Her Arrogant Husband

By im_sana

41.1K 1.9K 158

Previously know as "Marriage A sacred bond" ******* " We two are different people, marriage isn't an option f... More

First Encounter
Bad feeling
Scary Dream
Face to Face
Unknown Call
Meet Me?
Convincing Him
I Wish
Awkward Birthday
His Parents And Engagement
How Dare He?
Contract And Advise
You are nothing to me!
Breakfast victory
Trying to talk
Safe distance
Glimpse of emotion
Like husband Like wife
Reception part 1
Reception part 2
Only for the world
Breakfast Bickering and His Accusation

Challenge Accepted (1)

1.7K 76 18
By im_sana

Hey readers, i know you guyz might be angry, i know its very late but hey now i am here with your favorite Shayaan and Zenish hope you will enjoy the chapter 


It has been a long half n hour we are on the way only Allah knows where, I have asked him many times but his answer was

"Patience is the key, you are going to have a blast of a day. After this day you will not challenge me Mrs" I rolled my eyes. I have no high hopes for this day but looking his enthusiasm I am starting to look forward for this day

Shut up you are excited for your date my heart snapped me

Its not a date I argued in my mind

No its not

It is

No it is not

Yes it is

"NO! STOP IT" the car stopped immediately my head turned left side, Shayaan was looking at me weirdly, I just realized what a fool I make myself sometimes

Blame is all on you my subconscious scolded me

"are you okay?" he asked me giving me same look

"Yes...." I trailed my eyes at his face he was still looking at me "No I mean how much time will we reach I kind of.." his eyes were boring into mine

"pee..." what the "I need to pee.....yeah I need to pee" I nodded "im...immediately" I composed myself.

Allah kill me please I never felt so embarrassed in my whole life

"We will be there in ten you sure you can hold" he asked amusement was shinning in his eyes

"I'm fine just drive, will you" I was annoyed when I saw a curve on his face

"I guess we have to worry not wanting you to pee in my car now can we" he was holding his laugh

"Shut up" and there was no holding back he laughed like a maniac "Oh my god someone kill me please" I groaned. He pulled the speed I still could see the smile on his face. For some reasons I couldn't stop staring him I know he is aware of my gaze but he didn't say anything, he was carefree today, which he is not most of the time. In no time we stopped, from what it looked it was a house

Was he excited to bring me here?

I was so engross in my thought I didn't realize my side door opened I looked Shayaan was standing there. I came out we proceed in the house. The décor of the house looked old

"The bathroom is straight and left room from here" I was startled and looked at him confusedly


"you wanted to pee right few minutes before it was urgent right" I felt someone has thrown cold water one

"yeah I forgot I guess" I nervously laughed

"you forgot you need to pee really" he asked

"So what...it happens I was admiring the house I forgot" I said "anyways is it the place you were so excited to take me for date" Damn

"Date..." shoot me someone please, I have embarrassed myself once again

"i didn't think before taking you here for Date Zenish" he emphasized on date

"Well my dear wife after your bathroom trip your date will start afterwards you are going to have a hell for a Date get ready Mrs" He chuckled

"No I wasnot thinking as this date..you.."

"Go we have busy day not wanting my wife complaining about wanting to go to pee" he gestured his hand in direction I nervously smiled and literally ran from there


"how much more dumb can you be,

how could you do this

he would be laughing at me again

stupid, stupid, stupid" I was having a scolding session with myself

I splashed water on my face with every splash I was scolding myself

"be confident you are strong, you are not going to give him reason to laugh you get it" I encourage myself I can do this

With that I came out I saw pair of denim jeens and a blue shirt with blue printed scarf was placed. I checked and look it has a note

It said

Wear it don't want your dress to be tarnish and you complaining about it


Ps don't be too hard on yourself baby you can do better than this

The last line hit me, the only thing I thought he was here, I have make myself embarrassed today for the third time

Just great



I couldn't help but laugh, she can be very funny and cute sometime. Cute! What the hell since when did I say a girl cute. No and Zenish can be pretty annoying like when she said I was boring like really Shayaan Ahmed and boring doesn't suit well and that's why I planned this trip I will show her, that I can be anything but boring she will eat her words by the end of the night and that's for sure

I look at this place I haven't visited since five years, this place holds my childhood memories, this place hold my happy moments with my family

Happy moment, family which I missed so much that's why I hadn't visited this place. We are still family but now the bond has weaken we don't know how to reach each other anymore with my sister death and everything happened afterwards has damaged us beyond repair but today I wanted to come here, this place bring me my peace what if it bring pain now but the peace I felt is more important which I hadn't felt for long. Whenever I felt disturbed, stressed or depressed I come here to feel the peace but what occurred in past I shut everything and everyone, even this place too. But now standing here feels good, I feel refreshed

"Hey son! I thought you have forgotten this place" George the caretaker of this place. He seemed older than last I saw him he has been taking care of this place from day one

"How can I forget my horses George, its good to see you too" I smiled yes horses this vast land is my family picnic spot we have stable where we have our horses. Me, Rayaan and Ayat sis love horse riding so one day dad surprised us with this place and gifted us one horse each. We trio came every summer together with mom dad and we chill out here. But this place doesn't have horses only

I heard door opened, I turned and there comes my annoyingly cute wife in pair of denim and blue shirt, the scarf surrounded her neck and her hair were now tied in a pony. Wait did I say cute again? Shayaan control yourself she isn't cute

Because she is beautiful my subconscious intervened

Ofcourse not

Whatever you say

She stared me as if wanting me to say something but I turned my back and start walking I could feel her frowning and then start walking

"Who might this beautiful lady be?" George asked

"George meet my wife Zenish and Zenish he is George, the caretaker of this place" I introduced them

"its nice to meet you" she smiled

"Same here"

"Do you need anything here please tell me, I am at your service boss" George said

"it won't be needed, you know it's not my first time here" I said

"Sure" and he left me

"Why was he calling you boss" she asked looking around like a child

"Because he works for my family and takes care of this place"

"You own this place?" she asked shockingly

"Of course" I shrugged

"How rich are you?" she narrowed her eyes

"Rich enough" she rolled her eyes and muttered something coherently

"When you got so much money why would you demand money back from my father it wouldn't be matter to you" she asked looking at me accusingly

"When you are business world Zenish you have some rules, we don't spare who takes loan from us if I spare your father which I indirectly did, then our other clients will expect us to be lenient. We don't work like that you are getting me besides I spared your father's loans didn't I" I explained

"At the cost of me marrying you, yes you did" she said as a whisper but I heard her. We walked silently and entered the stable. How much I missed my horse. I know I sound like a girl but hey it was my gift from dad he gifted when I cracked my first major deal. Because my first horse died which depressed me when I was eighteen.

"Oh my God" I was so engrossed I didn't realize she was here too. "You have horses" she squealed in excitement

"This place is my family picnic house, it been long I haven't visited this place" I caressed my horse

" did you miss me grey" grey squealed, aw he still remember me

"Grey?" I heard zenish stepping closer and try to touch him but he move again which made her step back "Calm down buddy" I calmed him down

"whoa! You have beautiful horses here" she said looking around

" yeah, dad gifted us horses this is grey it mine, that brown one is of dad, black one is of Rayaan and white one....." I trailed as I looked towards the white one

"this white one belonged to my sister Ayat she named her snow" this horse has its own unique beauty and it was the most beautiful horse

"She is beautiful" she smiled, I saw sympathy in her eyes

"Can I ride a horse" she asked with excitement "No" I answered firmly "Oh come on please" she asked making puppy eyes

"No, do you even know how to ride a horse, you might get hurt or worse you can hurt my horses" I protested she glared at me "I wont"

"I know how to ride a horse Anum's father own a farmhouse, they had horse riding, and her father taught us how to ride a horse. Can I now please" she insisted

"These horses are different if they got out of your control you will get hurt" I tried to reason with her

"Then why did you bring me here if we weren't going for horse riding, I was right you are boring" she whined like a child

"Well I am going for a ride, the deal was you to show you what I do when I am off to work" I arrogantly said while she huffed in annoyance. I hop on grey

"Hey buddy lets go for a walk" I patted his back and looked at my wife who was looking at us with admiration

"So what am I supposed to do while you get to ride" she asked

"Umm..." I pretended to think and then said "i don't know chat with the horses" I teased "may be they will hear your whining well I doubt they will"

She raised her one brow and give me a blank look "you know what I wish you fall from grey" she showed me her tongue. I chuckled and started walking



Mean jerk

Self obsessed jerk

Arrogant jerk

What does he think of himself?

Horse riding was something I loved so much back in Pakistan I looked forward to go Anum's father farmhouse. Uncle and papa together taught us how to do horse riding and it was so fun

I was fuming standing there while I watch him going far way. When he was no more in sight I look around and saw George doing his work. An idea came in my mind

"Mr. George, would you mind me if I take Snow?" I asked

"Well I don't mind but snow is not easy horse she isn't good with strangers" he answered with uncertainty

"Well it won't kill to try" he raised his hand defeat. I smiled

"After you lady" he gestured his hand. The moment I saw Snow I became the biggest fan of her, she is no doubt beautiful. I moved closer to Snow she was backing away, ah! She is shy

"I told you she is not good with horses madam, you should try other ones" George said but I ignored I traced my hand on her white fury skin gently; eventually she relaxed and move forward towards me. I looked at Mr. George, he looked shocked

"Wow that's never happened before accept Miss Ayat" I sensed sadness in his voice

"My uncle always said some love and warmth you give to animal they will be yours then I guessed that worked" I said he give me small smile

"So Snow do you mind a walk" I asked, she reacted which told me everything. I hop on her, George gave me helmet

Now Shayaan Ahmed be ready


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