Venom Male Reader X Summer Ro...

By Undead-Hunter

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Everyone's got their thing. Maybe it's a breakup, a death, an accident... Whatever it is, you used to be one... More

Who you are
Part 1: The New Spider
Part 2: Demons
Part 3: Changing
Daily Suit
Part 4: Trust
Part 5: Meeting new friends
Part 6: Dying...
Part 8: You Have To Go...For Now
Part 9: Iron Spider VS Corrupt Venom
Part 10: The Avengers
Part 11: The dream
Part 12: Punish those who did wrong
Part 13: A Civil War?

Part 7: My What?

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By Undead-Hunter

2nd Person POV

Summer: (Y/N).....(Y/N).....come on baby, time to get up

You moan

You: I don't want to get up

Summer: I know sweetie, but come on. Wait...actually it's only six in the morning...huh. I must've woke up earlier than expected...well should we still get up?

In response, you grab her and pull her down back onto the bed and hug her closely

You: that answer your question?

Summer: *giggles* yep

She snuggles up close to you and smiles

Summer: what did I do to deserve you...

You: well that's kind

She playfully hits you

Summer: not in a mean way, you nerd

You: nerd? I though you were the one obsessed with weapons and cookies?

Summer: ok ok, you win

You chuckle slightly and kiss the top of her head before slowly falling asleep again with Summer in your arms, not planning on letting go, and Summer with the same thoughts as you and snuggling up close to you and falling back asleep with you

Somewhere in Atlas

???: Rhodey, did you hear that in Vale, they have a new hero known as Venom as he calls himself?

Rhodey: you gotta be lying Tony, no way that there is someone out there thinking that they can do what we failed to do

Tony: well it's clear that this "Venom" is trying to help out...Make the world a better place

Rhodey: that's exactly what we felt like before the Avengers broke off and Spider-Man was killed. But look at us now, you here at a meeting with me, instead of at home. Watching the game along with some beers and working on your suits

Tony then chuckles at this and says

Tony: well. These Atlas military guys are just checking in on if I'm gonna plan on using my suits to "destroy" Remnant

Rhodey: your the last person, who people would expect hurting civilians

Tony: well they're just cautious is all, no harm in that

Rhodey: yeah, you got that right

Tony sighs and folds his arms whilst looking down

Rhodey: still thinking of your son back in Vale?

Tony: yeah, I just found out that his Aunt and Uncle died

Rhodey: What are their names?

Tony: Eddie Brock and Gwen 'Stacy' Brock...

Now to Harry

Harry wakes up on his couch with a bunch of empty beer bottles around him

He groans and hold his head and grabs a still half full bottle and drinks it before placing it back down and standing up and cracks his back, but then hears his doorbell being rung

Harry: huh? I'm not really expecting anyone

He opens his door to reveal a man in a business suit with a metal case

Man: Harry Osborn?

Harry: yes? That's me

Man: My name is Happy Hogan and I was sent by Tony Stark to give you this

Harry: what is it?

Happy: I don't know

Harry: oh, ok then umm. If you can just give it to me then

Happy: here

Happy hands over the metal suitcase to Harry and walks over to his car

Happy: We'll meet again soon

Harry: ok then?

Happy then drives off, leaving Harry to wonder what the hell is this suitcase that was apparently from THE Tony Stark

((Yo I just noticed that, Happy and Harry... Happy Harry.........🙃))

Back to you

After a few more hours of sleeping, your phone went off playing your ringtone

You: *yawn* ok ok, I'm answering

Summer: Let it go to Voicemail

You: wait, it's Harry

You press the button to answer it and lay down again

You: hello?

Harry: hey pal

You: oh hey buddy. You sound a lot more.... what you used to

Harry: yeah because something amazing just happened

You: well what is it?

Harry: (N/N)....I'm-I'm not gonna die anymore

You instantly sit up

You: what?

Harry: well. I know your gonna find it crazy but THE Tony Stark sent someone to deliver a suitcase to me and when I opened it, it was some liquid in a containment. And there was a note saying that I must inject all of it into me and apparently there's Nano Bots in the liquid that will destroy my disease and cure me, I didn't really had much of a choice, so I did....

You: and?

Harry: i checked it out on on of the medical computers and it worked...

You: that means...

Harry: yep...I'm cured, oh anyway. I'm gonna finish up amping my glider and suit, I'll talk to you later. Bye

He hangs up and you place your phone onto the desk

Summer: so? Who was it?

You: it was Harry

Summer: what did he want?

You: he...he's cured

Her eyes widen and smiles

Summer: th-that's...(Y/N)...that's amazing!

You look around and smile and yell out loud

You: WOO!

You jump up and look at Summer

You: Let's get changed, I wanna meet him straight away

She laughs and digs her head into the blanket but looking up

Summer: alright Tiger, let me get changed in the bathroom

Summer gets up and grabs her clothes and goes into the bathroom to get changed

You: Tiger?....heh. It's what MJ used to call me

You look at your bedside cabinet to reveal a photo of MJ smiling whilst sitting down

You shake your head and look away before taking off your clothes and popping a new clean pair of everyday clothes, which is just a simple jacket, (F/C) shirt, blue jeans and black sneakers

After that, Summer walks back out in her everyday clothes aswell

Summer: hey

You: hey

Summer: you ready?

You: sure

You hold out your hand and smile at her which she then smiles back and takes it which you then lead her out of your room then your house


You're at Harry's house, basically celebrating him being cured by Tony Stark and he takes you to his lab where he shows you what he's been working on with his suit

Harry: and when I'm in it, I can amp it up to make it even more powerful and stronger

You: Nice but what abou-

You see Harry's butler walking in

Butler: Sir, there's a Tony Stark calling for you and Mr Brock

You and Harry look at each other

Harry: come on

You and Harry then head up to the main room where Summer is standing there looking confused at Stark along with his friend which you recognise as the War Machine aka Rhodey

Summer: I'm sorry, but why do you need to see my boyfriend that's so important?

Tony: I'm afraid I can't ask you that Ms Rose

Summer: well why not?-

You put you hand on her which she looks at you and you nod

You: it's ok Summer

She nods and backs away and you and Harry stand before Tony Stark and Rhodey

Tony: so we finally meet at last....after all this time, your really here

You: what are you talking about?

Rhodey: Wait you don't know?

Harry: know what?

You: some people like you, wouldn't just waltz right in here for no reason at all. You cured my best friend and came here for what? Payment?

Tony: No

Harry: then why did you come?

Tony looks at you

Tony: Because I need to speak with you (Y/N)

You: how do you know my name?

Tony: because your parents Eddie and Gwen Brock are not your real parents

As soon as you heard that, your whole body stopped

You: what?

Harry: ok wait wait wait...hold on...who are you people?

Tony: you know who we are kid

You: wait so who are my real parents then? Who were they then?

Tony: they were your aunt and uncle, they took you in when you at a few months old and raised you as their own and made you believe that you were their son. But your not. Your "Mother" aka Gwen 'Stacy' Brock was my sister....'Stacy' is a fake name she gave herself after she left and went to live a new life. Therefore she met Eddie....I too found my one in life and eventually we had a kid, but ever since I became Iron Man and started the Avengers, I couldn't be there for him that we gave my son to my sister who gladly took him in and I never looked back....Now that people thought the Avengers have broken up but we kept it a secret so we don't have anymore blood shed....that is....Until the New Goblin and Venom arrived in Vale and started to take down crime one at a time, With Venom being a Alien Symbiote attaching to my son to make him the man who he is today

You walk back and shake your head

You: No...

Tony: yes (Y/N).....your (Y/N) Stark and you are Venom.....aka...your my Son

Harry/Summer: What?

Rhodey doesn't say anything but just nods at them both

You look down at your right fist and clench it hard and let out a yell


You swing around with your fist and smash it into the railing of Harry's staircase which literally snapped it with chunks of wood flying everywhere and snapped your eyes at Tony and point at him

You: Your Lying

Tony: I'm one hundred percent telling the truth here

You breath heavily and cover your head with your hands and try to calm down as you're literally so close on snapping and letting Venom take over, which them Summer comes by and tries to calm you down

Harry: so you kept this. All this time and not bother coming to talk to him about it?!

Tony: practically, yes

Harry: So you think, you can just waltz right in here, like a, proud dad and tell him out of the blue like that?! Look at him! He's about to snap at any moment in time and it's your fault-

He was cut off as explosions were heard in the distance which made you look up and walk to the door and look at Harry which you both nod at each other, and he runs to go get his new and improved Goblin suit

You stand at the doorway, slowly morphing into your all black Spider-Suit

When you were about to go, you feel a hand on your shoulder and you turn to see Summer

Summer: I'm coming with you. I can fight

You: No Summer...if it's who I think it is....your no match for it

Summer: no. You need my help

You go up to her and say

You: I'm gonna web you to the staircase railing

Summer: What?

You place her hand onto the staircase railing and web it there and back away

You: Sorry!

Summer: (Y/N)! Come back here right now!

As you were about to jump and web away you turn to look at Tony

You: don't follow me

You flared at him and webbed off towards the explosions

Tony stands there, looking at you go and speakers into his earpiece

Tony: Friday, have my suit come to my location

Friday: Yes Sir

Tony then looks at Rhodey and nods

Rhodey: I guess we need to reveal that the Avengers were not really gone

Tony: and it's about damn time

Summer: Hey!

They both look at her

Summer: Can you undo this please!?

They both then look at each other

Tony: Sorry. Can't hear you. I'm now gonna fly towards the danger

Summer: what?-

*Machine splitting up noises and clanks*

Tony:'s him....He's here

???: on my way

Back to you

You're continuing with your fight with the last bad guy who was wearing full on gear and a mask

He fired a few shots at you which you dodged with ease and webbed them to the ground and backdropped him but he dodged very easily but didn't expect you to web his chest and throw him into a car and looks up at you firing a shot which got you in the shoulder

You: *laughs maniacally* that........hurt

You let venom change your suit into your normal Venom form and roared at him

He charges at you and swings his metal like arm at you but you dodge that and block his other strikes and roared in his face before head butting him and kicking him away before letting Venom change back into your all black Spider-Suit

You then webbed his chest and flung him to you which you jumped and roundhouse kick his head, and he wax about to shoot at you but a figure blocks it with his round like shield and you land next to him and look at him to see

You: Captain America...

Cap: me Steve. But let's not worry about what I'm doing here. We need to take this guy down

You chucked slightly and look back at the guy

You: yes sir

You jump into the air and web the guy who sliced the webs which attached to him, which then made you fall but you front flip and land onto Cap's shield. Who he then launches you at the guy and kick his head and backflip his chin and Cap throws his shield at him which made the guy fly into a car and his mask fall off, and you land next to Steve

Steve: well that was fun, Right Kid?

You: Yeah. I needed that...also glad to have you back

Steve: eh, working under cover doesn't suit me

You: yeah. Well anyway the guy is getting back up

You and Steve then get ready again but Steve stops as the guy turns his head to you both

You: is that....The Winter Soldier?....I thought he was better now

Steve: .....Bucky?

WS: Who the hell is Bucky?
((WS- Winter Soldier))

Suddenly, a full black figure jumps out and attacks him which Steve throws his shield at the guy who was knocked back and you webbed up Winter Soldiers face and then webbed his chest which you then yank him towards you and Steve who then pin Winter Soldier down

Steve: Bucky! It's me, Steve!

WS: Get the hell off me!

He throws Steve off, which you then was about to hit him but he punched you with his metal arm which made a very cloud clank noise, which obviously you didn't like and held your head in pain and bend down

WS was about to hit you again, but was tackled by Steve and they both begin and brawl and you see the all in black guy was about to pounce on them both but you see Harry swing in with his glider and hit the guy away

Harry: What'd I miss?!

You: oh...y'know.....this?!

The guy gets up which You and Harry was getting ready to fight but you see more bad guys show up

You: Damnit!...Harry! You sort him out. I'll get these guys!

Harry: Got it!

Harry goes after that guy while you look at the other bad guys and start to fight them, but when you see two cars with MGs on them, you was about to jump away, until they got destroyed. So you looked up to see War Machine next to you with his arm out

And you see beams of energy hit another truck so you turned around to see your....Da-Tony aka Iron Man flying in

He hovers next to you and shoots some more with War Machine

Tony: Son, Get to cover!

You web a guy up after punching his face and kneeing him in the nuts

You: You don't tell me what to do!

Tony: I'm your father!

You: Well I don't really care! You told me at the last moment and-


Tony: What the hell...

Bad guy: Send him out!

A large truck pulls in to your left, and the doors were being slammed at by definitely something strong and angry..

You: Carnage?

Tony: who?

You: I'll deal with this

Tony: kid, what did I just say?

You(Venom): I said I'll deal with this!

Rhodey: Tony...Trust him

Tony hesitates but then carries on firing at the guys

Tony: You better not die

You(Venom): I'm not planning on it!

You then start to beat up all the bad guys around the truck which the 'Thing' in there is angry and barging

With Summer

Summer: I'm so going to slap him

With Cap

Steve: Bucky! Listen to me! This isn't you! They turned you against who you are!


Steve dodges a strike and throws his shield at him which he easily caught and threw away and the two former best friends are now engaging in hand to hand combat against each other

With Harry

Harry: We haven't met yet

He dodges a strike from the guy and amps up his gear

Harry: I'm Harry

???: I Don't Care

The guy in all black readies himself in a battle stance aswell, by getting his metal like claws and stares at Harry

Back to you

Your staring at the truck containment which then gets Repeatedly banged on and you get into a trance of your own which you get your claws ready and mouth open


The door breaks open to reveal the monster that broke it and it stands up and puts its hands near its face which is growling with its long tongue out

You(Venom): No....It Can't.....Your..

Anti-Venom: *Growls*

((BOOM! MASSIVE PLOT TWIST AND SOME NEW CHARACTERS ALONG WITH A POTENTIAL VILLAIN! I'm gonna stop shouting now...heh...anyway I hoped you enjoyed this part of my story. It took a while to think of all the possibilities that this could've gone but oh well really. But anyway. This has been Undead-Hunter. PEACE!))

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