Harry Styles' younger sister...

By ArianaCamilaStyles

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Ariana Styles is the 15 year old sister of Harry Styles, 1/4 of the worlds most popular boy band One Directio... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Cast and characters
Ideas for the next chapter
Authors Note
Author's Note
Ideas for the next chapter
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Character update (2024)
Character update (2024) part 2
Chapter fourteen
Character asks

Chapter nine

191 8 0
By ArianaCamilaStyles

*8 year old Ariana's POV*

I was at school since it was lunchtime and I was laughing with my friends when the principal came up to me. "Ariana, your brother and sister are here." I was confused but I grabbed my bag and said bye to my friends. I went to the office and saw Harry and Gemma give me a sad smile. "What's wrong? What happened?" I asked them. Harry looked over at Gemma and sighed softly. "Mum and Dad got in a bad car accident and they didn't make it." I just broke down in tears and fell down to the ground and I felt like I couldn't breathe as I felt like my whole world had just stopped. Gemma picked me up and brought me over to the car with Harry walking behind us and got in as we drove back home. I had cried for hours and hours as Harry sat beside me and comforted me. I didn't even want to believe this was real life.

*The next day*

I woke up at 10:00 today and just laid in my bed. I didn't want to move from my bed all day. Then I heard Harry and the boys come in as Harry brought me food as I looked at it. "Thanks but I'm not hungry." I said. "You have to eat something love." He says. I huffed softly as I took a couple bites of the food then me and the boys cuddled and watched movies for the rest of the day and I knew that they would be here to help me through this tough time.

*8 years later*

15 year old Ariana's POV

"It's so offensive though!" Harry said, throwing down a dishtowel in mock anger. I laughed nervously and I quickly tossed the Nando's takeout bag into the trash bin. "I didn't know that you would be cooking tonight Haz!" I say. He sat down at the kitchen table where the two plates where placed full of food that even I had to admit, with my full stomach, looked delicious. But I had avoided eating at hike because honestly the thought of sitting with Harry on one corner of what used to be our families dining room table before our parents died in a car crash depressed me. "You've eaten out every night." Harry said, almost on cue like he was reading my mind. I opened my mouth to answer but he cut me off gently. "And I mean I get it. But c'mon, I've been told I'm a great cook and I would really love to not be eating alone anymore." He sort of moaned the last part, bringing his head on the table a few times. "All right, all right." I giggled, throwing my bag down and taking a seat next to him, pulling the plate close to me. Harry looked up, his eyes shining before he let out a laugh. "But if I throw up later, I want no complaints from you as you hold back my hair."

*2 years later*

17 year old Ariana's POV

Michael is taking me out tonight and I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I never been on a date before, let alone had a boyfriend before. Harry had told me that when I was 15 almost 16 that I wasn't allowed to date, but now that I'm at that age where I'm allowed to date, he let me date him. And of course he does trust Michael not to hurt me since I am his baby sister. He just doesn't want me to get hurt like he did when Kendall, his ex-girlfriend cheated on him before he got with Lukey and before he was pregnant with Sydney. "So what do you think?" I smiled softly, watching my older brother and sister turn in a full circle in the middle of our living room. Harry and Gemma exchanged looks before Gemma nodded her head proudly. "You've done well Ari. I thought it would look like a garbage truck to be honest, with your sense of taste, but you've made me proud." She said and I laughed loudly as I shook my head. "I think it's quite lovely, Ari." I heard Harry say in a quiet voice, hands behind his back as he smiled. "You've done an job making it seem like home." He says. "I know, I already feel comfortable knowing that you're both with me now." I said as I ran my hand across the back of the couch. "Course the first few nights I was miserable, it was so quiet. But now I love it. I can't believe that I have my first date with Mikey." I squeal softly. Harry collapsed on the couch and stared blankly at the wall. Gemma chuckled, sliding down next to him and putting a hand on his back. "Weird isn't it? Seeing her all grown up? Felt the same watching you." She says. "I guess that I just sort of thought," Harry started slowly. "That she'd be the baby forever, you know? It was natural seeing you grow up, you were older than me. But watching her is scary, I don't like it."

*Present day*

Harry's POV

I shot out of bed, Luke groaning as I made my way towards the bathroom, throwing up into the toilet.

"Morning sickness, my ass." Luke grumbled as my eyes watered. "This has been happening all night!"

He walked in slowly, dropping onto the floor next to me as I finished, laying his head on my shoulder with a blanket around his shoulders.

He wrapped his arms around my middle, moving his head up to rest his chin on my shoulders.

He rubbed my stomach gently as I hung my head, the nausea still there.

"You okay now?" He asked quietly, his hand going up to rub my two month stomach. I had found that I was pregnant again after Lukey and I had came back from our honeymoon 2 months ago and I do have a feeling that I could be pregnant again.

"I think..." I mumbled, exhausted from not sleeping well the past few weeks because of this.

He helped me up as I brushed my teeth.

He went and grabbed my glass of water from my bedside table. "Drink it, babe." He handed it to me as I took small sips.

My stomach churned, me shaking my head as I handed it back to him. "I just wanna sleep." I whimpered as he took it.

I dragged my feet back to bed, shivering slightly as he followed, throwing the comforter over us both.

Luke's POV

I sighed as I heard Harry hacking into the toilet in the morning.

I heard the toilet flush before he appeared and came back to sit on the edge of the bed.

His shoulders slumped, him rubbing his stomach.

He was in a large jumper and sweatpants, pale looking and shivering slightly.

I held the blanket up, him turning his head to look at me.

"Come here, baby." He whimpering while he crawled close to me, curling up as I held him close.

"You had to get pregnant didn't you?" He whined, me laughing lightly as I rubbed his back.

"We've been talking about a baby for about a year now, Haz. This wasn't a one person job." I mumbled, nuzzling my nose into his hair.

"Yeah..." He says softly.

Later that day, we're both with our friends Liam, Niall, Louis, Zayn, Michael, Ashton and Calum, as well as Ariana.

Ariana was also pregnant by Michael, same amount of months as Harry.

At the moment, Harry was once again, throwing up. "I don't know, I mean. I've had a few queasy days but some saltines and ginger ale helped fine." Ariana said while I nodded.

"I think we have those." I went to the kitchen, smiling when I found a liter of Ginger ale and a row of packaged saltines.

I walked back in as did Harry, miserable, tired and pale while wrapped in a blanket, hair pulled up in a cute bun.

"Hey, babe. These should help." I placed the row of saltines on the coffee table in front of him while handing him the ginger ale bottle.

He looked at the bottle before looking up at me, hitting the crackers with the bottle a few times so they crushed.

I sighed as he looked back up at me, the guys trying not to laugh.

"Babe, come on.." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"What do you want to do, Lukey?" He grumbled.

"I want you to stop throwing up?" I whined, his glare hardening.

"If I could control it, I'd do it on you right now." He growled as I sighed, sitting next to him on the couch.

I gathered him in my arms, his head going into the crook of my neck.

"Just try the crackers...Ari says they helped her." I looked towards him, silently asking for help.

"Uh, yeah. They help a lot but little bites at a time." She said while Harry sighed.

"I don't know..." He whispered, hugging me around my middle with his head on my chest.

"Please?" I whispered, hugging his back.

"They're crushed though.." He mumbled.

"I'll get some new ones." Liam offered as he nodded.

He smiled as he got up and headed towards the kitchen.

"You need to eat something anyways. Gotta hold something down." I kissed his head as he nodded again.

"Anyways guys, I was wondering if you would like to come to ours tomorrow night? Have some dinner and just...hang out?" Michael spoke up.

"Well if his morning sickness is better then sure. Why not." I shrugged, rubbing his back.

"Shouldn't even be called bloody morning sickness." Harry whined angrily. I rubbed his back, cooing softly.

Liam came back with a new row of saltines, handing them to me as I opened the package, handing one to Harry.

He sat up slowly, looking at the cracker with a pout.

"Come on, babe..." I pleaded gently.

He looked at me before taking a small bite.

We all watched as he ate the whole cracker, surprisingly keeping it down as I smiled brightly.

"Can you eat another one for me?" I asked as he nodded slowly.

He took some sips of ginger ale, us all getting into talking.

"So my mum got this book for Ari called 'What to Expect When You're Expecting' and there's a lot of stuff in that, that I had no idea even happened." Michael explained as Harry was on his fifth cracker.

"Like what?" Liam asked.

"Like how the baby can feel the vibrations when you touch her stomach, or his stomach for Harry, and stuff. Rather not wanna go into gruesome stuff." He shrugged as I nodded, holding a hand up.

"We just got him to hold down food. No need for that conversation." I wrapped my arms around him.

"I don't want anymore.." Harry pushed the crackers away, cuddling into me with his head on my chest.

"One more sip of this?" I asked, picking up the ginger ale.

He took one more, me smiling as he settled back again.

"Looking good so far." I smiled, glancing up at the guys to see Michael with a protective hand on Ariana's stomach as Liam was dozing off in the recliner.

The next day, Harry did end up throwing up in the morning and twice throughout the day.

"I can call and say we're not coming?" I offered.

"No..no I'll go, I'll just..won't eat anything that I know I can't hold down right now." He explained softly as he got dressed in a clean jumper and sweats, brushing his messy curls a bit before putting it in a bandana.

He then held a hand over his mouth, closing his eyes tight for a moment before he swallowed, sighing heavily.

"Alright, let's go." He turned towards me as I looked at him worriedly.

"Okay.." I mumbled while we headed out.

Harry's POV

I was a little out of it when we got there, the guys talking about what food was cooking as I got nauseous.

"Can we talk about something not food related?" I asked quickly as Ariana stood.

"Har, can you come into the kitchen with me?" She asked as I gave her a weird look. What does she need me in the kitchen for? I think to myself.

"Why--" I started saying but she cut me off, making me huff.

"Come on I've got something to show you." She grabbed my hand as we walked towards the kitchen.

When we got in there, I gave her a weird look as she spoke.

"You need to lighten up, Harold." She placed her hands on her hips as I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm sick! I'm only here because Lucas wanted to come! You're lucky because you don't have morning sickness or any of that shit--"

"Harold, language!" Ariana scolds me. "I am sick! I throw up all the time! I just hide it from Michael." He spoke in a hushed tone.

"You're sick. How do you pull that off?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"When I feel like I have to puke, I make up some excuse about something I have to do to go and do it! Hell, yesterday I puked in the freaking vase that was out in the living room and I had to throw it out. I'm just glad he hasn't noticed it's gone yet! And in the morning, I wake up earlier than him incase I have tummy issues so I can do it without him noticing. When he does notice it's rarely so that's why he think it's not that bad when in reality, I feel like I have to puke right now!" She explained as I placed a hand on my stomach.

"But you've been eating--" I started saying but she cut me off.

"I put it in napkins and throw them away when he's not looking.." She reached into her sweatshirt pocket, pulling out a napkin that had chips in it that were sitting on the coffee table for them to snack on.

My mouth fell open a bit as she threw it in the bin, looking over at me.

"Why would you lie?" I asked.

"Why should he be worried about something that can't be controlled and is going to happen?" She shrugged back.

"Well if we have to be miserable then they should feel some guilt." I grumbled.

"Why make them upset, though?" She asked while we heard them laughing from the other room.

She smiled at me. "They sound happy because they think we're happy. Why ruin someone else's mood with your own? They sound pretty happy to me so why wreck it.." She trailed off as I sighed.

I gave her a small smile with a nod.

"Yeah...he does sound happy. God he's loud." I laughed lightly as I heard him talking from the living room.

"Now let's go back there and at least attempt to act better? Just don't eat anything you know can't hold down. I would stick with the saltines and ginger ale." She suggested as I sighed, nodding.

We walked back in as Luke smiled at me, me giving him a small one back.

He wrapped his arm around my middle as I cuddled into his side.

He kissed my head as Ari sat down next to Michael.

I noticed that she looked a tad uncomfortable, me knowing she felt a bit queasy.

She swallowed hard as I frowned at her.

A little while later, Ari still looked uncomfortable making me shake my head.

"Ari, stop trying to push it away." I spoke, everyone looking at me before Michael looked at Ariana.

Her eyes widened as I said this.

"What do you mean?" She gave a fake as I rolled my eyes.

"Ari's sick. She has morning sickness. All the time. Yet she refuses to tell Mikey." I explained.

"What? No I--" Ariana starts saying.

"Ari..." Michael mumbled as he closed his mouth, looking at Ari.

"I'm fine, babe. Really." She tried to convince.

"Ari, just tell him." I pushed.

"Harry, I--" She starts saying.

"Ari, if you're getting sick I'd like to know...how often are you getting sick?" Michael asked as he pouted slightly.

"Twice...maybe three times a week?" She tried.

"Ariana." I hissed.

"A day." She sighed, Michael's eyes widening.

"Ariana!" He gasped as Luke raised his eyebrow.

"I'm sorry! I just didn't want to worry you about something you can't control. Why bother? It's going to happen so why not let it happen without concerning others?" She fought back.

"It's my job to worry about you! You're my girlfriend and I'd like to know when you're feeling ill so I can take care of you." Michael pointed out.

Ariana whimpered, wrapping her arms around Michael's middle while resting her head on his chest.

"Don't be mad at me.." She whispered, Michael's face softening as he held her back.

"I could never." He mumbled.

"Okay well.." She got up and booked it to the bathroom. Michael laughing lightly as he got up and followed.

Luke rubbed my side, me looking over at him.

"How do you feel?" He asked, reaching up to tuck a curl back into the bandana I wore.

"Nauseous." I sighed as he nodded.

"You know what we haven't tried yet that might work?" He asked as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"What?" I asked as my hand went to my small bump.

"Ginger snaps. You know those cookie things? My mum used to make me eat some when I was sick and they helped." He explained as I nodded.

Ariana and Michael came back after a few minutes and we talked for a little while.

The food was barely touched but we took some home incase my sickness goes away soon.

"Ginger snaps, yeah?" I asked as he nodded.

"Gotta stop at the store. I'll be quick, babe." He pulled into the lot and parked.

He kissed my cheek before getting out and heading inside.

I sighed, resting my head on the back of the seat as my hands went to my stomach.

I looked down at it, lifting up my shirt some to see the small baby bump.

I smiled fondly.

"You better not make me sick for much longer. Because it sucks." I whispered.

I patted at it for a little while before Luke came back.

He smiled as he noticed my hand, placing his over mine.

"Our baby, love." He said while backing out of the parking spot.

"Our baby, Lukey." I sighed with a smile.

The ginger snaps did help and it helped me keep down other foods as well.

Now I'm five months along and it only happens once a week and the doctors said that it should stop from anywhere between now and six months.

"How's it going baby boy? Huh?" Luke cooed in a baby voice to my stomach.

My shirt was pulled up as I leaned back against the couch, Luke on his knees in front of me with both of hands on my bump.

"He's doing good. Such a good boy." I cooed, patting the side of my stomach.

He moved slightly under my touch, me grabbing Luke's hand to place it where mine was.

"Feel him rolling around in there?" I asked as he nodded slowly.

"Yeah I do.." He breathed out as I smiled fondly.

I grabbed his chin gently, making him look up as I sat up, leaning down to press my lips to his.

They lingered for a moment, me pulling back because I started to smile.

"You know...I never really got to thank you for putting up with me these last few months.." I mumbled biting my bottom lip.

"You don't have to, love." He bumped his nose against mine as I raised an eyebrow with a smirk.

I landed towards his ear so my lips brushed it as I spoke.

"So you...wouldn't want to go upstairs and you wouldn't want to make love to me.." I whispered as he tensed.

"Who the hell would be stupid enough to say no.." He mumbled as he came up and crashed our lips together. "You're the most perfect man in the world."

I blushed but kept kissing him, my hands going to the hemming of his shirt, tugging on it.

He smiled back to take it off, then lifted me up and brought us upstairs.

I rested my head on his chest, is breathing a bit unevenly as he rubbed my back.

We were under our big, dark blue comforter, my leg over his hips.

I tilted my head up to connect our lips together, us kissing slowly and passionately.

We pulled back after a few minutes, bumping our noses together before I pecked his lips once more.

"Love you, baby." I mumbled against his lips, pulling back to look at him.

He smiled, reaching up to run his fingers through my hair.

"I love you more, sweetheart." We kissed again, then I cuddled back into him with my head tucked under his chin.

And that's how we fell asleep, happy and content.

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