew that if they were at Magnus' house then his mom would be doing the same.

Maryse made them all stand together to get a photo, her tone both excited and stressed, even though they didn't have to leave yet. "Look at my three babies all grown up," Maryse said with a grin as she snapped a photo, enjoying the special moment of seeing most of her children go to their senior prom.

Jace said to Magnus under his breath, "Welcome to the family, I guess." He kept the fake smile up as he spoke, making Magnus laugh lightly, enjoying the family vibe in the room. There were so many voices and emotions being thrown around; there was so much life within the walls. 

After the many, many photos that Maryse took of them all, she finally let them go. Robert was driving them there, as none of them had passed their driving tests yet. Isabelle sat in the front seat, Jace, Alec, and Magnus squeezing into the back, Alec in the middle. Isabelle immediately fell into a conversation with her father about something or other, flicking through the radio stations as per usual.

Alec said to Magnus quietly, "I'm pretty annoyed that you didn't get me flowers, I even threw away my dead ones because I was so certain that you would." His tone was joking, turning to look at Magnus with a smile. Magnus replied, "I can buy them for you tomorrow." Alec appreciated the gesture, unable to keep the smile off his face.

The drive was pretty short, Jace rambling about how glad he was that high school was finishing, listing all the terrible qualities about school. The four of them all got out of the car when they arrived, seeing many students walking in at the same time. Robert told them all to have fun but not too much fun, looking at Isabelle specifically.

Isabelle replied, offended, "So, just because I'm a girl I can't have sex? Alec and Magnus are probably gonna fuck, like, ten times tonight." Jace burst out laughing, Alec gasping at her, telling her to stop embarrassing him. Robert fixed his statement, saying that they should all use a condom at least, making them all more embarrassed, Robert driving away with a laugh.

 "We should have walked," Isabelle grumbled, walking towards the school, the three boys following her with amused smiles. The hall looked amazing, better with the students in it, Alec and Magnus taking complete credit for the way it looked smugly. Jace sarcastically said that his massive part to make sure that no one was drinking alcohol was more important, making them all laugh.

Simon, Maia, and Clary walked over when noticing they had come in, greeting them happily. Everyone complimented each other, Magnus glad that he felt comfortable enough with them all to join in. He could see the jocks in the corner of his eye, but he wasn't sad that they weren't talking to him. He had moved on from them.

After the initial buzz of being at prom died down, Alec and Magnus separated from the group. This was the part of the prom that made Magnus nervous; the dancing part. He couldn't dance, let alone when everyone was watching him. Even the thought of a slow song made him want to curl up and die.

Alec was clearly the opposite; he was a ray of energy and gracefulness. Magnus was practically dragged to the dance floor by Alec, Alec finding it amusing how Magnus' expression showed how negatively he felt about this. The song that was playing was 'Shake It' by Metro Station, which could be the national anthem, it was that iconic. 

 "This one is easy, you just jump around like an idiot." Alec shouted over the music which was blaring around the room, Magnus seeing that everyone else was dancing. Alec grinned at him reassuringly, beginning to crazily dance. Magnus' limbs suddenly felt very stiff, wondering if Alec would believe him if he said he needed to pee.

Alec's expression softened when he saw the genuine awkwardness that Magnus radiated, grabbing his hand. "No one is watching us, Magnus. It's okay to let go." Magnus absorbed the words, looking around, seeing that what Alec said was true; everyone was too busy enjoying themselves to notice the two of them.

Magnus felt a large smile grow on his face, his doubts and worries slithering off his shoulders and scurrying off. The two of them danced stupidly, Alec laughing loudly at how horrendous Magnus was at dancing. Alec found it adorable, though. They both danced for a while to the shitty pop songs, enjoying each other's company.

The music playing stopped, both looking to the place where the music was being controlled. Simon and Raphael were in charge of music, although Raphael seemed to be pretty scarce in the whole operation. Simon was holding a microphone, looking out at everyone with a large grin.

 "I just wanted to dedicate this next song to one of my close friends, Alec, because he's a great person and he deserves so much more than what he's been through recently. To everyone that has disrespected him in the past, you can choke on a dick salad. Love you," Simon said chirpily, pointing exaggeratedly to Alec.

Alec was stunned with the words, laughing lightly at his choice of insults, although smiling widely. He saw everyone around him smile at him, including Magnus. As soon as the song started playing, Alec immediately knew what it was. He had to sing it every night for an entire week. 

 "Oh my, God." Alec laughed, turning to look at Magnus, who had the same expression as him. It was 'Sweet Transvestite', the original version by Tim Curry. The song triggered the memory of Alec dancing in that promiscuous costume for Magnus, remembering the way the performance changed his view on Alec. It was an enlightening moment for Magnus.

Alec sang along loudly, knowing that he would probably remember every lyric until the day he died. Magnus watched him in amusement, seeing him recreate what he did for the musical comically, dancing around Magnus.

When the song was finished, Alec frowned, although when Nicki Minaj started to play he was excited again. Alec and Magnus enjoyed themselves as much as they physically could, the night filled with laughter and joy. Magnus was glad that there were no slow songs played the entire night, as he didn't have to embarrass himself there.

There was an after-party, which everyone went to, so the two of them figured that they should go too. Alec and Magnus joined their friends once again, hearing what happened to them at prom, which was all positive. Apart from Clary, who accidentally got hit in the face by someone who was dancing a little too wildly. 

Alec confidently intertwined his fingers with Magnus' as they walked to the party, Magnus squeezing his hand in response with a smile. It was evident which house was throwing a party, as loud music and screaming teenagers filled the air. A group of girls gave them all a beer, saying that they did a good job with the prom.

Getting drunk was way too easy for Alec and Magnus; they were both lightweights. They were sat on the sofa amongst other random people, sitting at the end. There was a guy called Isaac sat next to Alec, who he fell into a drunk conversation with quickly. Isaac asked, "Are you two together?" He pointed at Magnus, who was sitting closely to Alec.

Alec replied, "Yeah, we're kind of like Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. But, we're both Brad Pitt." His tone was slow and drunk, making both Isaac and Magnus laugh. Magnus reminded Alec that they broke up, Alec 'oh'ing and saying that they were Angelina and Brad when they were married.

Isaac confessed that he wasn't sure of his sexuality, but he didn't think that he was fully straight or fully gay. "I don't think that you're the only one in this room who feels that way, so you should go and experiment. All of my friends are interested in both sexes, so you can hit on them." Alec said, being truthful about his friends, pointing to them, all of them sat in the corner, laughing.

Alec wondered how he had never met Isaac before; he was a nice person, and really attractive. That was irrelevant now that he was with Magnus; it was an innocent observation. Magnus noticed it too, even if he wouldn't admit it verbally.

Isaac looked over at them, his eyes taking in their presences. "Who's the blonde?" Isaac asked after a moment, obviously referring to Jace. Alec felt a smirk grow on his face, looking at Magnus with an amused look. He replied, "That's my brother, Jace. Kind of aggressive, but he means well."

Alec felt like cupid as he saw Isaac drag himself up, walking over. "I hope Isaac and Jace get married," Alec sighed with a smile, resting his head on Magnus' shoulder, shutting his eyes lightly. Magnus said with a laugh, "What is it with you and marriage tonight? Is this a hint?" Alec began to giggle, leaning up so that he could see Magnus' face.

 "We could get loads of expensive presents if we did," Alec said with a drunken smile, making Magnus laugh. Alec moved his face closer towards Magnus, the same large grin on his face, flickering his eyes between Magnus'. Just as Alec moved to kiss Magnus, a voice beside them stopped him.

They both turned to look at who it was, surprised to see Noah standing before them. Alec felt drunk enough to not move away from Magnus, but not drunk enough to not feel scared of Noah, after everything that he had done to him. Noah looked stone-cold sober, a grave expression on his face.

Noah said flatly, "I'm sorry." His voice was quiet compared to the loud music and buzz of the party, a guilty expression painted on his face. Alec and Magnus looked at each other in confusion, then looking back to Noah. Alec spoke, "You're sorry? Is that it?" He appreciated the gesture, but his anger towards Noah was stronger.

 "I know that you won't forgive me, but just know that I'm really sorry." Noah said, giving them both a look before rushing off, clearly not coming back. Magnus said after a moment, "I'm really confused about what just happened." Alec agreed, saying that Noah was probably finally recognising his shitty actions now that high school was over.

Alec pushed Noah to the back of his mind, leaning in to kiss Magnus, holding the side of his face. Their lips both tasted of alcohol, both falling into a deep drunken kiss. Magnus pulled away after a few moments when he remembered where they were, keeping his face in close proximity to Alec's.

A long breath left Alec's lips as he stared at Magnus, placing another feathery kiss on Magnus' swollen lips. "How have we only had sex once?" Alec slurred quietly, Magnus feeling his hot breath on his face, smelling the alcoholic aura. Magnus shrugged, saying that they should really do that more often.

Alec let out a loud laugh, moving his face away, letting his eyes wander around the room. He saw many people kissing, figuring that because they were all leaving high school they could have sex with everyone and then never speak to them again. He saw Jace and Isaac talking together, both surprised and not surprised to see Simon and Isabelle kissing. It was a long time coming. 

Magnus grabbed Alec by the hand, pulling him up off the sofa and darting towards the stairs. Alec laughed in confusion, asking what he was doing, Magnus beginning to walk them both up the stairs. Magnus replied to Alec's question with a facial expression of a cheeky smirk, Alec apologising as they roughly passed people. 

Alec looked at Magnus in curiosity, Magnus pulling them to the bathroom, peering in and seeing that no one was in there. "Do you want to make babies?" Magnus asked seriously, looking at the bathroom. Alec looked with him, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips, "That isn't biologically possible, Magnus, but if you're asking me to have sex then; fuck yeah."

As soon as Alec finished talking, Magnus pushed him in gently, closing the door behind them. "Are we actually going to do this, in a toilet?" Alec asked, looking around. It looked clean, but teenagers had still been in here evidently, as there were empty bottles of alcohol and fake nails everywhere.

Magnus looked around too, trying to be creative. He pointed at the large bathtub, giving Alec a look. Alec laughed, shaking his head. He stumbled to the towel rack and pulled all of them off, making a soft surface on the tiled floor, then pointing to his idea with an asking look to Magnus. 

Deciding that he didn't really care where they did it, Magnus pressed his lips against Alec's forcefully, pulling him closer so that their bodies were pressed together. Alec giggled slightly against Magnus' lips when he pushed him towards the bathtub, falling in gracefully, Magnus climbing in not as gracefully.

Magnus sat with his back against the side of the bathtub, leaning his body so that Alec could wrap his legs around Magnus' waist, sitting on top of Magnus. Magnus pulled the floral jacket off of Alec, throwing it somewhere. Alec did the same, pulling Magnus forward by holding his face, struggling to get his jacket off.

Alec eventually groaned in frustration, pulling his lips away from Magnus'. Magnus laughed lightly, helping him, throwing it away from them. "Was this expensive?" Alec asked Magnus, touching Magnus' shirt where his heart raced. Magnus shook his head, a smirk curling on Alec's lips.

Without warning, Alec ripped the buttons apart, exposing Magnus' torso. Alec's hands quickly went to Magnus' belt buckle, fumbling around with it until the belt bond was broken. Magnus threw his head back, closing his eyes, as Alec began to kiss down his chest, the feeling of Alec's lips on his skin triggering pleasure to flow throughout his body.

The two of them jumped as they heard the door open, both craning their heads to look at who it was in shock. Why Magnus hadn't locked the door behind them, he didn't know. They were glad to see that it was Maia, her face showing the shock that she felt. "This is the second time that this has happened, why does this always happen to me?" 

She shut the door behind her, Alec and Magnus staying in silence for a few moments before bursting out laughing. "Maybe we should find somewhere more quiet and finish this there," Alec whispered, not sure why he was whispering, looking down at Magnus. Magnus agreed, Alec putting Magnus' belt back on, then standing up.

Magnus tried to do up the buttons on his shirt, Alec stopping him by putting a hand on his hand. "You can keep it like that," Alec said with a smirk, a devilish look igniting in his eyes as he looked at Magnus' toned chest, knowing that Magnus' muscly body was because of his love for football. Magnus laughed lightly, giving in, picking up their jackets and opening the door.

Maia was directly outside, protecting the door, much like she had at the previous party. "You guys could always have sex in a place that isn't public, you know, if you'd like." Maia said sarcastically with a small smile, looking between the two of them, her words twisted because of how intoxicated she was.

 "Thanks for being my bodyguard, Maia. You look really pretty," Alec said, giving her a kiss on the cheek before slipping away with Magnus. The two of them stumbled around for a while, laughing, trying to find a quiet place, seeing that other couples had beat them to it. Alec suggested that they just go back to his place, as his parents would definitely be asleep and Jace and Isabelle would stay here for a while.

Alec had a house key, so they could silently sneak in, closing the door gingerly behind them. "How far away is your parents' bedroom?" Magnus whispered, Alec turning to face him, seeing his features only illuminated by the streetlights flooding in through the windows. Alec told him that they slept in the attic, telling him that it was soundproof with a devilish grin.

Magnus laughed lightly and pushed Alec against the sofa, hovering on top of him, beginning to kiss him. Alec felt his grin grow as he pushed the shirt off of Magnus, grabbing his shoulder blades to push his body down further. A giggle that followed with a moan scratched at the back of Alec's throat, arching his back so that he was closer to Magnus.

Alec's shirt was quickly removed, Magnus going to remove his trousers also. They both fell into laughter when the trousers refused to budge off Alec's ankles, eventually tugging on them harshly so that they came off. Their kissing got heavier, Magnus pulling apart to bite at Alec's neck, Alec's breathing heavy.

Magnus suddenly stopped, looking past Alec, Alec asking what was wrong. Alec's eyes followed where Magnus was looking, craning his head to look. He prayed to every higher power that it wasn't his mother. What he saw wasn't really much better. "Can you not do that in your room? I want to watch TV," Max said quietly, holding a bowl of cereal.

Alec wasn't quite sure what to do, Magnus still frozen on top of him, feeling too drunk to move. "Max, go back to bed. And please don't tell mom." Alec whispered loudly, hoping somehow that Max might forget about this and never mention it again. Max groaned in annoyance, although turned on his heel and headed back upstairs, knowing that he wouldn't win this fight.

They immediately went back to it, feeling too frustrated to stop now. When it was over, they both felt sky-high. They bathed in the bliss of each other, wondering if they had ever been happier than they were in that moment. Magnus whispered that they should probably go up to Alec's room before someone else saw them, Alec agreeing with a small laugh.

 "Carry me," Alec said dramatically, sticking his arms up like a toddler to a parent. Magnus laughed lightly, picking Alec up bridal style, Alec grinning widely, wrapping his arms around Magnus' neck and resting his head against Magnus' chest. Magnus cringed at every footstep up the stairs when they creaked, Alec pressing his lips together so he didn't laugh loudly.

Alec pushed the door open to his room with his foot, Magnus dropping him on his bed. Alec quickly climbed under the covers, Magnus joining him, pulling Alec by the waist so that they were spooning. Magnus rested his chin in the space between Alec's neck and shoulder, Alec unable to keep the smile off his face.

They both jumped out of their skin when they heard a voice, their heads whipping in the direction of Jace's bed. "Please don't have sex again," They heard him say, seeing that he was sat cross-legged on his bed, looking down at his phone which illuminated his features.

 "When did you come in?" Alec asked, keeping Magnus' tight grip around his waist in place with a hand. Jace sighed, looking tired and drunk. He replied, "I came in the front door and saw you two doing the dirty on the sofa, so I just came up here. You guys clearly didn't notice, probably because Alec is so fucking loud." 

Alec was glad that it was dark, because he felt a blush rise to his cheeks. Magnus laughed quietly beside Alec, whispering that it was true. "Where's Isabelle? Please tell me she didn't see too," Alec asked Jace, Jace replying that she probably went back to Simon's. It was easy for the two of them to fall asleep after that, Jace staying up on his phone for a few more hours.

Prom had lived up to every expectation that they had, and more. It was a night filled with love and beauty, which both of them would never forget. It signified the end of high school, but the start of their relationship. And hopefully, it would be a very long relationship. Most teenage relationships didn't survive life after high school, but the two of them wanted to fight for this, knowing that it wouldn't always be easy, but being together would always be worth it.

A/N: this is the end!!! :(( this was suchhh a fun story to write but all stories have to end somewhere and i feel like this is the most appropriate time, i will (like always) write an epilogue with a small time jump. i hope you enjoyed and check out my other stories, i will be starting a new one v soon ;)

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