And If... {completed and edit...

By CissyItsMe

562K 21.1K 4.2K

Tinashe Kash and Richard Willkingston were once in love, but their relationship suddenly had to come to an en... More

And If...
And If... I hadn't told him ?
And If... You let me live ?
And If... We agree on it ?
And If... You could stop talking please?
And If... You tell me what is going on ?
And If... You just let me go ?
And If... You simply let me help you ?
And If... It was just a dream ?
And If... We stop there ?
And If... We forget about it ?
And If... You mind your own business ?
And If... You just stop there ?
And If... You stop lying ?
And If... You go somewhere else ?
And If... You give me the answers ?
And If... You get out of here ?
And If... You stay here with me ? | Pt. 1
And If... You stay here with me ? | Pt. 2
And If... I let you know ?
And If...You listen to me ?
And If... He had NEVER done this to us ?
And If... I come with you ?
And If... We help each other ?
And If... We just chill ?
And If... He stayed away ?
And If... You paid attention ?
And If... You keep your head up ?
And If... We stop arguing ? | Pt. 1
And If... We stop arguing ? | Pt. 2
And If... I finally deal with you ? | Part. 1
And If... I finally deal with you ? | Part. 2
And If... I shock yall again ?
And If... You spend the rest of your life with me ?
And If... We stay together forever ?
And If... I thank yall ?

And If... We die ?

12.9K 516 123
By CissyItsMe

•Chapter 15.



Two hours since we'd been there and nobody came to our rescue yet, what was slowly but surely getting on my nerves. I already had a lot going on in my life, so I really didn't need that in addition, but somewhat I ended up in this predicament.

When were we supposed to get out of here ?

I couldn't help but wonder why this woman was doing this, because it was clearly not going to solve her problems, but instead add more to her already full plate.

And why was she bringing their personal problems out like this ? Shit, she could have shoot him in their house.

I knew it was wrong to think this way, but see the way I was frustrated with this whole situation, my mind wasn't really positive.

I looked around, to observe everybody else. They all looked scared, nobody was talking. Well, it wasn't like any of us had a choice anyways. I could tell that this old lady was about to have a panic attack though. She should've left while she could, but no she wanted to tell her life story to the cashier. We would be out too if she didn't take so long.

I sighed, wiping my face.

Fortunately, there wasn't a small kid with us. We were all over eighteen years old. Not that we deserved this more than anybody else, but at least there was that to be happy about. I couldn't imagine RJ being with us, I wouldn't know how to act.

I groaned loudly, getting the crazy woman's attention.

"Shh ! I'm trying to think." She said before closing her eyes as she fiddled with the gun in her hands.

Thinking ? She was doing everything but that right now. What she needed to do was to end all this foolishness and save her husband, fiancé, boyfriend or whatever he was to her, while she still could do this.

"Can we go, please ? " I asked, then rolled my eyes. I was so annoyed. She needed to let us out before I became the problem in here.

"Shut up ! "

By the look on her face, I preferred to close my mouth and so didn't insist. But I still wanted to get out as soon as possible, so I was thinking of a way to just do that.

"What's your problem ? " Tinashe said through gritted teeth, hitting my arm.

I smacked my teeth, "what ? I'm tired, I want to get out of here. This shit is annoying."

"Well, if you want to make it out alive, you better stop being stupid and shut your mouth. She has a gun in her hands, Richard." She stressed, whispering-yelling at me.

"Okay, and ? Did you forget where I'm coming from ? This is nothing new to me."

"And last time I checked you weren't invincible, so shut up. She already shoot someone, she can start again and at any time. It's not helping that she's unstable." She pointed at the unconscious man on the floor.

I shrugged, "shouldn't have talked to her like this. Nobody told him you women are crazy as fuck, so I blame his parents for this." She pinched me, causing me to yell, what got the woman's attention once again.

"Did I not tell you to be quiet ? " She raised her voice at me.

"It's not my fault. She pinched me." I pointed at Tina before rubbing the spot that was still hurting a bit.

"You sound like a child. Pathetic ! " Tinashe commented, getting on my last nerves.

"Shut up ! "

"No, you shut up ! "

"No, you shut the fuck up ! Yo, I'm tired. I'm gonna just leave, have fun." I said, about to stand up, but I was stopped when she pointed her gun at me.

"NO ! You're going nowhere ! "

I smacked my teeth, "c'mon. It's not our fault if your...husband, or whatever he is, cheated on you or whatever. I don't care to know what's going on between you two to be honest. It's your business, not ours. But killing him and making us hostages won't really make you happy, nor solve your problems for that matter. You have another choice, let us go. Please." Seemed like my words triggered her, seeing how her expression changed and how fast her eyes watered.

He must have cheated.

And maybe did more.

"Can you shut up ? "

I rolled my eyes, "nobody was talking to you right now ! Stay in your corner and be quiet ! " I snapped at Tinashe, who shook her head in irritation.

"Can you shoot him too ? Please." She then asked the crazy woman, causing me to gasp as my eyes widened.

"Wooooow ! I can't believe it. Really ? Wait until I tell this to RJ and everybody else. Did you really tell her to kill me ? " I questioned, getting irritated. She must really hate me to say something like this.

"Ugh ! No, wait." She groaned then let out a sigh, "I didn't mean it like this and you know it. But you're getting on my last nerves." Was her explanation, which wasn't sitting well with me.

I looked at her as if she suddenly lost both of her arms, "bro ! You're getting on my nerves too, but I'm not telling a complete stranger to kill you ! "

She then groaned in frustration, "I said I didn't mean it ! Okay ? "

"I'm sure you fucking meant it and with your entire heart."

"No ! The words got out of my mouth before I could even think about it. Don't act like you're never being disrespectful towards me, because you've been and a countless of times ! "

"Shit wasn't even about you in the first place ! Oh, Lord ! " I threw my head back, getting more aggravated with the whole situation. This day was dragged out for no reason.

"Okay, whatever. I'm sorry. Happy now ? "

I kissed my lips and quickly looked around. When my eyes laid on those packets of floor, the most childish idea went through my mind and I decided to go along with it, no matter what the consequences of my act will be. Tinashe just had this talent to bring out the pettiness inside of me. I took one packet, opened it, then poured it all on T's head as she screamed in shock.

"You didn't ! MY HAIR ! " She wiped off her face, mainly her eyes and spat out the floor that got in her mouth. I proudly smirked, then stuck my tongue out at her. Next thing I know though, I was poured with floor too.

"STOP ! " The crazy woman interrupted our little battle before we could go further with it.

We puffed in frustration, folding our arms and looking away from each other, like two kids in kindergarten.

"Well..." She chuckled and it sounded kind of creepy, "do you see this, honey ? Seems like we're not the only one having trouble in paradise." She added, then laughed.

"WHAT ? " We exclaimed in unison, turning towards her simultaneously.

"Excuse me, but we are not a couple." Tinashe said and I nodded in agreement.

"For real ? I could bet the opposite." This white and bald man with green eyes and who looked to be in his forties, gave his two cents in, even though nobody asked him shit to begin with.

"No, no, no. Him and I, never again. Not after the way he treated me." She followed, giving out our personal business. What was she doing ?

"You didn't have to say all that, you know." I re-folded my arms.

"What did he do ? " The crazy woman asked, seeming really interested.

"None of your business ! " I answered before T could give them more informations about our history.

"But I want to know and I have a gun in my hands, so tell me." She threatened, raising her gun again.

"I guess we don't have a choice then. Go ahead, T. Spill all the tea, sis." She rolled her eyes at me before looking at the woman and make eye contact with her.

"Listen, I know how you're feeling right now. It's not easy to accept the fact that the person, whom you're deeply in love with, dared to betray you in one of the most outrageous ways. You shared so much and you gave your all in this relationship and he still got out and did that to you. And I think it must be even more hurtful when you're married, because he promised fidelity in front of God, but he didn't keep this promise. You're in pain, and nobody can't blame you for this, but doing all of this isn't going to make you feel better. I know it's hard, but forgive him and move on. Focus on yourself and if you have kids, on them too. Please, stop this. He doesn't deserve you doing this and basically ruining your life for him. You can do better."


I couldn't lie, I was touched.


Hopefully, she was listening and took my little speech into consideration. And hopefully, it'll cause her to change her mind and stop this, so we could all leave and go home safely. My breathing was speeding as I was observing her while she was in deep thoughts. When I thought my words got some kind of impact on her and that we'll be done with this situation, all the opposite happened and shit started to go down again.

She raised her gun and aimed it at Richard, staring at him with so much anger in her eyes. She wanted to kill him and seemed like she was really determined to do it, but I couldn't let her do this. Yes, I asked her to shoot him earlier, but I truly didn't mean that. I was talking out of anger. It slipped out of my mouth by itself. I'd never wanted him to get hurt, in any type of way.

"All men who cheated deserve to die, and I'm going to start with you." She said, as she began crying.

She was so hurt, and it was actually pinching my heart. She was reminding me of my own pain. It destroyed me to find out that Richard was cheating on me. For the longest, it felt as if I had a hole in my heart, and I thought it will stay like this forever, but I eventually healed from this.

Before getting to this phase though, the journey had been long and full of pain, embarrassment and self-doubt. The tears couldn't stop falling and at one point they felt like acid on my skin, they were burning. I couldn't help but wonder constantly why it happened to me and if I actually deserved it. Then I wasn't sure if Richard ever loved me. I wasn't sure of his sincerity anymore, because if he was really sincere, he wouldn't have done this to me.

I jumped in front of him, not thinking about it twice. It was like a reflex, "please, don't kill him ! "

"Why ? After everything he'd done to you, doesn't he deserve it ? " She questioned as more tears were cascading down both of her cheeks.

I looked behind me at Richard before to focus on her again. I shook my head, "he's the father of my child and my little boy needs him." I explained, feeling the tears coming.

She wiped her face, sniffling. "Charles and I have children too, but he doesn't love us. If he did, he wouldn't have betrayed us and destroyed our family." I looked at the unconscious man, who really needed to go to the nearest hospital.

"But I love my son ! " Richard screamed, defending himself.

"And did you love her when you did that ? Huh ? Did you ? " She moved and pointed the gun at me, with her hands shaking while she was still crying.

"Yes, of course. And I will always have love for her, she was my first for a lot and she gave me my very first child." He answered, sounding honest.

"Why did you cheat then ? "

"Ugh ! Listen, everybody gets cheated on, it's unfortunately a part of life. Doing all that won't bring you into the past, so you can prevent him to cheat. It already happened. It's hard to accept, but you have to. You need to move on. And who knows ? Maybe it's your fault if he did that."

Why did he say that now ?

I shook my head, "this fool." I mumbled, disappointed.

"What ? " She asked, completely confused.

"No, please, don't listen to him." I gave him a disgusting look, "the cheater is the only one at fault, nobody else. And if he loved you so unconditionally, he wouldn't have slept with someone else."

Couldn't believe that we were debating in this kind of situation, it was insane if you asked me. Everybody else was just presented, listening carefully to our arguments, nodding their heads whenever they agreed.

"You're right ! I put so much time into this, too many sacrifices were done on my part, I did everything for this marriage to work, so it can't be my fault. Matter fact, I deserve better." She now was pointing her gun at her man, who still hadn't waken up.

Was he in coma ? Dead ? I didn't know.

"Okay, but had he already cheated before ? " Richard then asked, continuing our debate.

She nodded, "two times. I gave him one more chance to prove that he changed. He said he was going to do better, and not only with me but the kids too." She answered with a sad voice, while she finally lowered her gun.

Richard chuckled, "then it's your fault. That's what I meant. What they say again ? Once a cheater, always a cheater ? There are exceptions to everything, but if he did it again after the first time, what was telling you that he wasn't going to do it again and over again ? Let me guess, he told you ? Well, you should have asked more than words, like actions. You know, a man will only treat you the way you allow him to. If he knows you'll always take him back every time he'll cheat, he won't stop doing it; except if he decided otherwise. You know you deserve better, so do better and let him go."

She gasped, sitting on the floor.

"And keep the kids out of your business. They have nothing to do with it. They need their father as much as they need their mother. Killing him will do nothing else but hurt them." He added, surprising me, but in a good way.

"No, no, no. If he doesn't want me, then he doesn't want the kids either. I'm their mother and he's their father, we have to be together. They need this ! We were meant to be together, but he ruined everything."

I honestly wanted to cry with her. It was hitting home way too hard. It was so relatable, maybe a bit too much. My heart felt heavy. I was six years earlier in my head, heartbroken and pregnant, feeling alone like I never did before. I could feel myself getting emotional and I didn't know for how long I was going to control everything.

She really needed to let us out.

"The parents don't have to be a couple to raise a child. Co-parenting isn't that terrible, you'll be just fine." I said, not really realizing that I spoke since I was still halfway in my trance. "As long as you're both there for them and show them love, they're gonna be alright."

"Bu--but...I love him." She let go of the gun and broke down, putting her head in her hands. "I love him. I can't live without him."

"Yes, you can. You're a strong woman." The old lady reassured, giving her a warm smile, even though she couldn't see her.

"Damn ! It was intense." The teenager commented before we heard commotion outside, getting our attention.

"Thank you." She looked up at Richard and I.

"Police ! Everybody hands up ! "

[ The ‧ Next ‧ Day ]


Yesterday was crazy, but we thankfully made it out alive and unharmed. This day will forever stay in my memory and I'll make sure to tell this story to family and friends for the longest time.

That I knew of, the crazy woman was placed in a mental institution, and the kids were staying with their grandparents as their father was healing in the hospital.

I prayed for them to make it through this whole experience.

"Dad, your phone is still ringing. It's annoying."

I sighed, seeing the ton of notifications I had coming. After what happened with the whole murder situation, I'd been trying to be low-key and get less attention, but now with this story I was the center of attention once again.

I didn't like to be under the spotlight for that type of bullshit, but more for my accomplishments.

I had crazy people all up in my mentions and dm's, giving their opinions when nobody asked for it in the first place. I stopped going on my social media, not like I was a big fan of it to begin with, but I couldn't deal with the madness.

I didn't consider myself as a celebrity, so I didn't know how those big famous people were able to live with craziness on a daily basis. It couldn't be me.

"I know. It's gonna be like this for the next few days, or maybe it'll stop sooner." I told him as we made our way to Nǎinai's front door. I didn't see her much lately, and I was missing her.

I used my keys and unlocked the door. When we walked in, we were instantly met with a wonderful smell coming from the kitchen.

"Oh, she made fried chicken ! " RJ started dancing as we joined her there.

I hummed, nodding my head. "Hello, pretty."

"Oh, hey my babies ! " She greeted, then frowned. "Shouldn't he be at school ? "

"They cancelled today too, and I think they will tomorrow also. How are you doing ? " I kissed her forehead.

RJ sat at the island and attempted to grab some food, but Nǎinai didn't let him as she slapped his hands away. "Go wash your hands and play somewhere. I'll call you when everything is done."

"Okay." He pouted, but did as he was said.

"So, how are you ? " I asked again, looking at her. Her weight didn't change, but she looked a bit more tired. She was doing a bit too much with her gardening club.

"I'm good. What about you ? "

"I'm alright."

"Are you sure ? Yesterday was an eventful day for you and Tinashe, Bǎobǎo. Oh, I forgot to call her this morning." She slightly slapped her forehead.

"Yes, I am sure. It wasn't that bad." I shrugged.

She hummed, "maybe not on your part, but Tinashe looked awful, as if..." She trailed off, thinking. "What exactly happened in this little shop ? "

I shrugged, "the woman shoot and almost killed her husband, then she kept us hostage in the store and we had a little debate in there, then we got saved. That's all. What's going on ? "

She shook her head, "nothing, I'll talk to her later. I just don't understand something and it's been bothering me, for the past six years."

"What ? " I asked confused, as I watched her maneuver in the kitchen. She didn't answer right away, what gave me a little moment to think. I sighed when I realized where this conversation was going, "not this again."

"Yes, this again. You two are meant to be, Bǎobǎo. It was written in the stars, I'm telling you. Get your woman back."

"This is not my woman and stop this." I refrained myself to roll my eyes.

"You mean to tell me that you're not still in love with her, Richard."

"Yeah ! You know things like that happen often. People fall out of love every day."

"Say it if you actually mean it. You're not in love with her ? Bùyào piàn wǒ." She asked, telling me to not lie to her in Chinese.

"I--" I started, but was cut off by my phone.

"Saved by the bell. RJ, the food is ready ! "

I quickly rolled my eyes, going on the porch in the backyard. "Can't you understand english, Fanny ? "

"It's not Fanny, it's Patrick."

I frowned, wondering what was going on. Was he not supposed to be in jail or something like that ?

"They let you out ? "

"Uh, not really. He did it. But now I have to do something or else I'm going back in hell. We need to do something and get him, we can't let this shit keep going."

"I know, but it's not that easy. This man is powerful and I'm not sure that his family would be a weakness for him. He might not care if I tell them."

"Then what do you suggest ? "

I sighed as nothing came to my mind. "I don't know, but we will find something."

"Listen, maybe telling them the truth won't really calm him down, but if we have the family on our side, it'll be easier to get some dirt on him and to make him fall. Usually, the wives know a lot about this. They usually know all their husband's dirty laundry. Think about it."

I nodded, even though he couldn't see me. "Okay. I'll see what I can do."

"Yeah, but either way, you really need to tell her. She deserves to know the truth."

"I know..."

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 

Thanks for reading !

                                                                                   CissyItsMe 💋

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