Slayers and Guardians (Worlds...

By heartofice97

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*note, due to many requests, this book is created* The town of Sunnydale resides on the Hellmouth underneath... More

chapter 1 - Welcome to the Hellmouth
chapter 2 - The Harvest
chapter 3 - The Witch
chapter 4 - Teacher's Pet
chapter 5 - Never Kill a Boy on the First Date
chapter 6 - The Pack
chapter 7 - Angel
chapter 8 - I Robot, You Jane
chapter 9 - Puppet Show
chapter 10 - Nightmares
chapter 11 - Out of Mind, Out of Sight

chapter 12 - Prophecy Girl

445 17 15
By heartofice97

Into every generation, there are Chosen Ones. A Slayer will stand against the vampires, the demons, and the forces of darkness. With each Slayer comes a Guardian. They are protectors of the innocent.  

Day One

Night - The Bronze

Eric, Xander and Willow were sitting at a table.

Eric was practicing what he was going to say to Buffy. "You know how I feel about you. It's, uh, pretty obvious, isn't it? There's never been anyone else for me but you. And we're good friends, and it's time to take the next step. Would you, um, date me? Oh, that's good. Date me. It's terrible, right?"

"Huh?" Willow asked. "Oh, no. Oh, yes. 'date me' is silly."

"Eric, what you should do, is you should just start with talking about the dance," Xander told him. "'You know, Buffy, Spring Fling just isn't any dance. It's a time for students to choose, um... a mate. And then we can... observe their... mating rituals. And tag them before they migrate'."

"Another mocking word from you and I'll kill you," Eric told him.

Xander laughed.

Willow used the back of her hand to hit his chest. "Eric, you're doing fine."

"Why's it so hard?" Xander asked. "You should just walk up to her and say, 'Hey, I like you. Let's go to the dance together.'"

Willow shrugged. "Direct and to the point. Go for it."

"I'm ready," Eric told them. "I wanna do it now. I gotta do it now."

"Oh, Buffy's not here," Willow told him. "She's out with Brooke, Alice, Carmen and Wyatt. Who are training Brady to be a demon hunter."

"And helping Zoey control her gypsy magic," Xander added. "While hunting a demon and vampire."

Willow nodded. "Yeah, you know, the usual."



A car was parked with its windows all fogged up. Brady came falling into the field of view in slow motion, hitting the ground hard on his back, exhaling.

In the car, Cordelia broke off her kiss with a boy named Kevin. "What was that?"

"What was what?" Kevin asked.

Brady propped himself up, sighing, getting up.

"There you go, Brady," Carmen told him. "Doesn't matter if he knocks you down. So long as you get back up."

In the car, Cordelia looked at Kevin. "Someone's out there."

"That's silly," Kevin told her. "Who would be out there?"

Outside, The vampire growled at them. Brady pulled a stake out from underneath his jacket behind his back, holding it pointing away from him. The vampire frowned at the sight of it. Brady smirked mischievously. This infuriated the vampire as he launched himself closer. Brady ducked, kicking the vampire twice, stunning him, immediately plunging the stake home, making him fall over backward and burst into ashes when he hit the ground.

"Three in one night," Wyatt told them. "Giles would be so proud. I know we are."

"Yeah, because you, Buffy, Brooke, Alice and Carmen are playing teachers to me and Brady," Zoey told him. "Congrats, Wyatt. You got Brady to be a decent hunter so far."

"And got Zoey to be more open and at ease with her gypsy powers," Brady agreed. "What about Layla? She getting as used to it as you are, Zo?"

"Somewhat," Zoey answered. "My Aunt Jenny wants me and my mom to come with her during the summer so that we can see our family. So they can actually train us as gypsies."

"That should be cool," Carmen told her. "I mean, your own family teaching you about what you are. What you can do."

They smiled, heading home.


Sunnydale High School - Library

The camera panned over to the skylight and looked in.

Giles was sitting at the table, researching, getting up, going into his office to make some tea, sitting down at his desk with the cup, reading the text of the Codex. "Ho korias phanaytie toutay tay nuktee. 'The Master shall rise...' Yes, yes, this is it. 'The Master shall rise, and the Slayer and Guardians...'" He looked up in realization, disbelief. "My God."

Giles considered what he had just read for a moment, horrified and in denial, reaching for his tea. The cup began to jiggle. Giles looked at it curiously. A few seconds later, the whole building began to shake, and Giles realized he was experiencing his first earthquake, standing, looking at everything shaking. His teacup vibrated off of the desk, smashing to pieces on the floor.


The Bronze

People were in a panic for the earthquake. Eric and Xander were helping Willow and other people to safety.

"Under the stairs," Xander told them. "Under the stairs."

They knelt under the stairs, so that way, in case debris fell, it wouldn't crush them. Willow grabbed onto a step from underneath to steady herself. Someone rushing down the stairs nearly stepped on her fingers, and she yelped as she pulled her hand back.


Cordelia's Car

Cordelia and Kevin held onto each other as they rode out the quake.



Buffy, Brooke, Wyatt, Zoey, Carmen, Brady and Alice were on their way home, looking around them at the shaking trees. Car alarms were going off everywhere.


Sunnydale High School - Library

Giles walked out of his office, seeing several bookshelves fall over as the walls and the floor sustained severe damage.


Master's Lair

Master stood with his arms stretched out above him. "Yes. Yes! Shake, Earth! This is a sign. We are in the final days. My time as come. Glory. Glory!" The quake was over as quickly as it started. Master looked at Collin. "What do you think? 5.1?"

 Slayers and Guardians ∞ 

Day Two

Morning - Sunnydale High School - Library

Giles walked out of his office, walking over to the cage. Wyatt was sitting at the table. Buffy, Brooke, Alice, Brady, Carmen and Zoey walked in, looking around at all the damage.

"Morning," Buffy told them. Giles looked at Buffy, Brooke and Alice as if he had just seen a ghost. "Wow, the damage looks fairly structural. Are we safe in here?"

"Alice," Giles told her. "Brooke. Buffy."

"What?" Brooke asked. "Do we have something on our faces?"

"No," Wyatt answered. "And yes, we're safe." He indicated the stacks. "Uh, but probably best not to go up there."

"How're you doing there, Dad?" Alice asked. "I didn't hear you come home last night."

"Oh, I've been here all last night, working," Giles told them.

"Us, too," Brady told him. "We went hunting last night, and it is awfully sweet of you to ask."

"Brady and Zoey are getting better than ever," Alice told him.

"Yeah, Zoey and Brady killed the vampires and demons we ran into without much help from us," Wyatt agreed. "But it is getting hair out there, Giles. One of the vampires that we killed was practically on school grounds."

Alice nodded in agreement. "Their numbers are increasing."

"And they're getting cockier," Brooke told him. "Look, we're not loving it."

Giles was distracted. "Yes."

"Giles, care?" Carmen asked. "We're putting our lives on the line battling the undead."

"Look, I broke a nail, okay?" Buffy asked. "I'm wearing a press on."

Brooke rolled her eyes, looking at Giles. "The least you could do is exhibit some casual interest. You could go, 'hmm'."

Still distracted, Giles nodded. "Hmm, oh, sorry. Um, yes, I'm very glad that you're all all right. Uh, I--I need to verify, um, I just can't really talk right now."

"Fine," Alice told him. "That's okay."

"We can't put it off any longer," Brady told them. "We have to meet our terrible fate."

Wyatt frowned. "What?"

"Biology," Zoey answered.

Wyatt chuckled. The students left to go to class. Giles watched them go worriedly.



The Scoobies walked outside onto the balcony, walking down the steps.

Brady exhaled. "Wow. That was boring."

"I don't feel that boring covers it," Carmen told them.

"No, boring falls short," Zoey agreed.

"Even I was bored," Willow told them. "And I'm a science nerd."

Zoey looked at her. "Don't say that."

"I'm not ashamed," Willow told them. "It's the computer age. Nerds are in. They're still in, right?"

"Hey,  guys, don't we have a thing?" Xander asked.

"A thing?" Brooke repeated, getting it. "The thing we have."

"Which is a thing that we have to go to," Alice agreed. "We'll see you later."

Everyone walked away from Buffy and Eric.

"What on earth is their deal?" Buffy asked.

"Uh, they're weirdos like us," Eric answered. Buffy laughed, nodding in agreement. Eric smiled. "So, uh, Buffy, I wanted to, um... there was this thing I wanted to ask you, to talk to you about."

"Okay, what's up?" Buffy asked.

"Uh, let's go over here and sit," Eric told her.

They walked over to a bench to sit down.

"Eric, now you're making me nervous," Buffy told him.

Eric chuckled. "Oh, no, no, there's nothing to be nervous about. Really, it's silly."

"Well?" Buffy asked.

Eric took a deep breath. "Buffy, I wanted to ask you on a date to the dance. With me."

Buffy was speechless for a moment. "I--I don't know what to say."

"Well, you're not laughing," Eric told her. "So that's a good start. Buffy, I like you. A lot. And I know we're friends. We've had experiences. We've fought some blood sucking fiends, and that's all been a good time. But I think all of us deserve some fun where it's not about monsters. It's not about surviving. It's about living our lives and having fun. Dancing and doing something silly to take our minds off all the crazy in our lives. After so long of doing this, you deserve it a lot, too."

Buffy was touched, chuckling in surprise. "Eric..."

"What do you think?" Eric asked.

"I think that sounds like a great idea," Buffy answered.

Eric was only a little surprised, but very relieved. "Yeah?"

Buffy chuckled, smiling, nodding. "Yeah."

They smiled, laughing lightly.



Giles was on the phone. "Hello, uh, this is Giles. Uh, Rupert Giles." Layla walked in, standing by his office door. "I--I need to see you. No, I--I realize that. Uh, come after sundown. Good. I'll see you then, with Wyatt."

Giles hung up.

Layla leaned on the doorway. "You know, that outfit looks just like the one you wore yesterday. Only wrinklier. Were you here all night?"

Giles was surprised. "Sorry, Layla, I forgot about another session today."

"Yeah, to help me learn how to control this power, just like you and Buffy, Brooke, Alice, Wyatt, Brady and Carmen have been helping Zoey control hers," Layla told him. "I'm aware of the fact that you all are very busy, so you'll be happy to know that Jenny is talking me and Zoey into heading to our family so they can teach us the easiest and simplest, best way to control our powers the way they were meant to be." Giles nodded, looking intrigued and relieved, but still distracted and in denial, despaired. "Something's going on, Rupert, and I'm guessing you already know what it is."

Giles walked closer. "What do you know?"

"I slept last night without my necklace on," Layla explained. "I had these visions that didn't make sense to me completely. A cat gave birth to a litter of snakes. A family was swimming in Whisper Lake when the lake suddenly began to boil. And Mercy Hospital, a boy was born with his eyes facing inward. I'm not stupid. This is apocalypse stuff. And throw in last night's earthquake, and I'd say we've got a problem. I would say the end is pretty seriously nigh." Giles nodded, worried. "Look, with these visions, these powers I don't understand, and everything going on, I'm scared, okay? Oh, plus, I had this dream about something called an Anointed One?"

"The Anointed One?" Giles repeated. "He's dead."

"Someone's dead?" Layla asked.

"These dreams you've been having, these visions, I need you to tell me everything you've seen, and maybe we can decipher them," Giles told her.

Layla nodded. "All right. I hope that we can find an explanation together. Because I have no idea what all of this means besides that everything looks like it's ending."



Kevin and Cordelia walked together.

"I'll get everything tonight after practice," Kevin told her. "The guys'll help me."

"Well, it's all in the AV room," Cordelia told him. "The sound system, and the decorations, and, oh, Aura needs help, um, moving the coolers."

"Don't sweat it," Kevin told her.

Cordelia smiled. "Well, bring everything to the Bronze, and I'll meet you there in the morning."

"Done," Kevin told her.

Cordelia giggled. "You're so sweet. Why're you so sweet?"

Kevin shrugged, smirking. "I don't know. 'Cause I'm usually mean as a snake."

Cordelia smiled, seeing Zoey, Carmen, Willow and Xander. "Guys." She looked at Kevin. "I'll see you in the morning."

"Okay," Kevin told her, leaving.

Cordelia walked toward the others. "Zoey, I really like your outfit."

"No, you don't," Zoey told her.

"No, I really don't, but I need a favor from you," Cordelia told her.

"What kind?" Carmen asked.

"Well, the Bronze won't let us use their sound system, and I need someone who knows how to hook one up," Cordelia told them. "And, if memory serves from the time when we were friends, Zoey did that for us all the time, since her father's a musician. You used to say it was just like hotwiring a car, and seeing as how you've slipped into the criminal life--"

"Zoey's not in the criminal life," Willow told her.

"No, not yet," Cordelia told them. Zoey rolled her eyes. "Zoey, if you could just show up tomorrow morning I'd be really, really grateful. I mean, I'd talk to you at the dance and everything."

"She'll do it," Xander told her.

"I will?" Zoey asked.

"Yes, she will," Xander answered. "You will."

"I guess I will," Zoey told them. "Because Xander likes to torment me into doing things I wouldn't normally say yes to."

They smiled.

"I'll be over, too," Carmen told them. "After what happened with Marcie, I think we can get past the not getting along stage, right, Cordy?"

"Absolutely," Cordelia answered. "Thanks, Carmen. Tomorrow at ten?"

"Sure," Carmen answered.

They smiled.


Another Hallway

Brady and Alice were walking together.

"Buffy and Eric are gonna go to the dance together," Brady told her. "Willow and Xander are going as friend dates. Brooke was thinking about asking Wyatt because in her words, he 'needs to get out more'. Zoey and Carmen are going as girl dates."

Alice chuckled knowingly in amusement. "Are you leading up to a question, Brady? I have a pretty good feeling that I know what you're gonna ask. But it's still gonna feel good to hear it."

Brady smiled, nodding. "Yeah. Alice, you've been helping me a lot lately with training. So I can help Buffy and Brooke with whatever they're gonna do. And help you, Wyatt, Carmen, Zoey."

"Well, it's not just us that's doing this, Brady," Alice told him. "I mean, you have natural talent for hunting. And I'm pretty sure it's because your sisters are Slayer and Guardian. It's like it's in your blood, even if you don't have powers."

Brady smirked. "Either way, I wanted to thank you. And admit  that I do like you, and have since before the training. So, Alice Giles, would you go to the dance with me?"

Alice smiled, nodding. "I thought you'd never ask, Brady Summers."

They smiled, walking down the hallway together.


Girls' Locker Room

Brooke closed her gym locker. Two girls walked past, chatting. Brooke, now alone, was making red Guardian energy play along her finger tips as she wiggled her fingers around to make the energy dance along her skin, walking to the sinks, looking at herself in the mirror, absently turning on the water. After looking in the mirror, she looked down, seeing that blood was pouring from the faucet.



Alice, Buffy and Brooke walked in, but didn't see anyone.

Brooke spoke to herself. "Wyatt, you are not gonna believe this."

They stopped when they heard Giles and Wyatt talking, looking into the office.

"It's clear," Giles told them. "It's what's gonna happen and it's happening now."

Angel walked into view.

"Angel?" Brooke asked.

"It can't be," Wyatt told them. "You've gotta be wrong."

"I've checked it against all my other volumes, Wyatt, and it's very real," Giles told him.

"Well, there's gotta be some way around it," Angel told them. "Listen, Wyatt. You said that some prophecies are--are a bit dodgy. They're mutable. Alice and Brooke have had Guardian prophecy dreams. Zoey and Layla have had psychic dreams. And they've thwarted them time and time again. But this is the Codex. There is nothing in it that does not come to pass."

Wyatt shook his head. "Then we're reading it wrong."

Giles was clearly freaking out, near a breaking point. "I wish to God we were, but it's very plain. Tomorrow night, Alice, Buffy and Brooke will face the Master and they will die."

Alice, Buffy and Brooke watched, stunned.

  ∞  ∞

Wyatt was still in denial, shaking his head. "Well, have you verified the text?"

Buffy began to laugh, startling Alice and Brooke out of their reverie, and alerting Wyatt, Angel and Giles that they were there. The girls walked away from the office door. The boys walked out of the office toward them.

"So, that's it, huh?" Brooke asked. "I remember the drill. Slayer or Guardians die, next one's called. Wonder who they are." She looked at Giles. "Will you train them? Or will they send someone else?"

Wyatt sighed worriedly. "Brooke. We..."

"They say how he's gonna kill us?" Buffy asked. "Do you think it'll hurt?" Buffy and Brooke started to cry. Alice was in too much shock to do much of anything. Giles reached toward them sympathetically. Buffy backed away. "Don't touch me."

"Dad, were you even going to tell us?" Alice asked.

"I was hoping that I wouldn't have to, that there was some way around it," Giles answered, upset.

"I've got a way around it," Brooke told them. "Quit."

"It's not  that simple," Angel told them.

"I'm making it that simple," Brooke told them, raising her voice. "I quit, I resign, I'm fired. You can find someone else to stop the Master from taking over."

"I'm not sure that anyone else can," Wyatt told them sadly. "All the signs indicate..."

"The signs?" Buffy repeated, throwing a book. "Read me the signs!" She threw another book. "Tell me our fortune!" She looked at Giles angrily. "You're so useful sitting here with all your books. You're really a lot of help."

Giles looked down sadly, desperately. "No, I don't suppose I am."

"I know this is hard," Angel told them.

"What do you know about this?" Brooke asked. "You're never gonna die."

"You think I want anything to happen to you?" Angel asked. "We just gotta figure out a way."

"Brooke and I already did," Buffy told him angrily. "We quit, remember? Pay attention!"

"Do you think I like this either?" Alice asked. "We have our whole lives ahead of us." She looked at the boys, much more calm and reserved, but still nervous and in denial about news of her death. "We can't let the Master rise. Does it say how he is able to kill all of us even if we're together?"

"He's killed Guardians before," Wyatt answered. "Granting him such power as some Guardians. Hypnosis. Freezing people in place. Making them virtually helpless."

"I can't," Brooke told them. "I don't wanna die."

Giles was conflicted with the calling that he and Alice were both raised with, and not letting his daughter or two girls he mentored die, tears in his eyes. Wyatt was in denial and worried, not wanting to lose them, looking at Brooke sadly in sympathy. Angel looked between them, not knowing what to do. Buffy and Brooke walked out of the library without looking back. Alice leaned forward against the counter, running her hands through her hair, tears in her eyes, but refusing to let them fall.


Night - Summers House - Living Room

(Song:) Inconsolable - Jonathan Brooke

The song was playing on radio. Buffy and Brooke were sitting in shock on the couch, looking through a photo album.

Brady walked in. "Hi, Brooke. Buffy. You all right?"

"Sure," Brooke told him numbly.

"Probably just full from that bite of dinner you both nearly had," Brady told them sarcastically, knowing something was wrong, looking at them seriously. "Feel like telling me what's on your mind?"

Buffy turned to him, smiling. "Brady, let's go away."

"What?" Brady asked.

"Anywhere, just for a  while," Brooke told him. "All weekend. It'll be great. You, Buffy, me, Mom, a family thing."

"First off, you know Mom has to work on the gallery on weekends," Brady told them. "And the dance is tomorrow. Buffy, you and I have dates. Eric and Alice."

Buffy had clearly forgotten about the dance because of the news of their deaths, remembering now, sighing. "Right, Eric. I have the perfect dress and everything."

"Brooke, I thought you were gonna ask Wyatt to get him out there," Brady told her.

"I was," Brooke answered. "Before Giles, Wyatt and Angel told me, Buffy and Alice are fated to die at the hands of the Master this weekend."

Brady looked at  them in shock, not yet processing. "What?"

Buffy and Brooke didn't answer, tears in their eyes. Brady walked closer, sitting next to them, in shock at the news of his sisters and the girl he liked being prophecized to die, in disbelief and denial.

(Song Ends)


Day Three

Morning - Sunnydale High School - Hallway

Zoey, Carmen, Willow and Cordelia were walking down the stairs.

"Willow, you didn't have to come with us," Zoey told her.

"Oh, I figured that I could help out," Willow told them.

"Oh, Kevin said that he'd bring everything to the Bronze last night," Cordelia told them. "He promised. We'll never get everything ready in time."

"He probably forgot," Carmen told her. "It's not that big a deal."

"Uh, you don't understand," Cordelia told them. "I'm not mad. He totally flaked on me. On me. And I don't even care." Zoey, Carmen and Willow raised their eyebrows in complete surprise. "Yeah, I know. God help me, I think it's cute. Oh..."

The girls smiled as they reached the Audio-Visual room, seeing Kevin and his friends through the windows.

Carmen smirked. "There they are. They're watching cartoons. That's so cu..." Cordelia gave her a look. "That's not cute. That's annoying. I'm annoyed."

"Right," Zoey told them sarcastically. "I'm furious."

"Men," Cordelia told them. "I don't know why we put up with them."

"I don't know how I ever put up with you," Zoey told her.

From inside the room, it was revealed that Kevin was sitting on the floor, leaning against the door. The room was trashed and the boys were all dead.

"Obviously, Kevin has underestimated the power of my icy stare," Cordelia told them, opening the door. Kevin's body fell out into the hall, a vampire bite on his neck. Cordelia screamed. "Oh, my God! Kevin!" She knelt next to him. "No!" Zoey, Carmen and Willow looked up, slowly walking into the room, seeing the death and devastation, blood everywhere, the bodies mutilated. "Kevin!"

There was a bloody handprint on the TV screen.


Summers House - Buffy's Room

Buffy was wearing her prom dress, which was white, long and beautiful. Brooke was wearing a red dress, long and beautiful. Brady leaned against the doorway.

Joyce was heard calling for them. "Buffy? Brooke? Brady?" She ran into the room. "There's something on the news. Zoey, Willow and Carmen."


Chase Mansion - Carmen's Room

Zoey, Carmen and Willow were sitting together numbly. Buffy, Brooke and Alice were sitting with them. Alice was wearing a long blue prom dress. Buffy, Brooke and Alice were wearing leather jackets over their dresses.

Willow had her arms wrapped around her knees, having been crying. "I've seen so much. I thought we could take anything. But, guys, this... this was different."

"It'll be all right," Zoey told them. "I'm trying to think how to say it. To explain it so you understand."

"It doesn't matter as long as you're okay," Alice told them.

"I'm not okay," Carmen told them. "I knew those guys. I go to that room every day."

Willow nodded sadly. "And when we walked in there, it... it wasn't our world anymore. They made it theirs."

"And they had fun," Zoey told them. "What are we gonna do?"

"What we have to," Alice answered, standing, exhaling. "Promise us you'll stay in tonight, okay?"

They nodded.

"Guys?" Zoey asked. "I like your dresses."

Carmen and Willow nodded in agreement.

Alice looked down sadly, smiling weakly, looking up. "Take care."

Buffy, Brooke and Alice left the room, leaving. Willow, Zoey and Carmen stayed there, still processing what they had seen.


Master's Lair

Master was testing his confines as Collin watched. "Soon." He sent Collin on his way to get Buffy, Brooke and Alice. "Soon!"


Sunnydale High School - Library

Layla and Jenny were here, talking with Wyatt and Giles.

Wyatt sighed. "Okay, so Master tried to open the Hellmouth. But he got stuck in it. And now all the signs are reading he's gonna get out, which opens the Hellmouth, which brings the demons, which ends the world."

"The part that gets me, though, is where Buffy is the vampire Slayer, and Brooke and Alice are the Guardians," Jenny told them. "They're so little."

"Layla, your visions did allow us to narrow down the exact meaning behind the prophecies, so thank you," Giles told her.

"I had another," Layla told them.

"What was it about?" Wyatt asked.

"Isaiah, 11:6," Layla answered. "Which I dutifully looked up."

Wyatt sighed. "'The wolf shall live with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the kid, the calf, the lion and the fatling together, and the little child to lead them'."

"That's kinda warm and fuzzy for a message of doom," Jenny told them.

"Well, that depends where he's leading them to," Wyatt told them. "Aurelius wrote of the Anointed One, 'The Slayer and Guardians will not know him, and he will lead them into Hell'."

"So Layla's dream is telling her that the Anointed is a kid?" Jenny asked.

"If the vampire that Buffy, Brooke, Alice, Carmen, Wyatt and I killed was in fact not the Anointed, then it may well be," Giles answered.

"Well, then we need to warn them," Layla told them.

"I don't intend on involving them at all," Wyatt told them.

"What do you mean?" Jenny asked.

"Buffy, Brooke and Alice are not gonna face the Master," Wyatt told them. "I am."

"Wyatt," Layla told him.

Buffy, Brooke and Alice walked in.

"No, you're not," Brooke told him.

"So, we're looking for a child, huh?" Alice asked. "And he'll lead us to the Master?"

"We're not gonna send you out there to die," Wyatt told them. "If anyone besides the three of you have a shot at the Master, it's me. I'm going."

Brooke walked up to Wyatt. "You're not going up against the Master."

"I've made up my mind," Wyatt told her.

"So have I," Brooke replied.

"We made up our minds first," Giles told them. "We're older and wiser than you, and just... Just do what you're told for once, all right?"

"That's not how it goes, Dad," Alice told him. "Buffy's the Slayer. Brooke and I are the Guardians."

"I don't care what the books say," Giles told them. "I defy prophecy."

"And I am going," Wyatt told them. "There's nothing you can say will change my mind."

"We know," Buffy told him.

"I love you, Dad," Alice told him.

"And thank you, Wyatt," Brooke told him. "For everything."

Alice and Brooke used their red Guardian energy and power to get into Giles and Wyatt's head, making them fall unconscious with a thought.

Layla ran to Giles' aid, kneeling next to him. Jenny knelt next to Wyatt. They looked up at Alice, Brooke and Buffy.

"When they wake up, tell them..." Buffy trailed off. "I don't know. Think of something cool, tell us we said it."

"Layla, if you could tell Zoey to tell Brady, Eric, Carmen, Xander and Willow that we're sorry and that we love them and that we did this for them..." Alice trailed off. "That will be good, too."

"Tell Brady that we're sorry," Buffy told them. "Tell Eric that I am."

"You fight the Master, and you'll die," Layla told them. "He can control you and get into your heads because he's killed Guardians before, taking some abilities from them. Like what Alice and Brooke just did to Rupert and Wyatt."

"He'll do the same to all of you," Jenny told them. "Only all of you will die."

"Maybe," Alice told them. "Maybe we'll take him with us."

They left the library.



Buffy, Brooke and Alice were walking along, looking all around.

Collin walked toward them. "Help me."

They walked toward him.

"It's okay," Brooke told him. "We know who you are."

Collin reached for Alice and Brooke, taking the Guardians by the hands, leading them and Buffy toward the lair.

  ∞  ∞

Sunnydale High School - Library

Jenny and Layla had called Zoey, Carmen, Willow, Brady, Eric and Xander to the library. Wyatt and Giles were waking up.

"They what?" Xander asked. "I told you there was something going on with them. And they knew about this prophecy of yours?" Giles and Wyatt nodded. "Aw, man. What do we do?"

"We stay calm, first thing," Giles told them.

"Calm?" Xander repeated.

"I think he's right," Carmen told them.

"I'm sorry," Xander told them, gesturing to Giles. "Calm may work for Locutus of the Borg here. But I'm freaked out. And I intend to stay that way."

"Xander..." Zoey trailed off.

Xander looked at Wyatt and Giles. "How could you let them go?"

"As we explained before, since Alice and Brooke used their Guardian power to get into our heads and knock us out, we did not let them go," Wyatt told them.

"You said that the Master could get into people's heads like Alice and Brooke can because he's killed Guardians before," Willow told them. "That means that he can get into Buffy, Brooke and Alice's heads."

"And it means that he can kill them if he gets into their heads," Zoey agreed. "How can we help them?"

"Uh, I'm sorry to bring this up, but we also have an apocalypse to worry about," Jenny told them.

"Do you mind?" Carmen asked.

"How come she's in the club?" Brady asked.

"Why is she even here at all?" Willow asked.

"She's my mom's sister," Zoey answered. "My aunt. Chill."

"Listen," Layla told them. "Once the Master gets free, the Hellmouth opens, the demons come to party, and everybody dies."

"Uh-uh," Eric told them. "I don't care. I'm sorry. I don't. Right now, we gotta help Buffy, Brooke and Alice."

"We don't even know where they've gone," Xander told them.

"No," Carmen agreed. "But we can find out. Xander, Brady, Eric, Wyatt, go to Angel. Zoey and I should stay here with Giles, Willow, Layla and Jenny to figure out how to deal with the impending apocalypse."

Everyone nodded in agreement.



Collin was guiding Buffy, Brooke and Alice in. Buffy had her crossbow up and ready. Collin led them down some stairs, into a round side tunnel.


Angel's Apartment

There was a knocking at the door.

Angel walked toward the door, opening it. "Oh. Look who're here."

Xander walked in. "Mind if we come in?"

Eric, Brady and Wyatt followed.

Angel closed the door. "Make yourselves at home."

"They're gone," Brady told him.

"What do you mean?" Angel asked.

"Buffy, Brooke and Alice," Xander answered. "They've gone to fight the Master."

"He'll kill them," Angel told them.

"Rumor has it," Eric agreed. "Only, we're not gonna let it happen."

"Well, what do you propose we do about it?" Angel asked.

"Look, we know you can find the Master," Brady told him. "He's underground, right? Take us to him."

"Wyatt knows what he's doing," Angel told them. "But you other three? You're way out of your league, kids. I know you're training, Brady, but it won't make a difference. The Master will kill you before you can even breathe. If you're lucky. Eric and Xander would be first to go."

"How can I say this clearly?" Xander asked. "I don't like you. At the end of the day, I pretty much think you're a vampire. But Carmen's got this big old yen for you. She thinks you're a real person. And right now, we need you to prove her right."

"They're going, Angel," Wyatt told him. "Witches like me and Carmen, they can see soulmates, very rare witch power. Brady is Alice's. Eric is Buffy's. Buffy and Brooke are Brady's sisters that he would rather die than let die. Xander's coming because they're some of his best friends."

"And why are you going, Wyatt?" Angel asked, already knowing the answer. "Carmen once tried to stop Brooke's date with another guy because she said she could see her soulmate. She said it was because of you."

"We're not getting anything done by standing here and talking," Brady told him. "Are you gonna take us to Alice, Buffy and Brooke or not?"


Sunnydale High School - Library

The others were in the library.

Giles walked out of the stacks with an armful of books. "The Master is as old as any vampire on record that has the power to kill Slayers and Guardians with ease even while trapped. There's no telling how powerful he'll be if he reaches the surface."

"Okay, here's my question," Layla told them. "The Hellmouth opens."

"Yeah?" Willow asked.

"Where?" Layla asked. "If he's underground, and it's right where he is, where's it gonna open?"

"Good point," Willow told them.

"Uh, well, look, you have a look through the Black Chronicles..." Giles trailed off, handing Layla one of the books.

Layla took it. "Okay."

"Zoey, take a look through through the Codex," Carmen told her. "It told us about the prophecy. You're a gypsy with psychic powers of prophecy. Maybe you can figure out where the Hellmouth opens."

Zoey was distracted, worried, taking the book. "Sure. Uh, Willow? Willow?"

"Huh?" Willow asked.

"Could you look through the local histories, please?" Zoey asked. "Check for any common denominators."

"Uh, locations of incidences," Carmen told her.

Willow nodded. "Right. Okay."


Master's Lair

Collin led Buffy, Brooke and Alice inside, pointing down below, inviting them to enter, leaving the way they came. The girls watched him go, turning, making their way down to the floor below, looking around. There were hundreds of candles burning everywhere.

They heard the Master's voice, which seemed to be coming from all directions. "Welcome."

"Thanks for having us," Alice told him.

Master stepped into the light to look at them.

"You know, you really ought to talk to your contractor," Buffy told him. "Looks like you got some water damage."

"Oh, good," Master told them. "The feeble banter portion of the fight. Why don't we just cut to the..." Buffy spun around to shoot an arrow from the crossbow in the direction of his voice. With his lightning reflexes, the Master caught it mid flight right in front of him, where it would have shot into his heart if he hadn't caught it. "Nice shot." Alice and Brooke waved their arms, using their red energy to wrap around the Master, throwing him into the wall. Master stayed standing, smirking in amusement. "Strong. But you have no idea how many Guardians I have killed in my time. Or Slayers for that matter."

Master was able to break free from their power.



Brady, Eric, Xander, Wyatt and Angel reached an intersection, stopping.

Angel looked in both directions, trying to remember the way, remembering, walking past them. "This way." He looked at Xander. "What?"

"You were looking at my neck," Xander told him.

"What?" Brady asked.

"He was checking out my neck," Xander told them.

"No, he wasn't," Eric told him.

Xander looked at Angel. "Just keep your distance, pal."

"I wasn't looking at your neck," Angel told him.

Brady rolled his eyes. "We told you guys that the fighting stopped at his place."

"Or we would stop it," Eric told them.

They continued on.


Master's Lair

Master was able to get into Alice and Brooke's minds to stop them from fighting. "You're not going to kill me."

"Don't be so sure," Alice told him.

"You still don't understand your parts in all this, do you?" Master asked. "You are not the hunters. You are the lambs."


Sunnydale High School - Library

The others were at the table studying our volumes.

"Well, let's think about this, then," Zoey told them. "The vampires have been gathering. They know he's coming. They will be his army."

"Do you think they'll gather at the Hellmouth?" Jenny asked.

"Well, the last time the Master tried to rise was the Harvest," Willow told them. "He sent a bunch of vampires to get him fresh blood."

"Well, where did that go down?" Layla asked.

"The Bronze," Carmen answered. She looked up in realization. "The prom."

"We have to warn them," Willow told them.

They stood.

Layla stopped Giles. "No, we'll go. You have to concentrate on how to seal it back up if we have to. My car's in the lot."

"Stay close together, and for goodness' sake, be careful," Giles told them.

"We will," Willow told him.

Jenny, Zoey, Layla, Carmen and Willow quickly left the library.


Master's Lair

Buffy was slowly walking around, searching for the Master, after he had released Brooke and Alice temporary, so they were searching for him with their powers. They came upon a dead and rotted body.

"You know, for someone who's all powerful, you sure do like to hide," Brooke told him.

"I'm waiting for you," Master told them. "I want this moment to last."

"Well, we don't," Buffy told him.

Master appeared behind Brooke, getting into her head to make sure she couldn't use her powers. "I understand."

Brooke turned to face him, trying to use her powers, but couldn't with him in her head, struggling. Master grabbed her by the neck.


Sunnydale High School - Parking Lot

Jenny, Layla, Zoey, Carmen and Willow walked outside. Layla dug through her bag as they headed to her car.

"What if they get to the Bronze before we do?" Willow asked, looking behind them.

Zoey looked ahead of them, freezing. "Don't need to worry about that."

Layla looked up. "Why not?"

"'Cause they're not going to the Bronze," Carmen answered.

They looked out onto the field, seeing dozens of vampires approaching. They looked across the parking lot to see more of them. They turned to go back to the school, seeing even more of them blocking their way. They were surrounded.


Master's Lair

Master had fed on Brooke, taking off her jacket, who had been unable to move because of his powers overriding hers, letting her fall into the pool of water nearby. "Don't worry, girls. You'll join her soon in the waters of Hell." Buffy and Alice walked toward them, around a wall to see Brooke in the water, horrified, angry. Alice used her red Guardian energy/power to shove Master into the water. Master laughed in amusement as he used the power of the Guardians that he had killed before to overpower the energy around him, breaking free. Alice continued to tear at him with her powers, and though it was slowing him and making him hesitate in agony, he could still power through, grabbing Alice by the neck to hypnotize her. "I've killed many Guardians in the past, Alice. Don't feel bad for two Guardians not being able to overpower the Master who's killed many more." Master held his hand toward Buffy to hypnotize her to make her stay in place so she couldn't help Alice, forcing her to look at Brooke's body in the water, as Buffy tried not to cry at the sight of her sister like that, and the approaching death for her friend and mentor. Master removed Alice's jacket, letting it fall, feeding on her, making her gasp in pain as he let her fall into the water. "Oh, God! The power!" Alice laid motionless in the water next to Brooke. Master still hypnotized Buffy, walking closer. "You tried. It was noble of you. You heard the prophecy that I was about to break free and you came to stop me. But prophecies are tricky creatures. They don't tell you everything. You're the ones that set me free. If you hadn't come, I could go. Think about that." After feeding again on Buffy, he pushed her into the water next to Brooke and Alice. "And by the way, I like your dresses."

Master stepped over to the edge of his confines, pushing against the field. He forced his hand through. His confines broke down in a burst of red light and energy from the Guardian energy that he had consumed from Alice and Brooke and other Guardians for centuries before them. He started up and out of his lair.



Brady, Eric, Xander, Wyatt and Angel saw the light coming out of an adjoining tunnel.

"What was that?" Brady asked.

"It's too late," Wyatt answered. "He's gone up."

They broke into a run for the lair.


Master's Lair

The boys ran into the lair, finding the girls in the water, scrambling down to pull them out of the water, staring in shock.

Angel tried to listen for their breathing or heartbeat, looking at the others. "They're dead."

Everyone was in shock and horror, denial.

  ∞  ∞

The boys were trying to bring Buffy, Brooke and Alice back.

"No," Eric told them. "They're not dead."

"They're not breathing," Angel told them.

"But if they drowned, uh, there's a shot," Brady told them.

Wyatt was using his powers over the girls.

"What are you doing?" Eric asked. "Wyatt?"

"Can you bring them back with magic like that?" Xander asked.

Angel sighed. "It looks like he's gonna try."

Wyatt's magic was stitching together the wounds on the girls' neck, but they still weren't breathing.

"CPR?" Brady asked.

"Yeah, you have to do it," Xander told them.

"Brady for Alice," Angel told them. "Eric for Buffy. Wyatt for Brooke."

Brady, Eric and Wyatt did as told, breathing air into the girls' lungs.

"Come on," Brady told them. "Come on."


Sunnydale High School - Parking Lot

The vampires were advancing on Jenny, Layla, Zoey, Carmen and Willow.

"Why are they coming here?" Jenny asked.

"Not caring," Layla told them.

Layla, Zoey and Carmen were using their power to stop the vampires from getting closer, tearing them apart with their power, killing five each, but more vampires kept coming. They heard a car screech to a stop behind them, turning around.

Cordelia's car was in front of them, with her looking at them intently. "Get in!"


Master's Lair

Brady, Eric and Wyatt continued to breathe for Alice, Buffy and Brooke while Xander and Angel watched anxiously.

"Come on," Eric told them. "Breath."

"Breathe," Xander told them.

The boys looked down in sorrow, believing them lost, but the girls woke up with small gasps, lying still for a moment, looking around.

"Buffy?" Brady asked. "Brooke? Alice?"

The girls coughed out water. The boys looked at each other, smiling in relief, helping the girls sit up.

Wyatt put his hand on Brooke's forehead, stroking it gently. "Brooke."

Brooke looked at him, surprised to see him. "Wyatt?"

The girls were surprised to see all the boys, voicing their names.

Buffy smiled in relief. 

Alice sat up with Brady's help. "Thanks, boys."

"Welcome back," Angel told them.

They chuckled.


Sunnydale High School - Parking Lot

The girls were in the car.

"I was sitting where Kevin and I used to park, and all of a sudden these things are coming at me," Cordelia told them.

A vampire jumped onto the top of the car, making Jenny, Cordelia and Willow scream.

"What do we do now?" Carmen asked.

"We've gotta get to the library," Willow told them.

"Library," Cordelia repeated. "Great."

Cordelia literally burned rubber, making a fast U-turn, making the vampire fall off of the roof of her car, driving toward the school building. The car's engine raced as Cordelia gunned it toward the doors.

"Of course, we generally walk there," Zoey told them.

They crashed through the doors and into the hall.



Giles heard the noise. "What the..."



The car crashed through another set of doors and skidded to a stop in front of the library.



Giles stood, walking toward the double doors.



Vampires were running into the hall.

The girls each got out of the car, running into the library. Jenny, Willow and Cordelia were screaming.



Once inside, Zoey turned, using her powers to magically slam the doors closed just as the vampires got there. Layla magically helped Zoey hold the doors closed.

Giles walked toward them. "What's happening?"

"Guess!" Layla told him.

A vampire punched through the small round window in one of the doors and reached toward them. Zoey and Layla continued to magically hold the doors closed.

"Now is really the time where I wish I still had powers," Jenny told them.

Carmen looked at everyone in confusion. "Why are they coming here?"

There was a shot of them from the back of the library. A green tentacle was worming its way up through the cracks in the floor.



On the roof of the school, Master opened the roof access door, walking out, looking at the view around him of the town at night, smiling, walking to the edge of the roof, holding his arms out as he surveyed the scene in the library through the skylight. "My world. Oh, my beautiful world."


Master's Lair

The boys helped the girls up.

"Easy," Xander told them. "Easy."

"The Master?" Brooke asked.

"He's gone up," Angel answered.

The girls started to go.

Eric stopped them. "No. You're still weak."

Alice and Brooke smiled slightly.

"No," Brooke told them. "No, I feel strong."

"I feel different," Alice agreed. "Let's go."


Sunnydale High School - Library

Zoey and Layla were still magically keeping the doors closed so the vampires couldn't get in.

Giles looked at the back of the library and saw vampires trying to get in, pointing toward them. "They're coming in through the stacks."

Willow looked at Jenny. "Come on!" They ran to the back of the library. "The bookshelves."

They lifted a bookcase against the French doors that led to the stacks and leaned against it.

"My office..." Giles trailed off, running to secure his office.

Another vampire punched through the other library door window and grabbed Cordelia's arm. She screamed. "Somebody help!"

Carmen used her power to burn the vampire's arm off to make him let go of Cordelia, pulling her sister toward her protectively.



Buffy, Alice and Brooke marched determinedly toward the school. Eric, Brady, Wyatt and Angel were close behind.

"So, how do you know where the Master's going?" Xander asked.

"We know," Buffy answered.

A vampire tried to block their way into the school.

"Oh, look, a bad guy," Brooke told them tauntingly.

Alice used her Guardian energy to grab hold of the vampire, ripping him apart with a thought, making him fall into ashes, much to the impressed looks on the boys' faces.


Inside - Stairwell

On the stairs leading to the roof, the group came around the corner in the hall.

"Okay, you boys wait here," Buffy told them.

"Keep the the rest of the vampires off of us," Alice told them.

"Right," Brady told them.

"Angel, better put on your game face," Buffy told him.

"And Wyatt, don't hold back on warlocking," Brooke told him.

Angel vamped out. "I'm ready."

"And after what the Master did to you, there's no way in hell I'm holding back," Wyatt  told them.

"One way or another, this won't take long," Alice told them.

Buffy, Brooke and Alice looked between them, nodding, heading up to the roof.



While Zoey and Layla were magically keeping the doors closed, they were using their powers to kill the vampires out in the hall, five each.

"See how you like it?" Layla asked tauntingly.

In the back, Jenny and Willow were still leaning against the shelf.

"This won't keep them out for long," Willow told them, looking down and seeing a tentacle wrap itself around her ankle and screamed loudly.

Jenny grabbed hold of her, calling for help. "Zoey! Layla! Carmen!"

A huge, green, multi-headed and tentacled demon bursted through the floor.

"The Hellmouth!" Giles told them.

Everyone stared in disbelief. The creature had three heads and reached all the way to the ceiling.



Master looked in through the skylight, clapping his hands idly. "Yes. Come forth, my child. Come into my world."

Alice, Brooke and Buffy arrived.

"I don't think it's yours just yet," Alice told him.

Master turned his head, looking at them in disbelief. "You're dead."

"We may be dead, but we're still pretty," Buffy told him. "Which is more than we can say for you."

"You were destined to die," Master told them. "It was written."

Brooke shrugged. "What can I say? We flunked the written."

Master growled, reaching his arm out to try his powers/Guardian powers on them again. "Come here!"



Willow screamed as the Hellmouth creature tried to drag her away from Jenny.

"Willow!" Zoey told her worriedly.

Carmen ran closer to use her powers on the creature, hacking into it repeatedly with her powers to make it let Willow go. "Willow! Hang on!"

Zoey and Layla turned their full power on the creature, using their power to cause it so much agony that it roared in pain.



Alice, Buffy and Brooke slowly approached the Master.

"Did you really think you could best me here when you couldn't below?" Master asked.

Buffy looked at him curiously. "You have fruit punch mouth."

"What?" Master asked.

Alice used her power to throw Master into the wall behind him, able to stop him from breaking free this time. "While we were dead, Brooke and I were able to see the Guardians before us. The ones that have died. The ones who's power you've taken. They want their power to be released the way it should be. And they've made us stronger."

"In other words, your mind games don't work on us anymore," Brooke told him. "So save the hypnosis crap for the tourists."

As Master got up, Buffy did a swinging roundhouse kick that connected squarely with his face. Master swiped at Buffy, and she jerked back, but he managed to slice her with his fingernails across her upper right chest, drawing blood. Alice and Brooke used their Guardian energy to punch and kick and tear at the Master, much easier than before, shooting the red energy into his body, sending him flying back into the wall behind him, causing him great agony.



Carmen was protecting Willow, Jenny, Cordelia and Giles.

Zoey and Layla were still using their power to tear at the creature in front of them, making it howl in agony. Zoey used her power to break a table in half, and one side fell over onto its end, leaving a huge spike pointing upward.



Vampires attacked Brady, Eric, Xander, Wyatt and Angel. Eric and Xander held out crosses to make their vampires run away. Angel tackled another vampire. Wyatt did a hand gesture to kill 10 vampires around them with fire and magic, making them explode into bursts of ashes. Brady punched another vampire out, staking him in the heart.



The Master was ready to continue fighting. Buffy launched herself into a front tuck over his head, landing between him and the skylight, kicking him in the side with a side snap kick.

Master turned around, grabbing Buffy by the neck. "Where are your jibes now?" Brooke and Alice ran closer, seeing the upended table/makeshift stake through the skylight. "You laugh when my Hell is on Earth?"

"You're that amped about Hell?" Brooke asked. "Go there."

Brooke and Alice used their energy to throw the Master through the skylight.



The Master broke through the skylight, falling down onto the upended table, the pointed, jagged piece impaling his heart. He slowly turned to ash until only his skeleton was left. Buffy, Brooke and Alice watched from above.

Giles, Willow, Jenny and Cordelia stood.

Zoey and Layla were able to use their powers to force the Hellmouth creature into the floor, closing the gate.

The vampires in the hallways had been killed by Brady, Eric, Xander, Wyatt and Angel. Buffy, Eric, Brooke, Wyatt, Brady, Alice, Angel and Xander walked into the library. Everyone walked over to the Master.

"The vampires?" Willow asked.

"Gone," Brady answered.

"The Master?" Angel asked.

"Dead," Zoey answered.

"The Hellmouth is closed," Brady told them.

"Thanks to Zoey and Layla," Willow agreed.

Giles looked at his daughter in relief, walking closer in concern. "Alice? Alice..."

Alice looked up. "Oh, sorry."

"It's just been a really weird day," Buffy told them.

"Yeah," Xander agreed. "Buffy, Brooke and Alice died and everything."

"Wow," Zoey told them. "Harsh."

"We should have known that wouldn't stop you," Carmen told them.

They smiled.

"Well, what do we do now?" Eric asked.

"I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd like to get out of this place," Layla told them. "I don't like the library very much anymore."

"Hey," Willow told them. "I hear there's a dance at the Bronze tonight. Could be fun."

"Yeah," Carmen agreed. "Hell, yeah."

"Buffy?" Zoey asked. "Brooke? Alice?"

"Sure," Buffy told them. "We saved the world."

"I say we party," Brooke told them. "I mean, we got all pretty."

Jenny looked at the Master. "And what about him?"

Carmen looked at the Master. "He's not going anywhere. Loser."

They all started to leave and chatter.

Giles looked at Layla. "I'm not dancing, though."

"We'll see," Layla told him.

"You were quite brilliant tonight though you're just beginning to learn your talent," Giles told her. "Impressive. Thank you, Layla."

Giles and Layla smiled.

"Wyatt, Angel, you can come with us," Willow told them.

"Yeah, you boys need to be there for Brooke and Carmen," Zoey told them.

Carmen gave her a look. "Zoey."

Willow laughed. "She's not wrong, Carmen. Come on."

"Great," Brady told them. "When we get there, we eat and drink."

"And dance and party," Eric agreed. "I'm hungry."

"So what's the story with the car?" Xander asked.

"Oh, that was me, saving the day," Cordelia answered.

"Get something to drink," Carmen told them.

"Is anybody else hungry?" Eric asked.

"Well, no, don't do that," Zoey told them. "Just hang."

"I am really, really hungry," Willow told them.

Carmen looked at Angel, smiling. "So you gonna stop avoiding me and go with the dance with me?"

"I never pictured someone asking me to a school dance," Angel told her.

"But is that a yes?" Carmen asked.

"Yes," Angel answered. "It's a yes."

They smiled, chuckling.

Brooke walked closer to Wyatt, smirking. "Come on, Wyatt. You know you wanna come with us and have some fun."

Wyatt chuckled, shrugging. "Why not? We're all going, Brooke. And you did die. Kind of opened my eyes."

They looked at each other, smiling.

Buffy took Eric by the hand as they walked toward the doors. "You were right before, Eric. About us needing to live our lives and have some fun. So thanks."

Eric smiled. "My pleasure. Come on. Let's go have some fun."

Eric spun Buffy around, making her laugh.

Brady looked at Alice they walked toward the doors together. "By the way, I really like your dress."

"Yeah, yeah," Alice told him. "Big hit with everyone."

Buffy, Eric, Brooke, Wyatt, Brady, Alice, Giles, Layla, Zoey, Jenny, Cordelia, Carmen and Angel walked out of the library, leaving it in chaos.

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