Sirius Black's son. (A fem Ha...

By sakuraMishelle

7.2K 71 50

Sirius Black Marry's Marline MicKinnon. They have a son named Orion Black. Marline was killed in a Death Eate... More

About Orion Black
About Rose Potter
getting up to date
Meeting his son again
The Talk And Getting To Know Eaich Other Again
The Quidditch World Cup
The Quidditch game

Going Back To Hogwarts

474 7 20
By sakuraMishelle

The next day Rose woke up on the couch alone. Orion had to go into the minestry. Rose sat down at the table and saw Charlie, and Sirius there along with Hermione and Ron, Fred and George, and Ginny.

Orion, Bill, and Arthur were all at the minestry at the moment.
. . . . . . .

It was now in the afternoon. When the flew started up. Green flames came up. Orion, Bill, Arthur all came out one at a time. Orion and Bill looked annoyed. While Arthur looked tired.

"It went that bad?" Molly asked them.

"They wanted me to go over a few things. It was tiring." Arthur told everyone.

"They had us going over every Rune from top to button." "And Every angle." Orion said and Bill added the last bart.

Everyone looked at the two cerse-brackers shoked. "They wanted you two to look every inch of the Runes?" Hermione said in surprise.

"Yeah. The Runes I made weren't broken or tinkered with. They some how got past them." Orion told them.

Everyone felt bad for the three of them. It was a few weeks after the attack. When Orion was at the Ministry talking about how the Death Eaters could have gotten past the Runes when Arthur came over looking scared. Orion Rose wants you. She had a nightmare about you being killed." Arthur said.

Orion nodded and left and reappeared at the front door of the Burrow. He walked in and asked soon as he did he was takled in a hug.

Rose was hugging Orion tightly and was crying. "Rose, I'm okay. I'm fine. Okay? I'll stay with you tonight alright?" Said Orion to Rose softly in her ear. "Really? You will?" Rose asked him.

"Really. I'll tell dad to say with Moony for tonight. I'll be right back. When I get back we can just cuddle on the couch, k?" Orion told Rose. "K. Thanks Orion." Rose said feeling better that she'll have him with her.

"Anything for you, Rose-petal." Orion said back. Orion flewed to his house and saw his dad sitting on the couch reading a Quidditch magazine that he got weeks ago. "Why are here? Did the meeting go that quickly?" Sirius asked his son.

"No! Rose had a nightmare about me getting killed. I'll be staying with her tonight. I don't want you burning my house down you will stay with Remus for tonight." Orion explained to his dad.

Sirius nodded. "Is she alright?" He asked is son. "Yeah, just scared." Orion said with a sad look. "Say hi to Moony for me." Orion told Sirius, who nodded an I will. Orion left and did as he promised Rose.

Soon Rose was asleep. Ron and Hermione came over and asked Orion. "Will she be alright?"

"She will. She's strong." Orion told them. Ron and Hermione nodded. They talked about all kinds of things being quite so they didn't wake Rose up. Soon it was time for dinner and Orion woke Rose up. They talked while they ate. Them Molly made everyone go to bed. Orion and Rose slept in his bed to be more comfortable.


Things were going good and soon it was time to go back to Hogwarts. Rose made Orion promise to wright to her everyday like she did Sirius and Remus.

They all went to see off the kids. "Good luck this year, pup." Sirius said to Rose, who nodded and gave him a hug. She then did the same thing to Orion.

Soon the train took off and everyone went home. Orion and Sirius had a good father, son rlashenship. Sirius was happy for that. His son was doing great. He had a great jop and good friends. He was just as loyal to his friends and family, like Sirius.

Orion and Rose owled each other everyday. Things at Hogwarts were going good so far.

A letter came the next day. The latter from Rose. It read:

Dear Orion

How are you? I'm good I miss you, but i'm good. We got two different schools students, who came to Hogwarts for the terdment. Did you and Sirius, along with everyone else know about it already? Things at Hogwarts are good. It's exciting with the new students around.

Classes are the same. I love Charms and Transfrigration. Like my mum and dad. I am good at DADA, but I don't like it as much. I'm going to start learning how to heal. I want to be a healer when I leave Hogwarts. What do you and Uncle Sirius think? Like my choice? Wright back soon.

Love Rose Potter

Orion gave it to Sirius to read. "She likes healing magic. Lily used to do it a lot. Rose wants to be a healer like her mother? Than I say go for it." Sirius said.

"Yeah. I remember Aunt Lily always wanted to be one. I think if she wants to do that then great." Orion said happy for Rose.

Orion get a letter ready to send back with Hedwig. It read:

Dear Rose

I'm glad to know you are doing alright. Me and dad are going fine too. Yes, we did know. It was meant to be a surprise. I'm glad to know your classes are going good. You want to be a healer? Great. Your .other wanted to be one to, but she never got to finish her training.

Good luck. You'll brobly need it.

Love you aways
Orion Black

Orion gave Hedwig a owl treat and said a good luck and be careful to the owl before opening the window for the owl. Hedwig hooted a reishents and flew off.

Things were great up till they got a letter from Ross talking about the champions for the tournament. Rose was supposed to be one but Hermione helped her find a loophole. The two Black's were glad about that. Rose didn't have to compete.

Soon after a week they got another letter telling them about the first task was Dragons.

Rose also told them about the ball. The Yull ball.(spell)?

Sirius and Orion wished her a good luck and they wished they could be there. Orion had work and Sirius was still trying to get over what he went through at Azkaban.

Rose was sure having a exciting year, that's for sure.
Great, I have another chapter up. I hope you enjoyed the new chapter. Comment or vote if you want. Thank you for reading my story.

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