Stung & Employed By The Wasp

By blackveilsinwhite

37.1K 1K 1.4K

Freshly out of highschool, newly 18 year old Zoey is desperate to find a place where she fits in. However bei... More

Beginning of The End
A Connection To What I Need and Want
The Walk Through
We Have a Huge Misunderstanding
This Is Worse Than I Thought
The Harder You Fight, The Further You'll Fall
Do Not Fuck This Up
Meet The Rest of Our Crew
A Crazy Coincidence
I Knew You
We Need To Talk
45 Days Isn't Forever ...
Let's Leave The Past in The Past
I Just Want Her To Be Happy, That's All
Testing & Teasing Ms. Blake
20 Questions
Tranquility in Unsuspecting Places
Back To Where It All Began
Just a Taste
I've Been Stung By The Wasp
Bad Girls Don't Get Dessert
The Babysitter ~ Part 1
The Babysitter ~ Part 2
Two Dynamic Duos
Eternally His
I've Fallen In Love
Meet The Parents
One Last Gift
Welcome To The Family
Innocence Is Subjective

Let Me Call Your Bluff

975 32 3
By blackveilsinwhite

I white-knuckled the wheel as I pushed my car to reach the dangerous speed of 95. My mind was spinning, and my safety in the car wasn't exactly my top priority in this exact moment.

That was a piece of my life that I had tried to toss in the past and leave it there. I was a part of that BDSM dynamic until my life in the real world got destroyed because of it. I lost things and people that I thought I would have until their last breath - boy was I wrong.

The one thing I was sure of right now was that I needed to confirm that Chris was lying to me, there was no way that I had known him before I first saw him at the house Heather had brought me too.

Let's face it, between the handsome face and the body full of tattoos, you couldn't forget someone like that.

I currently was en route to a post office about 50 miles South of where Bernie's motel was, that is where my PO box was, as well as a key from one of the dominants I used to work under that would unlock a storage unit where he had put all of my stuff from the house that I left there.

The drive there went extremely quick, and before I knew it I was walking into the post office.

"Hi, how can I help you?" The clerk asked.

"My name is Zoey Blake, I have a P.O box here, and just need to get a key that's supposed to be in there." I replied.

"Alrighty, I can do that." She told me, turning around, searching all of the names on the boxes.

"Ah, here we go!" She exclaimed, pulling out a key and handing it to me.

"Thank you so much." I thanked her, and quickly ran back out to my car.

When I buckled back in I pulled out my GPS and typed in the address of the storage facility that I had a garage in. As if I hadn't been pissed off enough that I had been brought back into this scene by Heather, I was upset that I now had to revisit stuff that I had hoped I was done with.

Thankfully, the drive to the storage units was a lot quicker than the one to my P.O box. Once I arrived, I pulled up to the main office, showed them my key and quickly drove my car in once the gate momentarily opened.

"Let's get this over with." I groaned, entering the unit.

Dread washed over me when I walked in and saw just how much stuff was in here. Thankfully, it was all neat and in order, but still, there was just so much of it.

I shut the door behind me, and saw that there was a note posted on it.

Zoey - I'm not sure when you will finally make it here - if you ever will, but we ended up needing use your unit for a lot of the extra random things in the house that we had to get rid of when we closed up. I hope you don't mind - feel free to keep anything you may want or need.

Normally that would have pissed me off, but right now that meant that there was more stuff to go through to confirm that there was no way I knew Chris.

I started off pulling boxes from the back of the room, trying to divide them up into boxes I didn't need and ones that may help me some, to my luck everything was labeled really nicely. About an hour later when I had everything sorted, I sat down and started to sift through the first box that was bursting at the seams with photobooks.

Looking through the first few got me nowhere, most of them were of higher ranking members. I was simply a far less prominent person that had worked there, I was more or less there to simply learn and take in as much knowledge as I could to truly explore.

At the bottom though there was a collection of smaller hardcover picture books that were strictly of just one person, and there was one for every employee...even me.

I pulled mine out, looking at every picture carefully making sure I didn't miss anything. There was nothing that stuck out to me as they ranged from pictures of just me on my first day of work there, to me on Halloween in my costume.

I got to the last page, and there was a picture that surprised me with a little bit of happiness.

It was of me and a man that I had become pretty close to when I worked there. All I knew was that he was one of the regular business man that had come through quite often and was friends with the owner of the building. He was respectful, and very kind to me, especially on my first day when I was young at only 18, and fearful that I had made a wrong decision somewhere along the lines to get me working at a BDSM club.

I remembered every conversation we ever had. Our first conversation was the first night I worked there, he had noticed how young I was and took an interest in me. He wanted to assure me that I was in control of what happened, and that I should never let any of these men pressure me to do things I didn't want. Which was rather helpful since I still held firmly to my religious beliefs and wasn't planning on giving my body away to a man until I was married.

Every time that I worked from that first day on, he was there. Always in a fancy suit with his masquerade mask. That wasn't an unusual addition for those men, many of them wanted to keep their identities on the down low. I understood, I didn't want others in my personal life to know that I was into the dynamic, and wanted to learn everything I could about it.

I laughed, for one second I allowed myself to think that Chris was the guy that I had gotten so close to. That would have been fucking crazy, right?

Since the photos hadn't been much of a help to me, I found the other box that was labeled with the phrase 'Sign in'. Now this was going to give me better information hopefully. There were obvious safety issues that could have come up, so as a precaution everyone was made to sign in so that they could easily be identified.

I was able to skip through a lot of the first book since I hadn't started working there a year past when they opened. I got to my first day, and saw that there was 30 names on that list. Compared to some nights where there was 65 + people in attendance, this wasn't too bad to search through.

The only name that started with a C wasn't actually a name at all, it was just a set of initials ~ C.M.

Hmm...well at least that didn't match up with Chris' initials.

I was told it was Chris Cerulli, not C.M which means I could call bullshit on the whole 'I've met you before' thing.

I finished looking through the book, and every single day I worked there was no Chris Cerulli, only a C.M. By the end of my search there was only one more book I came across. This one was far more dusty than the others, and it seemed a lot more hefty. It obviously was a bit more important than the sign in books. Once I brushed off the dust on the cover, I saw that it was actually a book of all of the Dominants that were regulars or direct friends of the owner of the house and their names were at the bottom of each page.

Swiping through the pages I saw many familiar faces (and masquerade masks), until I stopped on the man with the suit and mask who I had allowed myself to get rather close to.

My eyes roamed down the page, and I saw the name.

Chris (Motionless) Cerulli.


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