Black Waters (Reader!Assassin...

By MockingbirdsDontSing

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1715. The Golden Age of Piracy was on the way, and pirates and reavers ruled the High Seas. Those seeking ad... More

Prologue - Fate leads to Fortune
Chapter 1 - Havana: Heart and Soul
Chapter 2 - Gold to Ashes
Chapter 3 - The Reaper of Havana
Chapter 4 - Shatter One's Pride
Chapter 5 - A Deal Sealed in Blood
Chapter 6 - Spouting Differences
Chapter 7- A Changing of Events
Chapter 8 - No Choice To Stay
Chapter 9 - Master of the Sea
Chapter 10 - Glory Fades Pt.1
Chapter 10 - Glory Fades Pt. 2
Chapter 12 - God of Storms
Chapter 13 - Statues and Empires
Chapter 14 - Unsettling Welcome
Chapter 15 - Burial at Sea
Chapter 16 - Lions Inside
Chapter 17 - New Challenges Arise
Chapter 18 - A Nation Settled on Smoke and Salt
Chapter 19 - Below the Sun
Chapter 20 - Songbird
Chapter 21 - False Pride
Chapter 22 - King of The Clouds
Chapter 23 - The End of All Things
Chapter 24 - Lifted
Chapter 25 - Le Bâtard Personne n'a aimé
Chapter 26 - Playing with Fire
Chapter 27 - Death Will do us Part
Chapter 28 - This Old World
Chapter 29 - A Dance With Jack Ketch
Chapter 30 - Partners in Crime
Chapter 31 - Legacies

Chapter 11 - Curses Swell

1K 50 22
By MockingbirdsDontSing

Ciao fellow people! Hope everyone's good - I'm not dying from a heatwave- I'm having a problem with my computer, it's broken, so I'm having to write this on my phone/anything else convenient. Sorry if they're mistakes!  

The few days that took place on The Seahawk had passed slowly; with little time that seemed to pass within days, as if time passed slower in the open waters. It had been around three days when the ship had left the docks of sunny Havana, and the bad omens and warnings they traveled with seemed to follow them to Nassau. 

It seemed that through their travels, the crew had becoming more fearful at the fact that the end near to their journey wasn't turning out so well - with it, the skies had begun growing darker and clouds grew in the evenings, swirling to blackness of an ominous abyss and something fretful waiting for them - the worry of a possibly storm coming around was on everyone's minds. 

But not the Captain's: the Englishman didn't seem to care nor believe in any of the beliefs of what the crew spurted on about, and he was quick to dismiss it all, especially telling Alfred not to worry or overthink it. 

It was full knowing that there was no such thing as bad omens or warnings, the only thing they had to worry about was getting to Nassau within a good amount of time before it was too late.  

Y/N seemed to be the same in terms of believing and disagreeing - the fact that she knew that there was no such thing as such, only fate from the Gods seemed to show upon how fair a sailor's journey would be - and the Captain had to be careful in what he said. 

There was a God of Death around; in a physical and spiritual form too.  

Like any folk lore, Y/N had heard it all - from sirens lurking beneath the waves waiting for their next victims, to the souls of those who curse anyone who set foot along the small islands - their bodies would drown and they would have to live the rest of their lives in eternal watery hell. 

Some of the crew had even thought of her as some kind of witch; wanting to curse them and set them for misery and death.  

Luckily, instead of being tormented or set to be punished for magic, Captain Kirkland was quick to order his men not to speak of it ever again, or else there would be for sure a wrath not just from her, but from the infamous pirate himself.  

She was unsure whether to thank the man or not, but letting her differences aside, she was still seen as an infiltrator, a threat to some more than others, and she had to be wary of anyone and everyone. She was their enemy in their eyes, and she would have to keep a lookout on all of them - just in case she wasn't to get her back stabbed and betrayed.  

It would be pointless to get on their bad sides; Capitán Kirkland's crew are more vicious and rabid than a pack of dogs, when they believe in superstition, it will take them forever to forget it.  

Y/N had found herself spending more time outside than in the room assigned for herself; mainly time during the hot days training Alfred, whom progressively, was getting slightly better. He had some days that were good and worse than others, but with the hours being put in, it seemed like it was all paying off.

It was also a good excuse to enjoy the rays of sun on her S/C skin, to feel free rather than imprisoned in a room with barely any light. As much as she loved Havana - the only home she knew of - she did enjoy the feeling of escapism.

The days was coming slowly to a end, with most of the evening being spent with crew growing exceedingly drunk, some spending time on the deck drinking and arguing, spewing nonsense among each other like a pack of gulls. It was forever growing more annoying in Y/N's mind, for it seemed she would never get used to it.  

With the lack of much food apart from hardtrack and salt beef, it was all bland and disgusting. It's as if Capitán Kirkland cooked the meals himself. Y/N had come to laugh and make fun of the fact that she had learnt from Alfred that, despite being a famous notorious pirate, the Englishman couldn't cook to save his life.  

Alfred had come to suffer this back in the days before pirating, and yet Alfred kept it to himself that his step brother couldn't do anything basic at all. In Y/N's mind, it was hilarious.  

Speaking of the English Pirate, he was someone Y/N knew that the 'trust' had to be mutually built for both of them, and at this moment in time, Y/N knew that it needed more time to improve. He was someone who must've never had a partner in such ways like that to work with, and Y/N could some-what agree; she liked to work on her missions alone too.

The only comparison between the two was that Y/N didn't have to worry about a younger sibling, but he did. She sometimes preferred that feeling of not having to worry about anyone else, but sometimes, she was envious. 

Y/N sighed heavily, dismissively walking away from the back of the ship to make her way in hopes as to talk to the one person with some common sense. She could only hope that Kirkland was the one person still sober. She walked slowly, avoiding other crew members, making her way to the captain's cabin.  

Not even bothering to knock, she twisted at the doorknob, peering through to look inside. There was no stopping her from opening the door wide enough to see, and it looked like she was interrupting something. It seemed that Arthur was mid-through nagging or ranting at his step-brother over something. She cursed herself, wishing she had ears-dropped before coming though.   

Kirkland's eyes landed on the opened door, green eyes looking like algae or the same color as the emerald gem across his cravat. But the one thing about them burned more dangerously, like something was simmering hotly to the surface. He looked visibly mad but he didn't say anything.  

Alfred seemed to notice the change of atmosphere and where his brother's eyes were looking at, looking to the H/C haired female briefly before looking away. He looked embarrassed, maybe because he was now in the same room as these two hotheads and knew he had to feel awkward about it.   

 Y/N straightened herself more, releasing the door handle in her grip. "May I speak with you," her eyes darted quickly to Alfred sitting there avoiding all forms of eye contact, "privately." Arthur didn't look all too pleased at the question, crossing his arms over his chest. "Can you not see we're having a discussion? The door was closed for a reason."  

"I know," she responded calmly, smiling to him but it looked more snarky than genuine. I just like seeing how far I can test you before you lose it. "it was something important. But I'm sure he can still remain."

Arthur's eyes turned back to Alfred, something in his eyes that could read as asking for his brother to leave,not wanting whatever it was to be spoken about to influence the teenager in anyway. Alfred seemed to get it after some time that passed, his blue eyes widening.

"W-What? Why do I need to leave? I'm old enough to listen in-"  

"Because I asked you to, now leave." Arthur was quick to show his authority and his power as Captain, which seemed to only annoy Alfred some more. Alfred sighed in defeat, pouting but obeying, standing up and moving for the door. He took one look back, watching Y/N enter properly, before shutting the door behind him with a loud click. 

Y/N took the boy's seat, aware that the Captain's eyes were silently watching her, waiting for her to sit. When she did, did he question her, his tone had a hidden amount of sarcasm and irritation to it.

"So, what exactly did you want to speak so urgently about?" He leaned back in his seat, eyeing her with a invisible distaste for his time being interrupted.

Y/N didn't buy into the fact that he really cared deep inside, but she remained calm and collected on the outside. "Look, I know you hate me, and with a good reason-- we've been put into this situation neither wanted to be apart from. Both of us had different lives we were playing, and now oddly, we have to work together."  

She sighed, taking a deep breath before continuing. "But this type of attitude can't continue... we're both not wanting this, but one of us will have to be the bigger person and get on with it."

"And who exactly do you think is being the bigger person assassin?" Questioned smugly by Kirkland, clearly he was still being arrogant about it all. Y/N merely rolled her eyes. "I think you know pirata."

Arthur didn't look all so happy by the response, nor wanted to argue further into the matter about each other's different opinions. 

She was in fact right: they were both in a situation that had to be cleared once the whole problem had been, and when it was done, they could go back to hating each other and living individual lives.

Secretly, Arthur couldn't wait for that day to come.

He too, exhaled in defeat, pinching the bridge of his nose, before looking to her. "You know what? Fine, I agree, we can be civil people and discuss our matters without having to be so argumentative about it all-- I'm sure you could agree?"

She raised her eyebrows every-so-slightly higher than usual, narrowing her E/C eyes to slits. "Sure... whatever you say."

"Maybe then we can set the hierarchy that my crew live by each day; that you too can follow."

Oh? Does he think he's the King? Should I bow his way each day? I think not.

  She scoffed lightly, but didn't say anything else about it. "Prefiero tu hermano sobre ti."  





"So, you prefer being taught to fight by the Reaper huh?"

Alfred gulped nervously, twiddling his thumbs. He had been sent to Arthur's office after another grueling day of practicing with the H/C haired female, all with some success in Alfred's mind. He was really trying his best; not just for himself, but to impress and please his brother in proving to him how capable of a useful fighter he can be.

"She's been helping a lot," begun Alfred, looking from the eyes of Arthur's who were slightly shadowed by the light from outside. His green eyes looked more darker than ever before. "and I really want to improve."

"You have been, miraculously. I'm surprised how quickly you've been improving, but that doesn't mean I agree with how she fights."

She seemed to fight you just fine, there was nothing wrong with it. Thought Alfred. "Yeah, it's something new though." Arthur didn't seem very happy by the answer, and Alfred knew deep down that he had somehow managed to piss Arthur off. He wants to be known as the greatest fighter ever, not anyone else.

Alfred didn't continue, and that gave Arthur the leeway to begin his rant. "Oh and you think I'm not as capable as her? You know what father said, he wanted someone responsible and strong enough to take care of you, and he wanted me to do in such. Do you think he would've picked me if that had been the case? No-- I spent years living to survive, fighting everyday to stay alive, and you not letting me help you fight is unacceptable-"

He had been right going on now, and before he could continue, the door had twisted open abruptly, creaking open loudly to be opened far enough to see who was there. Oh God. Alfred breathed out heavily, his throat felt like it had been closing in on itself, trapping air that it felt harder to breath.

Standing there was The Reaper, who had seemed to come in just as Arthur was through mid rant. His eyes turned towards the door, looking to her quietly. God, I want the sea to swallow me whole. Alfred panicked, trying to keep minimal eye contact with her.

"May I speak with you," She asked, looking from him to Alfred, the two making brief eye contact before he looked away, "privately." Arthur looked even more angry, now that he had been interrupted by the assassin. "Can you not see we're having a discussion? The door was closed for a reason." He seethed silently without trying to lash out.

She spoke calmly back to him. "I know, it was something important. But I'm sure he can still remain." Oh she's talking about me, no-- I don't want to be here, as much as I want to, I really can't.

Arthur seemed to answer it quickly with his eyes, turning back to his step-brother with the small creaking of his chair. His eyes only read one thing: 'Get out.'

His blue eyes widened slightly, going to open his mouth to object before he would intervene once again. "W-What? Why do I need to leave? I'm old enough to listen in-"

"Because I asked you to, now leave." He couldn't disagree or argue back, for his brother was the Captain, and he had to follow all the rules that were there. It annoyed him more than anything in the entire world. Alfred sighed, pouting to himself before getting up to leave, taking one last glance the assassin's way, before closing the door behind him without it slamming too hard.

"Cheer up lad, let the two adults speak whilst ya get some grub and help with the sails." Upon leaving, Alfred was spoken to by one of the heavier men with a long scar from his eyebrow down the side of his right eye. Alfred grimaced, knowing it had come from the Reaper herself.

But I'm an adult too... in some ways. "For what?" Questioned Alfred, confused.

The man grinned with ugly yellow vile teeth making the teenager grimace from how badly broken they looked. "A storm's coming boy, ya better help before it comes in and sweeps us all into a watery grave."


This week, I will not be able to update, for I'm off to Amsterdam - a city I'm in love with. Have you been to Amsterdam, or are you from Holland? Let me know! See you soon!

Translations:             Spanish to English

Prefiero tu hermano sobre ti - I prefer your brother over you.

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