The Harpercops Incredible Adv...

By AdventureGirl5

28.6K 477 551

Kali is researching for a school project about an uncovered case of missing superheroes banned fifteen years... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 1

4.7K 55 34
By AdventureGirl5

"Okay, this may seem a bit odd to you cause the adventure kids are just your normal average everyday kids" Kali's voice began to narrate for the readers. 

"But this is the one time we were superheroes with super powers! The purpose wasn't to be weird or anything. But for this...."

It was just like any other normal day at the Metroville high school. 

In one room, the students were giving out their class presentations. Their topic was "What they think makes the world a better place". 

"And so in prosperity, I say the qualities of makeup make the world a much better place" The blonde-hair snobby student, Donna, concluded her presentation while the rest of the class applauded. 

All except for one tomboy of course, who feel asleep halfway through Donna's presentation out of boredom. 

"Thank you, Donna, that was brilliant" The teacher, Miss Hunter smiled while Donna curtsied before taking her seat. 

Miss Hunter then looked at the list to see who's turn it was to give their presentation. 

"Last up is... Kali Harpercop" 

But there was no responses as the classroom was quiet, with the students staring blankly at the chalkboard in front of them. 

"Miss Harpercop?... Miss Harpercop!" The teacher raised her voice a little, getting the female student's attention.

Now, teenaged, longtime adventure girl Kali was distracted for a moment, talking to her friend who had long black hair and a headband. The tomboy grabbed her presentation sheets and quickly got up from her desk, almost tripping. She walked up to the front of the room.

Kali was obviously NOT the popular kid in school, like her friend who she was just talking to. The other classmates weren't always too interested in her past presentations and stuff. They found the tomboy really.... weird. 

Kali came up to the front of the classroom near the teacher's desk. She took out her papers in front of her and cleared her throat, ready to read her presentation. 

"My presentation topic is all about something that's been gone for nearly 15 years. Something that I really think the world needs again... Superheroes!" 

"Superheroes or 'Supers' have been known all over the world for their crime fighting and protecting the citizens of the community-" Kali started explaining about her presentation topic, until a student with brown hair, Heather, raised her hand and interrupted.

"Wait a minute. Not to be cocky, but I thought superheroes in Metroville were illegal" She said to the formerly shy tomboy.

"Well, yeah, but that was because of the public's despicable opinion to-" Kali tried to explain, before another student, Rodney asked-

"Is it true that all supers have gone into hiding?" 

"Well-" Kali started before she was interrupted again. This time by Donna. 

"How come is it that superheroes were illegal in the first place?" Donna asked all snobby like while looking darkly at the tomboy, thinking she didn't have an answer for that. 

Kali stopped talking for a second as she became lost in thought and soon all of the students leaned forward in their desks, eager to know everything about the banned superheroes in Kali's project.

Kali glanced over at her friend for a second who soon nodded to her. Kali nodded back and gave a smile to her friend, as she was about to tell the whole class a story.

"To better understand about the Supers, we must go back to the beginning. The way beginning..."

Flashback to 15 years earlier~ 

Life in the whole world couldn't be better when you had superheroes protecting the community all over the globe. Some even throughout the known universe and other galaxies. There were many superheroes with all kinds of powers from all over the world. Including the famous Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Iron Man, Captain America, The Hulk, and a billion more. Some were even on a team know as the "Justice League".  

An average 22 year old Walter Harpercop had just gotten off of work and was dressed in a fancy black tux, on his way to a wedding of a good friend of his.

When suddenly, Walter heard the sounds of gunshots and looked to see a police-pursuit across the street from him. He was about to go after it, but looked to see that Mr Incredible had this one handled.

Walter knew all the local superheroes around town. But little did anyone know except his family and friends, Walter had special abilities that he's had to kept secret since his whole life, but loved to put them to good use even if he didn't do it as often as the more popular supers of Metroville.

Walter then heard the sound of someone cry for help. Seeing that the young man had his chance, he screeched his car to a brief stop off to the side of the road. Walter then unzipped his tuxedo suit, which underneath it was another suit that was dark blue with big white streaks across it. It was a superhero suit, as Walter tied on a matching blue mask around his eyes to hide his identity.  

Walter then stopped his car over by an alleyway near the bank, where he saw an old lady getting her purse stolen by a guy wearing a black ski mask. 

"What's going on?" Walter asked while coming out of his car in his super suit, looking serious. 

"Mind your own business, kid!" The thug sneered at the stranger in the blue suit, pulling out a knife.

"This is my business!" Walter glared at the thug, before strangely morphing into a gooey, sticky glob substance that was a magenta like color. 

"What the?..." The thug gasped in shock what he just saw happen right before his eyes. But then he growled and charged at the freaky magenta colored glob with green eyes. 

But before the thug could do any damage, Walter shot some sticky goo from his hands in front of the purse thief thug who slipped in it and fell down on his back hard. Walter then threw a long strain of more goo like a whip out to retrieve the thug's knife from him. 

The purse thief, now horrified of the strange glob man tried to run, when Walter launched some more goo from his hands at the thug's feet, causing him to fall over and get stuck in the extremely sticky goo. Walter then morphed back into his superhuman self and gave the old lady back her purse. 

"Oh, thank you kind sir" The old lady smiled to the superhero in the blue suit. 

"I'm just here to help" Walter smiled back at the old lady and nodded.  

Walter then quickly fled the scene as the police soon arrived to arrest the purse thief and take him away. Although Walter never gave out his own superhero name, plus hardly used his sticky goo like powers other than to only help people when needed, earning him the superhero nickname by the public, "The Goo Clinger".

Later that night at the church, Walter was sitting in the pew next to his girlfriend Jane, along with the rest of the guests, who just happened to all be superheros.

The procession was suppose to start twenty minutes ago, but the groom was late. Walter wasn't surprised though since a lot of crazy stuff had happened today, especially with the super villain Bon Voyage.

Walter looked down at his watch, when Bob Parr, AKA Mr Incredible soon walked in. Walter gave Bob a playful, scowling look in a teasing way as he walked by and up next to his future wife, Helen Thurax, AKA Elastigirl.

The procession soon got underway. Walter watched, when his girlfriend Jane leaned her head on his shoulder, sighing in that way to show she was in love with him. 

"When's it gonna be our turn? With you and me walking down that aisle" she teased while smiling dreamily up at her boyfriend. 

Walter blushed slightly while he chuckled, as he had been thinking about marrying Jane for awhile now. He then looked, as Bob and Helen were having their own conversation while whispering during the procession. 

"Robert Parr, will you have this woman to be your lawful wedded wife, so long as you both shall live?" The priest asked, finally getting to the good part. 

"I do" Bob then said while looking at Helen. 

"I now pronounce this couple husband and wife" The priest proclaimed.  

Bob and Helen then kissed while everyone applauded. Jane and Walter couldn't be happier for them.

"As long as we both shall live, no matter what happens" Helen told her new husband.  

"Hey come on, we're superheroes" Bob said to his new bride. "What could happen?"

However, in the next few weeks a lot of things did happen for the Supers. On nearly every radio and TV channel as the news announced...

"In a stunning turn of events, a superhero is being sued for saving someone who apparently didn't want to be saved. The plaintiff, Oliver Sansweet, who was foiled in his attempted suicide by Mr. Incredible, has filed suit against the famed superhero in Superior Court. Five days later, another suit was filed by the victims of the el-train accident. Incredible's court losses cost the government millions. And opened the flood gates for dozens of superhero lawsuits the world over. Under tremendous public pressure, and the crushing financial burden of an ever mounting series of lawsuits, the government quietly initiated the superhero relocation program. The supers will be granted amnesty from responsibility for past actions, in exchange for the promise to never again resume hero work. Where are they now? They are living among us. Average citizens, average heroes. Quietly and anonymously continuing to make the world a better place..."

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