You're My Freedom

By HipstuhhLouis

485K 15.9K 3.5K

Yup no one likes me. I'm a burden but hey, I'm smart and I've got a future ahead of me. When I'm 18 I plan on... More



10.6K 460 37
By HipstuhhLouis

Madison's POV

I began to wake up from my slumber. Looking around the room there were orange walls around me. I sat up and touched my eye. It was throbbing and the feeling was so unfamiliar I pulled away. I'm screwed! I bet it's already too late to even show up for school.

I swung my legs over the bed. On the table there was a pack of gum next to a lamp. I opened the pack and took a piece of gum, my breath most probably stinks right now. The white bed sheets smelled fresh and oddly familiar. I stood up and I felt a bit light headed. After I regained my balance I made my way to the door.

"I told you not to get into fights with her brother. You're screwing yourself over Zayn" Was that Niall?

"Shut up, you don't even understand half the bullshit that goes on" Zayn replied.

I walked through the halls that were leading to the voices. I peeked from behind a wall and watched them argue.

The living room was beautiful with paintings on the walls that must have costed thousands and thousands of cash.

"First you were the one telling me to get away from her because he was going to get mad. Now it's you that needs to distance yourself from her" Niall voice was loud and strong.

Niall's words reminded me of the time when I was eavesdropping on Zayn's phone conversation at school when he walked out on class. "I don't care he's going to get mad at you. Stop hanging out with her"

So Zayn was talking on the phone with Niall that day.

"You don't get it, I'll go see if she's awake" My eyes widdened and I gave a cough to let them know I was here.

I walked into the living room rubbing the eye that wasn't swollen.

"Madison you're awake" Niall got up from his position on the couch.

"Hey Niall" I sighed.

He came over to me and guided my to sit on the couch. I took his hand and I sat down on the couch.

"I thought we were going to someone to check us out?" I looked over at Zayn. He had scratches and bruises on his face and his nose was bandaged. Wait what?

"Niall checked the both of us" He simply replied.

"What?" I put my hand on my head.

"Niall knows how to deal with broken noses, a black eye and anything bloody honestly" Zayn answered back.

"Oh" I simply replied and looked away from him.

"Mitchell gave you a broken nose?" Zayn sat next to me.

"It's okay I'm sure he got it worse" He flashed a proud smile but, I frowned.

Mitchell is still part of my family and he was only trying to protect me and that doesn't give Zayn the right to have that smug look.

"Sorry" Zayn said and pursed his lips into a thin line.

I sighed not knowing what to say and I glanced back over at Niall who had his arms crossed over his chest.

"My eye really hurts when I blink" I told Niall.

"There is a lot of bruising and it's really swollen. It shouldn't hurt by the tomorrow but it's still going to be black and blue" He said as he touched my eye.

"It's not throbbing as much anymore and you had a concussion but luckily it wasn't too bad" He pulled away.

"Thanks" I fumbled with my fingers afraid to touch the corner of my forehead.

"Zayn what we're going to tell me yesterday?" I had the guts to ask him.

He looked over at Niall and Niall gave him a look before walking out of the room. Zayn deeply sighed.

"I shouldn't tell you" He finally said.

"What?" I adjusted myself on the couch to look at him better.

"I can't tell you" He repeated and looked away.

"Why not? Y-you said, why did Mitchell get mad?" I asked him.

"I really can't tell you and I shouldn't have to your home to tell you" He told me.

"You bipolar little bitch! First you tell me that you need to tell me something and then you fight my brother over it. You're so fucking screwed up and I left Mitchell all by himself to go with you, you jerk!" I was off the couch now and poking at his chest.

"He punched you in the face" He frowned.

"Well...If it weren't for you it wouldn't have happened" I raged.

"You're saying it's my fault your brother lost his shit and hit you? Just letting you know I have no control over his actions" He shrugged his shoulders.

"I hate you! You're I don't care about anything act is disgusting, you play with my feelings and you just expect me too ugh" I stomped away to the front door.

Once I opened the door I realized I had no idea where I was. I didn't even have a way to get home.

"I can take you home if you want" Zayn finally got up off the couch.

The whole car ride was silent and all I could think of why would Zayn not tell me. I bet it's not even a big deal and he's just trying to get me mad.

When we finally arrived at my house I didn't even wait a second to get out of the car. I slammed his door and walked as quickly as possible to the entrance.

To my surprise the door was unlocked. I twisted the door knob and walked inside. I gently shut the door and looked around, the place looked much much cleaner.

I walked into the living room and found Mitchell sleeping on the couch. His hand was hanging out and he looked exhausted.

I slowly tapped his cheek to wake up and he stirred in his sleep.

"Mitchell" I whispered.

"Mitchell it's me" I tapped him again.

He opened his eyes and waited for them to adjust to the light.

"Madison?" He yawned.

"Oh my god" He shouted out before embracing me in a hug.

He held me so tight and his face was nuzzled in my neck. I almost fell back. He pulled away but his arms were still around my back.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to Madison. I didn't mean to" He kept repeating.

"I forgive you Mitchell, I'm sorry I left" I explained.

" in the world did you get the place so clean?" I asked him.

"Yeahh... there is once slight problem for the both of us, our parents are going to be here soon" He gave a nervous smile.

"What?!" I shot straight up.

"They are coming home early" He said.

Oh my god, my eye! What is mum going to say? Mitchell looks really beat up too. I rushed back and forth on the living room. 

The house is clean that's good. I have all A's in class, maybe a couple B's in some work but that won't be such a big problem.

"Calm yourself,  I planned everything" Mitchell stood up.

"You did?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yea of course. Just say that you were so busy running around the house trying to take care of me when I was 'sick' and you opened a cabinet too fast which hit your eye" He explained.

"Not bad at all" I beamed.

"But what about you?" I asked him.

"I'll Just say I got in a fight, no big deal" He said.

"Okay, okay good. Everything is good" I started nodding my head.

"When are they coming?" I asked him.

"Most probably.." He looked at his watch. "In thirty minutes" He cringed.


It's only been five minutes since they got here and I want them to leave already. Robert embraced Mitchell in a short man hug, but my mum. Oh god so help me.

She squished me until no air reached into my lungs. She gave me the biggest smile and I realized I would have wanted this months before when she barely paid attention to me, but now I know being ignored isn't too bad.

"We've missed you both so much" My mum practically squealed.

"You have only been gone for two weeks now. Why are you here?" Mitchell asked his usual rude remark.

Although this time I couldn't agree more with him. Why are they back so soon?

"Well we did everything that had to be done at the moment and the break was acceptable" Robert answered.

"So wait, you're going back?" I asked.

"Yes of course, the month isn't up yet" Mum said.

Mitchell and I quickly glanced at each other and we tried to hide our happy faces. I coughed nervously trying to cover up my smirk.

Mitchell and I grabbed some take out from a restaurant before they got here and lucky for us, Mitchell knew someone who worked there who got us the food quickly.

Mum and Robert their seats and so did we. She hasn't asked about my eye since I applied ten pounds of makeup on my face and they didn't even bother ask about Mitchell about him.

The plates were already in front of them and they could serve themselves.

"So Madison how's school I haven't had time to ask Mrs.Landon about your studies" She started the conversation.

"Oh no need, I'm doing fine. Everything is well" I took a sip of water.

"I'm still going to do it anyway. I haven't spoken to Mrs.Landon in a while" She smiled.

Mrs.Landon was the school's coordinator for advance classes. She's the lady my mum makes spy on me.

"And Mitchell how's your face? Should I even ask?" His dad asked and I snickered but recovered.

"Well you kind of just did, didn't you?" He gave a smug look and raised his eyebrow.

"Only trying to communicate with my one and only son who seems to shut me out" He smiled and the room got hotter.

Mitchell stopped chewing and stared at him. I had a feeling he was thinking of things to reply to him but he kept his mouth shut.

"So...When are you leaving?" I gave an innocent smile.

"Not long" She smiled.

"When 'not long'?" I asked.

"Saturday" Robert answered.

That's not far from now. It's kind only Thursday so just two days. I think I can handle that.

"How are you feeling Mitchell? Weren't you feeling under the weather? I know you weren't in school today and neither were you may I add" My mum looked at me.

"I-I-I thought you haven't talked to Mrs.Landon in a while" I stupidly stuttered.

"Yeah not her but, I have my ways you don't need to know about, so answer my question" She was serious.

She's going to find out! I tried not to panic and slow my breathing but, I could not stop my heart from beating so quickly.

I looked at Mitchell hoping he would answer it instead of me.

"No. No, we weren't I'm school. I'm feeling a lot better than I did before but, Madison insisted I stay home and watch me. I also wouldn't want to get all the other kids at school sick now, would I?" Mitchell answered before serving himself a spoonful of corn.

"How did you get yourself beat up if you were ill?" Mum kept going.

And she made complete sense. She had caught our fault. Now she's really going to find out. Mitchell was quiet and I couldn't move a muscle.

"Well well, what is this about? What is the real reason you weren't in school?" Robert frowned.

Everything is going to slip out now, the brownies, the drinks, the fight. I need to think of something.

Oh my god.

"Cramps" I mouthed to Mitchell when mum and Robert were looking at each other. "What?" He mouthed back. "Cramps!" I mouthed again, a little slower for him to understand. "Cramps?" I nodded and Robert glanced at me and I played it off as stretching my neck.

"My god you guys are always thinking we do some kind of stupid shit! You just came back and now your interrogating us like you guys are police! All I did was take care of Mitchell! Why do you always second guess what we do? My goodness Mitchell wasn't even in a fight he fell down the stairs when he was sick, you inconsiderate ugh!" I slammed my hands on the table making everything clatter.

I then pressed my hand against my black eye so hard tears started forming. I blinked rapidly until some tears were going down my cheeks. The makeup was going to run so why not bring up the eye now. Better now than later, right?

"And all I did was try to be helpful and I gave myself a black eye trying to rush around the house and you guys just accuse us of something like this!" I shout before running out of the dinning room and running up the stairs.

I ran up to my room and opened and slammed the door as hard as I could. I think that would convince them. Hopefully Mitchell will understand what I had meant by cramps and explain because if he doesn't well I'm going to get in trouble for cursing at them and throwing a tiny tantrum.

I didn't actually enter my room and I quietly tiptoed near the staircase so I could here what they were going to react.

"What was that?" I heard Robert say and I stifled a laugh.

"You both set her off, she was PMSing gosh! Clueless! I lost my appetite" I heard him say.

I saw him go up the stairs and I stopped him. I had the biggest smile on my face and so did he.

"You did amazing" He let out a low chuckle.

"Thanks" I held my hand up and we highfived.

281 days until I'm 18


Hey guys I finally updated! Woo hoo! A lot of things happened in this chapter. What do you think is going to happen between her and Zayn? It seemed pretty serious... who do you think is right anyway. Zayn or Madison? :p

(Next chapter within the week)

-Anna xx

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