DARKNESS(neglected and abused...


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The darkness is the only thing that Y/N has ever known he was born in it, molded into it, and then he became... More



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I was looking through dust tube about weird anomalies that have been happening all over remnant and at the end of every video it has the same message from the same person or thing that destroyed that place and it calls itself darkrai

Ozpin: hmm "GO AWAY" I wonder what it is talking about

Overcome by curiosity I called ironwood and told him to bring winter then I called glynda to my office and not long after glynda comes and then we wait for ironwood

He had finally came it was a little boring waiting me and glynda had a talk

Ironwood: ok ozpina what do you need

Ozpina: have any of you ever heard of darkrai

Winter: I have miss

Ozpina: do please tell me

Winter: in ancient legends darkrai is said to be a force of pure evil it steals the souls of children, causes infinite nightmares to anyone it comes near, and all it wants is revenge

Ozpina: revenge? Revenge on what

Winter: that's the thing no one knows but there is a way to keep it calm and contained and it is called oracion

Ozpina: oh I know that tune my mother use to play it to me when I was a child and then she taught me how to play it

Winter: that his all I know ma'am but may I ask why you are asking about darkrai

Ozpina: ah yes I was asking because we are gonna go and find him now come along

Than i walked to the elevator leaving them all aw struck by the fact that I didn't care that we were going after an all mighty being of darkness then they followed me and we went to the bullhead and left to mistral where rumors say that darkrai lives in the dark end of the forest where many people have gone but never came back

Ironwood: are you sure about this ozpina

Ozpina: yes James I am are you scared

Ironwood: what that is preposterous

Winter: then why are your legs shaking sir 

He looked at his legs and they were shaking so he punched his legs and they stopped and me and glynda laughed and the bullhead landed after two hours and we walked out and i asked for directions to the dark end of the forest but every person i asked either said they didn't know or they ran away so we just walked into the forest and the more we went in the darker it got

Ozpina: well looks like were going the right way

i said with a smile and the rest looked at me like i was crazy and they had every right to so we just kept walking and for some reason the regular oak trees were now dark oak but the all had the same pattern but i paid no attention to it but for some reason i felt like we were being watched so i stopped and turned around and the rest looked at me worried but then when i looked into the forest all i saw were red eyes and i thought they were grimm but when they came closer they weren't they were THE TREES!?!?

(there twenty)

And i realized we were being watched by the trevenant and then one of them tried to slash at me with its claw but i dodged it and they just kept coming ironwood shot at one and it fell to the ground but it got back up and so we ran away as fast as possible but we ran deeper into the forest and we were met with a mansion 

I looked at glynda and she shook her head no but i shook my head yes and walked towards the mansion and when i reached the door i knocked and no one answered

Glynda: well we tried lets go home  

She stated to walk back but then the door opened by itself and she groaned in annoyance and so we walked in but once we were all in the door slammed shut and it locked itself so glynda stared to panic and she used her magic to shoot at the door but it bounced off 


Then she started to bang on the door and we all sweat dropped as we watched glynda lose it then she jumped on the door and tried to force it open but it didn't budge and after an fifteen minutes she gave up  

Ironwood: you done 

Glynda: *SIGH* one more try!

she fired at the door again and it bounced off and hit ironwood in the face and i started to laugh and after regained control we walked deeper into the mansion adn we saw that most of it was covered in cobwebs and dust but when we looked in one room we saw a boy next to a candle so we ran to him and checked his pulse but he had none the boy only looked about nine and he died in this mansion alone then i looked at the candle and its flame was purple but then it started to move and i realized it wasn't a candle it was a litwick

It looked up at us (its only 1' 0") and then it waddled away and ironwood was gonna shoot it but then a flame went past us and we saw a chandelure and it was pissed 

It shot at us with flamethrower again but winter used her glyph's to block it but it went through and glynda quickly put up a force field and then we ran away and we lost it and we heard thumping so glanced around a corner and saw another one of the trevenants so we walked the other way and we found a way out so we walked through but we were met with a garden and for some reason it had sunlight but i just shrugged it off and so we started through and it was beautiful but then we saw a shadow go right under us and we followed it an we saw a man under one of the trees and he was looking right at us 

Man: who are you why are you here 

I was caught off by his voice it was deep,emotionless, and scratchy like he never uses it 

Ozpina: hello my name is ozpina headmistress of beacon academy, this is glynda goodwitch one of the teachers at beacon, next is general James ironwood of atlas, and last is winter schnee ironwood"s second in command and we are looking for darkrai are you him by any chance 

Then he lifted his hand and it started to produce electricity and winter, ironwood, and glynda got into a fighting stance but then he stopped his electricity and a black orb appeared in his hand and he shot three of them one and when they hit glynda, winter, and ironwood they fell asleep and when i turned around to look at them i saw them safe on the ground but when i turned back he was right in front of my face and I got all flustered

Darkrai: why me

Ozpina: *he is so close!!* u-um well its because o-of salem

Then he moved a little closer and his face was inches from mine but then he back up

Darkrai: fine I'll go

I was relieved that he agreed to go but then he snapped his fingers and ironwood, winter, and glynda were sucked into the shadows and he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me to him and we went into the shadows and when we reappeared we were in the bullhead and so I got away from him but I was blushing so I walked to the cockpit and told the pilot to go back to beacon and so he took off and darkrai said nothing on the way

Ozpina: so darkrai do you have another name or is that your only name

He looked at me with his emotionless eye and I felt like he was gonna kill me but he closed his eye and sighed

Darkrai: darkrai is not my real name its Y/N branwen(for raven)

Ozpina: I see thank you *so this is the son of raven and tai that was adopted but as I remembered he was abused by the rest of the family except raven she will be happy to find out her son is still alive*


The bull head landed and the pilot took winter and ironwood back to atlas then I had some students take glynda to the nurse and Y/N told me that the affects are only temporary and I was glad about that and then we walked to my office and when we got there I called team jnpr to my office cause ull put Y/N on there team until we can find him a new one but while we were waiting I started a conversation

Ozpina: say Y/N when we went in your mansion we found a dead boy what happened to him

Y/N: he came in to the mansion for the night cause he got lost in the woods and when he walked in I saw him so I stayed away because of my semblance

Ozpina: what is your semblance

Y/N: my semblance is called nightmare i have no control over it, it activates when I'm near anyone or anything that is asleep and as for the boy he died from my semblance I didn't want too kill him but I did on accident

I was about to say something but team jnpr came in

Jane: hello professor what do you need

Ozpina: team jnpr this is Y/N he will be the newest addition to your team

Pyrrha: um professor are you sure that it is wise for a boy to join an all girls team

Ozpina: he won't do anything dirty now will you Mr. Branwen

He just stayed quiet and gave them a blank stare

Ozpina: ok so yes he will be apart of your team now introduce yourselves

Jane: hey I'm jane, jane arc leader of team jnpr

Nora: I'm nora valkyrie

Rin: I am lie rin but please call me rin

Pyrrha: and I'm pyrrha nikos its a pleasure to meet you

Ozpina: good now Y/N introduce yourself

Y/N: Y/N branwen

Ozpina: ok now go to class and Y/N you start today

So he left with team jnpr and when the elevator closed I called raven

Raven(scroll): yes ozpina what is it

Ozpina:*She sounds so depressed well time to fix that* hello raven I was wondering what you were doing

Raven: morning over Y/N what else

Ozpina: well allow me to relieve you of your depression by saying I found Y/N and he is here at beacon

Raven: w-what

Ozpina: I found Y/N and he is here at beacon

Then she hang up and a red portal opened upo next to me and raven came through

Raven: WHERE IS HE?!

She looked like she was about to cry so I pulled up my scroll and showed her through the cameras and she saw him in glynda's class with the sub and fighting Cardin but Cardin was launched out of the window by his lightning

Raven: c-can you call him up here so I can meet him

Ozpina: sure

So I went on the intercom and called Y/N to my office and when he got there he saw raven and his eye widened

Raven: Y-Y/N is that you

Y/N: yes


After he said yes I ran to him and hugged him while I cried on his chest and I knew he wasn't gonna hug back but I didn't care but then he did and I flinched at first but I just cried even harder

Y/N: its ok I'm here

His voice still held no emotion but I didn't care I was still happy to have my son back so I let go of him and he held his emotionless face

Raven: so how have you been

Y/N: here and there just causing nightmares wherever I go

Raven: well that's nice I guess

Y/N: well it was nice seeing you again I gotta go

Then he left through the shadows

Ozpina: what kinda reunion was that

Raven: well he wasn't always a talker or good at socializing

Ozpina: well the team I put him with should change that but my only concern is when ruby and yang find out

Raven: from what I can tell you it won't be pretty cause when they find out they'll tell the others

Ozpina: I know and I'm worried about his mental health

Raven: I am to but he is strong I sensed it

Ozpina: I sensed it to

Raven: well I gotta go back to the tribe later oz


I watched as raven made a portal back to her camp and I went on the computer and started to look for the whereabouts of giratina

Ozpina: *where are you hiding*

So I continued to look and I started to wonder if Y/N had any connections with giratina but that will have to wait


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