My Protective Vampire ✓

By bjorghalla

42.1K 1.5K 92

{Book 2 in the Vampire series} Emma is now gone but is she really gone forever? The last thing Emma remember... More

{Chapter 1}
{Chapter 2}
{Chapter 3}
{Chapter 4}
{Chapter 5}
{Chapter 6}
{Chapter 7}
{Chapter 8}
{Chapter 9}
{Chapter 10}
{Chapter 11}
{Chapter 12}
{Chapter 13}
{Chapter 14}
{Chapter 16}
{Chapter 17}
{Chapter 18}
{Chapter 19}
{Chapter 20}
{Chapter 21}
{Chapter 22}
{Chapter 23}
{Chapter 24}
{Chapter 25}
{Chapter 26}
{Chapter 27}
{Chapter 28}

{Chapter 15}

820 40 2
By bjorghalla

|My Protective Vampire|
|Chapter 15|

Today is a new day and I'm going to forget all about the things that happened yesterday, I just have to look at the bright sight of everything and make sure that my life isn't ruined because of one really bad day. When I woke up this morning my throat didn't hurt anymore it was just a little sore but nothing to worry about. And m voice is back and that feels very good. It was a bit weird to not speak for some time but I managed. When I woke up I find a note from Jason on his pillow. I pick it up. On it is written in a very fancy writing:

My little flower don't worry when you wake up. I need to take care of some business and I'm so sorry to tell you that I will be gone all day but Victoria will be there for you for anything you need. ~Jason

I really wish he was here but he has something to do and I don't want to get in his way of whatever he is doing. Besides he has a company to run and because of me he has missed a lot of days of work which reminds me I should start working soon.

When all of this crazy things are over I'm going back to work. I think that all the people who work there probably think I quit or something. I dress myself in something comfortable because I'm not going out today well maybe I'll go to the garden but not in public so it doesn't really matter what I am wearing right now. Victoria is on the phone with someone when I go get myself something to eat. She is not speaking english she is speaking some language that I have no idea what is but I don't want to be rude or anything while she is on the phone so while I eat I try to focus on something else when in reality I am very curious of what language she is speaking and what she is talking about and who she is talking to. The phone call seems intense and she is kind of angry but not yelling but she is also calm but not talking calmly. It is a bit strange if you ask me but this isn't my business so I shouldn't listen to what she is saying. Not like I can understand it since she is talking in another language.

Even after I finish eating she us still on the phone with whoever she is talking to. I'll just leave her while she is still on the phone, I don't want to interrupt her or anything. I go to Shadow. I really want to spend time with him since he is my cat and I don't see him everyday which I am hoping to chance. I'm going to try to visit him every single day at least once and if I can twice or more. I don't want him to feel sad just because I'm not there to visit him. After an half and hour of just petting him and playing with him my phone rings. I answer it. "Hello" I say answering the phone. "Ems" I hear my dad say on the other line. I feel happy tears form in my eyes. It has been so long since I have see or heard from my dad. He probably thinks that I didn't want to visit him or something. Oh my god I had forgot that my dad was in the hospital.

Everything has been so crazy around here that I just forgot all about my dad. What kind of daughter am I? I know for a fact that I am a horrible one"Dad I am so sorry for not visiting you and-" I begin to speak but I am cut off by my dad who chuckles at my worry or at least I think he us chuckling at my worried state right now. "Ems, I know your mother told me everything. My little girl has been so brave, I couldn't be more prouder of you. Sacrificing yourself for the man you love is called true love. Not that I want you to die again but it was beautiful what you did honey" my dad says in to the phone and happy tears run down my cheeks. Not only am I hearing my dad but I'm also hearing that he is proud of me. My whole life I have always wanted to make my parents proud of what I have done with my life since they raised me and made me who I am. I owe them everything for what they did for me. "I knew that we raised you right. But now that you are alive I want you to visit your old dad and bring that fit with you. Me and him need to have a serious talk" he continues.

Why does my dad want to talk to Jason? I don't think they know each other. "All right dad we will visit you as soon as we can I'll let you know. But dad are you really all right?" I ask him, my voice full of worry. It is not my fault that I worry about my dad. I think it just an instinct. It is not like I am going to not worry about my dad because the last time I spoke to he was in the hospital after an car accident. That was also the time where he told me that my mom died. "Honey I'm fine your mother took care of me and nursed me back to health. No reason to worry, remember what I told you when you were little. Your dad is a superman" he tells me and I smile at the memory. When he told me bedtime stories when I was a little girl he always said that he was superman and I'm his little princess that he would always com and save when I'm in danger.

I use to love his stories, my dad's bedtime stories were the best and I wouldn't go to sleep until my dad was sitting on the chair beside my bed and telling me a story. I used to love those times. We both laugh as we are thinking about the memory. I have always wondered how my dad came up with all of these stories. I think that he made them up, he always knew what I wanted to hear. "Well I got to go sweetie but I'll hear from you later" he says. It is sad that we can't talk anymore but I will visit him and mom soon. I just hope that me and Jason can come since there is something going on. "Bye dad and I promise you that I am going to visit you" I tell him. It is the truth, I really want to visit him today since I have nothing else to do but I want Jason to come with me and he is busy with whatever he is doing. "Bye Ems" Dad says before I hang up the phone.

It felt really great to hear my dad's voice again, I really have missed him a lot. I am ashamed of how I forgot about my dad. This isn't how a normal daughter is supposed to be, I was suppose to visit him and take care of him like a good daughter. But I feel like I have failed my dad and my mom because she was the one to take care of him and she had no idea where I was. I'm not really a good daughter am I? Shadow rubs his head against my hand that I am holding the phone and that is what brings me from my sad moment. I smile at him and pet him. He really is the best cat in the world. He makes me smile even if I am sad, kind of like Jason. Jason is always making me smile even if I'm crying and that makes me love him even more. I don't even know if that is possible. Shadow meows and purrs very loud and proudly. I laugh as he demands more petting and I gladly give it to him. The only noise that can be heard in the room is the purring from Shadow.

I have a plan. Tomorrow me and Jason are going to visit my mom and dad and Jason can't say no because I'm telling him that we are going and he needs to listen to me. Besides he needs to do something to make it up to me for not begin with me today so this is just a perfect opportunity. Jason has only met my biological mother and my mom but not my dad or my biological father, he isn't in my life so me neither. I don't even know if I am ever going to meet him, besides Daphne has never once mentioned him so I don't think that he is in her life anymore. I go out of Shadow's room and into the dining room to get myself lunch. I didn't realize that I have been with Shadow for some hours. I was just thinking and petting him that I lost track of time. As I walk through the house I notice that it is completely empty. All the maids work at night except for the ones who cook of course. I barely see them anywhere and I wonder where they stay during the day.

I never see them enter or exit the house so where are they during the day? Maybe I just don't see them leave at the right time or something. Maybe they just arrive when I'm asleep and leave before I wake up but I have no idea. This house is kind of creepy when it is empty, there is only me here and nothing else and it is scaring me. I just want Jason to be with me right now and just put his arms around my body and holds me safely with his strong arms and his touch. When I arrive in the dining room my lunch has already been served on the table. It is a salad but I don't feel like eating much so it is perfect for me right now. I just hope that Jason gets here before dinner because I want to tell that we are going to visit my mom and dad. I don't want to tell him tomorrow so he can't have any plans and go in the morning before I wake up. I eat the salad and when I am finished I go in search for Victoria.

I search everywhere in the house but she isn't here. I guess she left at some point. Maybe it was because she didn't find and didn't have the need to be here anymore or something but I don't know. I'm on my own for now until Jason gets here and I really hope that is soon because begin alone in this huge house is very creepy. And I don't exactly feel comfortable in a house that is freaking me out right now since I am all alone here. It is a good thing that there is still light from the outside which mean that the day will soon come to an end since the time is after twelve and it will be even more scarier when the dark comes. Jason needs to come home soon before the night comes. And now that I have nothing to do I just want him to be with me right now. I'm very bored at petting Shadow all day. Don't get me wrong I love with everything but my hands are kind of hurting for petting him. It is fun to pet and play with him for some time but not all day.

I go the room that me and Jason slept in last night because I really don't want be in our room right now ever since it happened. And I'm not going to think about it because if my mind starts thinking about it then I'll become sad and start crying. I have nothing to do so I just take a quick nap and I lay down on the bed. The bed feels very empty without Jason by my side holding me close to him and me cuddling him. I can't even last one day without Jason by my side and I really miss him. I need him. I can't even relax and take a nice nap now since he isn't here. It is really not fun to be here in an empty house all by myself and no Jason to keep me safe. Even a nap isn't working for me so I need to find something else to do while I wait for Jason and I know that I am going to give him the biggest hug ever and I'm going to hug him for a very long time when he gets back which I really hope is soon. I feel like I am going to go crazy without Jason.

Is this how Jason felt when he thought that I had died forever? Because I don't know what I'd do if Jason would die. And I really don't want Jason to get beheaded like the note said. I must give this person whatever they want from me and they won't behead Jason and everybody wins. I go to the kitchen and take out a glass for me and without turning on the sink I make water come out of it and into the glass. Maybe I am getting the hang of this but very slowly. But I still need training because I feel like I can do a lot more than I can right now and I need to learn all about the things that I can do because one moment my powers are amazing but the next they are trapping me in a water ball that is floating above the ground. I drink the water and I guess I could try this again. I focus on the sink but nothing happens. I think I am getting this now. If I focus on using my magic nothing happens but once I am not focusing on it something does happen. It works the water goes into my glass from the sink just because I wasn't focusing on it.

When I see Victoria again I need to tell her the new discovery. I also need to tell Jason, I think he will be happy. This is why water bubbles are always forming out of the blue. I hear the doorbell ring and I walk over to the front door to open it. Maybe it is Jason, he may have forgotten his keys and couldn't get inside. Happiness forms inside me as I think about Jason coming home, coming to me again. As I open the door I am disappointed that it isn't Jason who by the door. It is a mailman holding an envelope in his hands. I didn't know that mailman's bring letters right to the door, I thought they put it in the mailboxes or something. The mailman hands me the envelope and just runs away. That was weird. Then I notice something on the envelope. On front of it is my name written with big red letters and they are still wet and dripping a little. I guess the person who wanted to give this to me wanted to give it to me very fast or something. But why not give it to me in person since the person wanted to give this to me as soon as possible.

But why is someone so eager to talk to me? I don't really know a lot of people. The letters on the envelope look very familiar. It comes to my mind. This envelope was written by the same person who left me that package. My eyes widen as I realize that this is given to me by the same person. My body shivers in fear. I must be brave and open this envelope and that is what I did. I rip it open on the top and a letter is inside. I'm really scared of opening the letter because the last time I got a letter by this person I found a real human head in a package on my bed. That isn't something that I want to happen again. With my really shaking hands I open the letter, my heart is beating so fast in my chest right now. I don't know if that is because of curiosity or fear.

I close my eyes, I don't really want to know what is inside this letter or what this person wants to tell me. I know for a fact that this letter is not apology letter, that is for sure. And that mailman looked pretty frightened so I am guessing that whatever is written in this letter is pretty bad and my heart is telling me to not look at it but my mind is screaming at me to read the letter and get this over with. Maybe I should wait for Jason to get home but that could be in many hours and I feel my curiosity is going to get the best of me before Jason gets here. All right I am just going to have to be brave and open my eyes and read the letter once and for all. And than this will be over. Ok here goes nothing. I open of off my eye and then the next one and start reading the letter. Like on the envelope this is written in dark red ink. Why is this person so obsessed with dark red ink? Personally I think that it is very creepy and not something I would do ever.

On the letter is only written an single address and midnight and that is it, nothing more. I have no idea where this address is so I google it. And it is on the other side of the city. I have no idea why someone would give me a latter with just one address on a place I have no idea what is and a time. Maybe this person wants to meet me at this place at midnight or something, I don't know but I really do want to find out. I should go there and meet this person. And tell them to not send heads to someone because that is just plain rude and disrespectful and not to mention disgusting. Maybe be I can put an end to this all and me and Jason can live happily ever after. Besides I can't be to long tonight since I am going to visit my mom and dad tomorrow. Me and Jason are going to spend the whole day with them and nothing is going to ruin that. I really miss them and I want to see them again especially my dad since it has been so long and I really want to tell him about everything. And all my death experiences.

The door opens which really frightens me and I jump up in terror. But when I see who opened the door I calm down. I quickly hide the envelope and the letter in my pocked so that it is out of sight. I run into Jason's arms and with all the happiness I kiss him. I have missed his lips. He has been drinking coffee since I taste coffee on his soft lips. "I wish I could be welcomed home like this every single day" Jason says when we break away from the kiss. I really wish I could kiss him all day, I just love his lips on mine. This is how much I have missed him. I really have, without him I feel like something is missing from my life and it makes me a little sad. "I have missed you so much, you have no idea" I tell him. I'm telling the honest truth, I did miss him like crazy. He smiles at me as we walk into the room we are staying at. Jason is in his work suit and needs to chance into his normal home clothes.

"Believe me my little flower I have had an miserable day because I didn't have you by my side" Jason says and I can't help but blush at his words and I look down. Jason notices this and with his thump he lifts my chin up making me look up straight unto his beautiful eyes. Every time I am met with his eyes I always fall I some trance and get lost. "Don't hide your beautiful face from me, I love the affect I have on you and here is a little secret. You have the same affect on me" he says and that only makes me blush even more if that is even possible. I probably look like a tomato or something. Jason changes his clothes and we go together hand in hand to the dining room to get dinner. I didn't realize that it was dinner time, this is happening to me a lot today. First I almost forgot about lunch and now I almost lost track of time of dinner. I guess I have been just to distracted today that I forgot all about the rest of the world.

We eat dinner and now is the perfect time to tell him. "Jason tomorrow we are going to visit my mom and dad. You have no say in this so don't even try to get out of it. This has been decided by me and we are doing it" I tell him. I don't think that I will ever get use to having this much courage. It surprises me every time. Jason smiles at me. "I'm not going to try to get out of it, I'd love to go with you to visit your mom and dad" Jason says and I hug him again like I have done ever since he came home. It's not really my fault that my body is longing to be with him for some reason but I don't really care I like begin near him. "Thank you Jason. This means a lot" I tell him. We just hug like we are the only two people in the world. I don't want to spoil this moment by telling Jason about the letter and I don't think I am going to tell him. Tonight at midnight I am going to meet this person and then get back here before Jason even knows I went there.

After eating Jason and I just watched a movie. Well we weren't really watching the movie, we were so lost in each other that we didn't pay attention to more than half of the movie. When the movie is finished we go to sleep, I pretend to sleep while he falls asleep. I am really afraid of what will happen tonight but this is for Jason. Someone threatened Jason's life and even if he is a vampire doesn't mean that he cant be hurt and beheaded. I don't want him to get hurt so that is why I am going this. When I know Jason is fast asleep I have an hour before it will be midnight which is a good time to get there since this place is at the other side of the city. I get dressed and head outside. I don't have a car so I call a cab. I really had no idea cab's are driving this late but they are. The cab takes me to this place in forty minutes but I still need to walk something but at last I arrive at the right address that was written on the letter. Here goes nothing.

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