Weiss x reader: Frostbitten

By toxicbotto117

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Weiss x reader fiction, in this story you start out from the first episode of RWBY volume 1. at first you hat... More

RWBY: Weiss x reader: Frostbitten: Chapter 1: Initiation
RWBY: Weiss x reader: Frostbitten: Tutoring
Chapter 4 synopsis
Another update (sad news)
RWBY: Weiss x reader part 4: Friends and Enemies Part 1
Friends and Enemies part 2
Frostbitten: Chapter 5: New Starts
Weiss X reader: Frostbitten Chapter 6: Ozpins Game
Song of Retribution


1.6K 21 540
By toxicbotto117


Frostbitten: Truth

Third person POV:

A few weeks had passed since the island extravaganza. Weiss had finally recovered from being sick and now it was only about a week or so before the dance and a few more weeks before the Vytal festival. Classes went on as normal and Ozpon made a speech about signing up for missions.

Ozpin: I need to talk to you (y/n).

(y/n): Okay?

Ozpin: Meet me at the office.

You walk to Ozpin's office and see him sitting in the desk.

Ozpin: Please sit.

You sit down and Ozpin makes a cup of coffee.

Ozpin: Want some?

(y/n): Sure.

Ozpin poors you the cup of coffee too and you hear a little bump.

???: Ow!

A fox tail pops out of one of the tables near Ozpin's desk.

(y/n): Rem?

Rem appears from under the table and the cloth and stands up.

Rem: (y/n)!

She runs to you and you stand up to hug her before looking back to Ozpin and taking a sip of the coffee.

(y/n): What is this sir?

Ozpin: I need you and your sister to go on a special mission for me. Team RWBY already have one extra person with them.

Rem: I see. So it will just be us two?

Ozpin: Yes.

(y/n): What do you need sir?

Ozpin: Some agents of mine have informed me of research being made. This research is in trying to make an indestructible metal.If it falls into the wrong hands then it can be bad news for us.

Rem: So you want us to scavenge it and stop the research?

Ozpin: Yes.

(y/n): Who are your agents?

Ozpin: Some special people. A knight, an assassin, and an uncle.

(y/n): Cryptic.

Ozpin: I like being that way. You never know who could be watching. Now, you will be meeting one of my agents. They will assist you in the mission.

(y/n): Do we go when everyone else does?

Ozpon: Yes. You all leave tomorrow. You to will leave on a special airship.

Rem:Where is this location?

Ozpin: The airship will be in the back of the school and leave after all the others.And it will take you right near your home. In a neighboring village.

(y/n): How did Rem get here anyway.

Ozpon: A fast airship.

(y/n): What convinced you?

Rem: All you can eat, first class for a fourteen hour flight.

Ozpin: Which is what you two will get tomorrow.

(y/n): Sweet.

Ozpin: And one more thing before you guys go.

Rem: Hm?

You two look to him confused.

Ozpin: Even though Rem isn't a student, you two will both be participating as a team in the tournament.

Rem: Sweet!

(y/n): Interesting. Who will we fight.

Ozpin: You will fight against a team of four and then against another team of two. The team of two are powerful though. The reason I put you against them is that I believe them, you and two other students of mine could help me with a mission i have for the future.

(y/n): Why are we paired together?

Ozpin: The power of your semblance.

One can make a field around him and be invincible(*cough cough* hint). You can create new worlds, the next student of mine can lower gravity or take it away to people or objects he wants (*cough* blake x reader*), and the last one has two semblances. (*Cough* Ruby x reader*)

Rem: What!? How is that possible.

Ozpin: The world is pretty surprising. You will be surprised by me and others in this world and other worlds. (Blake x reader *Cough cough*)

(y/n):Other worlds sir?

Ozpin: That is for another story.

(XD lol)

Ozpin: Now you guys have a good day, get packing.

You and Rem leave the office and head down to the dorm.

Rem: How is Weiss?

(y/n): She is good, just recovered from being sick. I'm surprised she didn't hate me for what I did at our island extravaganza.

Rem: I saw that.

(y/n): Wait? You did?

Rem: Yep! Dad and I were watching it. Ozpin streamed it for us.

(y/n): Why aren't I surprised.

Rem: You were really creative there.

(y/n): Thank you. I had hoped we would win with my plan but we didn't.

Rem: You won in my book.

The door opens and you walk into the dorm with Rem.

Rem: I want to surprise team RWBY. Let's get them here.

(y/n0: Sounds good to me.

You text Weiss to get her and her team in the dorm with you. She asks why but you tell her it is an important thing and can't be said through text. She agrees and they head there.


Yang: What do you think is so important that (y/n) needs? He took me away from Brett.

Ruby: Aw, does someone have a crush!?

Yang: No!!!! Shut up!!!!

Weiss: I think that is denial in her voice.

Yang: You talk big for someone liking the guy you originally hated!

Weiss: I don- He isn't- Uuuhhhggg!!!! Shut up!

Blake: I think we have two ladies crushing.

Ruby and Blake start to giggle as Yang and Weiss look away and pout. They arrive at the door and knock on it.

(y/n): Just a minute!


(y/n): *whispers* Hide somewhere.

Rem: *whispers* Where!!!!???

You look around as you walk to the door and see your polar board. You pick it up and toss it to Rem who turns it on as it extends and starts to hover. She gains her balance and floats above the bed almost to the ceiling.

Ruby: Hello?

You open the door only to be knocked on the head by Yang.

(y/n): Ow. What was that for?

Yang: Oh I'm sorry, I didn't think you would open the door there.

(y/n): I guess it's what I get. But come on in.

They all walk in and Weiss sits on the bed. They then look to you as you lean on your desk.

Weiss: So what is it you need to tell us?

(y/n): Wait for it.

They look to you confused. Before Yang asks anything, you look up briefly to Rem. Weiss notices and looks up.

Rem: Weiss!!!!!!!

Rem jumps off the board and right onto Weiss surprising her. She lands right on Weiss as she falls on her back on the bed. She screams and they struggle for a little before Weiss kicks Rem off her. Rem falls on her butt on the ground and looks to Weiss for a moment. Weiss looks to her with a sligtly annoyed face.

Yang: Oh no.

Ruby: Please no more fights.

Rem and Weiss suddenly burst out laughing and go into a hug.

Weiss; You are so mean you filthy animal!

Rem: And you are just as much of a queen as before!!!

They stop laughing and hugging.

Weiss; Rem, what are you doing here? It's great to see you again.

Rem: I missed you Elsa!

Weiss; Shut up!!!! Don't call me that!!!!

She blushes when saying that as everyone stare at the two girls.

Rem: I'm here to do a mission with big brother!

(y/n): And we are competing in the vytal tournament.

Team RWBY look to you two shocked.

Ruby: But I thought you were told you can't part take in it since you are a one man team.

Blake: Will you only compete in the doubles?

Rem: Nope, we are competing in both parts!

Weiss: I wonder what the change of heart for Ozpin was.

Yang: That's awesome though. I hope we get to battle you.

Rem: If we do then you guys are going down.

Weiss: I wish you guys luk even if it is against us. But I will also target you Rem.

Rem: Me too. I hope you put up a good challenge for me.

Weiss: You can count on it.

Yang; So when do you guys leave for the mission?

(y/n): Tomorrow morning after you guys.

Ruby: What kind of mission is it? We only get to pick tomorrow.

(y/n): Ozpin is sending us to get some research for him.

Rem: And we are meeting one of his associates.

Blake; That sounds pretty easy.

(y/n): We don't know how easy it will be, but we will be ready for anything.

Rem: So wait? If I'm going to be at the Vytal festival then does that mean I will be staying here for the next week or so?

Weiss: Ozpin didn't tell you?

(y/n): Nope. I guess so though. I have no issue with it.

Rem: It will be fun.

Weiss: Well you are welcome to stay with us in our dorm if you need a break from a messy boy.

(y/n): Hey!!!!!

I'm not too messy.

Weiss: So you admit you are messy.

(y/n): I am not!

Weiss; Then what did you just say?

You blush and look to her angrily before giving in to the teasing.

Rem: I have seen messier but Brother can be at times.

(y/n): Hmph!

Yang: Aw don't take it personally, I'm messy too.

Ruby: We are all messy at times. Including Elsa.

Weiss; Hey!!!

(y/n): Well back to the topic, I have one more thing to show you girls.

Blake: What is that?

You pull out two metal upas from your drawer and show them.

Weiss: What are these?

Yang: Oh my gosh!!!! You have one too!!!!!!???? No way!!!! I totally want one!

(y/n): I would give it to you if I had an extra.

Ruby: But you have two what is the other one?

Rem: About that... Heh...

They all stare at you concerned but curious.

(y/n): This other one is actually a small bomb I made.

RWBY: What!!!!!!!?????

Weiss; Why the hell do you have a bomb!!!!??? You could blow up the school!!!!!!

(y/n): I have it as a last resort.

Blake; That is still dangerous!

Ruby: Weiss and I were blown up in the courtyard on the first day of school!!!! And it should have been far worse!!!!

Yang: You should get rid of that now!!!!!

Weiss; I have to tell Ozpin!

(y/n): Don't!!!!!

Weiss; Why not!? This is a serious thing that could hurt or kill anyone here!!!!!!

(y/n): Because if he does know then I won't be here!!!! I can't have that happen.

Weiss; Well maybe you should have told him before and thought about it!!!!!

Rem: Weiss! Please understand!!!!

Weiss: Oh I understand!!!! He has put all of us including himself in danger ever since the first day!!!!

Weiss storms out of the room and closes the door. You almost drop the second Upa and grab it before it hits the floor. Rem then walks after Weiss.

Blake: I agree, we should tell Ozpin. However you are a friend. I'm not sure what to do.

Yang: I'm scared, but I don't want to betray a friend.

You look over to Ruby and see her look down sadly before walking out.

Blake; What will you use it for?

(y/n): Like I said. A last resort, But I have it safely.

Yang; You almost dropped it there. I don't believe you.

(y/n): That's why they are identical. To trick my enemy if I use it. The one I almost dropped wasn't the bomb. The bomb will blow up on the slightest impact.

They look to you unbelieving before you drop it and scare them. It hits the floor and nothing happens.

(y/n): The reason I caught it was because these ar both fragile and the real one could break.

Blake; Well after seeing that, I believe you however it is still dangerous.

Yang: Why haven't you put it somewhere else?

(y/n): Because if it gets too hot it could melt and ignite. If it freezes too much it will just be a dud. I don't want to leave it somewhere or have someone else leave it somewhere and accidently have a catastrophic accident.

Blake: Well at least be careful with it and keep it safe.

Rem: Tell me if this could work (y/n).

You all look to Rem.

Rem: Would you be able to hold it in your semblance or something?

(y/n): That's a good idea, though it would slowly drain my aura.

Rem: I could keep replenishing it every now and then when you need it.

Yang: That would keep it safe from anything.

Blake: I guess it works.

(y/n): Then I'll do that.

You activate your semblance and a small glass like box forms around the upa protecting it.

Yang: Perfect!!!

Blake: Well i think we should find Weiss. She isn't happy at all.

Yang: We will try to calm her down and explain to her what you plan.

(y/n0: Thank you guys.

Blake: Of course.

Yang: See you two tomorrow.

Rem: See you!!!!

They walk out the door and it is only you and Rem.

The rest of that night you two just played some video games and packed up for the trip before bed.


You got up in the morning and waited for Rem to wake up. It was forty five minutes before everyone started to depart for their missions.

Rem: (y/n), can we say goodbye to RWBY?

(y/n): I don't see why not.

Rem: Yay!

You two finish getting ready before you head down to the auditorium to see all the other teams. You see team RWBY try to take a mission but Ozpin catches them and they talk with him and Brett for a moment before Ozpin walks away. You then walk up to them and wave to Brett as he steps back and watches.

Rem: So what mission are you guys doing?

Ruby: We are joining one of the professors to mountain glenn. Just to keep grimm outside of the ruined city and maybe find more traces of Dr. Merlot.

Blake: He may have been in the laboratory when we fought against him, however if he survived the fall of mountain Glenn then he likely survived the destruction of his island.

(y/n): I don't know much about him, however I'm glad that Ozpin and the other professors are aware of him more now than in the past.

Weiss: Maybe you would know more of him if you listened to me or paid attention in class.

You look to Weiss who is folding her arms and looking away angrily.

Ruby: Now now. No need to be angry or mean or anything.

There was an awkward silence before you speak up again.

(y/n): Well, when do you guys take off?

Ozpin leans in on screen.

Ozpin: Right now actually. You don't want to keep your guide waiting.

Team RWBY begin to walk off with Brett but Weiss turns around and looks to Ozpin.

Weiss: Professor? Can I talk to them privately for a moment before we go?

Ozpin: Yes, of course. But make it quick.

Weiss bows and thanks him before grabbing our hand and dragging you into the hall way as Rem follows. She let's go and glares to the two of you.

(y/n): Weiss... Look... I have the bo-

\Weiss: I don't care. Just as long as it is safe.

Rem: But you were really angry yesterday, what has happened?

Weiss: I need to tell you both something. I was too afraid before and I'm really stressed about it, so I was taking my anger out on you two yesterday... I'm... Sorry.

You and Rem look to each other confused then back to Weiss. You walk up and grab her chin gently making her look to you in the face.

(y/n): Weiss, we forgive you. I understand how stress can make us all quick to anger. You can tell us anything.

Weiss steps back and sighs before looking back to you.

Weiss: You see... My dad originally didn't want me to even go here. However I was able to convince him to let me go.

You and Rem look to her with a worried expression.

Weiss: However, he only intended to let me go for the first semester and first semester only.

Rem: Then how come you have stayed?

Weiss: Over summer my father got me ready to do what I was doing before, however I spoke with my sister, Ironwood and Ozpin was told by general Ironwood. With a little convincing and a hefty fine... He let me back in for this semester. But after this... I can't go back here. But I want to stay!

Weiss begins to tear up and you and Rem, walk up to her and place your arms on her shoulder to comfort her.

(y/n): Weiss... I'm sorry to hear that.

Rem: Be strong Weiss... I don't know what else to say however, I don't want you to go.

Weiss: I'll be leaving right after the vytal festival.

(y/n): Would your sister be willing to convince your fathr to let you stay one more semester? Because next year will be graduation.

Weiss: No. Once my dad sets his mind to a decision he gets it, no matter what.

Rem: Your mom doesn't have say in the matter?

Weiss: My mother doesn't do anything for me and my siblings. I barely even know her anymore!

By this point Weiss was crying in your arms. You and Rem are holding her and comforting her.

Weiss: All she does is sit around the gardens and drinks tea.

(y/n): Do you know why Weiss?

Weiss: Because she just abandoned her job as head of the dust company! My dad took her place! When I was ten... My dad finally admitted to my mom, that the only reason he married her was for the family name. It was actually on my birthday. He missed the big dinner... My mom got mad and he finally snapped. I think she already knew... Looking back I think I knew too. But hearing him say it finally pushed her over the edge...First it was separate lunches and dinners, opposite balconies at my recital, a glass of wine here, a glass of wine there... Then it was no dinners. No recitals, and only a bottle of wine here... After that... My mom just shut herself away from all of us. She never snapped at me or my siblings... She just never spoke with us, and if she did... It was only a word or two.

Rem: Weiss... I'm so... sorry.

(y/n): Me too weiss... I didn't think your dad was that bad... Is there anything you want us to do?

Weiss: I... I just want a family... A true family. I have my team and that helps... But I want others too...

You walk up and put your arms on her shoulders causing her to look up to you.

(y/n): Weiss. I'll confront your dad with you. It might be hard and scary. But I'm sure together we can fix it.

Weiss: Are you sure? How do you know if something good will happen?

She stops crying but you can still hear her sniffles every few seconds.

(y/n): I don't know what might happen Weiss. But if it is for you, it's well worth it.

Weiss wipes away her tears and smiles to you.

Weiss: Thank you (y/n). That means so much to me.

Rem: We want to help you as much as we can Weiss. Never be afraid to tell us anything.

You three hug it out for a minute or so before Ozpin walks up and clears his throat.

Weiss; Well I don't want to keep my team waiting. I have to go you guys. Thank you for everything.

(y/n): Be careful out there Weiss.

Rem: Please be safe. Or else I'll kill you.

Weiss: Haha. I'll keep that in mind.

She walks off and you three wave to each other. Once it is done you two wait for everyone else to leave before getting to the airship in the back of the school.

Rem: So how can we tell the person we look to help is the right one? What if they pretend to be your friend?

Ozpin: Don't worry. You will tell right away. They aren't a normal person.

(y/n): I'll keep on the lookout then.

Ozpin: Good luck.

The airship takes off and you and Rem take your seats ready for the adventure to come.


(I'm lazy right now XD)

After a long flight, you and Rem hop off. You were comfortable for the entire ride though because of first class. Once you hopped off it was dark outside.

Rem: Well, where shall we stay?

(y/n): I recommend we camp out tonight. We can stay at home before we leave, like our last night or something.

Rem: Cool!

(y/n): Tomorrow we should look for Ozpin's friend so they can give us the full scoop.

Rem: Then let's go!!!!

She starts to march happily in a random direction. You smile and follow her picking up hers and your stuff. You walk out of the small town and into some hills near a forest before setting up camp and dinner.

Rem: So what are we having?

(y/n): Pork Chops, fried rice with cut up scrambled egg and peas mixed in going along mashed potatoes.

Rem: One of my favorites!!!!

(y/n): I made an extra porkchop just for you.

Rem: Thank you big brother!

(y/n): Of course. I will always give my sister extra food.

You finish cooking dinner over the fire and use paper plates and plastic silverware. After dinner you set up the sleeping bag next to the fire and Rem sets hers up. You begin to lie down in them ready for bed.

Rem: What do you think Weiss and team RWBY are doing right now?

(y/n): Hmm? That's a good question. I bet you they are either fighting grimm or sleeping under the stars like us.

Rem: How can you tell.

(y/n): I'm just getting that sort of connection feeling. You know?

Rem: I feel that sometimes at home. When I miss you.

(y/n): I always miss you and dad too. However I'm super glad that you can stay with me and compete in the tournament.

Rem: Me too!!!! It's going to be a lot of fun!!!!

(y/n): Honestly, we should start training for it.

Rem: Who needs training when we got your semblance!

(y/n): *Sigh* You have a point there, but it's still good to do so, incase they beat us. We have no idea what semblances they may have.

For all we know one of them could have deconstruction and the other could have construction. They could destroy our weapons, or heck, maybe even my semblance. The basics of alchemy, to obtain something they have to give something of equal value.

Rem: I doubt it. Your semblance is invincible.

(y/n): We've done the tests, it ain't invincible. Stick with me, I'll know what to do.

Rem: Since it will be a two vs two fight I'm sure we can take them as long as we stick together. Maybe keep one away from the other to outnumber them.

(y/n): That could work, but it will still be hard. And remember, that will be our second round if we win. We have to fight a four vers two beforehand. That will be tricky.

Rem: oh yeah! Hm... Well I have my semblance too.

(y/n): I think yours could be cheating to a point. I mean, you haven't figured out any way to give them back once you take them.

Rem: The only one I have taken it from is someone who we killed. They couldn't use it anyways.

(y/n): That may be true, but we have no idea if you can give them back once taken anyways. We haven't wanted to test that for the fear of that reason.

Rem: Well phooey.

Rem pouts while looking up. She then leans into you and snuggles into your chest pressing her sleeping bag up to yours.

(y/n): Rem?

Rem: Yes?

(y/n): Do you still love me?

Rem: Of course I love you brother! You are family.

(y/n): No. I mean do you like me sexually, like we both used to?

Rem: *Sigh* I do. I still want to date you... But like we talk about years ago. Dad won't allow it.

(y/n): I still feel the same for you Rem, however I also feel for Weiss.

Rem: I knew it!!!! You LOVE her!!!!

(y/n): Shut up fox!!!!

Rem: Hehehe!!! I should tell her.

(y/n): Tell her and you die!

Rem: So when will you tell her then? If you don't I will.

(y/n): Hmph! I don't have a choice to get out of this do I?

Rem: Nope!

(y/n): Prom night is four nights from now. I guess I'll tell her then.

(sorry I know prom happened before the hunter missions they go on but because i didn't have time to put it in before this i'm putting it in after the missions the students go on.)

Rem: That is very fitting. But it's too cliche.

(y/n) : You have any better time to tell her?

Rem: I almost told you to this morning. It was a good touching moment.

(y/n): But that is still a little cliche.

Rem: True. However I guess the other option would be cliche as well.

(y/n):Which other option?

Rem: Not telling her at prom night and waiting to tell her at a somewhat reasonable time that could then either lead to her getting angry and not liking you anymore or the exact opposite.

(y/n): I see. Like what happens in most other stores like Beacons assassin.

Rem: Exactly.

(y/n): I guess I'll go with the first cliche. It's less creative to have the writer rinse and repeat certain aspects or concepts of stories like the entire "friendship prevails above all else" thing in anime like fairy tail.

Rem: Its a good series but very cliche like naruto dragon ball and one piece.

(y/n): It's the only reason it isn't one of my favorite anime. However there are worse anime.

Rem: Hopefully the writer keeps out of the cliches as best as he can.

(y/n): I think toxic does a decent job making his stories unique. Obviously every story is, but most of them have very similar ideas, scenes and plots or plot points that can get repetitive.

Rem: Exactly. I guess people can't really have any new intuitive ideas as all of the possibilities have been created now. Of course there can be different types of it or they can be changed a little differently to feel new, but the base of them are all the same.

After all the deep talk and fourth wall breaking everything got silent for a few minutes while (y/n) puts his arm around Rem.

(y/n): Ready for tomorrow?

Rem: Ready than ever.

(y/n): Let's hope we find Ozpin's pal.

Rem: I'm sure we will.

You two go to bed shortly after as Rem cuddles with you. Romantically more than siblingly. Probably the last time they get to cuddle romantically.


You wake up with Rem using you as a pillow. The sun is starting to rise and you start to feel hungry. You gently place Rems head onto her pillow and get out of bed to remake the fire to stay warm in the damp morning. Rem starts to wake up to the smell of sausage and waffles.

(y/n): Good morning sleepy head. Are you ready for the big day.

Rem hops out of bed and grabs a paper plate ready to eat.

(y/n): You seem chipper today.

Rem: Today will be a lot of fun!

(y/n): I agree to that. Of course we need to be careful as well.

Rem: I know. But I'm sure we will be fine once we find Ozpin's friend.

(y/n): I trust him or her of course, but we have no idea what they are like. They could be weak for all we know.

Rem: I'm sure if Ozpin trusts them then they aren't weak.

(y/n): I guess I won't argue against it.

Rem: Sweet. Now go eat your half!

You sit down after finishing breakfast and you two sitt watching the sunrise together. Once the sunrises you two get ready and pack up.

Rem: Where should we look for Ozpons friend in town?

(y/n): Well knowing how some of his friends can be drunks, we should see if this one is a drunk too. If they aren't in the bar then we just look for a hunter type of person and ask.

Rem: Seems like a pretty slow way to find someone.

(y/n): Well what else could we do?

Rem: Hm? I don't know.

(y/n): Exactly. And I don't want to make a fool of myself by holding up a sign saying "ozpin's friend come to us" or something along those lines.

Rem: I'd be pretty embarrassed too.

You two start moving and after twenty minutes of hiking down the hill you enter the town.

Rem: It looks beautiful!!!

(y/n): I will say this is a pretty town. Water isn't to far from it, they have entertainment here like movies, bowling and golf and a few other things.

Rem: Too bad we are here on a mission.

(y/n): I agree with that. I'd like to get team RWBY and JNPR here to have fun.

Rem: Maybe we can after our mission and the vytal festival!!!

(y/n): I'm down. But if we can we should try to get weiss to pay.

Rem: I'll give her my cute puppy dog eyes.

Rem lifts her hands like a neko girl would and lowers her ears and give this cute almost crying almost pouty face with big eyes.

(y/n): Gaaa!!! I can never resist that!!!!

Rem haha! I know you can't!

As she was looking to me she accidentally bumps into someone and falls over.

Rem: Ow!

(y/n): Are you okay!!!!???

You look up to see a person with black armor on and a pole hooked to his back. The visor for the eyes is just red and they look down.

???: I'm sorry, I didn't see you there little one. Are you okay?

Rem: I'm not little!!!!

She hops onto her feet and yells at the person.

???: Well compared to me and your friend you are.

Rem: SO!? What are you getting at!?

???: It could help with certain things. Like sneaking.

Rem: Well I have snuck around before.

(y/n): She is pretty good at it too. Heck she snuck into a white fang base once a few years ago.

??: Im impressed. They didn't think you weren't one of them?

Rem: With the armor they didn't think twice about me because they all assumed i was there with others I knew.

???: Too bad I stand out. Otherwise i'd do the same.

(y/n): You definitely do. So are you a hunter or something? You have a blunt weapon and armor. What else would those be for?

???: I wouldn't say I'm a hunter. But I don't have this for looks either.

Rem: So what do you do then?

???: I basically watch over this town and others.

Rem: Ooohhh, so you are like a guard then?

???: Not an official one.

(y/n): I see. Well what's your name.

???: I'm Led. nice to meet you two. And you two are?

Rem: I'm Rem, his younger sister.

(y/n): I'm (y/n). Nice to meet you.

Led: Ah so you are the two Ozpin told me about.

(y/n): Wait! You're the friend of Ozpin's?

Led: I guess you could say that. I don't really like him for reasons. But I respect him and helo him out.

Rem: Sweet! We found the person we need!!!

(y/n):So then what is our exact mission?

Led: Let's go somewhere else to talk about this. I don't think people will overhear us, however I don't want risks.

(y/n): Understandable.

You three walk close outside of the town and into a small dense wooded part of the forest.

Rem: So what is it?

Led: Well Ozpin told me I could tell you everything. Take off the helmet.

(y/n): What do you mean? Your helmet?

Led: Yes. It will make it a little easier for me to explain.

Led leans down and Rem walks up taking off the helmet. You both look to Led utterly confused.

Rem: There is no one inside...

(y/n): How...

Led: I'm neither human nor fauus. Infact I'm not technically "living" as you would call it.

(y/n): So then what are you?

Led: I was created by the will of the gods. The two brother gods who created this world. They actually exist. I was originally here to spectate this world but i was told a few years ago to intervene with things i see necessary.


Aftre Led explained the origins you start to come up with a plan to shut down the factory.

Rem: So let me get this straight.You aren't alive and the story of the maidens and gods are all true?

Led; Yes. Very much in fact. And the one who wants to destroy this world is almost a god herself. Her name is Salem.

(y/n): Why does that sound familiar?

Led: You may have heard the name before. Most likely from Ozpin.

Rem: Really?

(y/n): He has mentioned it before to me actually. What is Salem like?

Led: She is very powerful. It was so long ago I fought her I don't remember her powers. Other than creating and summoning Grimm.

(y/n): So if we ever have to face her, we have to be ready for anything then?

Led: Yes. However her power is so strong she can likely just kill any mortal with ease. Me and Ozpin are the only ones who can defeat her and even when we first did, we barely did it.

(y/n): SO then why does Ozpin have the school?

Led: That's where you come in. You see, he is looking for special people. And he has found them. These special people are the only ones who can beat Salem of course with our help.

(y/n): Who are they?

Led: You and your sister. An assassin, two people not from this world, and an old friend of his who disappeared years ago.

(cough cough guess which other stories those are)

Led: In fact, about the time the friend of his disappeared Ozpin and his team saw Salem. And tried to beat her. But there were too many grimm sadly.

You and Rem look to each other and Led surprised and sad.

Rem: What will he have us do?

Led: He can explain that plan later. It all has to do with your semblances.

Rem: Interesting.

Led: However all of us could die trying.

(y/n): If it is to save the world then I'm willing to risk it. Just like with this mission.

Led: That's good to hear.

You three start to walk to the facility. Led walks forward and confronts the guards as you and Rem sneak into the bushes waiting for his distraction.

Guard: Who are you!? What are you doing here?

Led: I'm lost. Can you help me? I need to get to the nearest town.

Guard 2: You are pretty far from a town. How did you get lost?

Led: I was walking until a storm came.

The two guards look to each other confused before looking back to Led.

Guard: Come with us.

Led follows them before using their power and creating a small explosion near the south west side of the gate. The two guards look over before calling for help to find the cause.

You and Rem hop out and run over to a car before hiding behind it and seeing Led pull out the pole on the back. Led then walks over to where the guards were and strikes one of them on their head knocking them out. The rest look over and begins to fight him.

(y/n): Let's go!

Rem nods and you two run out from the car and into one of the factories.

Guard: You set this up didn't you!!!!!???

Led nods before jumping over the guard and knocking out their sword before striking them.

Guard 2: Seize him!

Led starts to laugh as they enjoy the fight.

Led: Let's get this over with.

Led keeps fighting as more and more guards head over to the chaos. You and Rem climb atop the ceiling from the inside of the building and look down to see many people and faunus working with metal and conveyor belts.

Rem: Is that the metal Led was talking about?

(y/n): Only one way to find out. Let's try to find where they are being stored so we can try to destroy it.

Em nods and you two slowly climb down and make your way to other rooms.

There are hundreds of guards both human and faunus surrounding Led.

Guard: surrender!!! You are outnumbered!

Led looks around before dropping the metal pole.

Led: I guess I got too carried away. Well I lose this one.

Led starts to walk away but a few guards get in his way and stop him.

Guard: Excuse me but you can't go. We won't allow it.

Led: And why not?

Guard: Because you started to attack us and you have seen too much. We have to keep you silent.

Led: Money or death?

Guard: Your choice. But it is up to our boss in the very end.

Led: And who are they>

Guard: someone powerful. Enough to ruin anyone's life.

Led: Take me to them. I want to meet this boss of yours.

Some guards come up behind Led and put Leds hands in cuffs.

Led: is this really necessary?

Guard: Yes. We don't want any funny ideas from you.

Led: Fine. I can't escape from these anyways.

They then guide Led into the buildings as Led looks to make sure you and Rem are inside. After that Led follows the soldiers into the building.

(y/n): Where is the main source of the metal?

Rem: It should be in the center of this facility. However the building I don't know. Wait? Why do we need the source of the metal?

(y/n): Because depending on this machine, these pieces of metal could just be duplicates of the actual thing.

Rem: How does that work?

(y/n): With Atlas technology and dust, scientists and some rich people found out that they can make duplicates of objects and materials instead of mining it. However it is significantly weaker because they are made out of dust, except for a few materials such as metals and clothing.

Rem: Then is it similar to the imbuing dust into clothing as a weapon and defense?

(y/n): Actually thats is a very good analogy. It's almost the exact same thing as that, just with harder material instead of clothing.

Rem: That makes much more sense then.

(y/n): I only know that from my classes, and Weiss told me they recently learned how to do that after many failures.

Rem: Lucky you!

She pouts and huffs as you look to her on one of the rafters above everything.

Rem: If that's the case though, then they probably have it in another building being protected.

(y/n): And the only way for these machines to work is if it is connected to the source. Which means...

Rem: We just have to find one of the wires and cords for it.

(y/n): Looks like great minds think alike.

Rem Then let's go.

You and Rem both go looking for the cord leading to the source. You jump down on one of the walkways overlooking the factory machine with the workers. One of the guards notices you and is about to say something when Rem jumps on him and chokes him out letting him faint.

Rem: Let's help these people too. They don't look like they enjoy what they do and they look like they work a lot with little breaks and pay.

(y/n): I agree.

You two start to walk to a door going into another room near the back side of the factory building.


Guard: Alright sit here and wait for us to get our boss.

Led sits down as they put a handcuff on Led's hand and exit the room for a moment.

Led: Heh. I can't wait to see their reaction when they see me walking out of here.

A few more minutes pass before a man with long white hair tied in a ponytail walks in. His glasses glare in the light and he smiles to Led sitting in the chair.

Led: Hello there.

???: Hello sir. And who are you? I'm Adelheid Schneider. I help run some dust businesses.

Led: Nice to meet you noble.

Adelheid snares for a moment before giving a fake smile to Led and slides over a paper.

Led: What is this? And why are you are you cuffing me? I'm literally lost and need help. This isn't common courtesy to guests.

Adelheid: I'm sorry to hear that. On normal circumstances I would treat you better, but the fact you are lost in the middle of the forest, an explosion happened not too long after you arrived and that you saw this factory brings up too many coincidences and suspicions. I'm sorry. But I need to know exactly why you are here. How you learned of this place, and these papers are a contract.

Led: What are you trying to enslave me for?

Adelheid augh before looking back to Led and pushing up his glasses.

Adelheid: I'm not trying to do anything but help you here. If you tell me everything that you are up to I can let you go, and I'll pay you tyto keep quiet. These papers are saying that you were never here and didn't see anything and don't know about anything here.

Lwd: Yet, you are duplicating a piece of metal that is super strong and never seen before that also doesn't belong to you.

Led folds their arms as Adelheid sits back surprised before leaning closer and glaring.

Adelheid: How do you know all of this? Who are you and who is your employer?

Led: Well now that you have confirmed my suspicions, I don't think I need to tell you.

Adelheid slams his hands on the table and tried to grab Led by the collar oly to touch part of the armor and grabs the side of Leds head.

Adelheid: You will tell me or else you won't come out of this alive!

Led laughs surprising Adelheid and looks back to him.

Led: Your threats don't scare me. I'm not even living.

Adelheid looks to Led extremely confused and surprised.

He was about to say something when there is suddenly a rumble and a loud crash and the sound of the machines stopping.

Adelheid: What the hell was that!?

Led: Your downfall.

Adelheid looks to Led angrily before pulling out a gun and pointing it to Led.

Adelheid: You are coming with me.

Two guards walk in and release Leds cuffed hand from the table before cuffin the hands behind Leds back. They all walk out and run to the main part of the building where doors lead to parts of the factories. The factory is shut down and there are red lights on showing that there was an emergency stop.

Adelheid: What's going on here!?

Guard: It seems someone pulled an emergency stop and forcefully shut down the factory. Sir. This isn't good. There could be an intruder. If so we need to get the supplies and go back to the Schn-

Adelheid: i know! I don't want to have to tell him what happened here. He could fire me. So get the guards and weapons and stop whatever is going on here.

Guard Yes sir!

He runs off into one of the other rooms and disappears.

Adelheid: Okay Mr. Led! What are your plans!?

Led: Actually I thank you for the hospitality but I need to know your employer.

Adelheid: Why would I ask that!? It could ruin the entire company!!!! Hopefully we could blame one of the children though.

Led: You bastard. Blame an innocent child!? What's wrong with you and this company.

Adelheid: Nothing is wrong with us. And they aren't innocent children.

Led: Then who are they?

Adelheid: that's for you to figure out!

Adelheid was about to say something when the guard that ran into the other room was suddenly thrown through the door unconscious.

Adelheid: What!?

He looks back to Led only to see Led pointing behind him. Adelheid turns around and looks up to see Rem jump down from the ceiling.

Rem: Hello there.

Adelheid: Ah. a little faunus. Hahaha. You are a bold one.

Two guards walk up from behind Led and move to Adelheid's sides.

Adelheid: Kill her.

The two guards ready their weapons, but before they get ready to shoot Led silently and easily moves their hands apart and break the cuffs. Led then grabs the part locked around the wrist and breaks both of them off and drops them on the ground watching them land next to where they all stood. Led then grabs the two guards silently and before they can say anything, Led basjes their faces together knocking them out and letting them fall to the ground.

Adelheid: Hello? I said kill her!

He then turns around to see Led with folded arms and looks to see the two guards on the ground.

Adelheid: How did you get out? Those are the strongest cuffs Atlas has these days.

Led: Like I said. Not alive.

Led leans down and takes off the helmet. Adelheid looks in and sees no one in the armor and freaks out.

Adelheid: What are you!!!!???

Adelheid then turns around and runs away. Suddenly several guards come in but before they attack Led and Rem, You come in and shoot them with Vile knocking them out. Then the rest of the faunus and humans from the factory storm out of the rooms surrounding the guards with sticks, pipes, some knives and guns, and many other tools used as weaponry. The guards look to you, Rem and Led and drop their weapons.

Led: The police are already on their way here. You have lost. Your oppression will never return.

Timeskip: brought to you by chibi Jake and Lily playing smash bros with chibi yang and ruby.

The police arrived and shut down the factory and helping the human and faunus workers with recovering.

Officer: Now was there anyone else who was here?

Rem: Actually there was the boss. He got away though.

Led: I scared him off. We didn't have the time to keep track of him amongst the chaos.

Officer: We don't blame you. Now all you need to do is take an account for our investigator over there. After that you three are free to leave.

You look to where the police officer points and a faunus walks out of the helicopter. He takes off his hat and reveals to be Perry.

Led: And who is this?

Rem: Perry the platypus faunus. He is a detective and investigator who has helped us before.

Perry: Well well well. As I live and breathe. Rem and (y/n). Funny how most my investigations somehow involve you two.

(y/n): You must be following us around then?

Perry: Following you? You two must be following me!

You three laugh before introducing Led to Perry.

Perry: now who is this boss you dealt with?

Rem: We don't know.

Led: But he works for a bigger company. He has a boss too. He talked about blaming someone's daughter for his failure at this factory.

Perry: Hm? Interesting. This helps though. Thank you. Anything else?

Rem: Actually the guy tried to kill me.

Perry: Ah. Attempted assault and murder. If we catch him, then you can file those against him and his boss. Now that's all I need from you kids. You can all go.

Rem: Hood to see you again.

Perry: Likewise.

You begin to walk off as Perry gets in a helicopter and flies off.

(y/n): Well now to go back to Beacon. It was a fun trip though.

Rem: It definitely was, sometime we should take our friends out here.

(y/n): I agree.

Led: Wait!!!!

You both turn around to see Led running towards you.

(y/n): What is it?

Led: Rem, (y/n). You two were pretty cool out there. Very sneaky, better than me.

Rem: Well I am a fox faunus. I know how to be quiet and sneak.

(y/n): As kids rem and I snuck up on our father all the time so we got good and it.

Led: I'm impressed. I wouldn't have expected two kids to train themselves that.

(y/n): It's no biggie. Now why are you here?

Led: Oh right!

He pulls out the piece of black metal that You took from the factory shutting it down.

Rem: What are you doing?

Led: I wanted to give this to you guys. Think of it as an extra reward for your work here. I can trust you two with this.

Rem: We can't take this!

(y/n): Yeah! You went on this mission with us just to get this back. It belongs to you.

Led: I have plenty more where that came from. Ozpin just didn't want this in the wrong hands, but I know he can trust you two with it as well. Just tell him I kept it.

(y/n): Thanks Led. We will gladly take it then. You can count on us to use it well.

Led: Great. I have full faith in you two. Have fun. And good luck.

Led salutes as they walk away. You two look to Led and suddenly see a lady with short pale blonde hair and a fur coat on. She waves and shouts to Led as Led runs up to her and they hug each other before walking off.

Rem: Must be the girlfriend or something.

(y/n): Or a relative. Either way she is pretty and they look happy together.

Rem: They definitely do. Don't tell me that YOU LOOOVE HER!!!!!

(y/n): Shut up! She is pretty is all. Don't act like happy!!!

Your face gets all red from embarrassment and blush as you scold her.

Rem giggles and smirks while looking away.

Rem: Sure you don't bro. I think I'm going to tell Weiss you found another girl.

She starts to run away as you begin to chase after her.

(y/n): Oh no you won't you squirt! Get back here!!!!

Timeskip: Brought to you by chibi Jake and woltec bowing to Chibi lily and lisa

The airship was settling down on the yard of Beacon academy with a few others. As Rem and (y/n) got out, they both looked out to the city to see some smoke off in the distance. They were surprised that team RWBY wasn't there to greet them.

Rem: What happened there?

(y/n): I don't know but if the smoke is that big and there is that much, then it must not have been good at all.

Rem: I wonder if team RWBY knows what happened.

(y/n): Worth asking.

You two begin to walk to the room with your luggage but as you come close to the door you see Ozpin standing there.

Rem: Hello Headmaster. How can we help you?

Ozpin: Ah just the two I was waiting for. Led told me you two were on your way back today. It wasn't as long as I thought it would be. You two did a good job finishing it fast. However I just want some information on what they were doing and who the criminals were.

You unlock the door and allow Ozpin to walk in.

(y/n):Well the main boss got away. However he talked about a bigger company he was working for.

Ozpin: I see. And what was the research about?

Rem: They had some piece of metal that belonged to Led.

Ozpon: Did he keep it once you stopped them?

FRem: Yes sirf.

Ozpin: Good. I'm glad that metal is in good hands now.

(y/n): How valuable is this metal sir?

Ozpin: I assume he told you two everything?

(y/n): Yes he did. Is there something bad with that?

Ozpin: I prefer to keep it a secret because if that information gets loose it could cause mass fear and hysteria. Thus attracting grimm.

Rem: That makes sense.

Ozpon: Just promise you won't tell anyone about this. Please?

(y/n): Of course sir.

Ozpin: Thank you. Anyways, this metal is the strongest in this world known to man. Led is made out of it. In a recent mission i sent Led on, Led was attacked and a small piece formed from his powers. They took it and intended to use it for armor and weapons to become unstoppable. As the war did end eighty years ago, however the tensions never diminished and there have been several times that the war started again. I guess you could say, it never officially ended. Only stale mated.

(y/n): Wow. this is a lot to take in.

Rem: It is. Is there a risk of it starting again now sir?

Ozpin: There was and that was partly why Ironwood brought his men and army here. KIn case something happened and in case something happens at the vytal festival. However we will be ready and he came more so to settle the tensions with me and the kingdoms.

Rem: At Least he cares.

.Ozpin: That's true. He is one of my best friends.

(y/n): And what happened in town today?

Ozpin: You see, we captured Roman torchwick.

Rem, (y/n): WHAT!?

Ozpin: Team RWBY and Brett went on a mission together with caboo- er I mean Professor Oobleck. They happened upon an underground encampment of white fang who happened to be working for Roman. Their plan was o drive a train car from some old ruins in an old failed expansion to Vale. They used trains and were bombing the railways to get grimm attracted inside. Then they barged through town from breaking under the ground and a swarm of grimm game. If team RWBY didn't get in contact with team JNPR, we might not have saved the city.

(y/n): No way? There were that many grimm?

Ozpin: Would have been, bur Ironwood and his army came and stopped it and Glynda plugged the hole stopping many grimm. And we managed to catch the survivors.

Rem: So people died!?

Ozpin: Not any civilians. A few got hurt but no one was killed except for the white fang and some of Romans men.

(y/n): Served them right.

Rem: At Least for the faunus with actual bad intentions.

Ozpin: Revenge and anger is not the way for judgement or the way of the hunter.

(y/n): Sorry sir.

Ozpin: It's fine, it gets the better of us at times.

Ozpin: Well I have more important matters to attend to about this little event and the festival. Glad you two are safe. Now go catch up with team RWBY, the dance is in two days. So good luck.

Ozpin walks out of the room and back to his office.

There was a knock on the door to team RWBY'S dorm. Blake walks up and opens it.

Blake; Hey! You guys are back.

Ruby and Weiss look over to see Rem and (y/n) standing in the doorway. You and Rem look in and see Brett and Yang rough housing with Yang yelling at him for some reason.

Weiss: You guys are back!

Weiss jumps off her bed and runs up to the two of you. She and Rem hug before jumping up and down for a moment before she looks to you and hugs you pressing herself against you. You look surprised for a moment before opening your arms and hugging her.


You and Weiss look up to see Ruby taking a picture of you two. Weisses face gets all rd and she looks a little angry.

Weiss: Delete that now Ruby!

Ruby looks at it and starts to giggle holding back her laughter. Rem runs over and grabs it to look at it.

Rem: Aw, you two are cute together. You two are perfect for the dance.

Weiss: Traitor!

She points at Rem before you two blush. Weiss immediately lets go and looks away. You look away blushing too before everyone hears a bite sound. They look over to Yang and brett.


After hanging out with team RWBY and hearing of their adventure, you and Rem leave to go to bed, however as you two walk out, you see two people in front of your door.

(y/n): Can we help you?

They look to you and step closer.

???: Are you (y/n) and Rem?

(y/n): Yeah... What's it to ya?

???: Nice to meet you! I'm sera.

The other person holds out his hand and you both shake it.

(y/n): So what do you guys need?

Sera: You two are the ones we will battle against in the tournament.

Rem: What? What do you mean? The selection is randomized.

???: Ozpin told us to look for you two. He managed to pair us up for battle.

(y/n): Interesting. I wonder why. So then where is the rest of your team?

Sera: Oh actually we don't have any other team members.

Rem: Wait? Then how will you battle us?

???: Ozpin said whether we or you guys lose before the two v two he would have us battle. I guess he has something special in mind for all of us.

(y/n): Hm. That's odd, but it sounds fun. We will bring it our al.

???: You better! As will we!

Rem: Well we will ask Ozpin later about this, but it was great to meet you two.

Sera: Likewise.

You wave goodbye to them as they walk off. You and RFem can't help but notice that Sera has a giant mace on her back. The tip of it is spherical. As for her friend. He has two gauntlets with a compartment on top and a bulge in the bottom with a hole, as if it shoots something out of it.

Rem: Interesting. I like them. What kind of weapons do you think they have.

(y/n): Well the one girl has a mace and the other has some sort of gauntlet but I don't know what it does. But I look forward to finding out.

Rem: me too. But it worries me as well. We don't know their weapons or semblance.

(y/n): However that goes with them as well. They don't know ours.

Rem: Well then we should just train and not allow them to see.

(y/n): Exactly.

You two talk a little more before you two fall asleep.


In dream:

You were standing in a field. The city of Vale behind you. As you look around you don't see much until two figures appear from a distance as silhouettes from the sunlight.

As they get closer you realize one of them is Weiss, however the other is a little girl and unknown to you.

Weiss: Come on (y/n): It's time to show Noelle the beach.

(y/n): (What? What is this?)

You nod and start to walk towards them. They too walk towards you. Noelle starts to run your direction as you see her short white hair flow in the breeze.

However right in front of them you run into an invisible wall. They stop and just stare at you emotionless.

(y/n): Ow. The heck? Wait. What's wrong?

You look to them expecting answers but suddenly their images fade away into ash and the scene gets dark. You turn around and see the city of Vale and Beacon in ruins.

(y/n): No... No way! What happened!? Or what will happen!?

You look around some more but as you turn around a little you see a figure walk up to you. You can barely look at her because of how scary she is.

(y/n): Who ar-

The lady smirks as she gets closer to you. She has white hair, yellow hateful eyes and pale white skin with black clothing.

Salem: Silence will fall.

(y/n): Silence? What do you mean by that?

Salem smirks before walking off and fading. As she fades she looks back to you and grinns with malicious intent in answering your question.

(y/n): You are Salem aren't you?

After she fades you see a bright light from behind you. As you look to it the surrounding area is still red with beautiful and scary hues along with fire in nearby areas. In front of you is a pile of swords and bodies of people.

(y/n): Did they all die?

You look to the top to see two people fighting. One of them is disarmed with their sword and quickly grabs their spear before stabbing their enemy. You see them talk for a moment before the one who was stabbed screams in anger and pain and falls down the hill dead. Then he victor walks down on the opposite side.

(y/n): Was that... hat I think it was?

You begin to run over there but quickly after six figures appear on top of it.

(y/n): Who are you!?

As you ask suddenly the figure in the middle is revealed to be Rem, the one on her right is Sera leaning on her mace. On Rems left is Seras friend.

Further to her left is Genocide. Holding his spear in one hand as the tip points up, and next to him is Led, arms folded.

The last person on Rems furthest left is still a silhouette however their sword is colorful with each quarter of the blade being a different color. The blade looks like it can spin around and you notice a big dust compartment in the handle.

(y/n): Who is that and why is Genocide ehre!?

Suddenly the mountain disappears and the environment around changes to some basement floor in a room. The floor is big and wide. However it is in ruins. On the corner is a machine with two things on the side looking like a cryotube or bacta tank.

Inside is one of the tanks is a girl.

You walk over to where she rests and sees a few scars and a weird blotch on her face.

(y/n): Who is this?

Before you can figure out, you hear a clash sound, you look over to the middle of the room and see Salem in the middle fighting with everyone. They all lunge to attack Salem however she creates a pulse that surrounds her and pushes it in all directions and everything gets dark.

(y/n): Is this a final destination?

Suddenly two white doors open. One in front of you and the other behind.

(y/n): Um where do I go?

???: Your choice.

You look over to see the voice to reveal Ozpin. He waves before vanishing in gold dust and magic.

(y/n): Is that what happens when he reincarnates?

You hear footsteps to your left and look over to see the group of people you saw a moment ago.

(y/n): Did we win?

Led walks up to you and outs a hand on your shoulder.

Led: Take good care of her.

Led walks off into the door behind you. Hen Rem walks up and hugs you surprising you.

Rem: I'll miss you brother.

Rem walks to the same door as Sera walks to you.

Sera: Use the chip for the CCTS.

You look to her as she walks past.

(y/n): Wait! What do you mean!?

Before you stop her, her friend comes up.

???: Use your semblance.

He then walks away and the last three people appear.

(y/n): Three? But I counted seven.

The mysterious shrouded figure walks up before briefly stopping.

???2: Don't lose the ones you love.

He then walks away as Genocide walks up to you. He scares you with his menacing mask and then some steam comes out of the mask.

Genocide: Don't leave things behind.

You watch in confusion as Genocide walks behind you and disappears into the bright light door.

(y/n): And what will you say?

You look to the last person not recognizing him. He has white hair slicked back. A red coat over black metallic armor that looks like it's from another time and darker skin. He walks up and faces you with a stern face.

???: Don't die. As it is a living hell. Trust me. I know the experience personally. Just as my friend with the rainbow sword did.

(y/n): But If you two died then how are you... here?

The person smiles before turning around and walking to the door in front of you. As he enters you see many silhouettes of people and a familiar man and woman waving towards you before he enters and the door closes.

(y/n): Wait! Why didn't you go with the others!?

After that the doors fade and you then see glowing yellow floating lights. They move in the air around you before everything goes dark as they fade.

End of dream.

You jolt awake and sit up sweating and breathing hard. You look to the clock to see it is ten AM.

(y/n): Well then, better ask Weiss to the dance today. Don't want to be last minute. You carefully crawl out of bed not waking Rem. Once out, you get dressed before leaving to get breakfast.

???: Hey (y/n)!!!!

You look over to see Yang, Ruby and Weiss walking out of their room.

(y/n): Hey you guys. Where is Blake by the way?

Yang: She is talking to two of her friends. Sera and her boyfriend.

(y/n): Wait? She has a boyfriend?

Ruby: She denies it all the time but we all know it will happen soon.

(y/n): And does Sera have long dark hair?

Ruby: yes. How did you know that?

(y/n): Funny actually. I met them last night. They will be me and Rems opponents in the tournament.

Yang: Really?

You explain to them everything Ozpin told you as well as how he will pair you together.

(y/n): Now why is ice queen so quiet here?

Weiss looks to you and blushes a little bit as she glares before looking away and hiding her face.

Yang: Actually. We don't know. She has been silent the entire morning.

(y/n): Are you okay Weiss?

She gives a thumbs up before walking down the stairs.

(y/n): Well at least she is responsive. Well then let's go. I don't think we want to keep Weiss waiting.

You all go to the dining hall and get some breakfast. You talk a little before grabbing some grub for Rem.

Yang; By the way (y/n).

(y/n): Hm?

Yang: Tonight we are having a little party in our room, with games and stuff. Want to come.

(y/n): Sure. I'm sure Rem would love it too.

Yang: Sweet. It will be at 6! Don't be late.

(y/n): Sure thing!

You wave goodbye to everyone and quickly look back to see Weiss staring at you.

(y/n): What is wrong with her today? Something must be bothering her. I'll check it out.

You walk up to the room to see Rem slipping on a shirt. She looks back to you as she hears the door open and smiles.

Rem: Morning brother!

(y/n): How did you sleep Rem?

Rem: Perfect! I was so warm. What's that?

(y/n0: Breakfast.

Her face lights up as she stand up and she quickly grabs the box of food from your hand.

(y/n): Your welcome.

Rem: Thank you!!!

(y/n): You are so spoiled.

She smiles more as you stroke her on the head. As she eats you two play some video games. After an hour or two there is a knock on your door and you go to look who it is. The door opens and Weiss stands in front.

(y/n): Hey Wei-

Weiss; Come with me.

(y/n): Huh? What for?

Weiss; Shopping.

(y/n): Shopping? For what? I don-

Weiss: For you silly. And Rem. I'm getting you two clothes for tomorrow.

(y/n): Wait! I don't need anything!

Weiss: Yes you do.

She grabs your hand and starts to drag you out of the room and down the hall as Rem follows.

Once you get to one of the shops in Vale weiss drags you into the store. Team JNPR happen to be walking by and see you.

(y/n): *Mouths* Help me

Nora smiles as Jaune doesn't even notice and Ren smirks. Pyrrha giggles and they all keep walking.

Weiss: Now! Let's see what looks good on you. Weiss grabs a dress for herself and clothes for you and Rem.

(y/n): This is going to be a long day.

You say as Weiss shoves you into a dressing room before entering a different one with Rem.


the shopping took three hours until Weiss had finally found a dress for her and you and Rem. After that she bought them and you all walked back to their dorm room. The party started in a half hour.

(y/n): You didn't need to pay for us you know.

Weiss; I know, I wanted to though. You two need to look good for tomorrow.

(y/n): Well if you insist.

The three of you walk to your rooms and Rem showers, you get on nice clothes before you enter the dorm room and see teams RWBY and JNPR there as well as a few other people like Brett, Sera, the guy with her, and an older student who seems to hang out with ruby a lot as well as woltec, lisa, olivia, toxic, jake and lily.

(i know this scene happened earlier in my beacons assassin story but im just doing my best to add continuity to these stories of mine)

Woltec: Hey you guys!!!!

Rem: Sup!

(y/n): So what will we do tonight?

Ruby: Video games!

Yang: Pin the tail on the donkey!

Nora: Seven minutes in heaven!

You all look to her in surprise but look back to Yang who gains a grin.

Rem: Oh boy. This will be exciting.

You all go sit into a circle. Yang puts a beer bottle in the middle before getting ready to spin.

(y/n): Wait? How did you get that? You aren't old enough to drink.

Yang: Brett asked the same question actually. Our uncle gave it to us. We asked fo rit and told him why we wanted it.

(y/n0: Ah that makes sense.

Ruby: Now who will begin!?

Everyone looks to Brett.

Brett; Oh come on! I don't want to do this!

Yang: You volunteered for this sorry.

Brett: Damn it.

He grabs the bottle and spins it. The first person it lands on is Ruby. The second spin lands towards Jaune however Woltec jumps in front of him.

Woltec: Hi Ruby!

Ruby looks to every one of you embarrassed and worried. She mouths the words help me but Weiss and yang push them into the closet.

In closet:

Ruby: Oh this is so awkward.

Woltec: It doesn't have to be.

Ruby: But your... Well you!

Woltec: I may be a pervert but i'm a gentleman pervert.

Ruby: How does that work?

Woltec: I don't push boundaries.

Ruby: You certainly push boundaries with Lisa.

Woltec: She is different though.


You were all surrounding the closet listening on.

Lisa: Different!? Oh that dog is so getting a beating when he comes out.

Jake: Calm down Lisa. It happened by chance.

Lisa: Chance my ass. I'm spinning once this ends.

We keep listening to their small conversation about random things and some being nerdy before the seven minutes ends. Once it does we open the doors and they walk out before we form another circle. Next Weiss spins the bottle and it lands on her.

Weiss: Are you serious!? I don't want this!

Someone else spins the bottle before it lands on Zwei of all people.

Weiss: No way! I'm not going in there with a mutt!

Yang: You have to!

Weiss: No!

Yang grabs Weiss by the collar of her shirt and throws her in the closet before letting Zwei walk in. We all close the door on her and put a small barricade in the way so she can't get out.

Rem: This is pretty funny.

(y/n): I agree.

In closet:

Weiss: I can't believe I'm in here with a dog.

Zwei: Ruff!

Weiss; I'm sorry. I didn't mean offense that way. I love you Zwei I just don't like that this counts.

Zwei walks and sits on Weisses lap.

Weiss; I guess you aren't all too bad. You certainly are soft and cuddly.

Zwei: Ruff!

Weiss then picks Zwei up and moves him closer to her face before rubbing her cheek against him.

Weiss: My dad never let me have dogs. The only issues I have with them is because of that and a bad childhood experience I had with one.


Weiss was at a park with her sister playing in a sandbox with some other kids. Her mother and father were talking on one of the park benches while being watched by security and some butlers.

Weiss; Winter! Let's play tag!

Winter: Really? That's so childish.

Weiss; But it is fun! And you are my sister!

Winter: You have so many other kids to play with here. Why not ask them.

Weiss; I will but it is more fun when you have people you know.

Winter: I'm not going to get out of this am I?

Weiss: Nope!

Winter: Fine.

We started to play tag and run around a park on grass as well as pavement. The other boys and girls joined us. Back then I didn't realize how bad my dad could be and the fact he didn't like his children playing with people lower class than his family.

Winter: Get back here you Boob!

She was chasing a boy who managed to tag her. However he more so touched her on the butt. Probably to tease her. Likely not to actually harass a young teenager. However he still angered her and she finally tackled him to the ground tagging him. Afterwards he started to chase me as I was screaming and laughing having fun like everyone else. I actually think my sister had fun too. She would never admit it though.

Eventually the kid tagged me and as I was rubbing after another girl we ran past a lady walking her dog on a leash. However the dog got excited and broke out of the leash and charged after me. Part of the leash was on him and it got tangled in a tree and i tripped over the leash. I fell n the asfalt and scraped up my hands and legs before the dog came to me trying to play.

As a kid though I freaked out and started to cry. I thought the dog was attacking me and I cried out for help before my parents came up.

The lady was really sorry however my dad didn't take a simple apology for it and unbeknownst to me back then, he sued her. Made her lose her money and job and put her on the streets.

End of flashback.

Zwei was looking at Weiss a little sad while Weiss almost had tears in her eyes. However before the door opened Zwei licked Weiss on the lips. Weiss immediately dropped Zwei and ran out of the door surprising everyone.

Weiss: Uuuugggghhhh! I have been kissed by a dog!!!! I have dog germs! Get hot water!!!! Get some disinfectant!!!! Get some Iodine!

She runs around the dorm freaking out for a moment before everyone laughs. However Bake starts to glare at Weiss and there is some small tension before Ruby breaks it up.

Weiss then runs to the bathroom and washes off her face as Zwei happily trots out of the closet. After Weiss finishes up Blake spins the bottle. It lands on Ren and Nora as they walk in. You listen to some of their conversation about their past before opening the door seeing them cuddling and almost like they were going to kiss.

Woltec: You LOVE her!

Nora: Shut up wolf!

Everyone laughs for a moment before Ren spins the bottle. It lands on Jaune and Ruby. Woltec was about to go and jump in front of Jaune again however Lisa grabs Woltec by the tail and drags him away a little.

You learn that Jaune and Ruby just hugged it out awkwardly before exiting the closet however one of the other guys looked a little jealous.

Weiss comes back and sits down across from you. You eventually spin the bottle and it lands on Lisa, then Woltec.

Woltec: Oh boy!

Lisa: Comne here you pervert!

Lisa grabs Woltec by the ear and they walk in the closet.

(I'll let Woltec make that situation in the comments XD)

Next was Jake and Lily. As they went in Yang gave a wink to Lily.

(I'll let blackstorm do the same)

Finally Yang spins the bottle and it lands on me. Ruby gives it a spin and it lands on Weiss. You two walk in and sit down as the door closes and it gets pretty dark besides the cracks in the door that let the light from the room go in.

(y/n): So...

Weiss: (y/n): I have a question.

(y/n): What is it?

Weiss: I know we talked about my father a few days ago but what do you think will happen when I go back to Atlas?

(y/n): Well, knowing your father and his company he will likely use you. But that's from my experience. If you even go then it will be hard for you. I only ever met him once and briefly when there was a meeting for my manager. He definitely wasn't the nicest guy. I don't know what was said in the meeting but it wasn't a good one.

Weiss: I really don't want to go back.

(y/n): And you don't have to go back. He can't force you.

Weiss; he can and he will. He gets his way no matter what.

(y/n): Well then I will make sure he doesn't.

Weiss looks to you happily but with some sadness on her face.

Weiss; How can you make sure?

(y/n): I'll go there with you and give him a piece of my mind. He can't treat you like a pet or slave. I'm not going to say you need to stand up for yourself because you have done that to me and others and every time you have proved us wrong about what we used to think about you.

Weiss moves to you and hugs you as you sit on the ground.

(y/n): Weiss. I will always be there for you and support you. I want you to know that. And I will make sure that your dad knows how you feel.

Weiss; thank you (y/n)!

She keeps hugging you for another few minutes until the time runs out and you two walk out. After that everyone stares at you two for a moment before continuing on with the game.

Sera and Rem went in at one point which you thought was weird as they have only met a few days ago along with you, then Blake and Seras friend went in together. The guy is a pretty big pervert and nerd, but I like him even though he gets on blakes nerves.

And then an older guy went in with Ruby. They talked a little and we listened in on their awkward and emotional conversation in there. We finally opened the door and saw them cuddling.

And last but not least were Yang and Brett. They hugged and Brett teased her a little while in there. However they had a close intimate moment with each other and then the last two groups who went in were Rem and Woltec.

(y/n0: You touch her Woltec and I will kill you.

Lisa: I will help (y/n) in that Woltec because you belong to me and me only!

Woltec: yes ma'am.

They walk in and there wasn't much for a while. However finally Rem screamed out in shock. Everyone opened the door and the both fell out. Lying next to each other. Everyone but Lisa laughed and when Woltec looked up Lisa was cracking her knuckles glaring at Woltec.

The last group of people were Jake and Lily. They went in and it was pretty quiet. However everyone could hear whispered muffles. As they walked in, Lily had a blush on her face and when the time was up they both had blushes on their faces.

Yang; You two made out didn't you?

Jake: Not in the slightest.

Lily: N-no... of course n-not!

Yang; Your faces say it all.

Lily: R-Really?

Jake; hey! You just told them!

Lily: S-sorry!

Yang: Eh it's okay. Brett and I were making out too.

Brett: Hey! We weren't going to say anything!

Yang; Too bad.

Brett: You little brat!

Brett chases after Yang as she laughs As that happens Lisa beats up Woltec and you and Rem say good night to everyone before heading to your room next to them and heading to bed.

(Sorry if this was short. I'm having writer's block again. Lucky enough not as bad as before, but still having some of it)

The next day was pretty quiet. You and Rem got up but when you knocked on the door to team RWBY's dorm no one answered.

Rem: Maybe they are already getting some breakfast?

(y/n): I guess so. But I would have thought they would either wait for us or wake us up.

Rem: I agree. It's not like them.

(y/n): Well then let's meet them down there.

Rem: Sounds good to me.

You two then go to the dining hall and get breakfast. As you finish getting your tray you look over and don't see team RWBY at the usual table, instead you only see team JNPR.

(y/n): Odd. Where would they be then?

Rem: I have no idea. You love Weiss right? I'd expect you to know where she would be at least.

(y/n): Shut up. Just because she is my friend doesn't mean I will always know where she will be.

Rem: You mean "just because i love her".

She smiles to you devilishly as you two sit down with team JNPR.

Pyrrha: Good morning (y/n). Rem. How was your guys night?

Rem: Great! I had so much fun last night!

Jaune: That's good to hear. I did too.

Rem: You loved on Ruby and Pyrrha a lot! I bet that's why!

Jaune: That's... Not it at all! I was relaxing okay!

He and Pyrrha blush a little as Rem teases them some. She then teases Nora and Ren a little too. Ren sighs and laughs just slightly as Nora and Rem start to bicker with each other.

Nora: Don't make me throw food at you!

Ren: Now now. Let's not start another food fight.

Nora: But we would win though. There is no team RWBY this time!

As breakfast keeps going finally Weiss walks up to the table.

(y/n): Well well well. If it isn't the ice queen. Where are you and your team?

Weiss glares to you for a moment before looking to Rem.

Weiss; Hey Rem. Are you done?

Rem: I am? Why?

Weiss: We are getting ready for the dance and wanted to get you and Nora and Pyrrha ready too.

Rem looks to the other girls and they all nod before getting up and waving bye.

(y/n): Well then... What are you guys doing before getting ready?

Jaune: I'm going to get some flowers to ask a girl I like.

Ren: And I'm just going to get ready.

(y/n): I see. Well in any freetime you guys should hang out.

Jaune: Like how?

(y/n): Play games and such.

Jaune: I'm down. What about you Ren?

Ren: I guess so. Just as long as we do get ready before.

(y/n): Perfect, then let's go to my room when we are done.

After you all finish you go to your room along with Jake and the four of you play some mario kart on the switch and then switch to smash bros (no pun intended) for a few hours before the dance. The dance starts in two hours and everyone leaves to get ready. You shower and get a white rose for Weiss to ask her to the dance.

(y/n): (I wonder how the girls are doing and where they are)

You text Ruby and Rem to see where they are.

Ruby-"We are in the dining hall getting the dance ready."

Rem- "I'll head up soon to get you, Weiss is also helping with setting up the room."

You lock the scroll and wait for Rem to come up. After 15 minutes she gets in the room and helps you get ready.

Rem: you need a tie you know.

(y/n): No thank you, I hate ties! You remember the last time I wore one right!?

Rem: How you managed to tie one of your arms in front of your face and it was so tight around your arm and neck we had to cut you free?

(y/n): Yes! I don't want to do that again!

Rem: That was because you are bad at tying a tie.

(y/n): I just hadn't tied one before then!!!! How was I supposed to know what to do!?

Rem: Because you are a man and men should know.

(y/n): oh? And then what are all women supposed to be good at? Washing the dishes and doing laundry?

Rem playfully punches you amongst the teasing.

Rem: Let me get it for you.

She grabs a tie and walks up to you. You go into the bathroom to look in the mirror and see how she does it.

(y/n): I can't believe people can wear these without choking.

Rem: That's because they are adults who don't complain and don't tie them too tightly.

Once she gets the tie she tightens it a little so it looks nice however you start to make choking noises as if you are being hung.

Rem: Oh grow up you baby!

She punches you again and walks out with her corsage.

Rem: Well let's get going then, we don't want to keep them waiting.

(y/n): Alright. I'm ready.

Rem: Are you nervous?

(y/n): Of course I am! She is the heiress to one of the biggest companies in the world, she is basically royalty and she is the ice queen. How can anyone not be nervous around her.


(I forgot to say this in the beginning but i'm going to throw in some obscure youtuber references in this chapter. If you don't get them i definitely understand but props to you if you do, and maybe i'll do a request if someone gets the reference.

And if no one finds it and they ask what they are i'll reveal them.)

You two walk into the doors and get greeted by Yang as the dance has started and the music plays. Ruby is over by the punch with Jaune and You see Brett walking up to the balcony.

Yang; Happy to see you guys made it! Weiss hasn't arrived yet and nor has the rest of team JNPR however it's only just beginning!

Yang and Rem hug and you give her a pat on the back as you give her your tickets.

(y/n): Thank you Yang. Are you going to be here all night?

Yang: Nope. I'm glad I get off this soon and one of the faculty will take my place. So I can dance with my date.

Rem: Well make sure no assassins come in and crash the party!

Yang: Haha! You think Genocide will actually appear here? I doubt it. It's too dangerous, Ironwood has tight security here.

(y/n): That's pretty true.

Yang: Have fun you two!

You both wlak off and Rem leans into your ear.

Rem: Poor Yang. She has no idea about Genocide yet does she?

(y/n): Yep. It will be a big surprise to her and probably be hard ofr them both.

Rem: We can only wish them good luck.

You walk to the punch bowl and talk to Ruby and Jaune for a little. Rem sneaks off somewhere.

(y/n0: Where is Rem?

Jaune: I don't know. She was right here right?

Ruby: She was.

(y/n): Well she is a sneaky faunus. Sometimes i catch her sneaking around or sneaking snacks.

Jaune: I'm not surprised with that.

Ruby: Eh, I'm sure you will find her again soon. You shouldn't worry.

(y/n0: You are right. I mean she and Weiss did break out of a white fang camp. That was pretty hard knowing how only a few people among the years have escaped their camps. Myself included.

Jaune: Well I see Pyrrha, Ren and Nora coming, I think I'm going to join them. You two have a good night.

Ruby: See you later Jaune! Anyways I think I am going to find Brett to talk to him for a little before Yang finds him, as well as give my friend some company.

She points to the older taller guy standing in the corner on the upstairs floor looking down kind of sadly. Ruby waves and then runs off.

(y/n): (Hm I wonder why he always looks sad and depressed. Hopefully Ruby can help him.

(*Cough cough hint hint* and my Ruby story will be pretty sad at quite a few parts, so expect it to be the saddest or close to the saddest of my main for stories)

You look around before spotting Weiss sitting on a bench with her hands on her chin.

(y/n): Hm? Why is she alone? Did something happen?

You walk up to see he looking a little sad.

(y/n): Hey Weiss. How is your night..

Weiss jumps up for a moment startled and embarrassed.

Weiss: Oh (y- (y- (y/n)! H-hi! How a-are y-y-you?

(y/n): I'm fine? But you do-

Weiss: Of course I'm fine! What makes you think otherwise!?

(y/n): Because no one gets that defensive that fast!

Weiss steps back shocked for a moment with a bright red face.

(y/n): Weiss... What's wrong?

A few tears start to fall from her face and she looks to you.

(y/n): there there.

Weiss; I asked if Neptune would be my date tonight, and he said yes...

(y/n): Then why are you sad?

Weiss; He didn't meet me at the time we planned and when I got here I saw him talking to other girls.

You look around for a moment while hugging Weiss and finally see Neptune talking with other girls.

(y/n): That ass.

Weiss; (y/n)... I know you were going to ask me... I just wanted to take one dance with Neptune. I like him too, he interests me.

(y/n): Do you want me to talk to him?

Weiss; No, you don't need to.

(y/n0: Hm... I'm sorry he did that, that was a total dick move. However As crappy as they may be, I bet he has his reasons. I just feel a little bad for him for whatever he goes through or his insecurities.

Weiss breaks the hug with a tear still streaming down her face.

Weiss; Thank you (y/n).

(y/n): Of course Weiss.

You use your hand and wipe away her tear as she holds your hand.

Weiss; Would you like to be my date tonight (y/n)?

(y/n): I'd love to. And to let you know I mean it, I have this.

You give her the white rose you held onto. She looks to it surprised for a moment before smiling and looking to you.

Weiss: Did you really have to give me a white rose? Just because I have white clothes and white hair and live in a white environment doesn't mean I like white.

(y/n): haha I'm sorry, it was the cheapest I could find and I of course had to go with the most obvious color combination for you.

Weiss: Oh well... You are one of the few that value me for who I am not what I am.

(y/n): That means a lot Weiss. I just wish more people would value you.

You follow her near the dance floor and she turns to you.

Weiss; Well do you want to dance?

(y/n): i will on one condition.

Weiss: What is that?

(y/n): I want you to take one dance with Jaune.

Weiss; You can't be serious!? Why!?

(y/n): Because I value you and I know Jaune does too, He may be clumsy and awkward as well as dumb sometimes. But he truly cares for you and the rest of us. Plus, I think it would help all of us value what we have. We never know when it can be stripped from any of us and how quickly it can happen. Only then do we realize what we take for granted.

Weiss thinks over your words for a moment before smiling.

Weiss: you're right (y/n). People should follow the same perspective you have. In this day and age we are all rushing and busy with life that we forget what we have and the little things and noly want more and more.

You smile as she waves and runs over to Jaune.

(y/n): Well I think She has really grown from what she was. I'm glad I was able to make her life better. But how long will it last? I don't know and for some reason I'm getting a bad feeling. I don't know what, but something really bad is going to happen soon. Something that may cost one of our lives...

You are deep in thought for a while before you almost fall over. You catch yourself and lok back up to see Weiss there.

Weiss; It was enjoyable (y/n). Thanks for making me do that.

(y/n): Sorry, I was lost in thought.

Weiss: What were you thinking about?

(y/n): Just how the tournament will go. I'm worried is all.

Weiss: Forget about the tournament. Tonight we just dance and have fun.

(y/n): yeah... Of course.

Weiss; Now follow me.

(y/n): Where to?

Weiss;You will see.

She takes you by the hand and drags you out of the dance room.

(y/n): Weiss? Where are we going?

Weiss; Grab your Polar board. I want to go somewhere more private.

(y/n): Whoa whoa whoa! What do you mean more private!?

Weiss looks to you confused for a moment before her face grows red of embarrassment and anger.

(y/n): What?

Weiss: Pervert!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not ready for that kind of privacy yet!!

She slaps you atop the head. You wince n pain and back up for a moment.

(y/n): Ow! What was that for!?

Weiss; You know what you implied!

(y/n): What did I do!? I didn't imply anything! Jus-

You realize what she was thinking before looking back to her.

(y/n): I'm not even the one who thought of that!!!!!! You did!!!!

Weiss: I did not!!!!

(y/n): Well you made me think it after you did. So if you claim you didn't think of it first and I didn't either then it must have been Woltec!

Weiss; That makes sense.


Woltec: Achoo!

Lisa: You okay Woltec?

Woltec: yeah, I'm fine. I just sneezed for some random reason. I never sneeze once.

Lisa: interesting.


(y/n): Well I got that. Where are we going to go? I thought you were looking forward to this dance.

Weiss; I really don't want to go to it.

(y/n): is it because you go to so many back in Atlas?

Weiss; Exactly. I go to far too many and have to dance with so many people. It gets tiring and boring.

(y/n): I could see why. And I don't blame you either.

Weiss: Which is why I want to just go to a park or something.

(y/n0: I have no issues with that.

You two walk out of the dorm with the polar board in your arms. After getting a few feet away you can hear the sound of the music from the dance several yards away.

Weis: Sounds like they are having fun there.

(y/n): I believe so. But I'm glad you asked me for privacy. I like more private places anyways.

Weiss; Then let's go to the park.

(y/n): Hop on.

You place the polar board on the ground and it starts to hover a few feet above it. You get on and gain your balance before helping Weiss on and helping her balance.

Weiss; Whoa. This is a little harder to balance that I thought.

(y/n): It's like a surfboard just more touchy in how you turn and lean.

Weiss: Can you teach me a little.

(y/n): Of course. I can't promise you will learn tonight, but I can promise you we're gonna have some fun, so if you are cool with that and down with that, then let's sit down and buckle THE FUCK UP, cus here we go!

Weiss smiles to you and you look in front slowly going forward. Weiss almost loses her balance and grabs you to stop herself from falling off. She then puts her arms around you and holds on tight as you start to move forward going faily fast.

Weiss; Wow! This is amazing! It's almost like we are flying!

(y/n): Isn't it? I love it. However if I didn't modify this one then there wouldn't be room for you and I.

Weiss: You made it look perfectly normal.

(y/n): Thanks. It took me awhile to make it like that. And there was a lot of blood and tears and failures put into it.

Weiss: Well I hope it was worth it.

(y/n): It definitely was. Normal ones can't go high in the air, but this can.

You raise the height and you two rise to ten feet in the air. Weiss lets out a little scream and buries her face in your back and clutches you tighter.

(y/n0: It isn't too bad, look.

She opens her eyes and looks on in shock and joy. A building begins to come up and she flinches before you aim up a little more and go over it.

(y/n): The nice thing about these is they can go over any hard object. Meaning if I really tried I could climb up to Beacon with just this, if I went to the right places.

You start to glide down on the polar board before reaching ten feet above the ground again and getting onto a trail to one of the parks.

(y/n): I can show you the world. Shinings, shimmerings blended.

Weiss lets go and hold her arms out feeling the breeze flow through them.

Weiss; A whole new world!

(Okay I'll stop XD)

You two finally arrive at the park after having a little fun on the polar board.

Weiss: That was a lot of fun (y/n).

You look back to Weiss and smile to her.

(y/n): thank you. I love riding it all the time.

Weiss: Look out!

You look back forward to see a tree in front of you. You swerve away however the force of the turn knocks you two off balance and Weiss grabs you as she falls to the ground taking you with her. You both tumble a few feet before stopping and seeing the polar board slowly glide to a stop in front of a fountain.

Weiss; ow.

(y/n): Are you okay.

Weiss: Am I okay!?

You look to her and think she is angry. However she starts to laugh. It surprises you for a moment before laughing as well. After the laugh you get up and offer a hand to Weiss who gladly takes it and pulls herself off.

(y/n): So what now?

Weiss; We dance.

(y/n):" But I thought-

Weiss: It is the prom. I said I didn't like dancing with a lot of people however you are a special case, so let's dance.

Weiss takes off her heels and shows her bare feet for more comfort.

(y/n): Alright then, but first let me pick a song for us.

Weiss: Which one.

You grab your scroll and pull up "Lost In All Thoughts Alone"

Once you get it to play you put it on a park bench a few feet away and walk back to Weiss who holds out her hands. You take them and place one hand on her shoulder near her neck and the other goes to her left side. She places both her hands on your shoulders close to your chest.

Weiss: I'm surprised you know how to dance.

(y/n): I have danced before. Just not for a long time. The only one I know of is the foxtrot.

You two begin the foxtrot. Once you get used to the stepping and timing you two start to spin around ever so slightly.

(the foxtrot is a slow romantic dance for those who don't know. I learned it when my parents had me take a class when I was a kid. It was fun though and we did get to go to a few fancy dinners during the events. I met some of my best male and female friends there. Anyways the foxtrot is where you place your hands like stated above for the male and female respectively. After that the man with his right foon steps back a little while the girl steps forward with her left foot to where the man's right foot was. And then they take the same step with their other foot. You repeat the same process and step in a box shape and once you get the hang of it then you start to spin and rotate around slightly. I will say though it is hard not to step on the ladies feet when doing it as it is small movement, however in normal dances the girl and boy have to wear their shoes sadly.)

Weiss: You know how to pick the right songs.

(y/n): Hey. You are the one who told me you loved it and it fits you and your home life.

Weiss: it does. I admire that you know that. Most people don't think of me as a person and think I'm spoiled like you did in the beginning of the year. Only true friends like you and my team and JNPR know who I really am.

(y/n): It's weird how much we both have changed since a few months ago.

Weiss: it only feels like yesterday that it all started.

(y/n): i agree.

There was a silence before Weiss started to sing along with the song.

Weiss: You are an ocean of waves, weaving a dream

Like thoughts become a river stream

Yet may the tide ever change, flowing like time

To the path, yours to climb

Thou seek the light with an outstretched hand

A divine blade lies before you

So command the wake of dreams

To restore the world, cut 'way the seams

Join in our prayer, in our song of birthrights and love

Come the sun, illuminate the sky

Pray that we may quell the dark - Light take the throne

Lost in thoughts all alone

You are an ocean of waves, weaving a dream

Like thoughts become a river stream

Yet may the tide ever change, flowing like time

To the path, yours to claim

Thou seek the dark with an unsheathed blade

Now a white, ivory throne beckons

So obtain the fate you sow

On this path, be wary, friend an' foe

Join in the tale, in the blight, of conquest and lies

Come the sun, to tarnish in the sky

Vow that we shall tear the light – Dark seize the throne

Lost in thoughts, all alone

May thy chosen path lead way and grace you with virtue

But surely a balance awaits, so be it bliss or pain you gain

Beyond the route-ways end, you'll gain resilience and weakness

The trials, the thorn in your side, becomes the greatest strength in you

Descend into the abyss thou see

Where the hearts of many wander

Quietly, they wish and weave

Placing hope inside their one, pure dream

After the storm stills its wake, may all be blessed

So the fate and fallen can find rest

Your will, the water reflects, so all will know

Your hands brought the morrow

You are an ocean of waves, weaving a dream

Like thoughts become a river stream

Yet may the tide ever change, flowing like time

To the path, yours to climb

You are an ocean of waves.

Throughout the dance you were awestruck at her amazing voice and how similar she sounded to the real singer. You were almost convinced she was the original singer. As the song was coming to an end she stopped singing before it actually ended. You notice she closes her eyes and her head is moving closer to yours. You do the same and as the last line is said, the next thing you know, you two are kissing....

The kiss lasts for several minutes before you two break away and stare at each other.

(y/n): Weiss...

Weiss; I-I didn't mean to do that! I mean experiences such as your first kiss are stored in your hippocampus with other strong memories so it is harder to f-f-forget...

You smirk to her as she blushes. She looks up to you.

Weiss; What... What's the smirk for?

(y/n0: Who says that was my first kiss?

Weiss looks to you shocked and blushing.

Weiss; You insolent virgin!

(y/n): You should be the one talking. You just had your first kiss.

Weiss; It was with Rem wasn't it!?

(y/n): *sigh* yes it was. Back when we were younger several years ago, Back then we did love each other. However we were young and didn't quite understand sexual feelings so we didn't do anymore than just that. And also so we wouldn't upset our father.

Weiss; He has high standards for you two doesn't he?

(y/n): Sometimes. But not all the time. So how was your first kiss?

Weiss; Sh- Shut up you dunce! Just come closer.

You move closer to her and you kiss again.

You break way again and stare at each other.

(y/n): So...

Weiss; i love you (y/n). I have for a while now...

(y/n0: I'm glad you feel the same Weiss. I started to feel it only a few weeks ago, however I finally came to my true feelings for you with the help of Rem on our mission. *sigh* I'm surprised how far we have come. We hated each other at first.

Weiss: And now mortal enemies are lovers. How ironic.

(y/n): Let's just not mistake each other for being dead when we are sleeping and both kill ourselves.

Weiss smiles and giggles for a moment.

Weiss; Don't worry. We won't be like Romeo and Juliet. And the acting won't be as bad as one of those movies was.

(y/n) :Let's go back Weiss. It's getting cold. And I'm sure we are tired.

Weiss; I'm fine with that. Let's go.


Lily: Aw, they look so cute together.

Jake: Come on Lily. Did we really have to spy on them.

Lily: No, but I wanted to finally see them become official. Like other people too,

Jake: Like us? How we are oficial?

Lily turns around blushing.

Lily: Wh-What do you mean!!!!??? Are you trying to tell me-

Jake: I love you Lily. Just like how (y/n) loves Weiss and Brett loves yang. However I still think he should have told her his secret.

Lily: Secret? What do you mean. Brett has a secret?

Jake: oh ummm... It's nothing too big. Heh heh...

Lily looks at him questioningly before she grabs his hand and they walk off.


Once you two get i your room you see Rem left a note saying she was staying with Ruby and Blake and Sera.

Weiss; So then we have the room to ourselves.

(y/n): I guess we do.

Weiss; this will be nice. We can have some time together.

(y/n): I will enjoy it. I'll have to thank Rem tomorrow for being kind enough like that.

Weiss; Eh there will be time later, for now though let's get to sleep. I'm going to wash off the makeup on my face though.

(y/n): Go ahead. I will warm it up for you.

You smirk as Weiss rolls her eyes while walking to the bathroom.

Once she was done she takes off her dress and hangs it up on the door before walking out in her bra and panties. You stare at her blushing madly and surprised as you crawl into your boxers and hop in the bed.

(y/n): You really don't care that i can see right now?

Weiss; Shut it you dunce. It's all I have for tonight and I'm definitely not sleeping in my dress.

(y/n): Yeah, but can't you just go to your room right next door and get your PJs on?

Weiss; I don't want to be asked a lot of questions by Ruby and Blake or disrupt anything they are doing. So deal with it and stop being a pervert.

(y/n): yes ma'am.

Weiss gets into the bed with you and nuzzles herself against your bare chest.

Weiss: Thank you (y/n). For everything.

(y/n): Of course my queen. Anything for you.

Weiss: I love you.

(y/n): I love you too.

Time skip:

A few days passed since the dance and the vytal festival was starting. Tomorrow was the first day. However teams RWBY and JNPR weren't battling yet until the second day. You and Rem did have one battle for the day. If you passed it then you would move on to the next round a few days later, otherwise if you lost that was the end. However today was one of those days you would relax from training and before the festival.

Weiss: Want to have some fun (y/n)?

(y/n): Sure. What did you have in mind?

Weiss; i was thinking we go to one of the markets, get some concessions and relax.

(y/n): I'm down.

Weiss grabs your hand and you follow her to one of the airships.

Rem: Looks like they are finally dating.

Yang: You got that right. It took those two long enough.

Blake: You should talk. You just started to date Brett at the same time too.

Yang: Shut up! Love needs time! I just thought those two would have been dating sooner. What about you Blake? Are you dating Sun or the other boy yet?

Blake; he has a name you know! And not yet actually. I just don't know if I like them that way or who I like more.

Yang: Well there is always sera.

Blake steps back blushing a little before composing herself.

Blake: I don't like girls in a sexual way! Plus I don't think Sera is interested in me or anyone else for right now.

Yang: Yeah, I can see that. Oh well I know you will fall for one of them eventually.

Blake; how do you know?

Yang: Because it will happen in the nex- Er I mean it will just happen in the future when you hang out with them more.

Blake; hm. I see your point. But what were you going to say before cutting yourself off?

Yang; nothing! I was thinking of something else.

Blake looks to her suspiciously before walking off.

Yang: Well it's just us cutie. What do you want to do.

Yang hugs Rem and starts to rub her cheeks against Rems.

Rem: Ah, I'm not cute! Get off me!

You smile as you hear her screams behind you. You then get on the airship with Weiss and wait to get to Vale.

Weiss; Who is that third guy over there with Ruby?

You look over and see the guy who hangs out with Ruby a lot but there was someone else with a red coat and white hair and dark skin.

(y/n): I don't know. But he looks familiar. Like I have seen him from somewhere before.

Weiss; Can you think of where from?

(y/n): no. Not off the top of my head. Maybe from an anime?

Weiss; You are serious right? An anime?

(y/n): I'm sorry. He just looks like some character from one.

Weiss: i guess some people can look like that.

(y/n): Like if you put on some blue dress and metal armor and a thicker sword and dyed your hair blonde you would look like saber.

Weiss: She sounds familiar to me.

(y/n): Well it makes sense she does, since when you speak in japanese you sound just like saber does.

Weiss: How did you know that?

(y/n): Youtube.

Weiss: *sigh* is that all you do in your free time?

(y/n): Nope. not mine. However some other people do that when they aren't hanging out with friends or working which could possibly be why his stories take long to write.

Weiss: You mean the author of Beacons assassin right?

(y/n): yep.

The airship lands and you two walk off before waving to Ruby and her friends.

(y/n): Where do you want to go first?

Weiss; I want some Atlesian food. I am a little tired of the food from Vale and I miss my home a little.

(chinese food)

You look to her surprised.

(y/n): I thought you said you hated home?

Weiss: I do! That is I mean my house and some of my family! Not the actual kingdom!

(y/n): I see.

You two keep walking until you finally find a restaurant.

(y/n): I'll pay for tonight.

Weiss: What!? No! I won't allow it!

(y/n): You paid for me and rems clothing for the dance, it is the least we can do for you Weiss.

Weiss; but you can give me love instead!

(y/n): I am giving you love Weiss.

You walk up and hug her from behind. She smiles and holds onto your arm for a moment before letting go

Weiss; Fine. I'll let you pay for it.

But only because It doesn't hurt to save money.

(y/n): Thank you.

You two get to a table and wait to roder. The waiter comes up and you order your food. Once you got the food you started to dig in and talk about Weiss and her family, what you do in your free time back home and what you and Rem do at times.

Weiss; So I have one more question.

You were paying the bill and walking out of the building when you looked to her.

(y/n): Yes?

Weiss: What is your dad doing during the festival?

(y/n): Actually he is coming tonight late. He will watch the battles for this week.

Weiss: That's cool...

(y/n): Something wrong?

Weiss; I just wish my family actually cared.

(y/n): I can't speak for them, but knowing little about your mom, i personally think she does care.

Weiss: how do you know!? I have barely spoken with her over the last seven years!

(y/n): I'm sorry to hear that Weiss. Knowing your dad though I think she is afraid to do things, more like a victim. Like you.

Weiss; I bet you are right. Thank you for helping me realize that.

(y/n): Of course. Now let's go.

You two walk out and get some things from the market before heading up to the beacon balcony and looking at the sunset.

(y/n): Want one?

Weiss looks to you and notices a Heineken in your hand.

Weiss: Gross.

(y/n): Haha. Of course you would say that.

Weiss; How did you get those anyways!!!???


Weiss; It was yang wasn't it?

(y/n): Damn it, you know her too well.

Weiss: We both do.

(y/n): Well?

Weiss;Well what?

(y/n): Will you take one?

Weiss: No thanks.

(y/n): Are you sure? I bet you have wine all the time at your father's dinners.

Weiss; Gosh darn it, you got that right too.

(y/n): I guess it's one of those things boyfriends know naturally.

Weiss: Are we really going to start referring to each other as boyfriend and girlfriend?

(y/n): Why not? It's natural. Others do it all the time, plus it will stop the teasing from yang and ruby when they hear it.

Weiss; true.

She takes the beer and you two start to relax and drink it while enjoying the beauty and nature.

Weiss: Good luck tomorrow (y/n).

She moves to you and cuddles with you and you sit and sip the beers before going to your rooms later on and going to bed.


It was only a few minutes before you and Rem went to the battle of a team of four.

(y/n): Ready Rem? This will be tough. Two vers four.

Rem: you can count me ready any time!

She gives you a thumbs up before grabbing her two swords with small chains attached to the end of the hilts that were tied around her arms for concealment before using them.

You walk over to the edge of the dressing rom before your dad comes in. He has a bald head and a dark brown beard.

Father: Well well well. Long time no see My young hero.

(y/n): Thanks dad.

Father: How are you doing?

You walk up to him and hug him before looking back to him.

(y/n): I'm doing quite well now a days.

Father: That's good to hear. Now good luck out there, you two will need it.

He walks off while taking off his apron and folding it in his pockets.

Once he leaves you and rem look to each other and nod before walking onto the stage looking out into the crowd.

Rem: Mmm... There are a lot of people here...

(y/n): What do you expect. It is a tournament to see who has the best fighters and curriculum. However it is also just for fun.

Rem: true. Well then are you ready?

(y/n): hell yeah!

The crowd starts to cheer for you as you get into your positions.

Weiss: go (y/n)!!!!!!! You can do it Rem!!!!!!

Yang: Wow. Weiss is cheering. I don't think I have ever seen her yell or raise her voice this loud before.

Ruby it is kind of a surprise.

Weiss: Shut up! They are about to begin!

Blake: It makes sense.Because of the festival everyone is on the edge of their seats and they are out of character for these events.

Brett: True. Yang and I have been fighting a lot less than we used to.

Yang; But those fights were more so playing around.

Brett: Even so. We have only ever had a few actual bad fights.

Yang: And we won't have anymore

She says that with confidence and a smile.

Toxic: Haha. Oh if only that were the case.

Oobleck: Welcome to the third battle of the first day of the tournament ladies and gents!!!!!

Port: For beacon academy and representing the kingdom of Vale we have (y/n) (l/n) and his sister! Rem (l/n)! They have been training all year and have had many challenges already. I'm sure this will be a walk in the park for them!

Oobleck: And in the other corner we have team GEWL! Their name may be spelled weird but they were named after the demon we all know of in pop culture.

Rem: It's fitting since they are al gothic.

(y/n): I agree. And looking at them I say we go for the fat one first.

Rem: Good idea. He is likely the slowest of the bunch.

(y/n): Next I say we go for the palm tree. Then sexy lady and last but not least we go for the hitler looking dude.

???: Hey!!!!! I'm not a palm tree!!!!! You squirt! Get over here and let me kill ya!!!!

???: Hm. That isn't a bad nickname for you Envy.

Envy: Shut up Lust!!!!

???: Hm, that girl looks tasty, I just want to lick her and play with her.

???: I'm so surprised you are even allowed in society Gluttony. You are sick and perverted.

Gluttony: Lust, Wrath is being mean to me.

Lust: Let's knock it off! Now is not the time to mess around.

Rem hides behind you being all creeped out for a moment before getting her weapons ready.

Oobleck: Now for our special announcer to start off this match.

Micheal Buffer: Now ladies and gentleman... LLLLLLLLEEEEEETTTTTTTSSSSSS GET READY TO RRRRRRRRUUUUMMMMMMMMBBBBBBBLLLLLLLEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As soon as the battle begins you and Rem charge at the team of four. The fat guy sticks out his tongue and charges at you two specifically looking to Rem. Lust gets in the way, but you shoot from Vile and she jumps over it to have Gluttony hit in the face and stand back.

Rem: I wonder what their semblances are.

(y/n): We will have to find out.

Envy charges forward and uses his fist to attack you. You block and throw a slash to him which strikes him on the arm and leaves a small cut on his arm.

Envy: Ow!!!! Damn you brat!!!!

He jumps over you and You block one of his kicks, however Wrath pulls out two swords at amazing speeds and strikes down. You use Saber to block the attack but struggle being in between them and their strength.

Gluttony gets up and charges after Rem sticking out his tongue. Lust lands and shoots out two knives and pulls out a third. Rem dodges the knives but gets picked up by Gluttony and being slammed into the ground.

Weiss; Oh, that's gotta hurt.

Rem,s aura goes down to the yellow.

Rem: Ah! They are powerful.

You start to fall under Envy and Wraths combined strength. However you changes the angles of their attacks and they finish they blows hitting the ground.

(y/n): Hey! I don't think you two want to hit each other.

You use your semblance and create two walls that move together and it briefly crushes them as they struggle to get out, Their auras go down just slightly.

(y/n): Rem!

You see Lust throw more knives her way but you shoot them out of direction with Vile. She looks to you and slowly walks up. You briefly blush at her appearance.

Lust: You are rude. Didn't your parents teach you not to stare at a girl?

(y/n): You may be hot and if I didn't have a girlfriend then I would totally have some fun with you... But I'm not like other men and I don't fall for sexy women or their bodies!!!!

Lust: So be it.

She smirks sadistically before holding out her hand and her fingers get sharp and stretch out. Your look in surprise before barely dodging her and running towards her. She uses her other hand and stretches her fingertips to you. As they were about to hit you a chain wraps around her arm and moves her hand off to the side. The tips scratch you and cut down some of your aura. You shoot with Vile and Hit lust taking some aura away before landing an attack on her with your sword and taking her aura to the yellow.

Lust: Tch! How dare you touch me!

She jumps back getting her hand free from the chain and begins to draw more knives.

(y/n): Where is she getting all these knives!?

You look over to Rem and see Gluttony on top of her pinning her. He moves close to her face before licking her cheek. She screams in fear as adrenaline comes into power and she manages to kick him off her with struggle.

Gluttony: That hurt!

Rem: well we now know the sluts semblance.

Lust: Shut up! I'm no slut1 I just like to seduce men!

(y/n): Same thing!

As you are about to strike her again you hear a screaming of wind by your ear and narrowly look over to see Wrath running to you with his two swords. You block in time but get launched back and lose your aura barely into the yellow near red.

(y/n): This is bad!

You get up from the ground and see Lust using her semblance to attack you and Wrath charging you. You dodge between her fingers however get stuck between them and Wrath.

(y/n): Damn it!

You use your semblance and create a small box around yourself and Wrath and make the ground fall. He falls into the hole you made and gets his leg stuck for a moment. Then you break the tips of Lusts fingers and charge towards her. She retracts them but before you hit her Gluttony jumps in the way and take your blow only losing a small amount of his aura.

(y/n): How are you this strong!?

Gluttony. Eating.

Rem runs over and wraps two chains around Gluttony's neck before she gets momentum and starts to swing him around. Lust jumps over and strikes down with two knives. You deflect them before seeing Envy charging up.

Envy: Now you die brat!!!!!

Due to the pressure, you activate Saber and strike towards Lust who jumps back each strike. Envy comes near you and gets a punch into you lowering your aura to a few inches from empty.

Yang: Oh god. Are they going to lose?

Right after Envy strikes naturally you attack him with Saber slicing his chest and lowering his aura into the red. He screams in pain from the burn on his chest.

(y/n): Crap! I'm so sorry that wasn't my intention!!!!!

Envy: haha! I don't care! That may have hurt but I can take much more than that!

You look to his burn and it becomes red before some electricity forms around it and the laceration heals like nothing happened.

(y/n): Healing?

Envy: Yep!

He goes to strike once more but you barely dodge. You get near the edge and can't back up any more. Envy charges again and Lust grabs you with her semblance choking you.

(y/n): Rem...

You barely get the word out from how hard it is to speak. However there is a scream of pain and you look over to see Lust got her fingers cut off by Rem with her sword. However Lust grows them back super fast surprising the two of you even more.

(y/n): Wait!? How is that possible!?

Wrath: A lot of power and training.

You see him charging up with his two swords.

(y/n): rem! Stop Hitler!

Rem: on it!

Wrath: Stop calling me by that name!!!!! I have no idea who he is!!!!!

Gluttony: Envy! Let me get him!!!!

Envy throws a few more punches. You block them but start to lose your balance on the edge of the stage.

Envy: Push this squirt off!!!!!

Envy starts to push making you lose balance. However you see Gluttony getting close. You smirk and use your semblance to create an invisible platform under your feet just on the border of the arena and use it to gain your balance. You suddenly take Envys energy and grab his hand spinning around. He starts to fall off but grabs your hand and begins to drag you down with him.

Envy: Smooth you pipsqueak! But if I go down, then you are going with me.

(y/n): I won't be palm tree, but your friend will.

Envy looks to you confused before you turn around just in time for Envy and Gluttony to see each other with Gluttony in the air about to tackle you. Their faces fill with surprise before Gluttony hits Envy and he lets go of your hand and they fall off the stage being disqualified.

You breathe heavily before seeing lust go for a sneak attack. However you jump upside down and land behind her. She looks to you surprised before you use Saber to cut of her arms and get two punches in. As her arms grow back with red color and electricity you shoot her in the face with Vile. There is an explosion and the dust settles, however she is getting ready to strike. You narrowly dodge her punch and punch her depleting her aura just enough for her to be out. Her fingers are a foot from your neck.

(y/n): Whoa that was close.

Lust: Damn you.

She glares first before smiling to you and jumping off the stage once she fully restored her body.

You relax for a moment and let your guard down. Before the wind screaming begins again. You turn around and hold up your arms to block the strike knowing Wrath is behind you.

Wrath: this is over boy!

He is about to strike as you close your eyes ready for the pain. However it doesn't come and when you look over to him you see his swords are inches from your face, but his hands are wrapped in chains and Rem is barely holding him back from a distance with her swords.

Rem: Brother! Go. I can't hold on.

Everything registers in your head and you run out of the way right as Wrath gets the strength to strike down and sending Rem into you from the force of his throw.

Rem: Ah!!!!!

There is a loud crunch and you look over to see a small crater from where you stood.

Wrath: I'm impressed. Most people can't match my speed or strength. I have only ever known a few others who can and they only barely matched me with sneaky trickery. Let's see if you have what it takes to beat me.

He then turns towards you and slowly walks up.

(y/n): Rem! Get up!

Rem hops up and as soon as she does Wrath charges to the two of you. You both jump out of the way from his strikes on both sides of him and slice at his legs. His aura drops just slightly before he turns and jumps in the air striking down. You jump out of the way before stepping back as he strikes forward. You use Vile to barely block his strikes.

(y/n): Huh!?

You hear a small crack and look to the bottom of your blade near the hilt and see a small crack in part of the blade. You look to Wrath surprised before he maneuvers his swords and breaks your block before kicking you to the other side of the arena. You bounce on the ground for a moment before getting up on your feet and seeing you will lose any hit next time.

(i know I already said that but this is just to make it more intense)

Wrath jumps into the air before landing and charging at you with amazing sped.

(y/n): (I have to dodge these attacks at the last minute or else im cooked.)

You use your semblance to raise the ground just slightly and Wrath trips just barely before getting his footing and getting his speed again, however as soon as he strikes to the side, you roll out of the way, his force knocks him off balance for a moment but as he is about to strike again you use Saber and cut his swords blades breaking them, He looks surprised at the attack.

(y/n): Switch!

You run out of the way and Rem charges in taking your place. He looks to her only to be kicked in the face by her and then gets his arms wrapped in the chain around her swords.

Rem: Pull!

You grabs part of her swords with her and you both pull taking Wrath into the air before he slams to the ground creating a small crater.

Oobleck: And it looks like Rem and (y/n) are using all they got against an overpowered opponent.

Port: They have done some good tricks to the rest of the team. And are doing well against Wrath but can they beat him? It doesn't look good for them, especially (y/n).

Wrath slowly gets up with a few bruises on him and scratches as his aura drops into the yellow.

Wrath: I'm honored! You two are putting up a better fight than I expected!!!!

He grabs two rocks and throws them. You break both of them with Saber protecting Rem but he surprises you with pulling out two more swords and jabs. He misses you with one but hits Rem with the other and she falls back losing her aura into the red.

(y/n): Run!

Rem: Run!? Why!? How will that help1?

Wrath: You cowards!

You and Rem run away avoiding his attacks as he targets you specifically.

(y/n): Stop targeting me!

Wrath: Stop calling me Hitler!

(y/n): Okay, Mr. Mustache. Whatever you say!

You smirk as he screams in anger and runs faster. You see this and jump out to the side with your shirt being cut underneath your armor. He then strikes down about to hit you but you pull out a mask you wear sometimes and place it on his face. He struggles to see and backs up letting you punch him in the face a few times and taking his aura down a little. As soon as he takes off the mas he notices Rem using one of the chains to swing a rock around and launches it into Wraths face knocking him back. His aura drops to the red.

Wrath: Enough nicknames!

Wrath begins to strike more. You block them or side step. Every time you were about to get an attack on him he either blocked or made his next move forcing you to block. He was to fast.

(y/n): Let me breathe will you!?

Wrath: Why would I make it easier for my enemy? I hate opponents who don't give it their all!

He side steps away from you. He moves his swords up and you see an opening in his lower body to strike. As you go for the strike, Wrath switches his swords in his hands and quickly slides a blade to the ground and scrapes in on the ground throwing dirt into the air. It gets into your eyes and they start to sting. You move away before he throws a punch and depletes your aura. You fall to the ground and deactivate Saber.

(y/n0: ow... I'm sorry Rem.

Rem looks to you and smiles before focusing her attention on Wrath.

Wrath: Well well well... If it isn't a little fox. You don't need to hide from me. The hound will sniff you out wherever you are.

He smirks before walking up to Rems little destroyed building she is standing on. As he gets close Rem jumps down striking him. He blocks it and pushes her away. She hits a wall and sees his swords in front of her face before she barrel rolls out of the way. A strand of her hair is cut off from his strike. Rem then strikes his side lowering his aura more. Rem runs and wraps some of the chains around a beam in the ground. Wrath chases her for a moment before she can jump off and swing herself. She circles once and then gets behind Wrath kicking him and swinging off sending him skidding a few feet before he charges again.

Rem: Perfect.

She holds out her hand and makes a gun shape with her fingers and pointing it at Wrath.

Rem: Boom.

Right where Wrath is there is an explosion. He screams in pain as his aura is inches away from depleting. Surprising Rem she jumps away at first but gets hit by him and falls to the ground. Her aura drops to the same Wrath has.

Wrath: Well then girl. Let's finish this. One more strike and we are out! Lets see who can come on top.

Rem gets up to block his next strike for a moment before he uses his full strength and pushes her to the ground. She falls and yelps and lets go of her swords briefly.

Wrath: Now it is time to finish this!

Rem: You are right. It is and I'm not going to lose to you!

Wrath: how so?

He looks to her confused before she grabs her sword and swings the chain. He dodges from it and looks to her with disappointment.

Wrath: That's all you have left? Ha! You missed. You and your brother are pathetic! Why were we even paired up against you two?

Rem smirks confusing Wrath.

Wrath: What are you smiling at you are going to lose.

Rem points to something behind Wrath as she pulls the chain and breaks off a piece of a support beam. The broken part then falls and surprises Wrath before it lands on his face knocking him out.

He falls to the ground and the arena then lowers to ground level.

Port: And (y/n: and Rem win!!!!

Oobleck: They used good team work that team GEWL couldn't understand with their codewords. Their teamwork is the only thing that made them win.

Port; Some of it was luck too. Now for our next match!...

Rem continues to lie on the ground exhausted.

Weiss: Yes!!!!! They did it!!!!!! Yeah Rem! Good job (y/n)!!!!!!!!!!

Yang: Yeah!!!!!!! You guys did amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!

The rest of team RWBY and all of JNPR cheer you two on. You walk over to Rem and pick her up. Wrath wakes up and sits up looking to you. You hold out your hand and pull him up.

Wrath: You two did good out there. I'm impressed and you got my respect.

The rest of team Gewl walk up to them Gluttony has a finger in his mouth like a baby and looks to Rem.

Gluttony; I'm sorry for being creepy fox faunus girl. I lose myself sometimes.

Rem looks to him with tired eyes.

Rem: It's fine. I understand.

She then closes them and falls asleep in your arms.

Envy: Not a bad job for a pipsqueak!

He smirks but looks upset about losing at the same time.

(y/n): What did you just call me!?

Envy; You heard me pipsqueak!

(y/n): I hate you too palm tree.

Envy gets in your face and the two of you growl at each other before Lust steps in.

Lust: You may have played dirty but you did a good job. You have my love.

(y/n): L-Love?

Lust: Yes.

She leans in and kisses you on the forehead but your entire face goes into her boobs Suddenly she takes your face out and she says "good bye" and the team leave.

Wiss; Oh I'm so killing that skank! I'll give her a piece of my mind!

Ruby: Cool down Weiss. It's just a tournament.

Weiss; Excuse me!!!!!??? This is my boyfriend we are talking about!

Ruby: So you are dating!!!!

Weiss covers her mouth and blushes madly before stepping back.

Weiss; No.. we... I mean... we have shared a few kisses but we aren't... d-dating...

Blake: Even though you just admitted it?

Weiss; Shut up! I admit nothing!

You then walk up to the stands and find team RWBY and Brett.

Brett: Good job you two. You did really well. Especially with your weapon (y/n).

(y/n): What are you getting at.

Brett: Nothing!

He rubs the back of his head before walking off.

Yang; Whats with him?

Weiss: I don't know! You are his girlfriend! Go find out.

Yang then runs off and Jumps on Brett tripping him. He catches his balance but tries to shake Yang off as she struggles to stay on and they start to shout and insult each other.

Weiss: Did Rem fall asleep?

(y/n0: She really tired herself out in this battle.

Weiss; I'm quite proud and impressed. They were really strong.

Blake: I'm not even sure if our entire team could have beaten them.

(y/n): I'm sure Brett could. Only because of his semblance though.

???: (y/n)!

You all look over to see your dad walking up from one of the bleachers.

Weiss: Who is this?

(y/n): My dad.

Weiss; Really!? He isn't what I expected him to be.

(y/n): He exceeds many peoples expectations.

He walks up and sees you holding a sleeping Rem.

Father: You two did amazing. Looks like Rem pooped herself out.

(y/n0: She definitely did.

Father: And who might these people be?

(y/n): These are my friends. Members of team RWBY. However one of the members is missing.

Father: I see.

Ruby: hi! I'm Ruby Rose. Leader.

Blake: I'm Blake, nice to meet you. I can tell you raised them well.

Father: Thank you. I did the best I could.

Weiss: I'm Weiss Schn-

Father: A Schnee. Nice to meet you Weiss. However I'm surprised you two get along. Knowing Rem is a faunus.

(y/n): Dad! Don't be rude!

Father: *sigh* i'm sorry. But you know what your family has done. I'm sure (y/n) has told you.

Weiss; He has... I'm sorry...

Father: Don't be. It doesn't really matter. At Least not now.

(y/n): Dad!

Father: Well Nice to meet you girls. My name is Braun. At Least that's what most people call me.

Ruby: You name is fitting.

Braun: Thanks. I have grown used to it. Anyways. I'm going back to my seat for the next match but I'll see you guys later.

RWB: See ya, nice to meet you.

He walks off and waves.

Weiss: Does he fight at all?

(y/n) In fact his weapon is his semblance.

Ruby: Really!!!!??? That's so cool! I haven't met anyone who's semblance is their own weapon!

(y/n): Honestly, his is a pretty good semblance. He can do a lot with it including defend himself from most grimm.

Blake; How so.

(y/n): We can find out later. However it does make me think of something. I wonder if it is possible.

Weiss: What?

(y/n): Nothing. But it has to do with grimm.

You and Weiss then walk off to the room to relax for the rest of the day. You set Rem down on the bed and you and Weiss watch some movies before she heads off to bed in her dorm.

The next day goes by pretty fast. You and Rem slept in a little before getting up and going to one of the carnivals spending time with RWBY and JNPR before their matches.

Pyrrha: Ah, I love the smell of all this food.

Nora: Pancakes!

Ren: Ramen.

Blake; Fish!

Yang: I'm pretty hungry, I could eat a whale if i could.

You all laughed before playing some carnival games.

Weiss: (y/n). Can you help me?

(y/n): Of course. What do you want?

Weiss: You obviously shoot with Vile. Can you teach me how to aim.

(y/n): I'm kind of surprised. Your family owns some weapons and a small militia, didn't you learn?

Weiss: No. Even though my dad had winter and I trained for combat in case we needed it like him, he didn't let us use guns.

(y/n): Why is that?

Weiss: "Because what you two use is an elegant weapon... for a more civilized age..."

(y/n): So he doesn't like using guns then?

Weiss: Exactly. He thinks they are weapons for mongrels, and animals.

(y/n): Yet the atlas military and his militia use guns.

Weiss; Only for protecting us or when he needs to intervene in a strike. He has never held a gun in his life before.

(y/n): Well, I don't really think much of guns since they are common and just as deadly as swords and knives.

Weiss: That's why I don't get his viewpoint on guns.

Weiss takes aim at a target ready to shoot, but you grab her hand and lower it a little. She looks to you.

(y/n): You can't aim right at the target. You will miss as the scope is slightly different from the barrel of the gun, meaning you have to put the eyesight a little higher than you would want to shoot. And you need to get the butt of the rifle higher so you don't bruise or break your shoulder.

You grab the gun and move it slightly higher on her shoulder before she closes an eye aiming.

Weiss; Thank you (y/n).

(y/n): Yep.

She shoots barely missing the target.

(y/n): Close. You were only an inch or less of. Aim a little more to the right and you should hit it. But be careful as you only have five targets and you only have six shots. Meaning you have already used your spare bullet. I would also recommend going to the farther targets first as once you get to the last one it gets easier.

Weiss nods and then readjusts her posture before getting her aim ready. She closes her eye and concentrates on her target before moving the gun slightly to the left and shoots. The pellet hits the target and it falls back.

Booth contender: Great job! You hit the hardest target, it should be easier now with four to go!

Weiss reloads the gun and gets ready to aim again. It takes her a few longer minutes before she closes her eye and steadies the gun. You eventually hear her breathing heavily and know she is in the mode.

The sound of the pellet is loud as it barrels out of the chamber and moves at high speeds barely for the eye to see. The bullet grazes against the target but knocks it down anyways.

Weiss jumps up and down and looks to you.

Weiss: I did it! I have another!

(y/n): That was pretty great Weiss. I'm quite impressed. I guess you are a natural.

Weiss really!?

(y/n): I mean it. It took me longer to even hit a target three feet away from me. You are hitting targets fifteen feet away on your first time ever shooting a gun, albeit a pellet gun used for having fun and shooting your friends with.

Weiss: Thank you. I didn't think I'd do this well either.

(y/n): Your grandfather ever use a gun?

Weiss: I think he did. Right before and during part of the great war.

(y/n): I didn't know he was in that.

Weiss: He wanted that part out of the history books.

(y/n): Why is that?

Weiss: He got an injury in a skirmish, and had to be in a wheelchair for most of the rest of his life sadly. I guess he didn't want to be viewed as weak.

(y/n): Not surprising. So then he founded the schnee dust company after that?

Weiss takes aim again and shoots her second to last target.

(y/n): Nice, you can multitask now it took me a while to do that with Vile.

Weiss: Thanks. And not only that but he also created a school for my mom. A school of her dreams.

(y/n): Really? I had no idea i have never heard of this.

Weiss: It's something my grandfather did privately. It gave my mom the skills necessary to run the business. However after she graduated she didn't want to take on the responsibilities. And she abandoned her job randomly a few years after I was born. And now as the saying goes. "The rest is history"

Weiss sighs before taking aim again and shooting leaving only one more to go.

(y/n): Wow. I'm sorry to hear that. Do you know the reasons why your mom stopped? And good job by the way, you have improved so much so fast it feels like you have been doing this for a long time.

Weiss; Thanks. I guess you were right. It does come naturally. And no I don't know the reasons why. However I do fear it has to do with my dad and maybe even my grandfather too.

(y/n): Wouldn't surprise me.

Weiss then shoots the final target without even aiming and puts the gun down.

Booth contender: Wow that was amazing, congratulations! I'm quite impressed, it's hard for some people to do this. What sort of prize do you want.

Weiss cheers and dances around a little.

(y/n): Good job Weiss. That was really cool.

Weiss turns around and hugs you. You look to her surprised before placing your hand on her head and rubbing it.

Weiss: Thank you for helping me (y/n)!

(y/n): Ha, I hardly helped. I only gave you tips.

Weiss: Well it all helped no matter what you dunce! And I enjoyed it!

She lets go of you with a big smile on her face before turning to the contender.

Weiss; I want the middle sized stuffed lion.

Contender: That's a great choice! I just had a lady come and win earlier and she chose the same thing. I briefly talked with her and learned she is a nurse at Beacon.

You and Weiss look to each other before smiling.

Weiss;Actually we know who you are talking about.

Contender: Really!?

(y/n): Not very well and we don't know her personally, however she has helped treat our injuries before and some of our friends.

Contender; Well that's really cool! Tell her to have a good night if you see her around. Now I expect you two lovebirds to do the same thing.

The guy laughs before walking away.

Weiss; Hey! What do you mean!? We aren't-

(y/n): Let it go Weiss. There is no use in denying it now. Everyone knows.

You two hear a snickering behind you and look over to see Ruby disappear behind a bush.

Weiss: And I think we just learned the cause of how everyone knows that.

(y/n): I wouldn't be surprised if Rem helped either.

Weiss: Me either.

After walking to some concession stands and other carnival activities you and Weiss walked to your rooms and went to bed.

(y/n): Good luck tomorrow Weiss. I know you can do it.

Weiss: Thanks. I know you and Rem can win in your next one as well.

You then hop on bed and fall asleep almost immediately.

Timeskip: You and Rem had gotten up and joined team ruby for breakfast

Their battle came up an hour and a half later and you helped Weiss stretch and warm up for it before the battle. You two cheered team RWBY as they had their first match. They struggled a little however they used great tactics and their team combos like freezer burn to finish the other team from Vacuo. Once the battle was over you and team JNPR went to the festival to get some food.

Weiss: I'll pay for our meals this time.

Yang: You don't have to-

Weiss: i want to. It is well deserved for us and team JNPR need the energy for their fight.

Blake: Well if you insist.

Rem: Thanks Weiss. I'll get the cheapest for you though so you won't need to spend too much.

Weiss; No. Get whatever you want. Even if it is the most expensive thing.

Rem: Really!?

Her eyes light up and she grows a big smile on her face. The waiter walks over and takes her roder as she gets a giant steak placed in front of her seat.

(y/n): I'll take the beef ramen please.

The old man serving you then nods and goes behind the tent to get the ramen ready.

Weiss:(y/n), you don't need to be cheap for me. I said you can buy whatever you want.

(y/n): Don't worry Weiss. I actually want this. Ramen is one of my favorite meals.

Weiss: Oh good.! I'm glad,

(y/n): However I also don't like people buying things for me because i then feel like i owe them. Just how i owe your family debt from my medical expenses after my arm.

Weiss; i had no idea. I'm sorry.

(y/n): It's all good. I'll make it up to your family sometime.

Weiss; You don't have to. Not for me atleast.

(y/n0: That's not what your dad would say.

Weiss: *sig* you are right.*

Before the conversation can continue you are interrupted to Noras mental break down and Weiss getting her card denied.

Weiss: What!? What do you mean it is declined!?

Shop keep: It is so I'll take back my food.

He then grabs Blakes bowl and she starts to tear up cartoonishly.

(y/n): *Sigh* I guess I-

Brett: I got it!!

You both look to Bret holding up his card before beginning to hand it to the shopkeeper.

Weiss: You can't! I won't allow it!

Brett: Well then if you do we can't eat now can we?

Weiss; But I can get it to-

Brett: I don't know why it was declined Weiss, but I assume because of your father.

Weiss looks down in defeat before giving up.

Weiss; Fine... But I will pay you back for this.

Brett; Don't. I need to.... Well I need to get rid of some money.

Weiss; Huh?

You and Weiss look to each other before looking back to see him walking over to Yang.

Weiss: What did he mean?

(y/n): Maybe we will find out later. Lets just enjoy our meals.


You all finish eating and then go to the stands to watch team JNPRS fight. There was definitely some funny and awkward parts in the fight but because of Nora team JNPR won the match.

Oobleck: And now that team JNPR is moving on, that finishes the four ream battles! Now is the two versus two!

Port: The teams that have moved on will select two members of their team to fight in the next round. With a few exceptions, most of the teams will have today and some of tomorrow to decide before the next battles however some of the teams that won first have already selected who moves on and will fight today.

Without people knowing Ozpin walks in the booth with the announcers and takes the mic

Ozpin: And now to announce the first two teams to fight. I bring you (y/n) and his sister Rem! And the other combatants are Sera and her boyfriend.

You look to Sera on the other side of the arena holding up her giant mace and growling at Ozpin.

Sera: He isn't my boyfriend!!!!!

Port: And one more thing before we start this battle. Ozpin wants these four people and three others to meet him tomorrow night at the end of the tournament. He has a request with an idea of making titans.

You and Rem look to each other confused for a moment before looking to Sera and her friend. They smile and nod before you all look back to the announcer booth.

Oobleck: Now let's get ready.

There was a pause before he pointed his finger out to the arena

Oobleck: Titans! Go!

(sorry I had to. I couldn't think of a better way to throw that in so i mentioned the other part.)

Once he stated that you hop on the polar board and start to hover to them while Rem runs next to you.

The guy runs to a rock and touches it for a moment before picking it up.

(y/n0: Whoa! He is strong.,

Rem: I wish I could do that!

Sera then charges forward before her friend throws the rock. You and Rem dodge out of the way. Hoever when Rem looks back up she sees Sera swinging her mace. She barely ducks under and slashes her at the legs taking out a small bit of her aura. She slams down her mace and sends a shock wave in all directions. Rem flies back a few feet losing some of her aura as well.

The polar board absorbs the shock wave and flies up a little higher. You then go near sera's friend.

???: Whoa! You got a hoverboard!? That's so cool! Can I try it after this battle.

(y/n): Uh? Sure?

???: Sweet!

He then holds out his hands and two chains come sliding out of his gauntlets and grab the polar board before he pulls it. You lose your balance and fall to the ground rolling a little before seeing him pull out a strange weapon looking kind of like a bat. He jumps high in the air and strikes down. You roll out of the way before pulling out Vile and slashing at him. He blocks it and slides your hand away before striking himself with an attached blade to the outside of the bat like thing.

(y/n): What kind of weapons do you have!?

???: A hurling bat with a blade to it and gauntlets!

Two short bladesa above his wrists come out of a small compartment and he strikes forward. You block by putting your sword in between the blades however he touches your arm and pushes. You suddenly feel super light and see your hand starts to fly away in the direction a few inches above the ground.

(y/n): What the heck!? Is this your selbmance!? I can't stop myself.

Rem notices and hops around Sera before running and swinging her chains. You grab them and she pulls you back toher.

Sera: I won't allow that!

She then reaches towards Rem. Rem jumps out of the way and you fly into Sera knocking her down. You then grab onto a branch low to the ground from a tree.

(y/n): I don't know what you did to me but I don't like it1

Sera: Now you know how I feel!

(y/n0: What do you mean.

???: It's my semblance I have used before. I can change the weight and gravity of anything I want.

(y/n0: What!? Isn't that OP!?

Sera: It can be. Mine is just as much though.

You then use your semblance and create a small clear space between you and Sera and her friend. Rem then lurches towards sera and strikes her her. She blocks and pushes Rem back.

They exchange a few blows before Sera runs up to the wall you created and touches it.

(y/n): Sorry miss, but that is impenetrable. You can't get in or out unless I decide to.

Sera: I think i can get out.

Suddenly the barrier becomes purple as a mist forms around it covering it up entirely. Once it disappears the barrier is gone.

Rem, (y/n): What!!!!!!!!!?????

In your surprise her friend throws the rock he touched towards you. You quickly let go of the branch and start to shoot with Vile. Meters before hitting you it blows up and he sees you coming closer towards him with a chunk of the rock on your foot. You fly fast enough to hit him in the face and knock him down before you grab him to anchor yourself.

Sera: It's my semblance. With my right arm I destroy and my left i create.

Rem: Is it through Alchemy that you use your semblance!?

Sera: no. It just happens to be that way.

They exchange more blows before Sera skids her mace on the ground and throws dirt into the air getting into Rems eyes. She backs up rubbing her eyes before narrowly dodging and using her chain to wrap it around Seras neck. Her aura slowly drains as she is slightly choking.

While she is choking you and her friend exchange punches draining the others aura. He then uses his semblance to make you weigh a lot. You suddenly fall to the ground unable to move.

(y/n): Rem!

She looks over to you before Sera uses her semblance and a purple mist surrounds the chain before it disappears. Sera then falls to her knees gasping for air before kicking Rem away and going to strike with her mace. Rem dodges and runs to you and pushes Seras friend away. She then uses her sword and strikes him knocking his aura into the red before she grabs you and struggles to pick you up.

(y/n): Thanks sis.

Rem: No problem!

Sera jumps forward letting her mace guide her. You create a small wall in front of you and Rem protecting yourselves from her attack. However two chains wrap around Rems waist and she is pulled away. You look over to grab her however the weight falls off you and Sera goes around grabbing your arm before punching you taking your aura to the red as well.

Rem: Brother!

The friend then touches Rem on the arm taking her gravity away and throwing her into the air. She flails around trying to grab something but fails to do so. You look over and see her fly out of the stage and lose before she slowly drifts back down to the ground.

(y/n): damn it!

Sera: Well what do you say? Do you surrender?

(y/n): I won't surrender to you.

Sera: Well then let's see what you got!

You pull out the gun part to Vile and beginning shooting towards them. The friend grapples onto a tree above you and swings off, but Sera blocks and deflects your bullets as they explode on impact. You then run up and activate Saber to scare her off. She backs up near the edge but before you make the final blow a rock hits Saber out of your hands. You look back to see more boulders flying your way. You jump out of the way and then face Sera again. A chain wraps around your waist as you block a blow from her. She grabs your other arm and they start to upll in opposite directions.

(y/n): Aaaahhh!!!!

???: Slingshot?

Sera nods and then starts to pull you a little harder before releasing you. You fly into her friend. He places his arm on your back and pushes you off with more force as you feel yourself getting lighter and having no gravity.

(y/n): Crap! no no no no no no no. I'm not losing by falling out of a stage like this.

You grab Vile and do the only thing you think of. You shoot in the opposite direction you are flying. Every bullet you slow down just a little. Before the edge of the stage comes you create another barrier and push off back to the stage facing upside down.

Sera: Let me hit him like a home run.

???: You sure you got this?

Sera: I do!

Her friend places his hand on her back getting rid of the gravitational forces on her body. He then picks her up and throws her towards you. You see her charge and begin shooting at her with vile forgetting you are slowed down every shot.

Sera blocks most of the shots but the last one hits her and slows her force down. She loses he breath briefly before getting ready to finish her strike. However she leaves herself open and you rotate your body to avoid her swing. You then grab her and push her towards the edge of the stage and use her to push yourself back to her friend. Sera is unable to do anything before she falls out of the stage being eliminated.

Port: And with a lot of struggle it looks like (y/n) and seras boyfriend are the only ones left with a small bit of arua. This will be one of our best battles yet!

???, Sera: WE ARE NOT A COUPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As he is distracted yelling at Port and caboo- I mean Oobleck, you go and strike him with Vile. He dodges out of the way but gets a small scratch. He then extends his blades from the gauntlets and blocks your downwards strike.

(y/n): Damn you.

You struggle for a few moments matching each other's strength before he shifts the weight to his left side and knocks you off balance. Before you gain it back he swipes to the side and knocks Vile out of your hand. You go to punch him but as you are about to hit him finishing off his aura he ducks under and thrusts his palms into your chest taking your breath away and pushes sending you flying off. You struggle n the air and but can't get back your weapon or use your semblance from the low aura.

(y/n): Damn it... I lost this.

As you come to terms with defeat you slowly drift out of the arena.

Oobleck: And it looks like Sera and her boy-

Sera and her friend look to them glaring. Oobleck coughs for a moment and corrects himself.

Oobleck: I mean Sera and her friend have won the battle!

Port: They are moving on into the finals bracket by sending one of them to the finish to face off against one other person. From there we will have the final two champions compete to see who wins!

There was a lot of cheering from the crowd even though team RWBY were both sad and happy for you and the other team. You two get up and walk back to the stage and meet up with Sera and her friend before shaking hands.

Sera: You guys really gave us a good challenge. I'm really impressed.

???: I had a lot of fun battling. We should battle again some time.

Rem: Thanks. It was hard but I loved it.

You two congratulate each other one more time. As you are about to walk off Sera grabs Rem or a moment.

Sera: I almost forgot Rem. I need to give this back.

She held out her palms and a purple mist formed in them before a purple cloud appeared and in the blink of an eye it vanished revealing the chain from Rems sword.

Rem: Oh my gosh! You got it back! Thanks!

Sera: Of course! I knew you relied on it and only using one would be hard to get used to. Plus I didn't want you to go through the work of getting a new chain and putting it back on the sword.

Rem and Sera hug it out. Afterwards you split ways and walk to the locker room to clean up. You and Rem go to the bleachers and sit with the rest of team RWBY

Weiss; I'm sorry you two lost. Are you guys okay?

(y/n): Thanks for checking on us Weiss.

Rem: We are fine. A little disappointed we lost, but hey. What can we do about it?

Weiss: I guess now you can't do much.

(y/n): Its just a fun tournament anyways. Not really an award except some medal, unwanted attention a special name given to you and too many celebrations in the kingdom that wins.

Weiss; Wow... That's actually pretty true. I remember a few years ago when the champion from Atlas won. My dad threw a big part in his honor and I was invited to so many celebrations for the victory.

Rem: Wow. That sounds tiring.

Weiss; It was so tiring I actually got the flu.

(y/n): Ouch. How long?

Weiss: Two weeks.

(y/n): That's a long time.

Weiss: It was fine. To be honest I enjoyed it. It was one of the few times my dad actually cared for me.

(y/n): I'm sorry Weiss.

She leans on your shoulder looking out over the stage to see the next teams coming on. Coco and yatsuhashi vs Emerald and Mercury.

Weiss: It's fine. I have come to terms with who my dad is. All thanks to you.

You start to pay attention to the fight when you get a feeling of a bad omen. You were about to say something about it when you hear three *snap* noises. You look behind you and next to you on the other side of Weiss and see Yang, Ruby and Blake with their scrolls out pulling them away after taking a picture of you and Weiss.

(y/n): Grrr.

Once the battle was over everyone left the stadium for one of the last days of the tournament getting ready for celebrating.


Little did everyone know that the next day, everything would fall.

That morning everyone went to the stadium and watched some of the fights awaiting Pyrrhas. Yangs fight was later in the day but near the end as one of the last fights. Before hers was Seras. Like the last battle, she kicked butt. However after Yang's battle there was a lot of controversy. Yang attacked her opponent after he had already lost, and during this time Brett seemed to have disappeared.

Blake; Why would Yang do this?

Weiss; This isn't good. Where the heck did Brett go? He should be here for her.

You couldn't help but think of the bad omen again and get a bad feeling about emerald and her boyfriend.

Rem: That is so sad. Poor guy. What's up with Yang?

(y/n): I don't know, but it probably isn't her fault. Something here isn't right.

Weiss; Not her fault!? She attacked him after he lost! Given I don't like that guy and he deserved it. But I can't believe Yang would do this!

(y/n): Well then if you don't believe she did this, why are you acting surprised?

Weiss, Rem: What are you getting at?

(y/n): I mean. It was out of her character for her. What reason would she have to do that to him? I could only see her doing to Brett if he was picking on her enough.

Rem and Weiss holding their chin thinking before looking back to you with a smile.

Rem: You are right. Something is up.

Weiss: We need to make sure with her but I believe she would never do that.

Blake: She might though, with her anger and all.

Blake gets up and starts to walk away.

(y/n): What the hell do you mean by that Blake!? Get back here!

She ignores you and runs off.

Weiss; I'll find her. (y/n), you and Rem talk with Yang.

You nod before you and Rem follow the Atlas soldiers into team RWBYs dorm.

Yang: but sir! I didn't do that! I saw him going to attack me first! He threatened my sister!

???: That's not what everyone else saw. I believe you Yang but because of my job here, I have to take precautions

You and Rem walk in to see Ironwood with some of the other soldiers talking with Yang. She looks up to see you two and tries to get up.

Rem: yang. Don't leave... Please...

Yang looks back with tears in her eyes.

Yang: Why not?

(y/n): Because Brett is on his way for one thing. But also because we believe you didn't do it.

Yang: But Everyone else doesn't. What's the point!?

Rem: There will be a way we can prove you didn't do it. I don't know how but I know there is a way.

Yang; That's only wishful thinking.

(y/n): What about your sister? Do you doubt Ruby?

Yang looks to you in surprise before falling to the ground crying harder. As you and Rem were about to comfort her though, Brett ran in.

Brett: Thank you guys. This means a lot.

Yang: Brett.

She runs to his arms and begins to cry. Ironwood looks a little sad at what he is doing but walks out and motions for you and Rem to get out too.

(y/n): Well then let's go watch Pyrrha fight. I'm sure her match with Penny will be amazing.

Rem: Who is Penny?

(y/n): A friend of me and Rubies.

Rem: Ah okay!

You two walk out and get back to the arena. You look around but none of team RWBY is there.

(y/n): Hey. Where is the rest of RWBY?

Rem: That's really odd. You would think they would be here to watch Pyrrha. Even the rest of team JNPR are gone right now.

(y/n): I'm assuming Ren and Nora got pancakes. Maybe Jaune is with Ruby?

Rem: That makes sense.

(y/n): Well lets hope this fight turns out well and the teams come back to watch.

The fight begins with you and Rem looking at it in awe. The styles they were using were great. Penny was being more defensive but had some offensiveness to her. Pyrrha though was playing offense while being very cautious. Once Peny started to summon more swords from her back though you got a sudden vision.

(y/n): Nnnngggghh!

Rem: What's wrong (y/n)?

All you see for the split second was Salem glaring at you, before it just as quickly vanished. You start to sweat and get clammy hands.

(y/n0: I'm... I'm fine. I just got queasy for some reason.

Rem: Are you dehydrated?

(y/n): No I( have had enough water. It ju-

Before you finish there is a scream. You both look back to the battlefield only to see Pyrrha get hi back and disarmed by penny. Penny then raises her swords and launch them at her.

Rem: Why does Pyrrha looks scared and surprised?

(y/n): I see what you mean. I don't actually know.

Pyrrha then uses her semblance to launch the swords back to Penny only for them to cut her body and tear her apart before she can react to anything. Everyone gasps n shock at not only what Pyrrha did but the fact Penny is a robot.

Rem: She was a robot the entire time!? And why would Pyrrha do that!?

(y/n): P-Pyrrha?

You and Rem look to each other before a red light turns on around the arena and the broadcast turns red.

???: This... Is not a tragedy. This... was NOT an accident. This is what happens when you hand over your trust, your safety, your children to men who claim to be our guardians. But all in reality. They are nothing more than men. Our academies headmasters wield more power than most armies. And one was bodacious enough to claim both. They claim to use this power for peace. And yet what do we have here? One nations attempt to make a synthetic army, mercilessly torn apart by another's star pupil. What mean does Atlas have with a soldier disguised as a innocent little girl? I don't think the grim m can tell the difference.

(y/n): What!? What does she mean by tha-

You look up to see a nevermore flying towards the dome.

(y/n): Look out!!!!

Everyone looks up and scream as it tries to penetrate the arena. The speech goes on ending with "so I ask you. Who do you think you can trust?"

Right after the feed and communications is shut down the alarm goes off.

"Alert: Incoming Grimm attack. Threat level 9."

Rem: What!? But that means that almost everyone has been afraid this entire time!

(y/n): It make sense! After seeing what happened with Yang and now this! Rem! We need to defend these people before the grimm get in!

Sun: A nevermore!?

Coco: How did it get past the kingdoms defenses!?

Ren: it wasn't alone.

You and Rem get up before seeing the rest of team JNPR get up from other seats across the stage with CVFY.

(y/n): Let's hook up with them!

You two get up and move over the seats and guard rails.

:warning! Safety barrier is failing!"

Rem: That thing is going to get through!

(y/n): You got your weapon?

Rem: Of course!

You look to see Jaune try to snap Pyrrha out of her shock and disbelief before the nevermore slams down sending you and everyone else flying a few feet back.

(y/n): Attack!

You pull out Vile as the nevermore was about to attack Pyrrha. The bullets drag its attention before Ruby rushes in stabbing it and running back to Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: ruby?

Ruby: Leave her alone!

The nevermore flew around however weapon crates landed on it and killing it. You all look around to see team JNPR and CFVY as well as the other participating teams with their weapons out.

Yatsuhashi: We fight!

Pyrrha: ruby! I-

Pyrrha begins to cry You all look to her with a tint of sadness.

Pyrrha: I'm so sorry... I had no idea she was...

(y/n): Pyrrha. We know you would never purposely do that to an ally and a friend. Something was messing with you. It isn't a coincidence either.

Ruby: It was Mercury and Emerald.

You all look to ehr in surprise.

Velvet: What? How do you know?

Ruby: I saw it all myself. Mercury fought me distracting me before they escaped.

Jaune: then we know our enemy. All we need to do now is just find them.

There were a few loud roars when you look up to see multiple griffons appearing and ursa and beowulf's coming from the halls.

Rem: What? How did they get in?

???: Well well well. It looks like its my time to shine as well.

You look over to see your dad walking to one of the guard rails as three Ursa charge towards him.

Jaune, ruby: Move1 Rub away!

(y/n): No worries you guys, he's got this.

They look to you confused for a moment before looking back to your dad and seeing him place his hand on the guard rail as his green aura appears around him. It takes a minute before the metal of the guard rail forms around his body, moving up his arm and surrounding his face before covering her chest and waist and arms and legs.

The first Ursa gets close to him but his arm formed into a sword and he stabs it through their mouth before shoving the dissolving body off. The next one gets close but his other arm forms into a bowl shaped object with sharp jagged pieces of metal sticking out before he shoots it out like a shotgun killing the second. The third opens its mouth and swallows him. Everyone but you and Rem freak out before spikes stab through the body and bursts with your father coming out after having formed spikes around him.

Father: Wel? What are we waiting for? Let's help these kids get out of here!

He jumps down and runs into the stadium with you before you start fighting the griffons and making your way to the airships. You see Ironwood put up an amazing fight against a beowulf before entering his ship.

Ironwood: You have two choices. Either fight for the kingdom. Or escape. No one will fault you if you do.

He then walks off.

Father: Okay kids! If we want to defend we need to get to Beacon And protect who we can at the school!

You all file into an airship and begin to fly down. However Ruby and her friend run off and jump back to the arena.

Rem: ruby!!!! No!!!!

(y/n): What is she doing!?

Before you can guess you see her hop onto one of the crates and blast off to the ship commandeered by Roman.

(y/n): Actually. That's really smart! I can't believe I never thought of that before!

Rem: (y/n)! Where do you think the rest of RWBY is?

(y/n): All of them are down in the city. We know that Yang is in Beacons because that's where she was kept. However She could have run off.

Rem: We will find them@!

(y/n): Rem...

She looks back to you seeing the worry and fear in your face.

Rem: (y/n). I know this is bad but i pro-

(y/n0: Rem. I need... a favor of you...

Rem looks to you confused.

Rem: Anything for my brother. Just spit it out.

You look to her before looking down at your hands.

Rem: What are you... Wait!? No! You can't be serious!

(y/n): I don't know if we will make it out alive Rem. So I need you to take this and my semblance.

You hold out a buzzer to her. She looks at it before pushing your hand away.

Rem: no! I don't want to lose you!

(y/n): Rem! There are two things that could happen. If you don't take my semblance then I could die! Along with many other people! But If you do and I activate it before you do, then I can keep living. Either way we won't be able to see each other for a long time if ever. But at least I can keep living.

Rem:(y/n) I...

(y/n): Rem. This is our only choice. This buzzer will go off and tell you when I'm ready to use it.

Rem begins to cry a little as you hold her.

Father: I know what you two are thinking.

You look up to your dad and see a stern look on his face.

Father: However. It is your choice. Are you sure you want to do this (y/n)?

You look back to your hands for a moment hesitating before looking back to him with determination.

(y/n): I've made my choice.

Father: Then we will see what happens. I hope the worst doesn't happen. However... If it does. Just know we love you son.

The three of you get into a group hug before you tear up a little. After a few minutes you land in Beacon and see that Blake is fighting white fang before running to the cafeteria. You look to the left as you get off and see Atlas soldiers shooting down and killing one of the students on the ground.

(y/n) no... Why are they attacking us!?

Father: Just don't look at it now. Do the best you can to ignore the fighting. We can figure it out later.

You nod before looking back to Rem and holdng out your hand before forming a wall from your semblance.

(y/n): Are you ready?

Rem: Ready as I'll ever be.

She then steps up and places her hand on the wall before breathing in deeply and releasing her golden aura. The wall is then surrounded by it creating a beautiful display. Once she is done her hands leave and the wall disappears.

Rem: You can still use it. But once I use it, you won't be able to get this back.

(y/n): I'll only use it as a last case scenario.

You two then split up. You looking for Weiss while Rem helps fight the Atlas robots and paladins.


???: You are just going to leave? And let this place be destroyed? Let your students die!

Ozpin turns around to see Led standing in the window.

Ozpin: And why are you here?

Led: Because these people need our help!

Ozpin: Since when did the overseer of this world begin to care for the wellbeing of others and save people?

Led: quite a while actually. Before you were reincarnated as of now and also since my metal was taken from me by that witch!

Ozpin: We are both victims of her plans. You know. You could help the fall maiden.

Led: If it is to aid you and your plans for this world then no! Only to help these people. I know you do care for them Ozpin. And I know you do want to make this world better and get rid of warmongering and aggression. But your plan to do that will only make everyone your puppet! You won't be any better than Salem like that!

Ozpin: But it will get what we both want.

Led: Not what I want. Only what you want. And if you do get close to that goal then I will become your enemy.

Ozpin: Are you threatening me?

Led: I won't join Salem but I won't let you get away with it either.

Before Ozpin can say anything else, Led vanishes into smoke.

Ozpin: Good luck Led. We will need it for this story.

(hopefully you get the hints for my Led story there. XD)


As you were looking for Weiss there was a thumping. You look up to see the mountain in the distance before a giant claw comes out of it.

(y/n): What!? There is a giant dragon grimm here!? And Ozpin didn't say anything!!!!???

Everyone gets ready to fight however as Pyrrha is with her team she notices Ozpin and Genocide with him.

Rem: What!? What's Genocide doing here!? How!?

Father: I don't think it is as big a deal. If Genocide is standing with Ozpin then that means he is reformed. (Glad to see my nephew is awake. I still wish I could have helped my sister and brother in law though. Please forgive me for not taking him into my arms)

(a hint i left a few times in my beacons assassin story that no one got. Or atleast pointed out. XD)

Everyone starts to fight the paladins and Atlas robots. The struggle was hard but when things got dire Rubies other friends jumped in and took down two of the paladins charging everyone.

???: Let's get going. We need to escape.

Rem Started to go to one of the airships with everyone else when she heard a scream.

Rem: What was that!?

She looked over to see where the scream came from only to see Cardin pinned down by a Grimm.

Rem: No!

She runs over and uses the chains to wrap around the grimms neck. It struggle sand begins to choke before swinging and launching Rem in the air. She lands on a lamp post before jumping back at it. She uses the chains to trap its food to the ground before pulling and tripping it. Making it Roll off Cardin. He grabs his Mace and strikes it on the face knocking a tooth out. It looks to him and growls before a sword is stuck in its mouth going to its brain as it fades away. He looks up to see Rem smiling and holding out her hand.

Cardin: Th-Thanks...

Rem: No problem.

She pulls him up and the two run to the next airship before it takes off.

Rem: Oh brother... Please be okay.

Father: It's (y/n) we are talking about. He can handle it.

Rem: I'm sure he can. I just don't want to lose him, I have lost too much already.

Father: We all have.

He hugs her from behind as the city gets more grimm in it from the dragon.


You keep running until you hear a loud grunt. You look over to the grim statue and see Weiss on the ground with many robots and a paladin surrounding her pointing their guns.

(y/n): Weiss!!!!!

She looks up in surprise before tears grow in her eyes.

Weiss: (y/n)!

You run over and activate your semblance creating a small barrier protecting you from the gun fire.

Weiss: how are we getting out of here!?

(y/n0 I don't know but I'll find a way!

After you say that there is a gunshot and one of the soldiers is destroyed. You look to a cliff and see an airship there.

Weiss: Yes! They have co-

She stops in her tracks as she looks in shock.

(y/n): Weiss what is it!?

You look back to the ship to see the Schnee dust company symbol on it.

(y/n): Oh...

You barrier disappears as the robots and paladins are destroyed. The bay doors open and Jacques Schnee walks out with his own personal guards. Weiss looks u and stares at him as he walks towards her, you do the same.

Jacques: My daughter! I was so so worried!

He begins to run up to her but she stands there looking a little angry.

Jacques: Is something wrong!? We need to get out of here!

Weiss: Thanks for coming for me dad1 But I'll only go if you protect the others here and save my friend.

Jacques looks at you and then back to Weiss.

Jacques: Is this your friend? I'm sure I can save him, If he pays back the debt of saving him.

Weiss; No!~ He already saved me! Multiple times! If anything we owe him!

Jacques: That can't be right. We are paying our debts to him by saving him. Then he pays one more debt to us. Maybe working in a factory my boy?

He walks to you smiling and offering you several thousand Lien.

(y/n): I'd rather die than work for you again.

Jacques: What did you say boy!?

Weiss: I'm not going without (y/n)! He is coming with us!

Jacques: Weiss. Look, I can help him a little and only because you insist. I love and care for my daughter.

He was about to place a hand on her cheek before she slapped his hand away. He looks surprised to her before looking angry.

Weiss: No! I know what you are trying to do! And it won't work on me anymore!

Jacques: Don't make me do this Weiss1

His guards start to walk up to her before you step in and activate Saber.

Jacques: Are you threatening me master huntsman?

(y/n): i'm just defending my girlfriend!

Jacques: Girlfriend!? You took my daughter away!?

Jacques was about to pull out a weapon to attack you but Ironwood walks up to the ship.

Jacques: Ironwood!? What are you doing here!? Don't you have your own ship!

Ironwood: i was shot down. And so I need to get back with yours. I won't commandeer it though.

Jacques: Who are you trying to take with you!?

You look over and see Emerald following behind him with a few soldiers. Her hands are cuffed behind her back.

Weiss: E-Emerald!? What are you doing here? Why are you bound?

Emerald: I'm sorry Weiss. I'm behind this.

Weiss; What!?

She looks sad as Emerald does too.

Emerald: I was thinking on how I'd enjoy seeing this, but I don't. I was always annoyed by you and your friends. I still am. However I lost mine and have nothing else to do. I was lucky to be spares.

(y/n0: What do you mean?

Emerald: Genocide killed my friends and turned me into Ironwood. I'm lucky to even be alive.

Weiss begins to cry slightly after learning that.

Weiss; Why!? Why did you do this.

Emerald: I'm sorry...

She turns back and looks away follwing Ironwood into the ship.

Jacques: Well now Weiss. We only have room for a few more people. Your boyfriend has to stay.

Weiss: No! I'm still not leaving without him.

(y/n): Weiss... Plea-

Weiss; No!

Before anything else can happen the grimm dragon flies up and shoots fire breathe at you. You jump back from the attack as the ground beneath you falls. Weiss loses her balance before you grab her by the skirt from the ground in between you and Jacques falls.

Jacques: Weiss!

Ironwood: You need to get back sir! We can't wait any longer!

He looks to Ironwood before getting picked up by one of his guards and taken to the airship. As it is taking off the dragon comes back and attacks again.

(Iy/n): Weiss! We need to go!

You grab her hand and start to run back to Beacon. Most of the grimm are occupied with searching the school grounds to see you, or eating the remains of humans and faunus including white fang.

Weiss: (y/n)! What are we going to do!?

(y/n): The only thing we can do. Survive.

Weiss: How!? We are trapped here! With many grimm let alone a dragon! Our chances are-

(y/n): Never give me the odds!

You take her into the main building avoiding more grimm before running out and to the dorms.

Weiss; Are we going to our dorms!?

(y/n): Its the only safe place I can think of.

Weiss; How do you know it is safe!?

(y/n): I don't. We will only find out.

She covers her mouth to cry silently as she follows you. You sneak past some grimm before entering the building. Once you get inside there are only a few grimm lurking around. There are some student bodies littered across the ground.

(y/n): Don't look Weiss.

She covers her eyes before covering her mouth to stop herself from throwing up. After a few flights of stairs you finally enter her room and close the window and shades as well as lock the door and unknown to her you activate two barriers in front of the door and window so nothing can get in.

Weiss: (y/n)...

You look back to her and hold her as she sobs.

(y/n): Weiss... This is bad. I don't know what to do.

Weiss; What will we do?

(y/n0: I don't know. How it looks now. We won't get help.

Weiss; What!?

(y/n): I'm sorry Weiss. But we need to work together to get out of here.

Weiss; How can I help?

She softly cries in your chest. You feel her tears get your shirt wet as you stroke her head.

(y/n): Just pay attention to me and do as I say. But for now we need to rest.

Weiss; How? How can we rest in a situation like this?

(y/n): I can use some of my emblance to protect us. Right now there is a barrier in this room, so no grimm can get in.

Weiss: And we can get out of here?

(y/n): I promise I will get us out of here.

She removes her head from your chest and looks up to you with tear still running down her face.

Weiss; Don't make a girl a promise... If you know you can't keep it...

(y/n): I keep my promises Weiss. And this one I will make sure to keep. Otherwise this entire world could die.


Salem: The remains of a once strong city. One of the most strongest and protected in the world. The shining Beacon now gone from some people's arrogance to see an attack and some failures to do their duties. In times like this, humans muster up all their fear and strength to make one last stand. Human nature is to fight to the death. Only accept it once there is nothing left to do. I respect humans for their courage and strength. But their stupidity and obliviousness will be their downfall. And I intend to snuff it all out. Now my Grimm. Find the relic and give to me what I deserve. Because with it I can not only take over this world. But I can also take over the other worlds in this universe.

???: What's with the monologuing highness?

Salem: It's something I do. Now Tyrain.

Tyrain: Yes Highness?

Salem: Find the maiden and the red hooded girl. I need their power.

Tyrain bows before hopping off a building near the outskirts of the city. Salem then looks to Adam and Hazel.

Salem: I want you two to go to the leader of the white fang and get her to join us. Kill anyone who gets in your way.

Adam: Oh it will be done mistress. Haha. I'm coming for you Blake.

Hazel: Let's hope no one has to die for this.

Salem: And doctor Watts.

Watts: Yes Ma'am?

Salem: I want you here with me. I need to create some things for my plans to come to fruition.

Watts: I will gladly help you with your inventions.

The two of them then walk off and follow the Grimm to Beacon tower.

Salem: Its a shame my maiden and her puppets failed me. Cinder had more use to her. But oh well. Sacrifices need to be made.


Oh my gosh!!!! I'm so glad I got this chapter done. I'm so sorry it took me so long. This was supposed to be done months ago! I do hope you enjoy this chapter and what it brought.

PS: I dedicate this chapter to Anthony "Tony" Bourdain. He was an amazing man who changed me and my families lives with his shows. It's sad to see he is gone from this world. I am however glad that he is much happier wherever he may be now. I also find it absolutely amazing how long he fought the demons he had with those suicidal thoughts and getting over addiction.

May he rest in Peace.

If anyone has suicidal thoughts, Please. Reach out and get help. I know a lot of people with those thoughts think there is no turning back and there is no help, or they fear what may happen when they tell others. But they never want to commit suicide. They just can't think of anything else to help them.

If you ever have those thoughts. Please reach out for help. Even me if you wish. I will be there to listen and I'd do my best to help. Getting help from a professional or family is always the best option though.

If any of you have those thoughts please reach out to the suicide hotline. It is up 24 hours a day and they have thousands of people to help you with just one call or a few clicks of a button.

Suicide hotline number:


Thank you so much for reading this and I can't wait to see your reactions to my next chapters.

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