AS THE DEAD RISES: Book 1 & 2...

By boredpotato16

54.4K 2.2K 460

When humans become zombies and the world starts to crumble. It is when a group of teenagers acted as one to p... More

Leave Now
Left Her To Die
Wrong Place
We'll Keep What's Ours
Their Fault
Everybody Makes Mistakes
Search and Rescue
A Nobody
Just...Be Careful
Something Bad
Only Way Out
Tell Me Everything From The Start
Isn't This Romantic?
Psycho Bitch
Let All Of It Sink In
Good Guys Die First
Karma Did It For Me {Book 1 Finale}
Character Updates (CONTAINS SPOILERS)
Someone's Coming
Everything's Going To Be Fine Someday
Die With The Others
Never Go Away
Really Sorry
Lose You
Only One I Have
This Isn't So Bad
I Like Him
Fuck Up

That's The Issue

1.1K 55 13
By boredpotato16

James' POV

I don't know what to feel about Axel's confession. When he kissed me, I admit I liked it but there is just something in me that says otherwise. I know that I've hurt him but my brain and heart are both fighting whether I should tell him that I have feelings for him. I just realized now that everything we used to do aren't supposed to be done by "best friends". Okay fine, I admit it, I like him. I should tell him. The question is how?

After a few seconds I heared the door open and I knew it was him. I asked him where he was going but he just answered me coldly. That kind of hurts knowing that because of me, he's acting cold and angry again. I decided to just let him go since I don't feel like arguing. I just sat on my bed thinking about what I should do for him to forgive me. Then there was a knock on my door.

"It's open!" I shouted.

Ace peeked in and said, "Hey, time to eat! Come at the beach side in 5 minutes."

"Okay" was all I said and she immediately left afterwards.

I sighed and laid back at my bed. I wonder where Axel is right now. I was snapped back into reality when there was a commotion in the lobby. I rushed out of the room to find Ace pointing a gun to the intruders. An old man, a guy maybe at the same age as ours, and a woman, I assume the man's wife and that guy was his son.

"Calm down, ma'am!" An old man maybe in his late 40s said. "We just need a place to stay."

"Give me your guns" Ace ordered.

The intruders immediately drop their weapons which are a gun (old man's weapon), and knives (the guy and the wife's weapon). Ace signaled me to grab them so I slowly inched forward and grabbed them and made it back safely. I pocketed the knives and I raised the gun towards the intruder.

"Move, we'll eat before we decide on this." Ace said with finality. "It's good that I prepared more than what I'm supposed to."

Ace walked towards the door and locked it to prevent more intruders coming in. The family moved in front as the both of us, Ace and I, pointed our guns at them. When we were near the exit, they turned around and kicked my arm, throwing the gun away. They ran and grabbed the gun. They pointed it at Ace and I.

"First of all, you shouldn't give a gun to a guy who doesn't know how to use it" the old man said pertaining to me. "Since you were nice enough not to blow our brains out, I won't shoot you."

"We just need a place to stay" his wife calmly said.

"Okay, just so you know, I own this hotel" Ace said. "So you follow our rules."

The family begrudgingly agreed.

"What are the rules then?" The man asked.

"All of us contributes in protecting this place, scavenging and of course in our daily chores such as cooking, laundry and others" Ace said with authority.

"If that's all of it, we all agree as long as long as you let us stay" the wife said.

Ace and the old man shook each others hand and we went to the beachside where everyone was waiting. They looked shocked when we appeared with three strangers.

"Please introduce yourself" Ace said gesturing at the others.

"I'm Charles" the old man introduced himself. "This is my wife, Rosa, and my son, Gabriel."

"That is James, Mason, Ivy, Roxanne, Mr. Anderson, Justin and I am Ace" She said as she introduced all of us to the new comers.

"Come on then, let's eat!" Mr. Anderson said inviting us.

We all sat down in our seats and that's when I noticed something. Axel and Troy's not here.

"Where's Axel and Troy?" I asked everyone.

They just stared at me blankly meaning that they have no idea.

"I thought they were with you?" Mason said.

"They're not with me, Axel went outside the room a few hours ago" I informed them.

"They are probably making out in some other room" Roxanne said.

And I really felt a pang of jealousy when I heard her say that. But I know Axel is not like that. He won't just make out with someone unless he really liked that person. He can't be making out with Troy.

"Let's just eat" Charles said breaking the silence. "My wife and son are hungry and these looks yummy." He chuckled.

We continued eating and I heard footsteps behind us.

Charles stood up and pointed his gun to the people behind me, "Look who joined the party."

I turned around and I saw Troy and Axel with a mixture of shock and confusion on there faces.

"What is happening?" Axel asked, taken aback by the new comers.

I notice him with his bow and an arrow with blood on it. His shorts and his hair was wet and Troy looked the same but he has a backpack on his back.

"Charles, meet Axel and Troy the ones missing a while ago" Ace said and Charles sat down signalling him to lower the gun.

"I'm sorry. It's just my reflexes" he said scratching the back of his head and sat back down to the chair.

"This is Charles, his wife Rosa, and his son Gabriel" Ace introduced them as she pointed at each one of them.

"Wait, Gabriel1560?" Axel asked.

"Axel0459?" Gabriel asked with shock in his voice.

"Gabriel!!!" Axel shrieked and ran to hug Gabriel.

"It's nice to finally meet you!" Gabriel happily said.

The jealousy is hurting me again. Just the way Gabriel hugged him says something.

"Uhm, son, how did you know this guy?" His dad asked him.

"He was the one I told you about!" He said excitedly. "The one I met online?"

"Oh, the one you said you would marry when you meet him?" His mom asked nonchalantly.

"MOM!!" Gabriel shouted. "Don't mind her, Axel. That's not true"

Axel just smiled and we all went back to eating. Axel was eating beside Gabriel and they were having their own world right now as they talked to each other about some games I don't know about. Troy and I were contented on just looking at him from afar.

"Where are your parents?" Rosa asked us.

"Last time I heard, they were brought in a safe facility" I answered her.

They looked at us grimly.

"Well, that's the issue..." Charles said. "We just came from that facility. Everyone's dead."

We all suddenly stopped eating. We looked at him hoping that they would say "just kidding!" in the end but we heard none.

"I'm sorry" was all Charles was able to say.

A/N: So how was the chapter? Sorry for the short chapters. By book 2, it would be longer. Oops, spoiler.
Don't forget to vote and comment!
Q: What do you think of the new characters? Do you trust them? Do you think they were telling the truth about the facility or they are just lying bastards?

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