Myla & The Nishida's!

Autorstwa RedBeeSandAmber2

5 1 0

Previously named "Myla & Michio," it is now named "Myla & The Nishida's!" This compelling sequel follows the... Więcej

A Nasty Date Night

5 1 0
Autorstwa RedBeeSandAmber2


Michio is a Japanese boy who was born in America. When Michio was one, his mother, Kaya, escaped her abusive husband, Ryuzaburo, & currently lives in Newcastle England.

Not all Japanese people have a monolith, but Michio inherited one from his father.

Kaya, Michio's mother, didn't have a monolid; Michio got his "cat eyes," also known as "Phoenix eyes," from his dad, Ryuzaburo.

While Kaya and Ryuzaburo had "1A type hair," straight to the tip, Michio's shared black hair was the same.

Spending time outdoors to escape Ryuzaburo, Kaya and Michio tanned, developing a pale brown complexion, a contrast to Ryuzaburo's fair skin.

Ryuzaburo, a homebody battling depression, preferred staying indoors.


Myla, a Navajo immigrant in Newcastle, which is within England, had fair skin that was tanned & monolid. Her jet-black hair and monolid & fair skin once led Kaya to mistake her for Japanese.

In a dimly lit establishment adorned in shades of blue, four employees hustle behind the counter while one diligent manager keeps watch. The eatery exudes an atmosphere that's more makeshift than refined, with tattered tablecloths and mismatched chairs. A menu, dog-eared and grease-smeared, offers only hamburgers in various dubious varieties, each accompanied by an unsettling aroma.

Guests, a mere seven in number, sit at the wobbly tables, their expressions wavering between curiosity and regret. The sole drink option, a lukewarm Sprite, comes in chipped glasses. Prices for these unsavory creations range from a meager dollar for the most basic to an ambitious eight dollars for a promise of extra "flavor." Despite the unappealing setting, those who dare to enter find themselves in an unusual culinary adventure, where the unusual combination of elements somehow manages to create a peculiar charm.

Myla has kidnapped Michio's heart, and Michio is incredibly nervous. Michio is afraid of offending her because she's indigenous, he has no experience with American natives.

Michio is afraid to do something that insults her, Many of the British find Americans dumb, and they bash Americans as a whole, he fears it will be inevitable that he will say something to offend her like "Look at that American lickin' his car, aren't they just so stupid?"

Michio fears that he will face backlash for his ignorance as he has no frame of reference. She is the ONLY Native of America that he has ever met.

Michio & Myla were on a date. This place was awful. The reason that they went here on a date is because they couldn't afford anything else. College took a lot of their money.

A White British waiter, Tony, a male with long, tousled blonde hair cascading down to his shoulders and piercing grey eyes, approaches Myla and Michio's table with an air of indifference. His unkempt appearance "contrasts starkly" with the "fine-dining" setting. Wearing a crumpled white dress shirt and a stained black apron, he seems disinterested in his role.

In his hands, he carries two plates bearing the most aged and unappetizing burgers one could imagine. The buns appear stale and cracked, while the meat patty is discolored and overcooked. A peculiar aroma of age and neglect hangs around these dishes.

Michio looked at it & thought to the patty "How are you both discolored & overcooked at the same time?"

With an apathetic demeanor, the waiter places the unsavory burgers before Myla and Michio, barely making eye contact. His service lacks the usual warmth and professionalism, leaving the diners "wondering" whether they've stumbled into an unsettling dining experience.

Michio looks away from his burger while Myla ignores it & looks at the menu. All the burgers on the menu look very appetizing. Myla is going to do something odd.

Myla calls the waiter, thinking "I'm thinking of using my ethnicity to score some decent grub here. If I can make it look like he's treating me unfairly, maybe I can score one decent burger. Do you think it'll work? I mean, nobody gets fresh burgers at this place – not even folks from that are white. They all end up with the most overcooked and awful burgers. Maybe we should've just gone to the park!"

Myla looked at the waiter, Tony. She couldn't do it. "I realize that not only will I come across as foolish since they treat everyone the same way, but I'll also make it more challenging for those who genuinely face discrimination. This place doesn't discriminate; it treats everyone poorly," thought Myla.

Myla looks at the table with two European Brits, James & Carla. They get... "Oh- Oh, gosh!" said Carla. "Can I look down?" Said Carla as she looked down And there was this awful raw "robberger," robbing their money quickly. Her bread was covered in mold throughout, all over her bread. The meat was super-molding; she could see baby maggots poking out, and there were fly eggs on it.

On James' burger, there was no mold, but there were fly eggs all over the bread. The meat had the most mold because the meat was a raw bit of chicken with salmonella and moldy mulches coagulating together to make such a "wonderful, wonderful" dish!

Carla was about to bite into her burger. James was horrified, yelling, "No, you moron! You'll die if you eat that!"

Carla's bare hands were touching the burger, and Carla gagged! The burger touched her lips, but not her 👅 tongue!

Carla couldn't do it! Carla WOULDN'T DO IT!!! Carla may have been a broke college student, but she wasn't that broke!

Carla got up and ran out of the establishment, gagging. The establishment was called "Wonder Burgers!" with the slogan: "We'll make you wonder what they're made of with how good they are!"

James just looked away from his burger to prevent from gagging, but the Gosh-Awful scent got to him, and he threw up on the floor.

The French waitress, Tanya, shouted to entertain the guests, "James attempted a heroic burger-avoidance maneuver, but the Gosh-Awful scent mounted a sneak attack, causing him to eject his lunch in a comedic, albeit messy, floor show!"

The other guests gagged and laughed at him, all at the same time! James was so embarrassed; that he ran off, throwing up! Myla felt awful for laughing at him; she had a horrified look on her face. Michio was still laughing at him!

And then five customers were left...

Michio & Myla felt awkward! Michio was still laughing, then his chin touched his burger & he jumped!

Michio's reaction to his chin touching the disgustingly rotten and moldy burger was one of immediate revulsion. His face twisted into an expression of intense discomfort, and he quickly recoiled, wiping his chin vigorously on his napkin while wearing a look of utter distaste.

Myla shouted, "You need isopropyl alcohol for that!" Michio's fury surged as he slammed his fists onto the table, his head bobbing vigorously with tightly clenched eyes repeatedly shutting and reopening in an outburst of rage.

Michio stood up yelling "YOU CAN KEEP THE MONEY, LEAVE US ALONE!" Then Michio left.

Myla laughed at him then looked at her burger & quickly reverted to gagging! Myla hurried out of there because the place smelled awful!

The air in that place was thick with an overpowering and putrid stench, a noxious blend of decay and filth. The once-charred burgers now sat in a state of advanced decomposition, emanating an odor of burnt, moldy meat that clung to the very fabric of the establishment. Flies buzzed incessantly, laying their eggs on top of the moldering burgers, their presence only intensifying the noisome atmosphere. The buns, once soft and appetizing, had succumbed entirely to mold, their surfaces covered in a fuzzy, greenish-gray growth. The meat, now a repulsive mixture of salmonella and rot, oozed a sickening aroma that mingled with the pervasive mold, creating an unsettling fusion of rancid flesh that assaulted the senses.

The overweight British college students, both male and female, were huddled together amid that wretched odor. Their faces contorted in anguish, and the air was filled with heart-wrenching sounds, a chorus of distressed moans, and quivering breaths, as they struggled to endure the foul stench that enveloped them.

They all failed to endure the foul stench that engulfed and enveloped them and left them in tears!

At home, Myla vowed never to return. Michio laughed at the horrid state of the building & made fun of it in the most putrid of mockeries!

Myla went back home to her dorm which she shared with Michio! "Ew! My nose! It burns!" 🥵 Myla shouted!

Myla noticed redness on Michio's chin, he was scratching it, and clogged pores led to acne, with a horrid rash & breakout!

Myla ran to get a paper towel 🧻 & some isopropyl alcohol, "It's go-time!"

Myla put on a mask & gloves 🧤 & knew she was safe because she could never bring herself to put those gloves back on her face after touching his chain with them gloves!

Myla pinned him on the bed, Michio was confused until Myla started accidentally burning his chin by wiping isopropyl alcohol-soaked paper towels on his chin to clean off the bacteria!

Myla did this for 3 minutes non-stop & threw away the residue, then used body soap on his chin, dish soap, detergent, peroxide, Lysol wipes, Lysol spray, 🧴 shampoo, & baby wipes, She also got makeup wipes to clean out his pores!

After Myla was finished, she took off the gloves Michael Jackson Style! Myla put on new gloves & prepared to rinse his face! Myla dragged him to the bathtub, turned it on & dunked his face under the running water of the faucet! Myla made sure that his chin was DIRECTLY UNDER THE FAUCET!

As Michio, I found myself in an unusual and rather uncomfortable situation. My face was positioned under the tub faucet, and my head was hanging upside down. The water cascading onto my chin felt forceful, almost like a miniature waterfall, focused on cleansing away the microscopic, moldy, and rotten meat residue that clung stubbornly.

The sensation was a mix of discomfort and urgency. The water pressure was intense making my chin feel as if it was under a continuous stream of stress The sensation of water flowing over my skin was both refreshing and slightly overwhelming. I could feel it working to dislodge and wash away the unpleasant remnants, but the experience itself was a bit disorienting and not something I expected to find myself in.

After Myla was done, she dried off my chin & threw the towel in the washer.  Myla smiled for me since, uh, I was trying to be her boyfriend.

Narration is like...

A month later, Michio is trying to plan a better date for them at Burger King! They were both broke! They had jobs, but they both worked at McDonald's!

Myla walked out of the shower, but never left the bathroom since there was a man in the house, they lived in a dorm & so she had to make sure that he couldn't see her.

Myla, the bathroom acrobat extraordinaire, strategically positioned her clothes on a humble chair that she brought into the bathroom as if the chair were the dressing room of a Broadway star. After a vigorous drying session, she embarked on her daily quest to transform herself into new clothes.

But the real star of this show was her trusty goggles, the unsung heroes in this bathroom drama. These goggles were her secret weapon against the dreaded water attack on her eyes, a battle she fought every hair-washing day.

You see, Myla had a history of water-induced eye suffering. Those droplets were like tiny, relentless ninjas, ready to strike. So, on went the goggles for protection.

However, these goggles came with a side effect: they turned her vision into a wobbly, carnival-like guessing game. Picture Myla stumbling around like a tipsy tightrope walker.

As luck would have it, her bathroom floor had become the stage for her routine, with her being the star performer.

Each time, she'd graced the bathroom floor with her face's presence a total of nine times the previous week, slamming onto it with her nose gracefully slapping the floor as she fell.

Please, take bathroom falls seriously.

Myla then dried her hair in the bathroom. By the time Myla was done, Michio had finished planning their Burger King date.

Michio had come back home with flowers, tons of 🌹 roses! It was noon, the perfect time for a date! The sunset 🌇 is 😍 amazing!

The noon sunset painted the sky with stunning hues, blending warm oranges & purples in a breathtaking afternoon display.

Michio Nishida knew it was the perfect time to ask her on a date. Michio knocked on her door 🚪 & said "I love you. You wanna go on a date with me? Um, I set up reservations at Burger King. I'm sorry."

Myla came out asking "Burger King? All man..." Myla had an idea, then asked "We could just make something at home for each other!" Michio was ashamed to have a date at Burger King, so he nodded.

Myla thought for a bit, then said "The first date will be at Burger King, though, They're Cinnamon rolls are awesome!"

Michio laughed & nodded. Myla & Michio went to a Burger King 👑 & loved 😻 it!

Timmy was a British man who had a strange urge. He wanted to break into a Burger King and do something unspeakable on the floor. He had been planning this for weeks, and he finally found the perfect opportunity. He waited until the restaurant was closed, Michio and Myla had just left and were so happy to be able to eat at a place they could afford, and then Timmy snuck in through a back door that he had unlocked earlier.

Silently traversing the dimly lit corridors, he eventually reached the heart of the eatery—the pristine dining area, adorned with gleaming tiles and deserted tables. Timmy felt a rush of excitement. An electrifying thrill coursed through Timmy as he surveyed the empty expanse. Succumbing to his inexplicable yearning, he carried out a bizarre act, defiling the immaculate floor without reservation.

This curious incident, born of Timmy's enigmatic impulse, unfolded within the confines of the restaurant's solitude. Its impact, known only to him and the unsuspecting staff who would confront the perplexing scene in the morning, remained shrouded in mystery, a testament to the unfathomable depths of human behavior.

Timmy took a dump on the floor, and Michio went to the car with Myla, flirting with her the whole way but he stopped, looked back, and heard groaning from inside the Burger King.

Myla said, "Let's go home for our second date."

Michio asked, "Is someone hurt?"

Myla listened and said "Oh, who's that? We should call the police, they'll check on them."

Myla went to get in the car while Michio went to check on the groaning man.

Myla saw him and wondered "What are you doing?" Then dialed the Newcastle City police's non-emergency number "101" for a moment.

In real life, ironically, in England, you can get the police to show up by calling 999 to report emergencies or by calling 101 for non-emergencies. Different countries have different emergency numbers for some reason, America has 911 for emergencies.

Myla wasn't sure if it was a real emergency, while it did sound like a man in pain, it also sounded like a man was pooping in pain. This is why she chose to call "101" because 101 was for non-emergencies. Myla and Michio Live in Newcastle, Tyne and Wear, England.

Newcastle upon Tyne, often referred to as simply Newcastle is a city and metropolitan borough situated in the Tyne and Wear region of England. This city is positioned on the northern bank of the River Tyne, directly across from Gateshead to the south. Newcastle holds the distinction of being the largest and most densely populated urban area within the Tyneside conurbation, a significant metropolitan area in North East England.

Myla sat in the car waiting for Michio. Myla was sure he'd handle it.

Inside Burger King, Michio accidentally stepped into a turd on the floor, which startled him. He quickly recoiled in shock and started pressing his back against the wall. He then sidestepped along the wall, trying to make his way into the dining area, where he heard someone groaning in pain. The reason for his peculiar movements became apparent when it became clear that there were turds scattered around the restaurant, causing him to avoid them as he moved.

Michio was very concerned for the groaner, especially all the random new poop, it was clean just 30 seconds ago, how? Lil' Timmy must have sprayed the place with his diarrhea!

Michio found Lil' Timmy! Now, since Lil' Timmy is a Grown Man, & not a Lil' boy, Lil' Michio was flabbergasted (stunned) & discombobulated! (Confused)

Michio took out his phone & did a time old useless act -- Filmed it.
Okay, that wasn't useless, they can't blame Michio if he filmed it. Oh shoot! THAT'S WHY MICHIO FILMED IT! What a Genius!!!

Michio looks at Timmy look back at Michio & then Timmy screams in Michio's face "Let me poop in peace!" Then With a swift and somewhat crude motion, Timmy had tossed the offending turd at Michio's face, leaving him in a state of shock and humiliation.

Michio's face was covered in the turd of a random stranger, which made Michio recoil & shout "Mmm...! DUL! Mc-Cua! UhHHHh!!!" Michio suddenly started sobbing for some reason as a reaction to poop meeting his nose via touch.

Michio's frantic escape from the Burger King was a chaotic spectacle. His eyes wide with horror, he sprinted towards the exit, his legs moving in a frenzied, zigzag pattern as he desperately tried to evade the unpleasant mess beneath his shoes. His arms flailed wildly at his sides, almost as if they had a mind of their own, desperately seeking balance and momentum.

The audible squelching of the poop beneath his shoes seemed to echo in the small space, adding an embarrassing soundtrack to his dramatic exit. Tears streamed down his face, mingling with the sweat that beaded on his forehead, as he cried in distress. His body jerked and convulsed with each step, as if trying to shake off the unpleasant experience he had just endured.

And then there was Timmy, the source of this unfortunate encounter, who stood inside the Burger King with a mischievous grin. The mixture of fear, revulsion, and anger painted a vivid portrait of Michio's escape, making it a surreal and unforgettable moment in the annals of fast-food restaurant history.

Michio ran outside & when his girlfriend, Myla, saw him, she was immediately turned off from wanting continue the planned date with him at home & was incredibly confused and concerned for his well-being.

Michio freaked out, yelling "The nasty little butt sucker pooped on the floor & threw his sucking turds on my face!!!" Michio popped off & was livid!

Myla laughed all of a sudden, she couldn't help it, "Sucker, what?!" Myla shouted.

"Oh frick! Hahahahaha!!!" Myla laughed at Michio as he got in the Driver's seat of the car, spreading poop in it.

The moment Michio decided it was time to escape the Burger King parking lot, a high-pitched tire screech pierced the air. It was a sound that cut through the background noise of car engines and distant chatter, demanding attention. The screech was sharp and discordant, a cacophonous clash against the backdrop of the everyday.

Inside the car, Michio's hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, knuckles white with tension. His foot pressed hard on the accelerator, and the tires responded with a squeal, protesting the sudden burst of speed. The car lurched forward, jolting as it broke free from the confines of the parking space.

As Michio hastily navigated the maze of parked cars and the narrow Burger King exit, the screech continued, growing louder as he accelerated. It was a sound that encapsulated his urgency and unease, a discordant melody of rubber meeting asphalt.

Outside, bystanders turned to look, their faces registering surprise and curiosity at the dramatic exit. The screech reverberated in their ears, a jarring reminder of the unusual spectacle unfolding before them. It was a moment in time where sound and motion collided, leaving an indelible impression on all who witnessed Michio's frantic escape from the Burger King parking lot.

At home, Michio took seven showers while Myla was getting his car cleaned at the car wash.

After everything was cleaned up, Michio & Myla had their date at home because they just wanted to relax from the crud!

"Today was a bad day, but we're gonna make up for it," said Michio. Myla nodded.

Michio and Myla's cozy date night in their shared dorm room was a testament to their creativity and affection for each other. They had transformed their small living space into a warm and romantic haven, despite their limited budget.

The room was adorned with an assortment of freshly picked flowers, lovingly arranged in a makeshift vase. 🌹 roses, 🌺 lilies, and a colorful bouquet 💐 of 🌼🏵️🌻 wildflowers and clovers adorned the small table at the center of the room. The scent of the blooms permeated the air, creating a fragrant atmosphere that filled the room with romance.

Their dinner consisted of an eclectic mix of fast-food favorites they had picked up from nearby eateries. The aroma of crispy 🥓 bacon, creamy cheese 🧀, and a cheesy 🍕 pizza filled the room, making it feel like a gourmet feast despite the humble origins of the food. They had set the food out on plates and shared it between them, savoring each bite as they talked and laughed together.

Soft music played in the background, setting the perfect mood for their evening. As they sat close together on the dorm room floor, they shared stories and dreams, deepening their connection. The dimly lit room, illuminated by the soft glow of fairy lights strung across the walls, created an intimate ambiance that allowed their Christian values to shine through their date.

While their shared dorm room might not have been a fancy restaurant, it was a place where their love blossomed and flourished. They held hands, exchanged gentle glances, and reveled in the simplicity and authenticity of their romantic evening, knowing that their love was built on a foundation of faith, respect, and shared moments like these.

To be Continued...

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